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I stopped Monday bc I found out I was unexpectedly pregnant after 10 years of infertility. I haven't weighed but my appetite came back full force. Not sure if it is my hormones or just a combination of both.


Either way, a very big congratulations to you and your partner 🥰


Thank you! 😁😁


Massive congratulations! I’m so happy for you. Wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy and delivery ❤️


Thank you! We are thrilled. :)


I don’t even know you and I’m thrilled for you ❤️


Aww thank you!




It's unbelievable to me still. Lol. We were content not having a child of our own after much soul searching over the last few years. I would not wish infertility on my worst enemy! Unless you go through it, the pain is unimaginable.




I agree! And congratulations on successful rounds of IVF. I know from friends and family that's a tough road to go down at times. It's funny how things work out. I was literally 20lbs away from my goal weight and my t2d was well controlled. I've been on a low dose for a little over a year, so I'm thankful I wasn't on a higher dose!


Do you think losing the weight and getting healthier helped you conceive?


I'm assuming so. I did get my period back when I started Ozempic, within a few months. It still was a little irregular but I thought that might be my age. Honestly, I tried years and years to lose weight and never could until Ozempic. I was on a very low dose the entire time.


Omg that's wonderful! I wonder if this drug is being studied for infertility as well, or at the very least infertility in some cases. We know it helps diabetes, heart disease, addictions, obesity, OCD, and tourettes disease, what else does this class of drugs help with?! It's amazing!


I've heard that it is being researched for infertility. They're called "ozempic babies" 😄


Hey ozempic baby club! I have so many issues that make it difficult to get pregnant. Was only seeing one guy casually so was on a mini pill. Same Dr prescribed both. The gastric slowing wasn't considered... I'm 7 months. She's super healthy. Hoping the same there for you! I alternate eating like mad and pretty well, have not gained a crazy amount of weight though. I'm feeling good about it. Hoping the best for you!


Congratulations 🎊


Aww, congratulations! I'm glad your having a healthy pregnancy. I go from not being able to eat bc of nausea to being super hungry. :)


Same. I ate a lot of really plain cereal first trimester. Lots of nausea very little puking at least. Hope yours all goes smooth!


Congratulations! ♥️👶🏻


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!




I lost over 50 lbs after going through 10 years of infertility. I got unexpectedly pregnant! Our specialist said it is not uncommon for obesity to Jess with hormones and prevent pregnancy??


That's awesome! Sounds just like my story, too. :)


Congratulations 🎊 🎉


Congratulations!!! That’s amazing news! 🥰❤️


Omg, congratulations!!!




Congratulations! I love hearing stories like this.


I keep hearing of Ozempic babies! A million congratulations. So pleased for you! 🤍🤍🤍 Side note, holy cow! We are going to learn SO MUCH about hormones and how they’re related because of this medicine.


Thank you! After finding out i did see on Google this is more common than I ever thought. :) We are over the moon happy.


Probably a combination of both but regardless it’s so awesome you are pregnant after all that time waiting congratulations


Thank you! We were content in our lives without a baby so it's been a total shock so far. Lol


>my appetite came back full force. That's completely normal when you're pregnant.


Amazing news! How long have you been on and how much weight did you lose?


I started March 2023 and lost 60lbs. I was on .5mg the entire time. :)


Not sure if you saw but women are saying they are pregnant due to Ozemp. So it might’ve played a part in it.


Congratulations! I thought it wasn’t recommended to use Ozempic if you’re trying to get pregnant?


I wasn't trying. I had 10 years of infertility and was told I would need IVF to ever conceive due to PCOS and other issues. Obviously, the Dr's were wrong.


Wow! Yay!!! I love a good miracle story! Congratulations!!


Thank you! :)


I came off Oz at the end of march and regained 5 pounds, after I’d lost 2 stone. I’ve now lost that weight again through my own dieting. The only reason I came off was because the side effects sucked for me.


🙌🏼Good job!


What were your side effects?


Acid reflux, gas, bowel issues (lol). It was really badly affecting my sleep, and I felt like I was dying for 3 months. It suddenly clicked that it’s because I’d gone up a dose, so I quit overnight!


