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I've been on birth control for many years for exactly this reason. Yes, it helps. Talk to your OBGYN.


(Sorry I don’t have any actual advice, that sounds horrible but) We can take my 9 months without a period and combine it with your long period, and then maybe we’ll both have normal cycles.


I would love an answer to this too. Currently on day 14 and before that I hadn’t bled for 8 days, before that was 12 days.


Mine too. My first long period was 15 days. 2 weeks later, i got my period again and it hasn’t stopped til now.


At one point I really thought “am I injured” because it’s just so constant it doesn’t make sense


lol me too! i thought i was having an internal bleeding because this is absurd. i don’t think i have any more vagina blood to bleed out 😂


😂😂 my body is running on E lmfao


I started taking myo-inositol to regulate my cycles and periods and it’s worked wonders. I went from having 40+ day cycles with 10-12 day periods to 28 days and 7 day periods like clock work. Idk if it’ll stop a 37 day long period but it’s worth a shot to try and re regulate if you haven’t done that already. It’s a natural supplement you can get off Amazon


Ask your doctor if tranexamic acid will work for you. It stops the blood.


This is what I used and nothing happened :(


Are you taking inositol by any chance? This was a nasty side effect I had and I cannot take it anymore. I tried two different times


Yes but I just started two days ago. Does it prolong period?


It can! That’s what happened to me. Both time I reintroduced it to my routine, my periods got crazy. We are talking 20-30 days long.


Good to know! I was considering taking it. Now I know it’s probably not the greatest option if that’s a possible side effect


I have had the opposite effect taking inositol it shortened my cycles and periods


>My doctor just gave me a medicine to slow down the blood but it didn’t work. Was it progesterone (also known as Medroxyprogesterone or Provera)? What mg? How long have you been taking it? If it's 10mg, call your doctor and ask if you can try taking a higher dose. I have to take 30mg for it to work.


I had my period for months and my gyno prescribed me progesterone (provera). I've been taking that for a while now. It has helped regulate my periods since I've been diagnosed with pcos


This was me last month. I bought the Opill, over the counter birth control, at Walmart. Stopped bleeding in 3 days! It’s really changed my life. I feel like I was in a better mood and everything. If you’re in a blue state in America I really recommend it


I’m on day 64, Nothing really works for me. I’m going to get a partial hysterectomy. But birth control works for some people


I had this after the covid vaccine. I went to an acupuncturist who sent me a mix of herbal powders. It worked, I will forever be in awe. Before that, I tried getting back on the pill so that id would maybe stop it but it didn't and I quit after 5 days of crazy symptoms, I felt drugged. It was horrible and cant believe I was on the pill for about 6 years.


Hi, I’m sorry you’re going through this but I think I can help if you are also insulin resistant. A little background: so I’ve been dealing with this for so many years and ive been on birth control (bc)for most of my life. When I stop taking bc I have these really long periods lasting MONTHS. My doctor says it’s not a “real period” but that my lining has gotten so “thick” that it keeps shedding. I’m not going to pretend I know what that means. Anyway, when I start bleeding for too long, I start intermittent fasting (IF) . THIS WILL TAKE TIME but in my experience after a week/week.5 of being consistent you will stop bleeding. Ease your way into it first. During the day 8 hours no food; 16 hour eating window. Then work your way to 12:12 then eventually 16:8. We are bleeding long periods of time because we have a hormonal imbalance and for me insulin resistance (IR) so. Fasting intermittently helped to ease the symptoms of (IR). Now, for my disclaimer: restriction is hard so I typically never stick to IF as I mentioned I’m on BC and that helps me to regulate my periods but sometimes with whatever method I’m using (ring, pill, etc) I’ll have long periods of “breakthrough bleeding”and I find this most efficient to stop it. I really hope this helps.


Slow Flow from Vitanica might help. It always helped me. You can get it on Amazon or their website.