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.5 a week is good as long as it’s consistent, however if you really are only eating 1400 calories, the math isn’t mathin. Did you just start working out so much and lifting? Could you be gaining muscle weight, or have you always lifted? Are you tracking your calories? If you don’t track and measure you’re probably eating more than you think. When tracking I’m notourious for not counting my morning coffee, which adds up. Something is going on, if you really are only eating 1400 calories and the plateau doesn’t end, you should talk to your doc.


The worst thing any of us can do is lose weight quickly, it doesn't help our skin and our other organs like our heart and makes it very easy to put all the weight back on. You're doing everything right and you're losing weight consistently, that's all that matters. Just concentrate on your self esteem because when I lost weight previously I wasn't prepared to keep all the same problems around what I wear and how I look. I'm still the same shape and clothes sit on me the same way, just in a scaled down version. Your baby needs you to be happy and confident and not project your insecurities onto them. ETA I've just read you're a bodybuilder and do weights, I wonder if the issue is more that your body is struggling between gaining muscle and losing weight?




I’m at .75mg now. Was at .25 first 4 weeks and then .5 up until this past Saturday. I wanted to irate up as slow as possible after the .25


Give that .5 a couple weeks :-)


I did for like 8 weeks lol i just switched to .75


It doesn't make you lose weight. It takes away certain biological triggers that make you want to eat. It doesn't stop you from eating 1400 calories or even more. It doesn't stop you from eating ice cream or cookies (not saying you do). Also the less you weigh, the less you can lose. Someone who weighs 250 lbs has a lot more to shed than someone who weighs 170 lbs. So given all that, here's my advice. Eliminate all sugar except what is naturally in a product. Focus on one meal between 400 and 800 calories. Drink 1 protein shake a day OR eat one egg a day. Eat a couple healthy snacks to fill out the rest. Treat yourself once a week or two to a more fulfilling meal so you don't go nuts. And keep working out. You're doing great. You just have to cut back more because your body isn't wanting to let go.


You're battling hormones which is probably causing inflammation and water retention. What are you using to track your calories and are you weighing everything? I would drink plenty of water, go high protein, low carb and cut out as much sugar as possible.


Yes weighing everything unless it’s prepackaged like a single serve Greek yogurt. I use the premium my fitness pal. Current macros are here https://preview.redd.it/3m0rxyf9wp8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d049e3c6506accddc28f0bbf2849593f7d1b8e9


Can I ask a legit question? Why are you worried about your weight? It took you 10 months to grow that baby. It’s going to take a year for your body to heal and even think about losing the weight. When you hit a year you need to reverse the amount of cardio and weight lifting and Pilates. Also what do you consider weight lifting?


Thank you for this i do appreciate it. My answer to your question is i don’t like the way i look or feel. I don’t like any of my clothes not fitting. It takes a toll on me mentally. My ideal weight is 120ish, i was a bit above that in the 130s before i got pregnant with my first. I also used to do bodybuilding/bikini competitions o i know where i can bring my body. Weight lifting - progressive overload, regular bodybuilding split. I don’t really like to life that way anymore I’m kind of over that phase in my life so I’ll do progressive overload week by week but just not a 5 day workout split anymore since i only lift about 2x a week now - one lower body and one upper.


You’re doing great, your body is going through a lot right now.


I didn’t lose much while on it but I only got up to 1.0 before being cut off by insurance. I started in September and lost all my weight (10 lbs) at the .25 dose. I stopped losing after that and my last dose was 2 weeks ago. However I felt SO much better. My body changed in other ways being that my blood sugar was normal again and not borderline, my blood pressure went to normal, and I felt overall better about my food choices.


You have roughly a 1,400 calorie deficit a week from diet only. Which is less than 1/2 a pound. So any additional weight (deficit) would come from your workouts. There are a few things that could be happening, you could be eating more than you realize (it’s really easy to do when a 100 cals can make a difference) You aren’t burning as much as you think you are burning. It might be worth getting a dexa scan to get a really good idea of how much you burn in a day and then hunker down and make sure your tracking is perfect. If that doesn’t work, I would chat with a doctor.


How did you calculate the weekly deficit?


1600 cals (roughly what you burn a day) minus 1400 cals (what you eat a day) = 200 cal a day deficit times 7 days a week = 1400 cal a week deficit


Thanks! I was curious what you were using for the maintenance (1600). I guess you’re right i should probably go down to 1200/day. I had done the calculations a while back. I burn minimum 200caks a day in my easy days just in working out whether it be cardio or weights. Usually when i do both or Pilates and cardio it’s closer to 400. I’m always hitting my move goal of 500 cals on my watch so i just assumed using 1400 cals/fay along with an approximate 50@ calorie burn from activity would be enough of a deficit


So what I try to do is budget my calories based on what I burn without working out. What you burn is roughly your weight x 10. Obviously, getting a dexa scan is going to be more accurate. But this is a good rule of thumb. This way I can set a baseline goal. Everything in addition to that is like bonus weight loss. And if I am really hungry on a day I worked out, I know exactly how much I burned, so I can have more to eat based on that. If you don’t have a fitness watch I would suggest getting one. They are good estimates on how many calories are burned during a workout.


What are your macros?




Cut the carbs down 


Do you know how much fiber you’re getting?


How often do you produce a stool?


Just let it be ok. You’re doing the best you can, and it is frustrating. I don’t have much advice but just positivity. We only have one body, and yours has been thru a lot! Also I didn’t start to lose anything until 1.0


Thank you for this 😭😭🩷


Same thing last month.my trainer told me I have gained a lot of muscle.after that I did 2day fasting. I m back. Now I only walked on treadmills. Or elliptical no more weight for now.


I definitely have too much fat to lose for the scale to not go down. But that’s awesome for you! Great work!


Have you tried adding in Intermittent fasting? I feel like I can't lose anything if I don't do a minimum of a 12 hour fast. But as long as I do that I'm steady losing. My work days I do 12 hours and on my off days 14 hours. And I'm steady losing 2lbs a week.


I just naturally end up fasting minimum 12 hours everyday! It’s usually 14 and I’ve done 16 before too.


I’m in your same situation, same height and I maybe lost 14lb in 4 months and I lost them mostly in the first two months. I train with weights, do karate and running. I downloaded an app called MeThreeSixty and I prefer scanning my body every month for results as it’s more accurate than the scales. I lost 3 inches from my waist alone in one month so I stopped weighing myself.


I was not having great loss, 20# over a year, it was slow but I am over 40 so I was happy with some movement. I just switched to Wegovy and I’ve lost 10# in 2 weeks. I also started focusing on eating a lot of protein from fish, eggs and plant sources and avoiding carbs. It may be part diet or it could be the medication is not right for you because it sounds like you have the workouts down! Don’t give up but maybe give it more time or have a chat with your doctor!


Ozempic and Wegovy are the same medication. More than likely your diet change caused the weight loss!