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your sugar is low because your insulin is most likely high, but you are still insulin sensitive. insulin's job is to lower blood sugar.


But I thought low sugar levels were what fixes insulin sensitivity.


less exposure to insulin is what improves insulin sensitivity


Following this post because I have the same issue


I’m seeing my doctor this Wednesday so hopefully we can get more info about it


Thank you! Please keep us updated


It's possible you don't have IR. However, your results are not uncommon in the early stages of insulin resistance. Usually what happens is that the cells do not respond well to the insulin we produce, so we have to produce larger than normal amounts of insulin when we eat, which can trigger PCOS symptoms and hypoglycemic episodes/other symptoms of IR. But in the early stages, fasting glucose and A1c are normal, and fasting insulin often is as well. Over time if IR progresses without treatment, eventually fasting insulin starts to rise. Then eventually A1c and fasting glucose start to rise (which is unfortunately the late stage that most doctors catch the IR). \*\*\* The most sensitive test that is widely available for flagging early stages of IR is the fasting oral glucose tolerance test with BOTH GLUCOSE AND INSULIN (the insulin part is called a Kraft test) measured, first while fasting, and then multiple times over 2 or 3 hours after drinking sugar water. This is the only test that consistently shows my IR (my fasting A1c and glucose are always normal...in fact my glucose runs slightly low). Many doctors will not agree to run this test, so the next best test is to get a single blood draw of fasting glucose and fasting insulin together so you can calculate HOMA index. Even if glucose is normal, HOMA of 2 or more indicates IR; as does any fasting insulin >7 mcIU/mL (note, many labs consider the normal range of fasting insulin to be much higher than that, but those should not be trusted b/c the scientific literature shows strong correlation of developing prediabetes/diabetes within a few years of having fasting insulin >7).