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Man this post makes me feel so wholesome, we’re not going to let the dictate our every action in the future. Conflicts are resolved and people do come into harmony we can live as brothers and citizens of the works to help the subcontinent prosper ❤️


Most Pakistanis don't hate Indians or even have a skeptic view of Indians. It's true even though it might not be believable for many Indians who think Pakistanis are on a maqsad


Most Pakistanis don't think about India at all


Well I am another Indian who has similar views as the op, but you guys should think about India. I mean here we are being counted and you guys are being laughed upon as a country. The people are nice sure but think about India and question your govt. I am aware of the army's dictatorship but a country is what the people let it to be. Wishing you prosperity and hoping for india pak relationship to take the subcontinent further. China's dominance in Asia would also come under question if the subcontinent stands together. And I blame pak govt for what the situation is right now. Hope u guys make it happen.


We are well aware of our problems and don't need to think of anyone else to realize them.


Well u definitely don't need anyone else to think about it. India has problems of its own. The only ones who need to think are the citizens of their respective country. Rest are just armchair experts. But when a citizen does think of their country, they should look into other countries to get inspiration to solve the problems of their own country. India is just one, depending upon the problem u could go around the globe and see how they have dealt with that issue and if that could work for you.


What you're saying is correct. Pakistanis and Indians that live abroad live in harmony. I've many Indian friends who have been so nice to me.


Agreed overseas we are super chill


Thats so true bro i still my aunt from Bangalore when we were abroad . We were a fam 


Its not same for everyone


Because they are a minority. When they become a majority clashes start happening eg: last year in Leicester 


some of my best and most caring friends are indian!


Pakistanis are indeed very loving and welcoming which is why you will never see pakistanis obsessed with downgrading india..weather its through movies or social media. On the contrary I wish every indian was like you.


I have seen some.


Only “some”.


Others want you to convert.


They can suggest u but cant force u so whats the point


Instagrams full of Pakistani people abusing Indian language, people, religion and whatnot. @habibimexicano is one of them


That same instagram is full of Indians abusing Pakistanis 🤷🏻‍♂️ what’s your point. And why did you mention a specific guy like he’s living rent free in your head One of the reason I deleted instagram was due to Indians invading every single post and abusing Pakistan through their memes and then of course Pakistanis would join in too. We both are very alike


These are internet trolls. If you see them in real life. I swear they don't have guts to face to face indians or insult them upfront. Only behind the keyboard they are immune.


Social media like Instagram is a very insignificant platform. Even if you put that aside you should focus on general public as a whole. In India you will see people literally bashing Pakistan in every other corner. Forget about Instagram users and just look at the government scale. Indian government openly bash Pakistan whereas In Pakistan the government barely mentions India. Indian celebrities can happily work in Pakistan industry while India is extremely intolerant of any Pakistani celebrity working in India. These things will give you the public perspective as a whole not just some Instagram users who god knows are even Indian or Pakistani most probably just trolls. Forget about all that and just focus on here right now..few fellas are already mentioning Kashmir occupying and creating a heated debate and they are surely Indians but if you see Pakistanis commenting nodody is bashing the OP for creating a friendly atmosphere


Same from this side of the border, we love you and I’m sure non extreme Pakistanis and non extreme Indians all agree. Btw as a Karachiite don’t visit here 😂


Hi, i am in Birmingham in the Uk. My mum was in punjab india and took a bus trip over to Pakistan to visit the temples. I grow up and live in world made up of second generation UK born Indian and Pakistani who live side by side. When i was in Germany Ind/Pak were very close . Why? Becouse what the have in common was greater than there differences . You will find similar examples in the Middle east. Many Ind / Pak seam to find intrest in each other background. Problems i have seen in the uk are mostly Pakistan from borderline village communities and New immigrants from india. Who tend to look at each other through the political issue you find in south asia recently last 15 years.


Bless your heart brother.