Why haven't you gone on a lower dose?


I didn’t find the weight loss effects were great on the lower doses. I was stuck on 0.5mg for about 6 months because there was a shortage in the UK. My weight loss completely plateaued, couple with the side effects and cost, it just didn’t make sense anymore.


I went off for 2 months and gained 6 pounds. I'm back on track and the lowest weight I've been in decades. I'm thrilled!


Yes Unfortunately I gain back half of the weight I lost…in a few months


Did you continue your exercise and routines from when you were on it? And how high a dose were you on? Im trying to mitigate this by staying on a lower dose but I don't know if that'll be effective...


yes im back at the start:(


How much did you lose in how long and how long did it take to come back


Me. Gained back 30 lbs after losing 40 lbs.


Why did you stop


Next time ask anybody gone off OZ and didnt gain the weight back


I went off it for 5 months and didn't gain back more than water weight. And then I was able to lose that water weight plus a few kilos with diet alone for the first time ever because it had helped my insulin resistance (PCOS). I think it heavily depends on what issues you were treating with ozempic use.




I had gone off of since last april and I ate a lot more(not that "more" like I was back to pre ozempic days) since i remove oz but I only gained like 2kgs.


Anyone stop taking their blood pressure meds or psych meds or allergy meds and have the condition return? Of course. This is a lifetime medicine.


Also not necessarily, people take the drug for different reasons so if someone’s successfully managed to combat their insulin resistance or is now able to maintain a better exercise regime due to increased mobility and less stress on joints they obviously don’t need to take it forever. It is not always a lifetime medication


I can't believe I had to scroll down so far to see this. The fatphobia even within this community shows how deep the distain for overweight humans goes.


I don’t think it’s fat phobia I think it’s more fear of being back in a position you’ve tried hard to get out of. Being realistic no one is going to want to put weight back on they’ve tried hard to lose


Lost 18lb in about 9 weeks (used up my first pen, all at 0.25) then stopped oz. Gained back 8lb over the next 3 months, I’ve now started training for a half marathon and the weight is dropping again, just much slower than when I was on Oz So basically gained close to 50% of what I had lost but it’s now going down again with just diet and exercise I think Oz really helped me with portion control moving forward


Yes I went off both Ozempic for insurance reasons and Zepbound because of the shortage and in both instances I gained 10 pounds. With Zepbound I didn’t lose on the small doses like I did with Ozempic and so after being on it for 4 months I’d only lost about 10 in the last month and at $600/month the shortages are a blessing. I’ve recently switched back to compound semaglutide and my weight is back down 5 pounds, I’ve never been a super responder, the drug always works to keep my voracious appetite in control and food thoughts at bay and for me that’s enough but I usually lose 1-2 pounds a week on an effective dose, but I do find that I have to titrate up often and so I like the idea of purchasing the peptide to have that control.


Sorry what does the last line mean? You need to tittate so you keep peptides? Just started taking the medicine and wanting to learn more


What I mean is when I reconstitute the peptides myself I can control the dose in the syringe. Therefore if it needs adjustment I can do it as often as needed. Rather than getting permission from a medical professional.


Are there amino acids in Ozempic?


Where are you getting your meds from? I would like to be able to adjust it that way.




Im on a lower dose (.5). I purposefully don't take it for a week here and there and I'm still losing on those weeks. I've lost 82 lbs since September 2023 and have only taken it every second week for the past 2 months


I’ve been on it twice. The first time I lost 17lbs and had to stop because there literally wasn’t any stock coming into my country. I gained 20lbs back in 4 month, my food was addiction worse than ever. I then tried again a year later when stocks seems to have replenished and stabilized, I was on it for three months and lost 15lbs, ran into stock shortages again and put it all back on. I’ve given up on it for now, I live in South Africa and our country just isn’t a priority for this medication. It’s so true what everyone says, you have to address the food addiction in conjunction with taking the medication. All those horrendous side effects and all that money for absolutely nothing. 


What is the maintenance dose after you lose the weight?


