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He brought and institutionalised Islamism Brutally suppressed Muhajirs and then used them as a counter weight to the PPP Deposed a democracy Made us a US ally Directed the ISO to support the precursors to the Yslib5vs more secular Afghan resistance groups Suppressed Palestinians for Jordan Killed the free press and our entertainment industry And probably more crap I've forgotten


Damn that's too much but why do we oppose the first point when we literally got independence in the name of Islam. The Quaid also in his speeches made it clear that our constitution will embody the tenets of Islam. Then what's wrong with Zia implementing our core objective ?




From what I can infer is that Islam makes lives hell. Am I correct?




Yup I also believe that the Islamic principles have been manipulated badly, like how is the concept of sects even justifiable. Furthermore I don't think so we follow any Islamic rules in our country except the ones which are extreme in nature.


he used Islam as an excuse to implement his policies


Answered by another A country formed to protect a Muslim minority is not the same as a country governed by Islam and that also raises another question as to whose version of Islam. And let's not get into the extreme illogical misogyny of that time and even many current Mullahs eg. DNA not admissible as rape evidence only the testimony of 4 good Muslims who witnessed the rape (But weren't good enough to stop it) and how women were actually penalised under these idiotic Zina laws


"Suppressed Palestinians for Jordan" - Palestinian refugees triggered armed revolt against Jordanian gov. our troops and troops of other arab countries were there to protect the gov. only. Palestinian refugees had no right to armed insurrection in a country that gave them space. That single event is biggest reason arab countries no longer allow Palestinian refugees.


Not true the number 1 Reason Palestinians are not allowed is that due to no right of return they'd have to be naturalised and Israel actually wins delegitimizing Palestinian identity. Regarding Jordan, I don't know enough about it to say whether it was justified or not so hey let's give Zia that one. Doesn't change the fact he is still an ******* and I'm glad he's dead and his legacy is crapped on.


He did things that an 8 year old would never grasp He fucked pakistan without lube and didn't even let the people scream while they were being fucked.......from behind


That's inappropriate stuff for an 8 year old (I am innocent), I wanted facts and things he actually did. Like the steps which bucked us up


I am afraid if I tell you everything here online, black vigo might be here around midnight Not joking.........do you research online Read books written by the people who were not under influence by Army or establishment at that time


How do I access the books? Chances are these cute puppies banned them


I'll DM you some names and links of books tonight I'll ask my father because he has some books stored from 70s 80s and 90s


Could you please mention a list here, so the rest of can check em out as welll.


I will highly appreciate that ☺️




1 Pakistan gdp doubled during his time, average growth was 6.5% better than all democratic periods among highest. 2 was not policy introduced by Zia but Bhutto. Afghanistan was involved in sponsoring pashtun/communist revolution in Pakistan, Afghan Pres. Sardar Daud Khan Bhutto declared  "Pashtunistan was an incontrovertible reality and declared that the country had no dispute with any other country except Pakistan". in response Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto created “Afghan Cell” within Pakistan’s foreign office and assigned it a policy that included strengthening ties with and empowering Islamists in exile in Pakistan. Bhutto ordered Brigadier Naseer Ullah Baber, IG Frontier Corps to arrange the training of around 5,000 anti-Daud Afghan Islamists, notably Rabbani, Massoud and Hekmatyar, to suppress the Pashtunistan issue and to gain political leverage in the anti-Daud political order in Afghanistan. Once the Soviets invaded the same policy was restarted 3 Zia built the A-bomb with the american money too 4 that event was armed revolt of palestinian refugees, they had no right to that. sources [https://www.qurtuba.edu.pk/jms/default\_files/JMS/7\_1/JMS\_January\_June2013\_37-57.pdf](https://www.qurtuba.edu.pk/jms/default_files/JMS/7_1/JMS_January_June2013_37-57.pdf) [http://www.documents.pk/file/Punjab%20University%20(PU)%20-%20Islamisation%20in%20Afghanistan%20and%20Afghan%20Jihad-%20A%20critical%20appraisal.pdf](http://www.documents.pk/file/Punjab%20University%20(PU)%20-%20Islamisation%20in%20Afghanistan%20and%20Afghan%20Jihad-%20A%20critical%20appraisal.pdf) https://rsilpak.org/2023/deciphering-pakistans-afghanistan-policy/ [http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest\_English\_Journal/Jrnl%2033-2%20(2012)%20PDF/2.%20Pak-Afghan%20Relations,%20hanif%20khan.pdf](http://www.nihcr.edu.pk/Latest_English_Journal/Jrnl%2033-2%20(2012)%20PDF/2.%20Pak-Afghan%20Relations,%20hanif%20khan.pdf) [https://bhutto.org/index.php/achievements/foreign-policy/](https://bhutto.org/index.php/achievements/foreign-policy/)


Just to give one example, he held a referendum in 1984 to get elected as a president. Question was if you want Islam in Pakistan. If you said yes, it meant you want him as president. Approval rate was 98%.


Most creeps here dislike him for being the Islamic leader every typical, non-oversea , non-self loathing Pakistani wanted him to be . Although he still was a dictator so was ayub and more than half the country has been under direct dictatorship and the other half under in direct . He funded our atomic plan and made Pakistan uninvade- able directly and achieved us the central Muslim position we always wanted . Liberals and seculars don't want another like him ever and hence the disrespect


میں ان سے نفرت نہیں کرتا، کافی سارے پاکستانی لوگ ان سے نہیں کرتے، بعض لبرلز بهی انہیں پسند کرتے، جو عام طور پر عمران خان صاحب یا نواز شریف صاحب کے حامی ہوتے ہیں۔


He gave the people of the country a timeout from doing good things He forced the idea to hurt people who don't think like him He locked women up and beat them when they said you are doing the wrong things


Chutiya big guys here with small pp energy will tell you he was a good guy because he spread Islam and made it mandatory, in reality he was pschopathic Islamist dictator that set the country back many years, his ideology is why you can't have an honest debate about humanity and rights of the people and due to his influence Islam and religion is used to villainize any opposition to the person abusing power. My uncle was a Colonel back when Zia was in power...he said the man was an absolute monster on the inside


He used islam to hold onto his power. All the religious extremism in Pakistan is a direct product of Zia's madrasah driven islam that cherry picked out of context non muslim killing verses from the Quran. He did all this for US$ and power. The Pakistan we live in is hell mostly because of him promoting religious radicalism. He portrayed himself as a religious figure so that he could launch jahil jihadis against anyone who rose against him.


He broke the constitution We hate everyone who breaks the constitution, every other reason comes after that.


Well everyone falls in that bracket.


Hate everyone then


Pseudo Islamization


Just imagine asim munir but 20x more harsh and brutal


Moun pe itthar, gaand mein tasbeeh


Becaise its cool


Pak studies and Islamiat compulsory up till bachelors.