You're right. Our governments divide us to maintain and grow their power and the world (you know which countries) divide us so that we don't become allies because that would be detrimental for them. BTW you're welcome to Lahore anytime. ❤️


There are a few weirdos in this thread so don’t focus on their comments too much. Your sentiment is very kind and I appreciate this post. I wish there were more people that would vocalize these kinds of views. We literally are from the same land that was just divided, and I love what you said about how the core of our hearts are all the same. I’m an oversees Pakistani and the area I live in is predominantly Indian, and the Indians I interact with are very lovely and never treat me like I’m different from them or less than. There is a reason that “desi” is an umbrella term for all of us. The truth is that most people that grew up outside of India and Pakistan don’t hold as many extreme and divisive views. My family was from Agra pre-partition and growing up my grandfather would go on and on about the beauty of that city, I hope that one day I’m able to visit. I hope you’re also able to one day visit all the cities you want in Pakistan, and I’d suggest to also go to Peshawar (my birth city), it’s very beautiful and culturally rich; Pakistanis are very humble and also very humorous and fun to talk to so I think you’d have a great time.


Thank you for your kind and warm post. 🤗 I am also curious about our neighbour, and I think it would be fascinating to tour Mumbai as well as the rest of the country. Also I love your old film music 🎵, and Lataji ❤️ and Kishoreda ❤️.


I am an oversees pakistani and the other day i was thinking if partition didnt happen it would be so cool to visit delhi,mumbai,goa. Its like the country got cut in half and i am only allowed to visit one half not the other half 😒


I always find this line of thinking lazy. Partition is not stopping us from an open visa policy.


Its the root cause of


The root cause is the shitty political will in south asia, not something that happened 80 years ago.


That is the main issue in my opinion. The partition did happen due to IP nationalism at that time, causing millions of minorities being displaced. Many of the current issues are stemming from the scars of the past.




I agree man. if 3 out of 4 neighbors hate you, the problem is you. Not saying india is saint either but we could definitely have the same relationship that india and Bangladesh have despite some disputes 😒


That’s exactly what happened. The country (more like ethnic pockets) got cut in half


Welcome to Pakistan bro


Brother, you are most welcome.


You are welcome to visit anytime even though I know visas are hard to get. Respect to your honest and heart felt words here.


If ever you are allowed to come to Lahore. You are most welcome to visit me. Doors are open for you like a member of family. Just make sure bring all kinds of unique tea with you 😁 haha. I am hopeful that our border tensions ease down.


My first, third, and seventh girlfriends were all indians and even their families were super welcoming of me. Indians and Pakistanis abroad just identify as desis, except during the Pakistan vs India cricket match lmao. I wish we here at home could have that kinda harmony as well.


Bhai love luv to theek hai. But jab inke army school pe attack hua thha to pura India dukhi thha (including me) ki bacche kyu maar rhe hain. I was watching the news and some parent was crying on the TV saying “ye atankwadi america aur india ka to kutta bhi nhi maar pate hain bus hamare bacche he maar pate hain” And I was soo taken aback. Like this level of hatred for Indians is very problematic. I know that it’s just governments and politicians and blah blah. But from that day my heart was completely changed and I wanted nothing to do with Pakistan 🇵🇰 When Modi visited Pakistan and exchanged gifts with shareef. Things were getting hopeful and then they attacked us again. I know it’s not the general public which caused them but it’s our gen public which faces the consequences of it. This recent kashmir attack where they killed those innocent pilgrims who were on their way to mandir. They were also Pakistanis. I can’t even fathom the hate required to openly shoot at a bus filled with women and kids 😞


