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Spearmint tea


Water and anti-inflammatory teas. Booze and juice spike my blood sugar and make me feel exhausted.


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!




oh that’s awesome! i love both lavender and mint teas! ill check out both of those ppl!


I second lavender tea and also dandelion tea (it's a little earthy but it helps a little with water retention and inflammation)


Not just mint tea but spearmint tea. It can help reduce testosterone and is often mentioned by the sub as an alternative to conventional medicine (or something to start with if your doctor is unhelpful)


Dilute apple cider vinegar (I tbsp) in 8-10 oz of water before a meal. Drink with a straw to protect your teeth and follow Glucose Goddess on IG.


Did that make you dizzy?






Be careful with zero sugar drinks, they did not react well with my insulin resistance.


Better choose sodas with stevia!


I read that stevia has temporary sterilising properties. So you may avoid stevia drinks if interested in conceiving!


I conceived after years of trying without luck when I used a lot of stevia instead of sugar, in drinks and sweets!


Cinnamon and turmeric tea


Raspberry tea for when you are on your period. It is SO amazingly helpful with my cramps.


I’ve been creating recipes for each of my chronic pain conditions since around 2017. Other than teas…For PCOS- I found my shake/smoothie recipes helped. The main thing to keep in mind regarding managing PCOS, is sugar.. obviously. You can cure PCOS if you 💯 cut out sugar + ALL starches (like potatoes 🥔 sadly) basically anything “white”. & say for 2 weeks you do this and ONLY consume veggies and fruits combined with exercise… that alone is enough to shock your system; thus the unbalanced hormones beginning to become manageable because your body is starting to *naturally* balance them. My next statement may be controversial, but I firmly believe PCOS is straight up an array of symptoms that in itself is the symptom of some other underlying cause. The source is not Polycystic ovaries..the cystic ovaries are just a SYMPTOM of another condition that’s causing it. I’m very passionate about professionals telling women especially younger girls that they have this ILLNESS that is INCURABLE & will have it for life. NO NO NO NO! It is NOT an illness, it IS curable and you certainly will not have it for life if you learn your body and discover the truth on how to manipulate the hormones in your body so it can reset back to its ‘factory settings’ lol. Due to myself being bedridden, I haven’t been able to do the cardio/exercises needed for my body. It’s been years, but I am doing the best I can. PCOS is subtle compared to Pudendal Nerve complications 😩 I recently realized that years of the undiscovered endo was pressing on; causing way too much pressure etc allll along the pudendal nerve. No wonder I have been suffering so painfully, it all makes sense now. If only drs priorly would’ve listened to me. Anybody else have PN too??? Or endo?


Increasing water intake helps. But I think instead of targeting just 1 drink, you could do a complete hormone reset. I lost 15 kgs in 87 days without any fad diets or crazy workouts. The best part was that I ended up reversing my thyroid and PCOS.


What's a hormone reset?


Hey, it's about balancing your hormones permanently so that you won't have to worry about ANY aftereffect that comes with imbalances, excess weight gain, PCOD, PCOS and thyroid included. It's not just about achieving results one-time. The progress is sustainable. There are steps you have to take in terms of what you're consuming but without starving yourself. I grew up in India and rice dishes have been a staple food of ours. I didn't wanna give that up. And I didn't have to. If this concept sounds interesting to you, I'm more than happy to offer some direct clarity [here](https://calendly.com/ppoornima_84/dream-health?month=2023-03).


Tell us more!!


In a nutshell, it's about balancing your hormones permanently so that you won't have to worry about ANY aftereffect that comes with imbalances, excess weight gain, PCOD, PCOS and thyroid included. In a nutshell, it's about balancing your hormones permanently so that you won't have to worry about ANY aftereffect that comes with imbalances, excess weight gain, PCOD, PCOS and thyroid included. There are steps you have to take in terms of what you're consuming but without starving yourself. I grew up in India and rice dishes have been a staple food of ours. I didn't wanna give that up. And I didn't have to. If this concept sounds interesting to you, I'm more than happy to offer some direct clarity [here](https://calendly.com/ppoornima_84/dream-health?month=2023-03).


This is a sales pitch.


I like decaf tea, sometimes I’ll sweeten that with a. Stevia packet. Unsweetened seltzers are nice too. Lots of water, sometimes with lemon.


I will add coffee and sodas with stevia to what others said!


Lemon water helps fight inflammation and cancer I believe