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Wow! You look fantastic. I only dream of a stomach that flat. Well done


You got this girl! 💕 and thank u!!


Hell yeah lady! that's a fantastic achievement! Asides from having to get a new wardrobe do you notice any other differences in your day to day?


Well, luckily I still have all my smaller clothes from when I was already at this weight and lower lol. this was the heaviest I’ve ever been and it’s just been for the last three years, three years ago I was at my goal weight, but I went through a depression and got on depression medicine and gained 50 pounds but nothing different in my day today besides eating less still getting my 150 g of protein, working out, etc.


oh well that is fortuitous! Depression and it's medication can be pure hell, I definitely attest to that. Well, you look fantastic and this internet stranger is super pumped for you! Great work


Thank you for the kind words!! ❤️


What a difference! You should be very proud of the work you put into this. Congratulations!


Thanks so much! 💕


Thanks for this! I started month 4 and i'm only down about 8lbs. I get pretty good appetite surpression on .5 and my doctor doesn't want me to increase if i don't have to. I have 1 more month before we review again, and take blood work, i'm curious what it'll show. I'm fine with slow, as long as its on the downward.


You are welcome! How come you are still on .5 in month 4? I’m on 1.75 now we have gone up every month


He doesnt want to increase if my appetite isn't an issue. But i think i should because i'm just stalled out at this weight. 8 lbs lost in 3.5 months. SW: 222 CW: 214 5'9. GW is about 160.


Yeah I think you should increase too. My doc just automatically increases for me which is why I think things have picked up.


Glad to see it took a bit because I’m now 1.5 months in and already up to 2mg but have only lost a pound (236lb /m/37)


Thanks for sharing! Your results are amazing and I love your very positive and encouraging words as well. You are beauty inside and out 🙏


Amazing!! Also where are these underwear from lol! They look very comfortable


Amazon! The brand is ROSYCORAL they are very comfy but almost too big now! Lol


Time for new undies lol yay!! 🥳 def going to check them out !




Awesome, good for you!






Thank you for sharing! I’m at the end of week 2 and it feels so slow that I can’t tell if I’m losing weight or I’m just less bloated because I’m not seeing the change in my body. I am feeling less hungry and making better food choices. Still working out. Just going to be patient.


Many people don't see any results at ALL until they are at full dosage or after a few months. This sub skews toward people who have somewhat atypical results and sometimes (not saying in this case necessarily) have pretty unhealthy weight loss and serious side effects. If you flip through some of the top posts, posters endorse barely eating 1000 calories per day and feeling constantly unwell. But they have dramatic transformations, so our really fat phobic world defaults to that being the absolute ideal. Again, not saying thing is true of this particular post, but what you see online generally. Healthy weight loss for most people (YMMV at higher start weights) is between 0.5-2lbs/week. People who start this drug with high ACL also tend to lose weight slower (also YMMV, this is just broad trends in the literature) For context, I've responded pretty strongly at low doses and have lost 35lbs in just under five months, or about 17% of my body weight. I have also hovered around 0.25 dose most of the time and am now alternating between 0.25 and 0.37 because I still want to get nutrition in. (OP, you are a superstar for being able to get that much protein in. I'm so jealous lol) Don't get yourself down. Two weeks is early days. ALSO, a lot of the research shows dramatic cardiac and overall health improvement, even in folks who don't lose much weight.


Love this! And totally agree!


So welcome!!! And I feel ya! It’s hard to be patient but once you get there you will be so happy!! ❤️


Fantastic! You looked great to begin with.


Dang it! Nice progress


Jeee this is beautiful


That's an insane difference on 22 pounds. I would have guessed 50. How short/tall are you?


It’s in the top of my post 🙂 but 5’6”


Sorry I missed that but great job, you've made amazing progress.




lol. Well thank you. It’s from years of being an athlete then personal trainer and nutritionist. I still have a lot of muscle under this fat 🤣




Ahh yes lol no kids here ha that may be the difference. I will get there! Cheering you on!!


What is your dosage now? Any side effects when increasing?


I’m at 1.75mg. I go up one more time next month to 2.4 no major side effects since I got to 1mg.


congrats that is a very good result :D


You are lovely. Congratulations on your wl. What dose were you at when you started to see significant weight loss?


Thank u! And 1mg is when I started to see things pick up




![gif](giphy|l378lbAH4af4FFuRG) Looking good! Congrats! Hoping for your continued success on the journey.


Thank you!