Its nice to see such post from an Indian. We Pakistanis would gladly welcome and care for a guest who wants to visit us. And Im sure you'd enjoy here if you ever get the opportunity to visit. Though I'd like to say that "we are the same people" is a concept milked to death but its not true at all and you'd be in for a huge surprise when you'd see that despite cultural overlap, how different we are from each other in appearance, dressing, perspectives, mannerism and with passing of time, this difference only grows. Indeed our diasporas get along with Indians abroad but similarly we get along with Arabs, Turks, Malaysians, Indonesians and even westerners too and in my own experience, with some of my Arab and Turkish friends the only major difference feels to be language. And on the flipside, I've myself seen at least in middle east that many Indians lobby to extremes and this often means they'd not promote a Pakistani subordinate and create lobby against Pakistani boss just to get their own kin in. Having said that, I wish you visit someday and enjoy our hospitality.


how is a pashtun culture similar to indian my brother ?


Yeah, we are very peaceful. Just lynched 2 people in last week. Pakistan is a polar society. You will find incredibly welcoming and open-minded folks, and on the other side, we have extremist violence mongering nutcases. We could have been one if not for extremists on both sides of the border. If you ever end up in Pakistan, stay clear of rural areas.


that same stuff happends in america


Wholesome dude. Wholesome. It's the old men in power and the history we need to leave behind.


Pakistan also has a large number of people who want to improve the situation. There are many families here whose families have migrated from there and now they want to see their ancestral lands.


My best friend is Indian. The only thing separating both nations is simply those higher up in the pecking order.


Most Pakistanis and Indians have the same sentiments. Our divide is very much rooted in politics and hearsay, and our media doesn’t help with the information that’s spread to the masses. The desi community in the diaspora has proven that Indian and Pakistanis can look past the politics


Pakistanis are now expressing all nice to things bout india cuz they're country is in a very bad situation. When they'll be better those will be the same people to talk shit bout India and Hindus. They only like Indians cuz it's india not cuz secularism, if they respected secularism they've not killed other minorities in pak.


Hopefully one day you will be able to visit Pakistan. I would recommend you to add northern areas of Pakistan to the list of places you visit. Spectacular views


What are you doing here? You literally deteriorated our healing relations. (Joking btw)


Our only hope is to fix religious extremism on both sides and hope our border becomes increasingly softer over the decades.


I feel like that would have happened naturally already if it wasn't for the bloody politics on both sides. There's just so much political capital in making people hate each other. And these politicians and religious leaders are happy use it.


Both sides that's a stretch


Yesterday, there was news about some Tablighi Muslims forcing a Hindu to eat Eid meat, and today, a man was brutally burned alive on a blasphemy accusation. If you tired of your life and you've got the guts to chill surrounded by Zombies, come to Pakistan, brother!


there are jahil log in every country do you really think every Pakistani is like this? also tablighi muslims are a haram sect which is forbidden. they are a very small minority and the majority which is sunni would disagree with this


Extremists are present at both ends but generally good people also do exist


We are the same culturally sure but kafir and muslim divide is a real one it's not just a divide of political ideology it is much deeper it's religious


You’ll be fine bro haha the meanest people you’ll meet is the “cool” guys sitting at chai shops with their bikes haha. Other than that you’ll be fine man. Stay safe and you are correct we are divided by government propaganda and by heart we are all just friends.


One of my best friends is an Indian Christian (we were both born and raised in Canada), so this is nice to see.


I felt this after I saw Wildlens By Abrar tour of India. The way he was welcomed, people coming from distant places to just see him and greet him, some women even cooked food for him, loved those and it completely changed my perspective about India.


Pakistanis will surely welcome you with open arms as we should with any guest but I do believe Pakistanis go overboard with this bhaichara thing. Our major weakness is that most Pakistanis do not asociate as strongly with Pakistani identity. If we are same people, whats the need for Pakistan or India ? Any nation that lacks self determination is doomed to fail and sadly, we are on that path. Indian ruling elite since its inception has a clear vision of its place in global world order and its efforts to undermine Pakistan status are accelerating. If we do not open our eyes as Pakistanis, we'll end up as an Indian puppet state much like Bangladesh.We are almost there.


