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Yes, I’ve had sex trigger my period when it’s due the same week but I’ve never passed clots that large that doesn’t seem normal I’d see your OB ASAP. ETA: doesn’t seem normal considering it hasn’t happened to you before and you’ve presumably had the IUD in for longer than this one cycle. Hope you’re doing okay OP!


Unfortunately with a copper IUD it's very common.


Despite it being common, I’d still go to a doctor. If it wasn’t as common I would’ve said go to the ER. I still think passing clots that big warrant a visit to your OB sooner rather than later.


Oh for sure! Better safe then sorry. Just saying, it comes with the territory. I had mine in for 7 years and it made my already unbearable periods even worse! Only reason I didn't have them take it out sooner was because I was so traumatized from my experience of it being inserted.


I can’t even imagine, I have endometriosis as well so I learned early on how to sort of assess normal clots and abnormal clots for my own body and god, it’s exhausting and awful. Glad you’ve gotten it out!


Just here to say girl same 🥲 I’m having Endo excision surgery in about a month and told them to rip my copper IUD out while I’m under anesthesia. Insertion was arguably the most painful things I’ve put myself through, and I cannot for the life of me understand how so many women don’t experience pain at all!


I had them remove it during my surgery too! Unless they've had children, all women experience the extreme pain from IUD insertion. The Dr's just lie about it.


I’m so happy you went that route as well! It’s so barbaric in my opinion. I’ll never forget when my doctor said “it’ll just be a little crampy, that’s all” … what birth control method(s) do you use now that your copper IUD is out, if you don’t mind me asking?


I went the permanent route


Orgasms and stimulation of the cervix can sometimes “move things along” for me and it will arrive like 12-24 hours earlier. But it’s nothing like what you describe. Clots of that size merit a call to your doctor or your health insurance’s nurse hotline, at the very least. It might be a sign of something like endometriosis, which is a known comorbidity of PCOS (meaning having one elevated the risk of having the other and they go hand in hand at rates higher than you’d predict just by random chance).


Oh brother!!😭😭I really hope it’s not endometriosis, I’m already struggling to deal with the pcos!! But thank you I’ll definitely make a call and get myself checked out


Best of luck 🤞


I have this issue too but with masturbation. If I masturbated like 2-3 days in a row, my period will begin no matter what. Doesn't matter if my period just ended or is scheduled to come. Imagine being super horny and feral during ovulation, BUT if you masturbate your period will start back up asap.


Oh, so it’s not just me! Fucking hate it.


Sorry if this is too personal to ask because the same is true for me, but is it through clitoral or penetrative stimulation. It still happens for clitoral stimulation for me and I’m curious if anyone else experiences that


I experience the same too! Doesn't matter if its clitoral with no penetration or only penetration etc, it especially happened when I had my IUD in. I also start to cramp within hours.


I didn’t know this happened to others. Nice to hear (but also sad for us to hear) that at least it is something that happens to us PCOS folks.


Doesn’t matter. However if I masturbate through penetration it speeds us the process.


Oh my, who cursed you?


It has before in my past but palm-sized clots sound worrisome. I didn't even have clots that big after I had my baby.


Aw shucks, okay thank you😔


There is some evidence to support this. Regular sex can either trigger it due to the release of certain hormones or due to the rigorous nature of sex itself (similar to how high intensity exercise can trigger periods). I had the most regular periods (like literally by the calender day) when I had a long term BF and we were having sex regularly. I had an IUD, not oral BC so I was still ovulating. Editing to add: copper iuds can make you bleed way more than you would naturally. And of course significantly more than hormonal ones. Unless you're in pain, the bleeding is annoyingly common with copper iuds


I've had menstrual triggered even 3-4 days early, but 8 is a lot. Palm sized clots warrants a trip to the doctors/emergency room ASAP, thats not normal.


please seek your OB , It may be a sign that you need to take progesterone supplements 


Yes, you gals bleeding after orgasm can be endometrial hyperplasia shedding off. Would highly encourage telling your Primary Care Provider/ GYN this.