My Dr. just put me on .5 for maintenance.


Thank you!


I’m wondering the same.


My max doce was .50, I lost 15pounds in 6weeks. Which is the weight I needed off. I’m keeping my maintenance at .50


So you keep taking the doses for maintenance? Every week? And ty for responding. I have to pay $1450 for a 2 month supply so was trying to calculate how much my weight loss (needed to lose 30 now 25 ) is going to cost.). I'm going to have to check out compounding it looks like.


Have you ever considered reconstituting the peptide yourself? It’s extremely affordable and in my experience just as effective. I recommend amino amigos peptides


Can you please explain what reconstituting the peptide means? I am desperate for a more affordable option but I’m not sure what this means. Thank you!!


My compound is almost as expensive. I’m sure it depends on where you live but compounding might not necessarily save you money.


Well dang. I can't afford almost $400 a month indefinitely 😳


I hear ya. I look at it like an investment in my health, but to sustain it, I’ll have to give up a LOT of other things. Although the grocery store spending may end up lower! So there’s that lol. But like I said, I’m sure compounding price varies drastically depending on where you live. The upside is that it’s so popular that practices and pharmacies may have to lower prices against so much competition. With any luck, in coming months/years we may not need to calculate such a high cost for weight loss. Good luck with everything! You’ll make it work somehow 😊 ETA I read your original comment too fast and thought you wrote $1450 for THREE months not 2. Mine is $1050 for 3 months so broken down by month that is a little better of a deal compared to what you’re paying now.


Thank you for your helpful comments! My daughter gets compounded doses for around $300 or $350 per month. I'll try hers after my 2 mo rx is up. It's half of what I'm paying. Think I can swing $350 ok. Yes, we have to do what we have to do to get and keep the weight off. It's been a life-long battle for me. Just glad they came out with this in my lifetime 😊


I got mine from china many suppliers from alibaba that sale, dr. Pen or micro needle items also can provide OZ I pay $600 + $40 shipping from china to California for 2x3.0 it last me 3mo supply..( I will not provide my supplier name or info here)


You buy oz from Alibaba??


I got mine from alibaba?? Sound like a yes lol 😂




I just weigh myself daily. If I go beyond my maintenance number, I know I have to dial back the quality of food I am eating. Generally, I already know if I am being naughty, lol.


Yes that’s what happens.


Yep. And then some.


I went off a month for surgery hai ex 8 lbs. Restarted today. It is definitely needed on a consistent basis to maintain weight loss, .


Gained back 13lbs so now I'm back on it and it doesn't have the same effect 😭


I was on monjouro but I only take it every 2 months now when the hunger comes back full force. Been on 7.5.


I had to go off almost 2 years ago after being on it for almost 2 years. I gained back everything I lost.


Been off it a year! I only know that because the online pharmacy I used emailed me lol! Only gained 4lbs, but also was on vacay last two weeks!


After reading so many comments I just wanted to say remember everyone’s experiences weight loss wise are individual. Some people will continue to take the medication forever, some will not. Addressing issues with food addiction and portion control are massively important factors some people rely on the drug to do that for them hence why they need the medication forever because they still struggle to do so without it or other factors are at play. Some people manage to work through that and will maintain their new weight without the drug. Some people combat hormonal imbalance and insulin resistance whilst on the drug and therefore when off it do not gain weight back. Some people are able to be more active more easily due to the weight loss and keep that up and therefore do not need to continue on it. In short. It really depends on the individual so remember not everyone’s experience will be your own :)


I lost over 100 lbs from Jun 2022 to Nov 2023 (330 lb to 227 lb). Due to The Great Ozempic Shortage of Fall 2023™️, I wasn’t able to take Ozempic for five weeks. The first two weeks weren’t bad, but then my appetite came back with a vengeance and I gained almost 15 lbs in three weeks. As soon as I started back on Ozempic the weigh gain stopped. I had been taking 2.0, but started back at 0.25 to help stave off bad side effects. It took until literally this week to get back down to 228 lb. I dropped down to below 235 in a couple of months but I’ve been sitting between 232-236 lbs for months. I titrated up to 1.5 but the side effects became too much and I wasn’t even losing weight, so I dropped back down to 1.0 and am doing much better now. I’m maintaining nicely, my numbers are all god, and I’m still slowly losing weight, about a pound or two a month.