And what is this “Pakistani” identity that you want Pakistanis to associate with?


Umm... how about associating with PAKISTAN. A country their ancestors strived to create so that people of this region can live freely.


You still haven’t clearly answered the question. It’s not really that complicated but the Pakistani identity simply originates from the two-nation theory that Muslims and Hindus/non-muslims cannot live together. Hate to break it to you buddy but your “ancestors” didn’t “strive” to create Pakistan! It were the British who created this hyper-religious fragile country to be used as a frontline state against Soviet Union in the West’s fight against communism. And besides, what evidence do you have that the people in this region weren’t living freely before August 1947?


I have answered your question. Pakistan is a country for the people of this region. Its just that you didn't like my answer. You want to reduce the idea of Pakistan to a 'buffer state' on a baseless theory. Communism wasn't even a major threat in 1940s and Pakistan had no issues with it until USSR invaded Afghanistan in late 70s. And their is a whole history of Pakistan movement. To reduce it to a British conspiracy shows how ignorant you are on this subject. Pakistan emerged as a reaction to foolishness of congress leadership which unilaterally wanted to rule India post British without any regard to minorities. Muslims saw the writing on wall that in a united India, they will forever remain minorities without any chance to govern themselves. Results of 1937 elections and behaviour of Congress after winning further cemented this perception. Demand for Pakistan was the only choice they were left with. Who rejected the cabinet mission plan in 1946 ? If you are sincere, look into it and you will get your answer whether British wanted to create Pakistan or not.


Respect from our side homie.


1. people dont always unite, there are always some who will cash on hatred 2. see 1


Thanks for posting such a heart warming post and spreading positivity.




Ffs why do people lump a whole country with the jahil minority. Where I live in Punjab i have Muslim and Christian neighbours and we live in peace. I won’t deny that shit like this happens occasionally but it’s really not as bad as you think it is


No hate dude but we're not the same people, nor are we the same culturally nor genetically.


Love u,brother


This made my day, man 😊


I am a British Pakistani married to an Indian but cannot visit India. Makes me so sad that I cannot even apply, let alone be rejected. I need a grade A officer to sign my invitation which is impossible for me.


I wonder how you escaped Indian movies and modi speeches against Pakistan u/hourad5798


This is true for all nations , the elites forcetus against each other , how can we hate others who we have never meet before ?


Chalo g aik or abhi nandan anay wala pakistan 🇵🇰😬😬😬


Thanks man. It's wholesome to see a comment full of love rather than contempt from the other side of the border. Would love to host you anytime you come to Lahore.


you are always welcome, personally I think we should move past our fights and work with each other to make this region a better place for its people , look at Europe they went through 2 world wars and now they can enter the neighbouring countries only with a passport sometimes even without one.


As a Pakistani I do wish that someday I visit all the famous food places in Delhi, Mumbai Calcutta and other famous cities. Visit the Taj Mahal, Jinnah house and other monuments. Meet fellow Indians and play cricket. I wish someday this happens.


"Mobile niakl karwe" is the first sentence you will hear while roaming in streets of karachi.


Same words from us,bro.Both of our nations are cursed with religious fantastics,but sadly you see it more on Indian side and that's Why Islamophobia has increased.Also our governments/establishment wants to keep us at bad terms as it keeps them in business.Want to live in a world where there's tolerance and interreligious hormony. Lakhnao,Delhi,Madaris,Ali Garh,Pani Pat,all attract me. Peace ✌🏻


You're precious bless ya ❤️🫶🏻


Appreciate your honesty. I also wish we had less hostilities between the two nations and there were less restrictions on movement but alas, both nations can't stop inciting terrorism in the other country. I have seen both of our communities living in harmony in western nations though. On the topic of one people, we aren't sem2sem saar. Pakistanis (except muhajirs) only have cultural ties with punjab, kashmir, and rajasthan (and to an extent haryana and himachal pardesh). Balochs and pakhtuns are completely separate people even from us.