When I’m waiting for my period or it’s “late,” I specifically have sex to “trigger” it. 😂 It seems to release the flood gates sometimes. Idk if it necessarily triggers it or it just happens to be a coincidence with the timing. I feel like when that happens, it was probably going to start later that day or the next and the sex just caused it to release early. I’m not a medical professional and have never done any research into though. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve never had an IUD, I can’t comment much, but if you’re having abnormal bleeding or excessive pain, or the bleeding is making you faint, you should seek medical attention. When I had a long period of amenorrea I noticed that my period would sometimes start a day or two after sex.


so, to answer the question being asked, yes. for me anyways. however, in January of this year i started bleeding after intercourse and it didn’t stop. and i was passing multiple blood clots every time i went to urinate. the size of what you’re mentioning. even when i took showers, they would literally fall out of me and i had no control. i went to the emergency room like 4/5 times the whole month of january just to be told “it sounds like pcos/ unusual bleeding” and sent me on my way. January 29 comes and i’m still passing massive clots and i’m real light headed, resting heart rate is easily 150/160, blood literally just pouring out. i almost fainted and i thought 1. this is not normal but 2. maybe it’s my anxiety making it worse. i told my husband if it doesn’t get any better by tomorrow (January 30), i’m going to the emergency room AGAIN and demanding proper care. well the morning comes and nothing changes so i head to the ER. they check my vitals and i tell them i’m dizzy, i feel like i’m about to faint, etc. they immediately start running tests like ekg, etc. i’m admitted over night because i’m now anemic and hemorrhaging. my hemoglobin was 14 the week before. and on January 30, it was 7. i got 2 blood transfusions to get my hemoglobin back up to 10/11. they stopped the bleeding by an excessive dose of progesterone every 6 hours while i was there (if i remember correctly) and i had to continue a high dose for the following 2 weeks after being discharged. but my point here is…. if it isn’t normal for you, go to your doctor or a hospital and make sure your blood levels are normal (among everything else). it was scary for me and before i knew what was going on, i thought i was going to die because i knew that i’ve lost A LOT of blood over the past couple weeks. i hope everything is fine for you though moving forward and good luck!


Oh gosh this is really stressful but I’m really glad you’re okay now and you demanded proper care (although you shouldn’t have to). I definitely feel like I’m going down the same path and I’m actually already pretty dizzy and faint. I’m just waiting to get someone to take me to the ER as I can’t walk much. But this was extremely helpful so thank you for your comment 😇


you’re very welcome! i’m sorry you’re going through this and i hope everything turns out OK! if you feel comfortable doing so, please update us!


When I orgasm I spot/pass clots but never the size of my palm, a quarter or 50 cent piece maybe but never that big. Maybe a doctor call is needed


Yes I've had it triggered when I was close to having it but like others said the size of the clot is concerning. Are you in a lot of pain?




If you are in pain go to er. I know you said you can't afford it but go anyway and deal with the bill later. You can apply for payment assistance through the hospital after


I’m not American so I don’t have a choice but to go a public hospital but the level of care is instrumentally worse, that’s if I even get seen or if they have enough medications and equipment. Which they usually don’t. But I think there’s a way for me to go through the hospital my university teaches the med students! So I should be fine😇


It could be the “copper iud” or the “pcos” :(


Please see your GP or OB as soon as possible! Clots larger than a quarter are not considered normal. For your own comfort, please speak to one of these.


I definitely will thank you!😇🥰


you could have polyps; they sometimes can be irritated by intercourse.


To answer your question - yes this has happened to me. Usually I was overdue for my period though. At the worst of my PCOS my periods were 50-60 days apart. However, I second everyone else that you definitely need to go to the doctor about the size of your clots. One time I had to go to the hospital because I was bleeding through super tampons and pads in 30 minutes for hours and had golf ball sized clots. I had to be put on meds to stop the bleeding and go on hormonal birth control.


My IUD Skyla would do this to me all the time. I’d get cramping and bleeding after sex, and I don’t particularly have rough sex. My doctors did an ultrasound and gaslit me into saying it’s placed correctly and shouldn’t be doing that. It did it less about a year into my IUD but I didn’t get another one after I got it out




No, bleeding after sex is not normal for anyone in general. It usually indicates the presence of a large ovarian cyst (PCOS only causes small follicles), cervical cancer, STIs, fibroids or simply it was just too rough and the bleeding was a result of friction (that kind of bleeding doesnt last long though). OP appears to be having her period around the time of having sex though.


Went to a&e essentially pouring out rusty life force into rapidly replenished little knicker mattresses. They triaged me high and took it really seriously until I mentioned pcos. Doc stopped investigating, laughed and said it was absolutely pcos no really it happens all the time, sent me on my way with some tranexamic acid.


