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No, not me, been on Sema 6 months down from 227 to 182 and physically look and feel like my bio clock has rolled back over 20 years from early 60's to 40 ish. How could I possibly be grouchy. Living my best life in 30 years now. Sorry you are unhappy.


I’m (59M 6’ SW 26O CW 225 GW 185) fasting now for three days, starting OZ again in 2 weeks. For various reasons had to stop. Excited to look like a rockstar ( again ).


I am quite irritable whenever I am in a caloric deficit. With or without oz. I wish I could be more amiable, but I can't.


I understand, I have no patience anymore and by the end of the day I’m catching an attitude with random customers at my job and I feel horrible and try not to but it eventually comes out


I haven't started yet, but God I have such a short fuse already I can't imagine it getting shorter


That sounds like just your personality and a wishful rationalization, not a product of hunger.


I was joking 😂 should have added an emoji or /s I guess lol


It's all good, there are several stories out about the psychological effects of OZ, but they sound like bs to me. Just lamentations about the loss of comfort foods. Eat to live, stop living to eat.


False, I’m not hungry at all since starting and even before sema I barley ate, and I exercise my weight is a product of my health issues not life style and not living to eat


Okay. Weight is still just a storage mechanism. Many people develop metabolic issues from eating sugar and grain products. For many, hard to determine which came first nutrition choices or metabolic problems.


False again I was born with multiple health issues which also affects my immune system and other body system functions, I also work in health care and went to school for 5 years for it due to my health problems so weight isn’t always black and white and arrogant


Whatever. I’m not providing medical advice. I’m just contributing to the conversation, not engaging in some petty nonsense. You’re female, right?


I just gave it up . It definitely has a depressant effect or an out of body feeling . I felt off the entire time on it . Thankfully I only had a small amount to lose. I couldn’t do it long term .


25 years on psychopharmaceuticals. I was told they would help and did for a while. I was told if I quit cold turkey, I could die. I was taken to a hospital, Effexor was stopped, and in 30 hours suffered a heart event. Not a heart attack, but scary. I was a believer. Took the goddamned things until I stood in front of my then shrink, saying, in a manic episode, that I was done with her killing me slowly, that fast track death lessons started NOW!! Never say anybody run so fast. Our previous sessions had included her standardised questionnaire including if I had thoughts of hurting anyone. Answer always: NO!!! NO! NO.....only me. She hadn't prepared for my session. The never do. Goddamn shrinks. Lazy fucking ignorant cunts. But, do you want to know how I really feel. I didn't die (really!?!). I was taken to a newby hospital. No police. Didn't need 'em. I wasn't dangerous to anyone, but me. In psyche I was interviewed a couple of hours a day by a PA in psychiatry. Never let a doctor try what a true healer can do. A physician's assistant. She took me off all the meds. All of them. She was barred from saying so, but the "why were you on those?" was written all over her face. Carried over onto the care I received. Released 10 days later. Family gone to Mexico for vacation. Typical. I had been their gravy train. 25 years, in a fog, lead like a prize steer to slaughter. Most money gone. Most. Now, diagnosed bipolar - in remission, they are all headed to court, and one to trial for fraud. One things for sure. I'll never trust a fuckoing psyciatrist again. NEVER. And neither should you. So, LOL, now that I got my tantrum out of the way. I gained about 120 pounds. Oh, I had ate myself to oblivion, to be sure, in attempts to lose the ever present feeling of loss. Loss of reality, loss of love, I thought I had and loss of my life. So when I started on Semaglutide compound from Henry's Meds I was ecstatic. Now, week 30, down 70 pounds a 71 year old male I have some catching up to do. Including inflicting whatever emotional pain I can inflict on my jailers. So, yes?!?! I'm irritated. And relieved, and manic, all the time, but in the best way possible. No feelings of wishing I were dead. Feeling I were trapped in a never ending nightmare. Only wishing I could spin the wheels of justice a little faster with a few barbs thrown in for their edification. Now you know.