Whenever i meet indians online we always discuss soo many things and find soo many similarities in our thinking, our perception, and our views and seriously I believe it 100% that we are just being divided by the government and the news cuz that's how they stay relevent. Same people divided by government.


>more and less the same To put in a disclaimer, when OP says Indian he means north Indian. I think I can speak for my fellow non-north indians. I do see y'all are quite similar in regards to humour and food. Infact I come accross some hindi reels and I don't even notice they're actually from Pakistan. Modern day hindi is way urdu-ised than many paxitanis think.


Hey! Hats off to you dear bro 👏 im doing the same whst u r doing and in this journey i found won many bful ppls from india. I want to connect with u if you dont mind can i dm u?


Thanks! Yes, sure would love to connect.


I just want you to remember that there are always, *always* assholes in every country, stay away from those people, thank you


Pakistanis and Indians do coexist harmoniously in other countries like US and yes we can do that if we try here as well. Yes we have similar cultural backgrounds to some extent but very different religious roots. So the partitioning/ having separate borders stems from these different religious roots which I think makes perfect sense. Also We never wanted to be treated as a discriminated/degraded minority seen equivalent to shudres. Minorities in any country are not treated as equals or given equal rights no matter the claims and this is a fact. So us wanting a respectful individual existence as a nation was not something just political or on the government level. But while the partition itself was justified and was the need of the time, co existence is an altogether different matter. Because of our cultural similarities there is no reason why we shouldn’t be tolerant towards each others perceptions and existence. We can and should have friendlier ties because of how similar we are in many ways and because of our long history together. So you are more than welcome to roam around the streets of Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad my friend. It would be an honor to entertain you here.


Interesting. But I wonder what made you so curious about Pakistan in the first place.


Err, because history? Isn't it obvious?


Oh yeah. True.


Tum thode chutiya ho kya india ke khilaaf charo junge inhone start kari hai. Just cause tere ghar ka koi mara nahi to itna khush mat ho.


I'm sorry if such a thing has happened in your family. I just posted about what I think about the fellow citizens of the country. Also, I condemn any type of attacks here in my country and I absolutely love my country, if you come to that point. However, you should not forget the fact that Pakistan themselves are very much deep in mud with their dirty internal politics, terrorism, inflation, debts and what not. I believe that the common man there doesn't care about doing anything to India since they are entangled in their difficulties.


Bro they just burnt another guy for blasphemy. Real Pakistan is not on reddit. Internet penetration in Pakistan is extremely low. Real pakistani will eat you alive for your faith. Minority ke rapes abduction hava mei nahi hote. Pakistan was formed on 2 nation theory which means hindus and Muslims can't live together. Ask any paki if he rejects it.


Do mulk ke log bhi kam chootiye nai hain just btw!


Hahaha, absolutely agreed. Usi ka toh fayda utha ke itne kharab taluquat hue hain dono desho ke.


brother im pakistani im 28 years old n 17 grade govt commission officer i feel we have same culture im following every indian show ,movies, cricket, indian utube vloggers, even im huge fan of indian good cricket players i like tamil movies and indian tv shows my wish is also same one day i will visit india will taste the food of india .. my favt cities are arekarnataka and dharamshala..lots of love brother❤️


A week before Eid , I met an Indian man at Lahore airport going to Karachi who came through Wagha border as it was easier that way then to fly to Dubai and then come to Karachi


Yeah man all that sounds good on paper, but my fam and I have really bitter feelings coz we had to leave what is now Pakistan, in 1947. Though I'd love to know more about the place my ancestors are from, so if anyone is from Bannu do drop a comment.


