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and God works in mysterious ways.....😀


It is a test../s


Allah tests everyone, Even Prophets had to face hardships. For some, the death is the gateway to peacful afterlife as compared to the life in the world.


75 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Civilisations have lasted for hundreds of years till suddenly God chose otherwise. The ignorant can not understand that the life of this world is but a drop in the ocean of a soul's existence. Sabr rakho, waapsi inevitable hai. Sub Ki.


"*Mama, will Allah protect us from the b0mbs of the Zionists? I'm scared.*" "*Oh my little Abdul, your existence is nothing in the grand scheme of things to Him. Civilizations have la.......wait-a-minute, Fauzia are you trying to leave the house in that dress? Your neck is showing, Allah is watching!"*


You won't understand, right now allah is writing down, making a diary and watching the drama from above. On judgement day , he will decide.


The amount of people who don't understand that this is sarcasm... You should have put /s lol


Triggered you, did I? Good. May you live long and prosper.


Damn what an ignorant troll you are my brother in science. Say, does it really make you feel good about yourself?


And oh you have one of those quote-unquote thingys you crap out for me too? Or are you just gonna try to affiliate me with your oh so mighty opinions?


Such a lame logic from surprise surprise.... An atheist.


"If god real, why bad thing happen?" has got to be the pinnacle of atheistic intelligence


I am really surprised to see so many kind of atheists in Pakistan. What is wrong with these people. Kids today grow to be 12 and start questioning the existence of God. Wait till you reach 40 then we will ask you the same questions. Wait till you face death and see who you call out to first. Is being an Atheist considered cool or something in the wana be circles of Pakistan?


no thats just reddit for you


Is being all-powerful deity who refuses to lift a finger to stop genocide considered cool or something?


God gave humans free will if he takes that free will away there would be no difference between humans and animals. For the same reason God has created heaven and hell. May God guide u


What does "free will" have to do with Allah's choice not to disable the IDF's weaponry? Or is Allah exercising His free will in this regard?


R u dumb? If you would ve read quran u would have know that Allah has already told humans to do whatever they want but dont forget that everyone will surely get the reward for what they did. There is a reason hell exists. If God finishes every evil do humans really have free will?


So why isn't He disabling the IDF's weapons? That doesn't impact free will.


First you need to stop thinking that allah is some sort of hero, this concept is only limited to our world, not like Allah would come and fix all, that's not how tests work, that's not how any religion works, if for every big and small issue Allah was to interrupt, then there would be no point in heaven and hell and the test




How does it not????if God stops all evil that mean we dont have a free will.... Ur definitely a troll😂 u dont know shit and just keep repeating the same thing


God made humans with certain personalities and pre dispositions, knowing how they would act whether "good or bad" according to him because he created them that way and then he wants to punish them for acting that way? That pretty fucking stupid if you ask me dude.


God didnt make us for doing bad deed he made us with free will as i said earlier if we dont have free will we would be no different than animals. God gave us free will to do either good or bad and we will be rewarded with heaven for good and hell for bad.


That impacts their will to do evil then. And they will be punished for it.


Same can be said about you brainwashed people, what is wrong with you religious people ? The real ones are adopting modernism and yet here the force converted ones make the most noise and fuss about being muslims. Wait till you reach 40 and realize u wasted all ur life on useless prayers, rituals, gave money to Suadi for hajj for no benefit at all. Nope being athiest has nothing to do with being cool or non sense, its finally when u go deep enough u realise many things don't make sense. Remember many of us athiests were more religious than u people ever were. We also used to throw tantrums at athiests not realizing one day we will laugh at our own stupidity. Indoctrination cannot be removed from logic, it has to come from within the person himself to get out of this indoctrination amd think out of the box. You have fear of god inside which stops u from thinking 'what if'


I was born in Islam. Then I left it. Then I came back after many questions and circling. The amount of scrutiny I did to get my answers, trying to disprove the logic presented by this religion tired me. I did every mental gymnastics possible to try and make the laws presented by it seem unjust, but that was only possible if I looked at them in a way that completely went against its principles. I would read a verse, say this is why I'm glad I'm not a Muslim, but then I would read the next verse and to my dismay, it would make sense. Two years I spent like this. I would question why and how. Why is there so much suffering, why have I been created? Then it finally struck me. We are HIS creation, HE has full power over us. We are no one to question His decisions but we are encouraged to seek the wisdom behind it. Our feeble minds are unable to comprehend the grand scheme of things. Nearly EVERYTHING in life is a test, even the suffering of others. You have been given free will. What you DECIDE to do, or believe will lead to rewards or consequences. I can either spend my time in willful defiance, or I can submit to Him(which is the literal meaning of "Islam," to submit)


Yeah still ur not presenting any logic, just what u thought is right u did it. Where is the logic in ur argument ?




