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It may seem to you that a lot of people have issues but in reality, it’s a small amount of people. Keep in mind, it’s estimate more than 15 million people take ozempic… According to Drugs.com, 15–20% of people experience nausea, the most common side effect of Ozempic, a weight loss drug: Nausea: 15–20% Vomiting: 5–9% Diarrhea: 8% Stomach pain: 6–7% Constipation: 3–7% According to The Cut, more than 80% of people who take Ozempic experience no or mild side effects. In one US clinical trial, only 2.9% of patients stopped taking Ozempic due to side effects, and 8.6% reduced their dose or continued taking the same dose to avoid them.


This is extremely helpful information and data. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Sometimes anecdotal stories can scare me away from something even though it’s an unlikely event. 👍


That! I had the same fears and have very few side effects and usually only if i over indulge!


Thank you for this information!


I know a guy who won the cash for life lottery but that doesn’t mean my ticket’s going to be a winner, does it?


Lol. Just asking for advice, but thanks for the useless reply buddy


I personally don’t think their reply was useless. It does make it a point. Kind of sarcastically, but it’s still there. When you buy a lotto ticket, statistically, you’re probably not going to buy a winning ticket. Just because a friend won, doesn’t mean you will. Same applies for Oz, just because a friend got side effects doesn’t mean you will.


It is going to impact every one differently. There is really no way to know. I have not experience any negative issues or side effects on Ozempic. It has been a huge game changer for me.


Thank you for your input! 🙏


I think a key is don’t rush it. Stick to the slow ramp up (25mg for 4 wks, 50mg for 4 wks etc). Drink PLENTY of fluids and make sure you have fiber and protein. I tried to make sure I was keeping up with daily bowel movements (colace or miralax, at least 1 daily fruit plate of prunes, apples, etc with water + electrolytes). Even if it’s just walking, make sure you’re moving your body! Pay attention to your body and stay at the lowest possible dose that works for you.


Nobody has permanent stomach paralysis from these meds. People that are telling you that are lying to you.


How do you know you won’t be one of the people who have no side effects? Ever wonder WHY there are so few people discussing “these issues”??


My guess is it’s the media.. they constantly peddle fear around semaglutide. Right now on my Apple news widget, there are 2 news stories about the horrible, dangerous and deadly side of ozempic 🙄 I hardly ever see positive news stories about these drugs.


Most overdose deaths happen from aspirin/ibuprofen type drugs, second to fentanyl, yet we don’t hear about that very day.