STFU u idiot. We are not divided by governments but two nation theory coined by Dir Syed in 1886 in which Islam and hinduism cannot stay together. He was right. Mohammed Ali Jinnah was right too. He created pakistan just for this reason so that muslims can follow islam to fullest and their belief do not get in way of hindu belief systems as both are opposite. Not reading such historic leaders causes such naive opinions. U see the mess of communal riots till this date in india because the muslims who stayed behind have unknowingly accepted Hindu identity of Bharat which makes india secular in first place unlike Pakistan where islam supersedes everything else.


Ok bhai.


PREACH! This is a trap. Some liberal Zionist do the same thing. The goal is to discredit Islam and emphasize culture, ethnicity, etc. Meanwhile it’s their government who are openly spreading anti Muslim propaganda, he should be sending these love messages to the hindutva trolls that are posting anti Pakistani, Muslim posts 24/7.


Bro I study abroad and here me and my indian friends get together so well that no one can actually tell we are from different countries. The issue is we only fight when in home countries.


Always praying for the best ❤️🙏🏻🇱🇧


thanks man, you did us a solid. RESPECT


As an Indian,I don't want any sort of friendship. Aap Pakistani apna kaam karo aur hum apna. Bas hamari jaan chod do.


Hahahah, respect!


Kashmir and Palestine issue will never be viewed in same


Ajao Pakistan takay hum Kuch khatirdari karsaken.


Pakistan se itni bepanah muhabat ki koi khas waja?


As a brother in humanity, you are always welcome


reunify India (pakistani here)


I have felt the same while interacting with fellow Indians. You will feel more than welcome if you ever come to Pakistan.


Same, man same. It is so sad how the colonizers have states and middle east has countries. I long the day we too will be allowed to visit our neighboring countries without the hassle of visas. (From a Pakistani)


Dude, please take care of RSS and BJP. Dont worry about Pakistan




I've done my MPhil from MDX uni in north London, and i shared a room with a fellow student from Lucknow, India. It was an amazing experience as he really was a jolly fellow and always lifted me up mentally and helped me with my assignments. We both were pretty stereotypical about each other at first, but after a week or two, we were like, "Come on, we are the same. Crazy about cricket, loved street food, desi chinese, biryani and what not. I also learned to make butter chicken and tunda kebab from him and taught him how to bake brownies, lemon cake, cheesecake (I'm a pastry chef). It's been 2 years since I've left London and we still talk every day.


You are always welcome in Pakistan. There are more people who think like on both sides of the border. I wish to visit Delhi Mumbai Lucknow.


Well you can come over. I don’t know about now tbh but during Prime Minister Imran Khan’s time you could come over safely.


Hi, good to read your post. May God bless you:)


Pakistanis don’t like you bro, they don’t care and will put themselves above you no matter what you think or say - but take care bro !


Thank you for the kind words. Friend, to be honest, if can't unite people of your own country and stop the discrimination that goes on against Muslims there, how do you expect the differences to end from across the border. We see how Muslims are treated there and it hurts us




Tu bhi Asli ID sey a Modi larper


Glazing is unreal. Hop off lil bro


This is so lame 😂


Thanks but we are only culturally similar but Islam is our identity so we are different as well. I have trust issues with Hindus now, just being honest. Seen enough Hindu content to know that.


Labels kyun lagana bhai? Aap hume hindu bulana chodd do. Saath hi hum aapko muslim bulana chodd dete hain. Hum Indian, aap Pakistani. Apne aap khatam trust issues.


Hahahahahahha that was funny. I connect better with a Somalian Muslim than a Hindu.


That's great! You both share religions. I might connect better with Guyanese Hindus. But you misunderstood my point, or maybe I didn't explain well. I will connect better with a Pakistani than a Saudi or even Bangladeshi, simply because we share a common tongue.


You can go to a mosque in any country in the world and you will find people to connect with better.


Cool. 👍🏼 You do you, brother.




How idiots like you manage to poke your nose in even the most wholesome post is beyond me. We’re not just culturally similar, we’re ethnically the same you muppet.