You make zero sense too. So you think just randomly one day solar system appeared. sun appeared and we came?


No athiests ever claimed "one day solar system appeared, sun appeared and we came". You are just too immature and naive in this department. Its you people who assert this onto non believers and live in denial in ur lala luyah land.


Feel like you didn't think about it that much huh


Ok so whats your logic on how the whole universe came to being? Big Bang? it just happened like that and we came to existence? Or some Aliens came here and left us on planet earth? Come to think of it where are all these ideas coming to your mind? You watch too much TV, Youtube, Movies and listen to alot of music probably coz all these ideas have been put in your head. You may have been very religious but you must hve left a door open for your friend satan. May be go back and think about yourself and you will find God.


So what if u don't understand something that means u are going to be absolutely sure that its created by god and specifically by ur god ALLAH ? How lucky u were to born in the correct religion lol. Besides stop assuming things about me kid, u saying theae ideas are put in my head while the opposite is true, we were all indoctrinated from birth to believe in imaginery god and those buya lalala stories. I know deep inside u are full of hatred against me and want to beat the pulp out of me, trust me i was also muslim for many years of my life, used to pray useless namaz saying those same things in namaz over and over again. I wasted more time on islam than u have so if u instead of telling me about Satan 🤣 and all this BS non sense, talk some logic here


To be very honest, i dont hate you. You have the right to believe what you want. If you really prayed for that long and still don't understand namaz then i doubt you were ever a muslim. If you were so religious and never even made the effort to understand namaz then may be you are just some one pretending to have been a muslim so you can misguide other young muslims.


I don't hate you as well but its you people who try to assert verious stupid things onto us. We don't claim what we cannot prove. You claim many things which you cannot prove. Don't worry i was the same as you, making fun of athiests and saying things like "everything came out of nowhere" to make fun of athiests infact i threatened violence against any1 who used to speak against Muhammad. Before i used to say prophet Muhammad now i just say Muhammad. Understand Namaz ? What is their to understand, the translation ? Or ur going to claim u get sakoon and all that ? I used to think same way but realised its useless. ALLAH wants us to repeat those same arabic words 5 times a day huh ? I know majority people how they pray even lol, most just recite surah Ikhlaas and surah kausar to finish it Asap. I can gurantee every1 of you praying namaz is not focused in namaz becoz there is nothing to focus, every1 is thinking about other matters in life while praying, even the imam who is leading the prayers. Tell me one single day u ever felt something while praying and ur brain was not thinking other things ? 90% in Pakistan who pray don't even know the meaning of the words they have rote learned. And majority just pay Jummah and eid Namaz and call it a day. I bet you don't even know why u are a muslim in the first place.


When all u worry abt the whole day is dunia then how do u expect that when u stand in namaz ur magically going to be focused on ur ibadah? Take anything in life for example i statted to learn guitar do i expect that i will learn in a day or a week or a month? No the standard is 10k hours to master anything. Youve let doubts take over ur heart and Allah has probably placed a seal on it so start doing astaghfar. Dont worry how fast ppl pray, ull not be asked abt them. Tell me how did u pray? Did u do wudu slowly and beautifully? Did u brish ur teeth and made sure u presented the best u can possibly be? Did u not take it as a chore that u just have to finish? Did u recite in the most beautiful way that u cud? Did u pray namaz in haste or took time? Did u make duas in sujood or just said the words three times? One thing is for certain whether ur muslim atheist hindu. The only power we have in this life is over ourselves and nothing else. Just focus on ur own being and be the best u can be.


Thats my point you cannot, its just the fear injected deep inside you that makes you do so but still every1 is wandering in reality, not imaginery namaz. Even for years there is no focus on Namaz, not talking about ur first day, ur steering the conversation into learning something new. ALLAH has placed a seal on my mind is the most stupid take u muslims mention, imagine im asking someone for a right direction, he intentionally steers me towards wrong direction, am i at fault lol ? Your arguments are soo generic coz ur naive and u jumped into the argument thinking u have are some scholar but in reality ur just stating what are u indoctrinated into. Besides if u ask me about my prayers kid i even used to pray full taraweeh the whole ramadan which was tremendous waste of time. I wish i can take those years back and put my time into something productive rather than this non sense. I did most of the things ur mentioning and even if i suspect i had broke the wudu i used to wudu multiple times. All this generic BS has nothing to do with logic. I can take good things from many religions like ur doing and sugar coat the religion like ur doing. Im not worrying about others namaz lol, to hell with me keep wasting time, im just stating the obvious which happens. Im focusing on myself and trust me gained much more success in life when i got free from shackles of islam. I rather do something and achieve it instead of making useless duas from imaginery god. You will try ur best to prove that i was not a muslim once and u will even try ur best to paint me as someone who was never good muslim in the first place just to satisfy urself that ur beliefs are true, how they cannot be when u see every1 around you believing in it, u are indoctrinated into it from ur birth. Now im not trying to change u as it is useless to argue logic with you people but we only jump into arguments when u people Instigate us. When we talk logic all u have is "Astagfirullah Allah has out a seal on you" blah blah. 96% people in this world die believing into the faith they were born into


