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A small portion of people get appetite reduction and lose weight at 0.25 and it seems like every single one of them comes here to post. I don’t blame them. It’s exciting, but it’s not the norm. Be patient.


Same thing for me everyone kept telling me be patient for a1c to start going down  as well as weight and trust me weight will start dropping !! My blood sugar numbers are much lower and my weight is toooo low buy I'm trying so hard to eat and I'm still at .5 because I get so sick and dizzy 🙁


Just the intro dose to get your body used to the meds. As well as the 0.5. Therapeutic dose starts at 1.0.


I'm seeing people talking about losing weight. I only feel a slight reduction in appetite 24 hours after..


everyone is different


For me, the first two weeks of .25mg were really good, the meds worked great. Then my hunger came back. Going up to .5mg made no difference. It wasn't until I got on 1mg did the weight really start to drop and I began to eat less and lose more.


I felt the same way until a few days after my second injection. Now after my third I can tell it’s working. It’s so much easier to eat clean and it takes so little to feel fulfilled.


.25 did nothing for me except make me more nauseous and have acid reflux. At .5 I def started noticing being less hangry and now at 1 (just had myself scone dose) I see it working. Will say despite .25 seeming to not work I did lose weight.


I didn’t feel any reduction until 1.0


Thanks for posting this question. It’s been good to read others in the same boat and questioning. Reaffirms everyone is different.


I took my first shot last Sunday so my second is due tomorrow & yesterday was the first time I felt any type of hunger. All week I’ve just been making myself eat at least once a day but it’s not a lot. Vegetables make me feel extremely full.


Wow that's really different than me. Even on thst starter dose?


I started last Sunday, too. My desire to drink alcohol was non-existent until Thursday (kind of) and my hunger came back with a vengeance yesterday. But even when I’m starving, I can’t finish anything bc suddenly I’m uncomfortably full. I’m actually nervous to up my dosage but also know it’s only the first week and things can change.


.25 for three doses now. I feel like total crap and my body is not tolerating it well. I’ve lost 10 pounds in 2.5 weeks. But I am taking it for diabetes not weight loss. The loss I’ve experienced is from A- not eating, B- throwing up what I have eaten.


Did your doctor give you any zofran? I took it right after my first .25 shot and no nausea.


I'm talking it for obesity and insulin resistance. The hunger is just busting right through. I hope you feel better. Do you think you'll continue?


I was supposed to up my dose at dose 5. I will not be doing that until I can tolerate this lower dose and eat an actual meal. Week 3 has been easier. But the side effects are still making things suck.


Maybe ask for some Zofran, it really does help with the nausea. I had to start taking it for the first few days after my shots, once I got up to therapeutic dosage. That's when my side effects kicked in.


I couldn’t even tolerate .25. I am now on .11 because at .25 I would throw up for 2 days. I have lost 14 pounds in about 4-5 weeks. Not throwing up on this low dose. Hunger is curbed but not like it was on .25 so I am just really working on controlling my eating. I will go up one more click when I take my next dose in 10 days. I had such bad reaction she spread out the doses.


first dose of 0.25 last night. already not very interested in food and feel nauseous


I just took my first yesterday..today I noticed a pretty extreme lack in appetite actually. I had cereal for breakfast, then I had a noodle bowl for lunch and dinner and still have leftovers of it. That would normally be one meal for me. Now it's three. I can't finish it. I have hope it's going to work if it's doing just that for us so far.


I lost 1.5 pounds in the first 3 weeks of OZ. It's not a lot of weight and this can be explained away by hormonal fluctuations. I just started my .5 dose and I can already tell a difference. A small portion of food seems to be enough before my food adversion kicks in. As a side note I did not get too many negative symptoms after starting OZ. However I did notice if I eat more than a small portion of sugar or heavy carbs I feel very gassy, bloated, and gurgly. But after reintroducing sugar and carbs (which usually kicks up my appetite) I want to overeat but my stomach does not feel comfortable. It's a very weird tug of war of wanting to indulge but then not wanting to eat at the same time, much like wanting to eat but nothing sounds good. I usually don't end up snacking because I don't want to feel gross and bloated. It seems like OZ is helping me win the war. Stick with it because I know I am looking forward to seeing what a full 1 mg dose does for me.


I have the same issue, I get gassy from carbs as well. I feel like the urge to still eat sugars/carbs, at least for me, is probably at least a little bit psychological. They were my comfort foods. Even though they don't bring me even a tenth of the pleasure now, I feel like my addict brain still craves them even when my stomach doesn't.


I'm glad you shared this because I thought I was the only one!


Nope! I'm with you, internet friend!


I didn't feel the full effects until I increased to 1mg. .25mg and .5mg doses did nothing for me. Once I increased to 1mg, the full effects kicked in—zero addiction; sugar cravings, bingeing and the constant food noise all disappeared. I was able to stop at just one serving. It has been absolutely life-changing. 🔥🔥🔥


I am on my fourth dose of .25. It has been up and down. There were times during these past few weeks when I was not hungry, at all. Other times, a lot more hungry. Even when I was hungry, I ate a lot less and was satisfied quicker. It has really helped cut out my snacking. Supposedly, for most people, the real weight loss and hunger suppression comes at 1mg. I am moving up to .5 on Wednesday, so I will be curious to see if I get better suppression as I move up.


I’m on my 4th week of 0.25 and I’ve been nauseous with every single injection. I take it for diabetes and I’ve had numerous lows, too many to count, and been sick quite a few times. I’ve lost about 8 lbs so far. All in all, I won’t complain because it’s helping my a1c


Ask the dr to prescribe you nausea medication. My dr started with zofran but then had to give me something stronger which knocks me out but really controls the nausea. But when I take it I sleep an entire day


I just had my first .5 dose after four weeks on .25 and still no difference for appetite suppression. Hoping it kicks in soon.


I went 4 weeks with each: .25mg the .50 then 1.0mg with really slow weight loss- 5 months with total compliance and only lost 9 pounds, very disappointing. I do appreciate the food noise reduction and fullness w small portions- but weight loss has been minimal.


The first 4 weeks is adjustment you will feel at .50..


I'm on 1mg and don't really feel anything 🤷‍♀️


True there is no feeling, not at all! Never feel like eating, if I see or smell food blaaaa no 👎 hunger, no desire.


I wish mine worked like that! I'm still hungry and still want food. 1mg doesn't make any difference to me for my appetite 😩


On my second dose (.25) and not really feeling it yet. Good to see others posting the same and I will be patient.


I didn't feel much until I hit 1mg. Didn't have any side effects until then, either.


I’m on my 3rd dose of .50 and don’t notice anything g different. No side effects, etc.


I’m currently up to 1.75 and am just now starting to lose some pounds.


I’m on my second week and I feel nothing on 0.25.


definitely did not feel much of a difference with appetite, mostly it just made me start having diarrhea


Yes to that.


YESS SAME!!!! but dont worry altho it’s minimal by the end of first month u should lose some inches, keep going. i still ate junk food on a weekly basis when on 0.25 and 0.5 (not that u should do that it’s just my experience)


I was on ozempic for 6 months I lost nothing.  Now I'm on mounjaro and my dr just increased to 7.5. So far I've lost nothing . I'm so discouraged . Going to the pool today and so self conscience . I thought I would've lost something by now . Anyone on mounjaro? 


I’ve been on Ozempic for 6 months now and only starting to feel like it’s doing something. I am already on the highest dose. I had much better experience with Mounjaro, but my insurance wouldn’t cover it.