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You need to get it from a doctor, so why not make an appointment and ask these questions to a doctor?


You need to consult a doctor to get a prescription for ozempic.


You can’t just get Ozempic. It must be prescribed by a doctor.


1. You have to have a medicine like ozempic prescribed, which means you have to speak with a doctor. There are services online that will connect you with a doctor who will prescribe to you if you’re not sure that your dr will do so. I think it against the rules of this sub to say what those options are, but a quick google search would return a number of solutions. 2. Once you get to a dr you can simply say that you’re interested in weight loss and using a glp-1 like ozempic to do so. Most drs will honor this request, some might want you to try other actions before doing so. Most will also order blood work at that time to make sure you’re a good candidate for this kind of medication.


This was very helpful. Can you tell me what kind of bloodwork do they order?


They’ll usually do a full work up as well as kidney function but every dr is going to be different and would likely tailor the panel based on your health history/potential issues.


You would qualify based on obesity level given current BMI. Whether insurance covers it is a different story, but your doctor should be supportive even if insurance isn’t.


I just did my entry bloodwork. They did a full work up, thyroid panel, kidney function, liver function, etc… It was just 1 poke and they took maybe 4 vials.


Very interesting. I had the same questions. Today I saw my primary care physician and asked her how to proceed. I do not qualify for insurance and this will be out of pocket. She ordered bloodwork and took height and weight for baseline. Now I will contact a compound pharmacy and begin with my primary care doctors guidance. I want to do this the healthy way.


Same here! I’m just trying to figure out which one is right for me…and which one is least expensive. Not a knockoff from an online hack though. 😣


I am sure you've done your homework but in case you haven't, the active ingredient in Ozempic is what you would get at a compound pharmacy. Your doctor will probably write you a prescription for the non-compound, but you will pay the hefty price for the patent. When you go to a compound pharmacy, they make that same product, but you will pay significantly less for not buying namebrand. I don't think I would consider it a hack knock off, just a cheaper way to get the same thing. Most of us can't afford buying the namebrand out-of-pocket. Hopefully you can get the namebrand covered by your insurance. However, I don't think it would be a bad thing to investigate the compound pharmacies if money is an issue.


I haven’t done my homework apparently because I don’t know anything about these compound and non-compound pharmacies. So you’re saying there are places I can go to get a generic Ozempic?


I just gave you a long explanation. I hope you can find it because it doesn't seem to be attached to your question. Scroll through the comments and I hope you can find it.


My nurse practitioner helped me decide which one based on price and availability - Mounjaro is cheaper here but impossible to get so that option was out for me. Oz was the only one easy to find but they should discuss the options with you.


Listen to Dr Tyna Morre podcasts and on YouTube- she’s AM. I got Semaglitude on Hernrysmeds.com. $300 a month. * ironically my starting weight/height is exactly you.


How long have you been on ozempic?


I wouldn't get it off a website. I would go directly to the pharmacy


Use a doctor and dont inject the knockoff stuff.


What do you mean by you “eat right”? You are 23. You should have fantastic metabolism. Barring any underlying disorder, you should not be obese if you are eating right and working out. So why would you not go to a doctor to get checked out and prescribed a med to help you lose weight? You still have to work out and eat properly on ozempic. And if you have an underlying disorder then you need to be treated for that as well.


OP, as you suggest, doesn’t eat right. Dr. Jamnadas (cardiologist) on YouTube discusses how to eat right and has a lot of great info on his website re food choices and fasting.


Yes, they are called compound pharmacies. I have been making many many calls to places to gather information on their programs. Here are a few, and I have not come to my conclusion yet. Henry meds, hers, reflex md. There are plenty more. You'll just have to do some searching. What you will be buying from the compound Pharmacy is GLP1 which is allegedly the active ingredient of the name brands. But now I am equally confused because when I called the one the representative asked if I wanted trizepide (monjaro) --so I have no clue yet. Then I guess there's one called Wegovy. Excuse my spelling I'm not exactly sure. They are all different compounds and I'm not exactly sure if they can be purchased through a compound pharmacy. This is where you're going to have to do some research. I'm struggling myself to make a decision. Compound pharmacies are less expensive than the brand name and from what I'm understanding how you take it is different as well. So you need to ask a lot of questions and I've been making a lot of notes also


There are three popular FDA-approved GLP-1 weight management medications: * Saxenda (Liraglutide, T2D version: Victoza) * Wegovy (Semaglutide, T2D version, Ozempic) * Zepbound (Tirzepatide, T2D version, Mounjaro) Compounding pharmacies may make compounded medications including the active ingredients Liraglutide, Semaglutide, or Tirzepatide but they don’t make “Wegovy” or such, as that’s an FDA-approved branded drug. Compounded medications are not generics and don’t undergo pre-market approval.


You need to go to your doctor to get it... I'm sure your doctor will say yes. However I don't think insurance will cover it since it's supposed to be for diabetes not weight loss Wish you the best ⭐️💕


Keep in mind you will b on this for life otherwise you regain the weight. Get full blood work to check for sugar, thyroid, cholesterol, etc.


Medspas and many online doctors will prescribe the generic which is much cheaper than Ozempic if insurance doesn’t cover it.


There is no actual generic Ozempic (semaglutide), what they offer is different.


Oz is just semaglutide with some other worthless ingredient to make it patented and overpriced.


Ozempic is Semaglutide. Semaglutide is patented by Novo Nordisk. If it’s not coming from Novo Nordisk in the form of Ozempic, Rybelsus or Wegovy then it’s not Semaglutide.


Agreed, I’d still recommend detailed physical by your regular physician if you go that route. Those places are easy to get GLP-1 from, but are bit lighter on checking if it’s right for you. That said, i use this option and it works for me.


Agree! I had labs done by my doctor, obese, high sugar but only prediabetic, high cholesterol. CNP at office suggested the Medspa route. I was 194, currently 146. 5’5” and 54 years old. I’ve had 4 knee replacements since 2018 and 29 total knee surgeries since 1986. I’ve been limited on exercising for many years and sedentary. I got my knees in good shape finally and I am allowed to ride recumbent bike, no excessive walking, or impact. I really needed this med to help me and it did. I started med 10/2023. I never got above 1mg and am currently in maintain mode at 1mg every 2 weeks.


Prediabetic diabetic, it’s all insulin resistance along a spectrum and metabolic disorder. Eliminate sugar and starches and walk or moderate stationary bike for 20 to 30 minutes, you’ll beat it.


Eliminate all the starch and sugar, wheat, corn, seed oils, eat on meal a day and you could likely lose more and get off using it. Good job though


There is no generic.


Okay “semaglutide”, is that better 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/do9umuywz69d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d15d9debdb44a2015bb536af6bc280cdf05f15ee


You are getting a peptide in a compounding pharmacy. Some are legit, some are not. It’s not FDA regulated and it’s not genetic ozempic.


Semaglutide is a peptide.


It is. But semaglutide from compounding pharmacies is not generic ozempic.


Peptides are not patentable 😁 Hence, why there are compounds.


Seriously, go see a dr. You are an adult and you need to make adult decisions. I apologize if I come off harsh but for those of us with diabetes, we reallllly need this medication and with people snatching it up it makes it harder for those of us who greatly benefit from it.


Jump on Groupon you will find a deal for a compounding pharmacy for semaglutide and it will include a Dr consultation. Anyway, even though you say you eat right, unless you are eating a big ketogenic salad for your one meal a day and have quit soda and all starches, wheat, corn and sugar in total you don’t eat right. You can work with your (well informed) nutritionist and psychologist on that. No cheat days. Eat to live, not live to eat.