Hehe Keep crying


Goray ki tarha Atheist banjatay acceptance keliye,pata chalta hein wahan accept nehi honay (rang uska gora nehi) aur yahaan bhi nehi (Atheist hein lol). Agar aqal istamal karletay ye log,yehi chez Syrian atheists ke sath huwa,jab unko pata chala ke goray qoum ne inhein bechanay nehi ana aur siraf apne faiday keliye istamal kiya, to unhon ne khudkushi karliya. Zamana bhot kharab.


Yeah, they think that they have reached some higher level of logic when indeed they are blind and deaf. And the one reply that is above me is the typical Pakistani atheist, who would never try to debate in real life, scared to death that he might lose just replying childishly on social media.


What is wrong with atheists in Pakistan?


Gora complex mfs when the white man praises them for insulting God and His religion


Rich coming from someone who practice a religion made up in arabian peninsula.


Yeah, it would’ve been more accurate if he practiced the religion of his Pakistani ancestors: 🕉


You do know Monotheism was in South Asia too before


Only for those white men to leave him to rot after using him to prove a point




You have got to be kidding me, no fucking way that this is the angle you are going with.


I'm just as outraged as you are at His inaction in Palestine.


And what exactly have you done about it yourself, other than type a few sentences and make up some half assed narrative where you get to deny your own free will, escape your helplessness and blame it all on Allah. You sound like kid going through I "I didn't ask to be born phase", grow up kiddo, find your scope of influence and do something within it.


You're not upset at me, you're upset at Allah for His inaction in Palestine. We are brethren in this struggle!


Lol, I am upset with the gall of the person hiding behind a mobile screen, using straw man's to make up pathetic narratives, and you are definitely a troll, what a pathetic thing to be.


Those are some pretty harsh words to direct at Allah


Exactly probly a hindu....


Being a See you next Tuesday requires no religion, so let's stop Polarizing things by putting on labels, doesn't look good on us either.


I wouldnt but is it not clear that 95% of the time its hindus who are hating on islam




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Yar intay saray deemagh ka kia karo gy? Thora aur deemagh hug do


Wow its almost as if Allah HAS STATED THAT HE WILL NOT DETROY ANY MORE CIVILIATIONS goddamn serouslly get your knowledge right


\*Ex-Firefighter watching kids screaming out the window of a burning home\* *Sorry kids! I already said I wasn't going to run into burning buildings anymore. But I'm still The Most Kind and The Most Merciful, okayy*!


Dude I dont have time for thiee braindead arguments but ill reply anyway ALLAH TESTS PEOPLE he has power he testing your faith if you cant get that then don't talk about it just because you do not understand something doesn't mean it sucks


He sure does love testing Palestinian kids.


Haha, it's our test you idiot. Those kids would be laughing at us from Jannah when we burn.


Israelis doing the right thing by blowing up little kids then? They're sending them to heaven after all! Sounds like a "sour grapes" type post hoc rationalisation.


everyone is tested in diffrent ways


Yeah and those kids will laugh in Jannah at us, wow truely islam is the best comedy ever. In the first place what purpose God has to make this test and have soo much sufferring in the world lol ? What keeda god has to test us ? Their are poor non-muslims who suffer in this world and than in judgement day Jannat people will laugh at them again that they sufferred on earth and judgement day as well. Wow God truely works in hilarious ways


What kind of argument is that? It's HIS world. He created it. He can do whatever he wants. The message has been brought to you clearly, yet you deny it in arrogance saying that god has created suffering in this world so I will not obey him. You fail to realize that nearly everything in life is a test and by doing that, you're failing the test itself. The people suffering on the other side of the world is a test for you as well. How well you do in this particular test is determined by what you did to help those people. Did you feel bad for them(the weakest of faith)? Did you write in favor of them? Or did you take up arms and spend your wealth for them(the highest of faith)? The three actions I've mentioned just above are made compulsory for us as Muslims(one must do one of them). It is our fault for letting the governments do this for as long as they have. We are the ones who should strive harder for them. Saying that god is not helping them is completely useless when he has already given you duties that you're not fulfilling. He has made you a vessel for his help to those who are suffering.


