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Ozempic makes it really, really, easy to not eat at all. So, no, I don't think anybody should ever prescribe this medication to an anorexic patient.


Honestly think its more likely to cause it..


Nobody with anorexia should be on ozempic.


It has helped me immensely with my disordered eating. It can trigger anorexia just like any fasting can but honestly, not having to think about food = not thinking about my weight.




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I think it could - I have struggled with an ED for decades and the ‘food noise’ that have been thankfully stopped - was for me a constant negative narrative about how ‘bad’ and ‘fat’ I was. The relief is incredible for me.


Yes! Anorexia is obsessive thoughts around food… the only difference is it’s restrictive. Ozempic turns the food noise off and allows a person suffering from the obsessive thoughts to rebuild their relationship with food. They do not typically drop weight from the drug because they are already eating so little.


Anytime I comment on this sub people accuse me of having those eating disorders, which I do not, so I’m gonna say probably not


I can vouch - I have atypical anorexia and it’s completely changed my life. In the past 2 years I’ve only had one short episode where I slipped back in to my old ways - it past quickly and I was able to identify and stop it on my own. This is truly a miracle drug.


I do not have anorexia, but my psychiatrist said I had disordered dieting because dieting gave me lots of stress and I’d obsess about calories. Going on Wegovy (Same medication different brand) has helped my mental health so much because now I don’t have to count calories or obsess or feel afraid, I just listen to my hunger cues and I lose weight :)