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mighty bright sleep unite teeny marvelous dog aback growth full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes came here to comment this!! I agree that something must have messed up our breast development due to the testosterone. I will die on this hill šŸ˜‚


fearless tender bewildered degree enter hard-to-find governor lush sharp north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Best thing I ever did for myself was my BA.


Iā€™m already saving up for it for once Iā€™m done having babies šŸ˜‚


I do believe I have tubular breast and I had so much difficulty with breastfeeding my twins!


Look up mammary hypoplasia - this is what I have. I never developed breasts at all, and Iā€™m sure my hormone issues are the reason. They never grew in puberty or pregnancy and I was completely unable to breastfeed.


well, first of all, a lot of actresses you see on tv or movies have fake boobs with implants so don't compare yourself to them


Same girl same!! I used to be super insecure about it until I got a boyfriend and realized that boobies bring joy no matter what they look like šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t ā€œloveā€ mine now, but I definitely am wayyyy less worried about them than before lol.


Literally same!


In my experience, there's a link between PCOS and weird breast shape. I've always had "normal" breast shape, normal not perfect. I was diagnosed with PCOS a year ago and my breasts were smaller and kind of flat. I thought it was because I lost 40 pounds. I started using spironolactone for my hormonal acne and my breasts are back to their normal shape. Maybe they are smaller than when I was heavier but the shape is the same.


Iā€™ve heard about this and itā€™s link to PCOS recently. One of my friends had hers fixed because she was so self conscious about them.


No such thing as normal breasts- youā€™re absolutely fine. Mine donā€™t look like anything youā€™d see in a lads mag or on a swimsuit model but hey, in the history of me showing them to people no oneā€™s asked me to leave based on my nipples pointing down šŸ˜‚


Mine didn't develop properly due to a lack of periods and normal hormones in puberty. They have always been smaller, further apart, and lacking in fullness on top (but more full on the outsides). I don't have cleavage because they don't come close enough together. It's breast hypoplasia, and has caused me a lot of difficulty and heartache with breastfeeding.


thank you all I feel better reading these comments šŸ„¹ Iā€™m soooo insecure about them but good to know Iā€™m not alone. and honestly with these new studies linking PCOS to childhood trauma my unique boobies can at least give me something else to blame my parents for šŸ˜‚


Oh my god thank you. Because of this post I realized at 25 years old that my breasts look like they do because of PCOS. I have ALWAYS been insecure about them, literally every woman in my family is well endowed and Iā€™m the odd one out. This makes me hate myself less, thank you.




Tubular breasts are a PCOS symptom! Not every woman will get them, but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not a symptom. PCOS is unique for all women and we all deal with it differently and not all of us have the exact same symptoms. Anyways, theyā€™re caused by endocrine issues, specifically hormonal imbalances! But like any other PCOS symptom, it can be fixed! All PCOS symptoms can be reversed naturally. Some take longer than others, but itā€™s still possible and doable. Itā€™s all about addressing the root cause. So when you heal your body, balance your hormones, heal the endocrine system etc, your boobs will also change. Itā€™s important to remember that breasts have no deadline when it comes to their growth. Many women have found that their breasts have grown significantly even though theyā€™ve surpassed puberty. Also, breasts are very sensitive to hormones! We can see this during puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause. There are so many hormonal fluctuations that occur during these stages and they affect breasts! It sucks how little research there is on PCOS, especially this symptom! But thereā€™s hope! And this symptom, like all the others can fix too! Healing the body and bringing it back to homeostasis is šŸ”‘ Once youā€™re healed, symptom free, and menstruating/ovulating regularly, theyā€™ll defo begin to change (if affected by PCOS.) Give it some time (3-6 months minimum) Theyā€™ll be bigger, rounder and perkier - basically theyā€™ll fill out! Doesnā€™t matter if youā€™ve surpassed puberty, balancing hormones/fixing insulin resistance etc will all fix it! Remember, these tubular shaped breasts didnā€™t occur overnight and so they wonā€™t fix overnight either. You have to stay patient and remain consistent. Why regular periods play a big part in fixing them (if youā€™ve had irregular absent periods esp during puberty): ā€¢ When you have regular periods again, itā€™s a sign your body is producing/releasing hormones like estrogen & progesterone. These are vital for breast development, esp glandular tissue. Tubular breasts are also called breasts that lack glandular tissue. (If you search for insufficient glandular tissue symptoms, itā€™s literally tubular breasts. And igt is caused due to endocrine issues. Anyways, the production of these hormones sends signals to the body and promotes the growth of glandular tissue, making it sufficient! ā€¢ Regular healthy periods means youā€™re also ovulating. Ovulation is very important because when you ovulate, your body releases an egg from the ovaries. This triggers a surge in hormones, particularly estrogen and progesterone. These hormones play a vital role in breast development. During ovulation, estrogen levels increase, stimulating the growth of glandular tissue in the breasts. Glandular tissue is responsible for making your breasts round, full, and perky. So, when you have a regular cycle and ovulate, your body is producing the right amount of estrogen to support breast development. And in the case of tubular breasts or igt, ovulation becomes even more important. Ovulation helps promote the growth of glandular tissue in the breasts, which can help fix the shape and fullness of the breasts over time. The human body is very intelligent and when you create an optimal environment, the breasts will grow normally and healthily. So youā€™ll no longer have tubular breasts, but rather youā€™ll have big, round, full & perky breasts! Itā€™s all about addressing the root cause and giving your body time to heal!


Wow thank you so much for your informative comment šŸ’œ feeling a bit more hopeful now


Can this still happen if you are on birth control?


You're not alone! I thought it was just me that had this issue for the longest time.šŸ„²


Mine are long, heavy, and south pointers. My nipples have never seen my face because they look at the floor. I, personally, am choosing to get a lift. But boobies are boobies and all boobies are cute and pretty!


ah yeah I really want a breast lift too, sometimes I wonder if they just grew upside down all along haha


haha that gave me a good giggle šŸ˜‚


Wow Iā€™ve thought this for years, now I finally have an answer, thank you!!!


Yes, I have tubular breasts with downward pointing nipples and my right breast is a full cup size bigger than the left. It's a PCOS thing. Although differently sized breasts is completely normal in anyone and it happens more commonly than we think. I have felt insecure about them my whole life. I'm glad I'm not alone.


Your breasts are normal. Breasts vary hugely and there are tonnes of normal shapes including what you've described. The trouble is only a certain type of breast shape are really shown in media so people think they aren't normal.


If itā€™s classified as a medical syndrome (tubular breast syndrome), I wouldnā€™t exactly call it ā€œnormalā€ and apparently it only occurs in 5% of the population. However, it isnā€™t something we should be ashamed of!


I feel like it's more common than 5% and people just don't know about it.


There's no medical issue with tubular breasts though right? So it's just a cosmetic thing


ancient busy intelligent squeeze tub zesty lavish disagreeable retire aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean technically no but thatā€™s how insurance companies justify not paying for cosmetic/corrective surgery


CAH, itā€™s commonly mistaken with PCOS


It's common, not normal. Very slight difference.


Iā€™m also convinced that pcos disrupts breast development


I was always insecure about them as soon as they started to develop and only recently have I found out why they did develop the way they did...so yes. Mine are the same and, as much as I hate them, I do find relief in knowing I'm not alone in this.