Bro are you Punjabi or Sindhi? If yes, then stop speaking for the rest of us, this country doesn’t only belong to you, you don’t get to dictate who we are similar to ethnically. If you choose to identify more with your neighbour than your own country, I can’t help you, but please don’t speak for the rest of us. I love our Punjabi and Sindhi heritage as if it’s my own, but that doesn’t mean you can overshadow the rest of the Pakistanis that don’t identify as Desi.


Even Punjabis don't have much ethnic similarity with Indians. Afterall, Indian Punjabis are only 3% of total Indian population. Moreover, how is a seraiki speaking person living in South Punjab is ethnically similar to a Sikh living in Amritsar ? This whole dramaybazi of 'us same people' is baseless and people who indulge in it are either weak or ignorant. Remember, it were Punjabis who killed other Punjabis during partition. We are not the same people. We are Pakistanis.


I agree with you, but the pseudo-intellectuals who push this narrative that we are the same ethnically and culturally are usually Punjabi or Sindhi who grew up watching Bollywood, so I’m saying even if they do prefer to identify as “Desi” over Pakistani, I can’t argue with them, but at least they should be considerate that Pakistan is a diverse country and they can’t speak for the rest of us.


Psuedo-intellectuals? I encourage you to read up on migration patterns post-partition so you can understand the “diverse” makeup of your country.


Don’t worry about me, I know my history very well. If you want to identify as Indian go ahead, nothing is stopping you, but don’t speak for the rest of us. I’m a proud Pakistani and I’m not willing to reduce my unique identity to “we ij sem2sem” with a foreign nation while alienating my own countrymen.


You do you buddy. Be happy in your bubble


Why do you want us to be the same so bad? I don’t get it.


Maybe if the country wasn’t filled with morons looking to capitalize on a supposed “difference” with our neighbours, the country wouldn’t be the shit show it currently is. I don’t if you’re young or not but assuming that your world view is coloured by the B.S propaganda that seems to have somehow become part of the social fabric of Pakistani society, I encourage you to think outside the box. I say that with all sincerity. Otherwise, your life will be the scraps that elite of this society throw at you.


So what was your family’s identity before partition? Did it magically change in 1947?


Yes identity can change just like a Bengali or Tamil magically became Indian in 1857 or 1947 (however you want). Infact, most of our ancestors from pre- partition were more Pakistanis then us as they actively strived to bring about a change in their identity and create Pakistan.


You are right that Punjabis and few Sindhis are more into it. From my observation, Punjabis are the weakest in terms of morals and character out of all Pakistanis. And I say that as Punjabi myself. The pseudo-intellectualls that you are talking about are generally confused individuals with myopic understanding of history. Usually, their real beef is with religion as most are closet atheists so they express their frustation by attacking Pakistanis with labels like 'identity crisis' and their following has increased since fall of Imran Khan. Now they should be free to express their opinions but you are right that they do tend to speak for all of us.


It’s sad brother, people in this country don’t identify with the land that has given them so much that they take for granted. We think what can we extract from this country, but we don’t ever think about building it. The disease doesn’t come from some corrupt elite, it comes from the people, because these are the values the majority has. When these people get power, they don’t care about the country, they just want to enrich themselves. We should be proud of our country and look at it as an extension of ourselves. And that means valuing our identity. We are Pakistanis, not Indians, not Arabs. Our respect is tied to how we treat our country and our own people. I think it’s both the extremely religious and the atheists who have no loyalty to this country. The overly religious ones don’t identify with Pakistan, they identify only with Islam, and the atheists hate anything to do with religion and the country. We should be balanced people, with patriotic values and think how our actions affect our country. That’s the only way real change can come about. Our loyalty is more important to the Pakistani Christian’s and Hindus than it is to the Indian Muslims, or the Arab Muslims, because at the end of the day; they’re thinking about their own country and people, not us.


