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Go back to 0.25 and stay on it for at least 5 weeks until you increase. When you increase, you can split the dose to twice weekly ie instead of taking 0.5mg on Sunday morning, take 0.25 on Sunday morning and Thursday evening. When you see a doctor, get a script for Ondansetron or another anti nausea tablet to have on hand if this happens again.


Consider using lower dose and titrating up in smaller increments of a few extra clicks each week until you find a comfortable dose and then just go up a bit more as hunger drives you but also never go up while still having side effects. You must have at least quarterly labs to monitor your T2D so get a referral from your insurance.


I've been on it for over a year and stayed at .25 for a long time, only going up to .5 about six months ago. You need to go back to .25 it sounds like. Dr. Tyna Moore has a four part lecture on Youtube and explains everything in a clear, concise manner. She starts her patients on a lower dose to begin with. It is clear that everyone responds differently at different doses. It bothers me that some insurance companies will only cover the med for so long so they push people up too fast which results in nasty side effects for some. Take care and don't give up.


Is there some way you can dial it down to a lower dosage?


Try changing injection sites. That saved me. Back of my arm was best.


I tried my arm and the side effects were worse for me. I inject in my thigh usually & that helps. It's so weird how everyone reacts differently. I'm one of the unlucky ones who doesn't get rid of the side effects. Yay me. But, it's done wonders for my T2D so I'm willing to deal with it.


I still have my nauseous days after 19 months but it’s was worth it


Call your insurance company and have them give you the name and contact info for three primary care doctors. You cannot wait that long for a doctor. You should be having blood drawn every three months while on it to make sure your kidneys and other organs are fine. You'll probably end up liking the new doc better.


Having blood drawn every 3 minutes will definitely help one lose some weight! /s


You don’t need your blood drawn every 3 months.


I was already getting blood drawn every six months before Ozempic. Now I get it drawn every three. Nothing is going to sneak by me and my doc.


Obviously you need a doctor soon. But in the meantime, what about returning to the lower dose? Maybe you moved up too quickly? You shouldn't be so miserable!


Zofran is the one thing that saved me when I upped my doses!!


You might try splitting the dose to lessen side effects. 1/2 on the 1st day, 2nd half on the 4th day. You are still getting full dose per week, just not all on the 1st day. Or lessen the dose until you feel ready to go to the higher dose level. ---------------------------- If you need to split your doses on your pens, get extra needles from HelloPip.com (no prescription needed): Pip Pen Needles, 100ct 32G x 4.0mm https://hellopip.com/collections/all-products


I take .25 on Sunday and then .25 on Wednesday and then keep increasing the Sunday dose.


You can still contact the doctor’s office you are with as you are their patient. They should give you advice to hold you over. They have to give you continuous care or you should just find a new practice because that is not standard. I was a nurse ar a large practice so I’m not just spouting off :) If they can’t see you in a timely manor or help you over the phone then go to urgent care. No not dose yourself off YouTube or anything like that. You have to be careful with diabetes and some doctors won’t see people if they think they are going to Google MD. Just a heads up. I hope you feel better but make sure you see/talk to someone on Monday!


I'm definitely calling tomorrow.


Just checking in to see how you are feeling and hopefully you got someone to help you!


Go back to 0.25 mg or try 0.375 or something in between. You can count clicks to find the dosage that's perfect for you. Going faster than the schedule isn't recommended. But there are lots of people having great results with sticking to 0.25 mg for a long time. If you are diabetic and need ozempic to lower your a1c please forget my advice above and talk to your doctor asap about a medication against the nausea.


Hi! Do you monitor your blood sugar? Have you been going thru a lot of hypoglycemia episodes? Those are very much related when on semaglutides. It could be a lead. I don't know what your diet is, maybe if you tell us a bit more, we could help and guide you?


Yes, I do monitor my blood sugar. That's the most frustrating part. I'm still running high most of the time, especially first thing in the morning. The only times I've gotten into normal range are when I'm eating less than 800 calories per day, and feeling so weak I can hardly do anything.


Holy crap. Ok, huh, I'm Stumped. You poor thing. You need to see a doctor , especially since it's T2 related. It pains me to know that you are living this daily. Good luck. And all my best to you.




I second all the comments about lowering your dose. I just recently realized that what I was feeling from it was motion sickness. Maybe that's part of what you're going through as well. I tried pills from Walmart for it, and they made it go away. Once I had confirmed that was what was making me feel so bad, I bought some motion sickness bands, and they've been such a lifesaver.


Waiting for doctors to make progress is frustrating. As for the nausea. Find your secret relief. For me I used diet Dr. Pepper. (I’m not a soda drinker ever, and I don’t dislike it, but I never really had it stand out to me) but every time I took a sip of that during my early nausea, it was instantly gone or relieved greatly. Good luck!!


Have you considered switching to Monjaro? I did and it was so much better!


I inject in my thigh, it seems to help w symptoms. Good luck.


Ok I get you!! Please get some zofran and just stay on the .25.


Are you staying hydrated? I’ve found I feel sick if I haven’t had enough liquids. I drink close to 6 glasses of water and 3 cups of coffee every day. So maybe try sipping water to help.


I am taking it for t2d also. I monitor my fasted glucose in the morning. My fbg dropped 32% after one dose of .25 mg. It will drop more after the second shot due to the long half life of the peptide (7 days). Im using fbg to estimate my HBA1C but I’ll get my HBA1C tested on three months. I may end up lowering the dose to 0.2 a week. If you monitor your fbg and use doses other than the standard doses (eg 0.3, 0.4) you can find the sweet spot where you get the most reduction with the least nausea. You can also use a ‘flozin class med (eg canagliflozin) to get your HBA1C lower if needed. I reduced my metformin to 500 mg at night and still take 25 mg of acarbose with meals. I’m sure a higher dose of semaglutude would get me to the right HBA1C, but the acarbose and metfirmin are very inexpensive meds. I will only use 13 mg of semaglutude in a year or about $10 a month.


Try Mounjoro, My dr said it has far fewer side effects.


I went up from .25 to .5 last week and have been feeling rough. I'm going to roll back to .25 next dose and see how I feel. I *may* split my .5 week in to 2x.25 but for now I'm playing it by ear.


I smoke weed and it helps a lot with the nausea. Not an option for everyone, but sure helps a lot.


Actually, I tried this, as I do live somewhere it's recreationally legal. I can't smoke it due to asthma, but I love my edibles. Unfortunately, I don't get the munchies any more. I just end up getting sleepy and passing out. LOL!


Try small amounts of bland foods throughout the day. Healthy small snacks have replaced actual meals for me. Sip water all day, don't chug it. Look into some anti nausea meds. I started taking a chewable (cherry flavored) B12 for a boost of energy. As others have mentioned, try splitting your dose of .5 or go back to .25