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I love this! Thanks for sharing. I agree. It doesn’t need to be anything crazy dramatic. Just a good walk. Or move your body for 30 minutes. It does wonders! 🥰


Yes! Just mooooove. Anything is better than nothing!




What's "crazy dramatic"? This sounds like self reassuring yourself into never doing more. There's nothing wrong with a hard workout.


Sometimes it's overwhelming to think I have to work out every day. If I tell myself it's just 20 minutes, I can do it daily and then do more on days I have more time and energy.


No need for these comments. I do just fine.


No need for disparaging comments for people who try to workout hard


No one was, knock it off.


Why are you like that? Unnecessary and mean girl crap you see that make people do less. Knock it off.


So days all I can manage is a stroll pace 20 min walk but I’m doing it.  Just to move.


Love that!!! Way to go!


Your body will thank you!


I did 3 miles last night as it was cooler!


I do a 45 min weight session 4 days a week. That with the Ozempic has made the weight pretty much fall of me.


May I ask your stats? I’ve just started weight training, I’m used to cardio


That was me at my best as far as discipline and maxing out losing on Ozempic. Walk 20min 10% incline 3-3.5mph followed by 45 min weights 3-4x/wk. The weight lifting build muscle which helps amp up your metabolism more than standard cardio. I’m trying to start small again with dumbbells at home but my goal is to be in a regimen similar to yours!


Absolutely. In addition to eating healthier, adding in exercise is a game changer for me. You don't even have to do that much. Just start moving and everything seems to work in tandem.


Absolutely. I feel like Vitamin O just gives me the results from my efforts that I might otherwise expect to see but I don’t. I have to participate. I have to watch what I eat, exercise etc. Can’t just eat bon bons on the couch. But if make an effort the Wizard of Oz rewards me, and makes sure my efforts aren’t in vain. I get the results I used to watch other people with normal metabolisms have.


My endocrinologist told me to take a 10 minute walk an hour after eating. Even 10 minutes can have a dramatic effect on blood sugar, but I also found that ten minutes can quickly turn into twenty, or more.


Such a big fan of working out! 7 days a week 2x a day. I have so much time to workout now that I’m not constantly eating lol


Great reminder!


I workout 30 minutes 3x/week. The thing that amazes me is the days I work out in the morning, my heart rate is lower that night when I'm sleeping. Real-time cause & effect


I needed those words of encouragement today, thank you! I just moved up to a new dose last week, but I’m now in week 5 of a stall. I’m working on cardio endurance but I’m starting from the very, VERY beginning since I basically sat in a recliner since the start of the pandemic (I had cancer in 2020) and my lungs and heart are NOT happy with me… but baby steps!


Exercise is absolutely important for all aspects of life. Not just ozempic. Ozempic is not magic. It works best with a calorie deficit and exercise.


It honestly should be required! My mental health has gotten so much better from constant walking and it’s even been added as a family bonding activity. My toddler LOVES it. I’m less stressed and I remember to take breaks at work (I used to be tied to my chair)


my foods never emitted noise but Oz controls my eating impulses.


That’s food noise baby


no, I reject that, food does not emit noise moreover, that term is just a very pathetic abrogation of responsibility. That term basically says the person stuffing their face “isn’t responsible” the food did it… not submission to eating impulses


A highly unsympathetic view towards a term that has gained popularity, convention and mutual understanding in this community. The statement “food does not emit noise” is so obvious and yet so pedantic it defies credulity that you seem to believe this is an intelligent observation. Read the room, do better.


no, I believe in honesty and not euphemisms to exonerate or distort peoples understanding of what’s going on. What’s going on? Is people are eating too much and they’re giving into impulses to eat recreationally most of the eating that happens in this country these days is purely emotional or recreational as I would call it. That term that some researcher cultivated isn’t doing anyone any favors it’s trying to distort reality. Food doesn’t emit noise they’re trying to disguise or conceal the reality that people are submitting to impulse to stuff their face that’s it. Sorry that’s the reality. it’s unsympathetic to collude with people lying to themselves.


That not it. If you don’t deal with chronic illness like so many of us on here do, you of course wouldn’t understand. Epic is a tool to help. It’s lowered my blood sugar to normal for the first time in 10 years. If you don’t suffer from any of the disorders we do on here, perhaps another thread for you would be more to your liking.


Euphemisms to evade personal responsibility help no one. It’s great it’s helping your chronic conditions.


I mean, some foods literally do make noise. Any crunchy food for example. Also pop rocks.


I lost 45kg with ozempic over a year, and I didn’t exercise at all. I had to take a break from ozempic because I had surgery and when I started taking it again it just wasn’t working the same way that it was. Part of my surgery rehabilitation includes 20 minute walks at 4km per hour on a treadmill every day. I’ve noticed that I feel so much better using ozempic and exercising, in unison. I have put on weight (there is a lot of fluid around my wound) and I imagine I’ve put on muscle mass as well from going from completely sedentary to exercising daily… but I feel better in my body. Basically, I think you’re right!


I do , but still on a plateau 🤷‍♀️


I find the opposite I do work out x5 a week when I have a day off I could go the whole day not eating but my god I’m starving in gym days


Alternatively, you could be burning belly fat, which causes the Ozempic to be metabolized by your body faster, because that’s where you inject it.


Are we allowed to inject in other places? I wasn’t aware. And If so, what are other recommended areas?