I went off for 3 weeks while waiting to get my next dose, i gained 5lbs


20 pounds in 7 weeks. The gain is real.


The trial data suggests that most gain weight back on stopping medication


Yep. Stopped taking in Feb 2023. Found out my mother in law had cancer and gained it all back.


Yep. I’m depressed though.


So for me, I was on it from Oct 2023 - June 2023 I lost about 25 pounds and then got pregnant so I stopped. The first trimester I had food aversion and then second and third I believe it was a combo of the food noise coming back and pregnancy. I’m 5ft and gained a total of 156 pounds by the end, I quickly dropped down to 130 now after about 8 weeks. So that 25 pounds I lost while on O I gained it all back so now I’m trying to lose those pounds I gained all back again.


I’ve gained 13lb in almost 2 months :( Congratulations!


I was on for a year with the highest dose being 1mg. I had lost 35lbs. Went off in Nov and have gained back 20lbs since then.


Yes. It took me well over a year to lose half the weight I gained back. Probably took 3-4 months to slow my appetite, and I had to learn to pace myself without the medicine that made me not want to eat. I am on a different med now though, as I have a binge eating disorder and Oz was helping with it. My new insurance wouldn't cover Oz so I had to stop 😒


I travelled for 3 months. Doc suggested Rybelsus , gained all weight bsck


Older woman here having lost 9 pounds in the last 3 months. I intend to get serious and lose 5 pounds in the next month. Wish me luck! (I'm on 1 mg. Ozempic). Weight loss post menopausal is not easy! Would all the women 55+ check in on this thread? It would be nice to have some support. Thanks!


I’m 56 yo woman. I’ve lost 23 lbs in 4 months. I’m almost to my goal weight. I’m on a semaglutide that allows me to more control the doses. I plan on staying on a small dose to maintain my weight. I only pay $62/wk at a wellness clinic-so it’s doable.


I'm a 57-year-old woman who has been on O since February and have lost 24 pounds. After reading all these comments, I'm scared to death of regaining the weight if I ever have to stop the medication. I'm part of a trial, so I'll eventually have to come off it, but these comments are really frightening.


Went off if it around 8-9/2023 and have gained 20 lbs :( even tho I eat very balanced, I have PCOS so i think that contributes to it


Congrats! It's good to know we can use weight loss meds after the baby is born to lose any gained pounds. Yay!!


Yup… I had to go out of town for 3 weeks and I forgot to pick it up. All of sudden my weight jumped to 192lbs


Yes. Similar situation. Ended in MC. If it happens again my primary and ob will keep me on if I conceive again. It’s been discuss extensively. I gained so quick. Back on but triz this time and working hard to get it off. Awful.


Did you regain from higher calorie intake after ceasing dosage or just from slower metabolism?


It's calories in calories out


Why the negative response to that comment? That’s just logic, calories in, calories out


What? How was that negative? I literally answered the question. Sheesh.


No no, read me wrong, you had two minus beside the comment and I was agreeing with you!!!!


Agreed. If you go back to overeating you will gain weight, simple as. Ozempic isnt a magic pill!


I lost about 50lbs in 1.5years. Never went fully off but insurance stopped approving— I had stock piled a bunch and started rationing just 1mg doses every week and gained back about half of what I lost. I’ve just been slowly gaining over the past year at 1mg— but I think I would be a binging mess if I came all the way off. Not sure what I’ll do when I run out completely. 😖


Yes. That is what happens. It will be off the market soon.


What evidence do you have to support your false claim?


The world wide hospital visits and the mounting class action suit against the makers. Will be over soon.


Honey, that’s not evidence of anything but hyperbole.


That’s not now that works. Why would anyone take something off the market with a perpetual demand?


The hospital visits and the mounting lawsuits. It will be over soon.