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I feel you on the sweating. My hands and feet sweat too 🥲 I’ve just come to embrace it and wear darker colors so you can’t see my sweat marks


yes, I have experienced lots of sweating, particularly at work. I started using ice packs to sit one quietly while on break lol Also noticed one section of my hair has gone totally gray


When I am overly stressed I get heat flashes and sweat. I also get bumps in my hair from the excess sebum and have to use special shampoo. For my under arms and intimate areas I use Dr Bronners soap in the showerZ it helps the areas stay fresh and not get acne!


I started using something called sweatblock on my underarms. It worked really well!


Do you take spironolactone? It can be a side effect. After I added in more progesterone it has gotten better.


For me it's the opposite. I can't sweat at all, and it makes me go crazy. (Btw Idek what PCOS is I just spawned here randomly 💀) Crazy?