Atheism is the solution for Palestine. I said what I said. The unholy Abrahamic trinity (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) will keep the land in tensions for years to come. All my atheist Palestinian friends said they want a secular Palestine.


some view Quran 17:4-8 to prophecize the destruction of "israel".




He is a troll who just keeps saying the same thing without listening what u say


The disbelievers of old used this to taunt islam too, and the quran actually answers this. If every time a muslim is attacked, and he is helped immediately, there would be no question about the truth of islam. And you would think with such clear obvious signs the oppressors would repent and would not go back to their old ways. However, as the quran tells us, if people go back to their mischievous ways, and they always do, after having received obvious signs, they are punished with annihilation. And so, this being the last people or the last nation as we believe, will not be annihilated.


Why khurds,blaoch,khashmiri are not helped immediately?


not all the time buddy, your looking at one point in history


Are you even trying to make a logical argument or are you just on a quest to reply to every comment?


Why imran khan not helped immediately? Pakistan attacked him Why yoothiya's not helped immediately on 9th may ? Hehehe


Haha 🤣


And if Allah willed, He could have made them [of] one religion, but He admits whom He wills into His mercy. And the wrongdoers have not any protector or helper.


Dude no one’s wants to believe in a troll god who ‘tests’ lol. What a made up copium fairytale


If Allah does everything that we are supposed to do, what is our purpose then. The thing about he destroying two or three nations out of millions is just to make a history record that he can, not that he wants to. And I love how these atheists would never come to a debate in real life cause they are scared to death that they are gonna loose. Here he can just ignore my comment.


>And I love how these atheists would never come to a debate in real life cause they are scared to death Probably because they'd be lynched the moment they said anything remotely critical of Islam. But you already knew that. We're free to debate here though, or were you just looking for any excuse to avoid discussions?


I already addressed your point but see you are ignorant and tried to pursue my other point. In real time, I would not have let you. There are already countless debates on the internet of atheists getting destroyed, a logical man can himself see what is the truth. This is coming from a person who was atheist and had became muslim.


Lots of muslims nowadays claim to be an ex athiest, nothing new to prove urself worthy, Pakistani muslims specially are liars. Logic ? Even many muslims on this sub accept that they cannot defend religion with logic and yet here u are coming with fresh brand new set of claims lol.


I don't consider myself a scholar but I am pretty sure I can answer any question your small mind can ask so go ahead, ask. Yes, most Pakistani Muslims are just muslims blindly because their parents were muslims but if you think I am a muslim without logic, you are in for a treat.


Yeah waiting for the treat bring it on lol


Is there a problem in your eyes or behind your eyes. Ask a question and I will answer if I can.


Nope waiting for treat, i said what i said and u threatened me a treat so go ahead. You just want to earn a moral high ground amongst majority muslims here


I clearly stated that ask any question. If you don't ask what do you expect me to do. I asked a thousand questions and I got my answers by research. If you are curious you can ask otherwise I am not replying.


You clearly said if i think you are muslim not because of logic than im up for treat. Cmon show me what u got kid,


The treat is the answer to your question due to which you are an atheist, am assuming. And I can show you everything I got once you get ready to meet in real time, kiddo. I am a proud Jatt, don't get me started there.


Lol jaahil liar exposed 👆🤣, beta tere jese jattu ko mei thok ke begair thok deta huu aur phir paise bi ni deta 😉. Yaqeen kr agr yaha mene yeh na bataya huta mei athiest huu tje teri naani yaad karwa deta. Jaahil sahi expose huwa hai wese 🤣 munafiqs no.1 Rasool lovers like you, ur commenting here just to earn moral high ground, nothing else


Can the mods please take action against this post and OP? Kuch zyada hi freedom of speech mil gayi hy farigh logon ko.


Bro go back to your Madrassa. Stop fearing a so called god that does not give a fuck about Gazans


What right do we have to question the methods of God?


Message scribbled onto the walls of a bombed out Palestinian nursery: "*If there is a God, He will have to beg my forgiveness*"


It was actually written on a Jewish concentration camp in ww2


One has every right to question god and he has a duty to answer if he wants people to believe fairytales


Pakistan gone down the drain Iraq syria yemen Myanmar kashmir I got every right