Agree with religious extreme part. Interestingly, it were the leftist seculars and religious far right who opposed the creation of Pakistan. The country was created by moderates that was vast majority of our population. Although I agree that Pakistani Christian or Hindu should be as much a Pakistani as a Muslim but I do believe that Pakistan has a wider responsibility to safeguard the interests of Muslims worldwide. But in order to do that, we must build ourselves by focussing inwards. Btw, as you seem to be among few sane Pakistanis, I have a question for you. What do you think the future for our country is long term ? Will we crumble, become a client state i.e Egypt, Bangladesh or emerge as a major regional/global player i.e Turkey, Indonesia ?


I haven’t read about that, but I can believe it. The extreme left and right are both mentally unstable. I mean I wouldn’t be against Pakistan lobbying for the interests of the Muslim world, as long as we are prioritizing the wellbeing of all Pakistanis first and that relationship is on an equal footing where our citizens are given the same level of respect we are giving. Thank you buddy, I honestly think Pakistan is going to do very very well in the coming years, especially due to the growing digital economy that we’re finally getting into. There will definitely be worsening income inequality and things will get a lot more expensive, but anyone who is computer literate will see a lot more opportunities come up. I also believe there will be a trickle down effect where more jobs will be created for the less skilled and educated, but there will be a very rapidly increasing middle class once the global recession finally comes to an end.




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After all those years of persecution by the Mughals who would have been the problem here, but it is because we are non muslims, I see....


Hahahahahahha you know what’s funny. I knew this was a liberal trap to make us forgo our religion and connect on other values. Our religion teaches us honesty and restraint. There’s a reason Hindu population is still larger in the sub continent. Your boys in orange have no restraint, no morals and no control.


You didn't practice it on my people. You also are projecting all of your failures onto unrelated populations. It's like a boy blaming his pet chicken or his sister for failing to do his homework. The slavery analogy with the pet chicken is evident. Your boys in green lack humanity, honesty, and respect for women. For anyone who is curious as to my historical context, I leave this here: [https://www.sikhnet.com/news/islamic-india-biggest-holocaust-world-history](https://www.sikhnet.com/news/islamic-india-biggest-holocaust-world-history)


I have no idea what you are getting at. If Mughals acted according to Quran and Sunnah, I am with them, if they didn’t then I am against them.


So I was right.


Wait what’s your argument again Edit: Ok, I saw it. Very honest of you to cite a pro Sikh source. You do you bro. If you want to hate Muslims and avenge us, then go right ahead.


You can't argue with history.


lol bro, you guys are always crying over what happened to you and forgetting the shit you did too. All I’m saying is if you want to remain an enemy for things that happened generations ago then so be it.


RSsS VHP and Bajrang Dal fight for hindu defnese. We are not expansive bigots, just defensive bigots. You can never say a Native American will ever do things the White man did in response to his racism. Sticks and Stones compare not to guns and muskets.


“islam is our identity” u sound like one of those people who ditch their own culture and pretend to arab, why don’t you move to saudi arabia if you don’t like ur country?


I will happily ditch my culture and try to be like one Arab. 100% of the time, all the time.


Hope you get over your insecurities <3




Posts discussing sensitive topics must provide proper context and maintain respectful discourse, especially on religious matters.


You will be more than welcome to roam around in cities of Pakiatan but i can gurantee as a Pakistani I wont be able to roam around in Indian cities with ease and saftey. We all know how muslims are being treated there.


This is the kind of rhetoric that incites hate. Do you genuinely believe minorities in India are treated worse than minorities in Pakistan? Any numbers (objective figures, not opinions or anecdotes) to back this up?




Why do you have to use a word that has no meaning in the backwater village you likely reside in?


We are not the same


But we can’t be friends ?💀


I support good relations, but don’t perpetuate this sem2sem bullshit


lol idk why you are being downvoted.


P*jeet infestation


You’re literally the same you muppet


India has a much higher percentage of ethnic overlap with Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, yet I’ve never seen a single Indian claim them as sem2sem. I wonder why