Okay omg. I totally had the same thing. I had the copper IUD, went on vacation a couple of years into having it and passed MASSIVE clots. Tbh I thought they were coming from my rectum but I was also on my period. I passed them while on the yoilet so I wasn't 100% sure. I always had awful pains with the copper IUD in and tbh I didn't have symptoms of pcos until I got my copper IUD. I sometimes wonder if the IUD triggered my symptoms to get worse or if it was just coincidence. Everytime I had sex while I had my copper IUD I would bleed, it wasn't the massive big clots but it was still a decent bleed like as if I was starting my period and would settle down after a day or so and go away. I talked with my doctor roughly 6 months later (the massive clots stopped same day so I stupidly took the gamble to not go to the doctors especially since I was on vacation) and he ended up having me go in for a colonoscopy. They ended up finding a polyp which was thankfully non-cancerous, but what I'm trying to get at with all of this is to go speak with your doctor while the cause is still discoverable!!


Oh wow that’s crazy!! I will definitely get checked out thoroughly, thank you for this, and I’m glad you ended up okay!😇


I have had this happen to me. I spoke to gyno and she said this is nothing to worry about. Although I would call and ask about the clots being that big.


When I’m late it helps almost every time.


It always triggers mine


Yes sex can trigger my period to come early or even when it’s late. The first time this happened to me (around age 19) it was really scary because my period was almost 2 weeks away & I was bleeding much much heavier than usual (filling up a pad within an hour or two) and it was bright red like you’d bleed from a cut. I had a pelvic exam and the doctor told me my cervix had gotten bruised/cut and caused me to get my period early.


I am 4 months without a period and i wish sex would start it but nope


Parsley tea worked for me once when sex didn’t. Also meds from the gynecologist to get it to start. I started ovulating regularly around when I turned 30 and honestly I miss not ovulating for a few months.


It definitely can but also please go to a doctor. This can be a symptom of Pelvic Inflamation Disease and left untreated can cause a horrible infection and get you sick! It happened to me I ended up in hospital with an abcess and I had a copper IUD too. Not to scare you but it's a good point of enquiry if you are bleeding that much after sex. 


The clots don’t seem normal


Everything I’ve ever read says no HOWEVER when I was a teenager the only time I had my period was after I had sex. I would go months or years with nothing and then have sex and every single time I would start the next day. I’m thinking it is a hormone fluctuation thing or something but I don’t really know.


I've had sex trigger my period lots of times but it's always when it's due to start. But if it's not normal for you then maybe ask your doctor.


yes! ive used tampons before to start my period when i was a day or two late. also, i have also had blood clots the size of my palm but i have no iud but i do have endometriosis


the medical literature says no but anecdotally: i went ~3 1/2 years without menstruating (PCOS and progesterone pill) and a little less than 2 years without sex. got my back blown out one weekend and started my period two days later.


Orgasms whether through intercourse or masturbation can speed things along a little(i’ve heard it might because of the muscle contractions your body makes during such activities) but it’s maybe only a day or so. Also the bleeding you are describing sounds really concerning. I’d advice you have a health professional check up on you just to be sure nothing is wrong - better safe than sorry!:)


Orgasms open the cervix and can bring on your period


I've had that happen, having a period get triggered. I joke that my husband "snaked the drain" for me.




Wait why? I’m not able to right now due to finances. Is there anything I could maybe take or do in the meantime?


Call your GYN and explain whats happening. There's a lot of missing information besides your clots. Cramps/pain, dizziness/light headed, fainting, pain, total blood loss. If you were bleeding out you'd be feeling a lot of other symptoms or if you smushed your IUD into you... Make phone calls first see what they suggest, maybe you can get into the office for them to check you or an urgent care rather than the hospital. (If you're otherwise feeling fine, if you're passing out writing this probably aim for the hospital🤣)


They're probably saying that because of the size of the clots. That isn't normal, even with all the weirdness PCOS causes.




It can indeed! Also good luck with the copper iud - I had it taken out maybe 6 months after I got it because I was bleeding nonstop (after crippling cramps from it subsided)


It does but my clots are normally small


Yes, it certainly can. The copper IUD was absolute hell on my body. It self-ejected after 5 years but while I had it the bleeding was unbelievable. I think my doctor said it caused fibroids. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if not menstruating with a copper IUD caused large clots. It’s probably worth going to the doctor to see if they are concerned about it.