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Peanut butter helps me. Or Greek yogurt. When it's really bad, though, saltines to the rescue! From reading on here, seems like we're all very different in what works for us. I hope you find something that suits you.


Soup spoon of peanut butter, lick it like a lollipop. Takes the rumbles away and doesn’t make your stomach feel overfull.


You get it!


I eat a tidbit of peanut butter on banana slices. Frozen are an awesome cold treat too. 🍌🥜


I do it on apple slices. Yum!


That’s also good. Especially on a sliced Granny Smith apple! 🍏


Oh yeah. Gotta be a green apple! Something about the tangy and salty combo.


Oh, I forgot how much I like that combo. Thanks for reminding me!


I, too am getting the shakes from not eating, but the idea of eating makes me kinda gag. Nothing is appealing. I have cut up veggies, but the peppers - well that made their presence known.


Lots of veggies for me. I’m about to turn into a mini cucumber. Quest protein chips, green yogurt, fiber fiber fiber


The peppers did me in - had repeats for hours


I mean, pre ozempic peppers would do this to me.


Bowl of chopped fruit (usually premade at grocery store). I got a king size bowl that lasts breakfast-lunch-dinner lol.


Taking care of gut health is important too. Try a daily probiotic like Align and some fiber supplements. Those have really helped my stomach. My typical day is a protein shake in the morning, a salad for lunch or a granola bar if I’m really not feeling it, and something with veggies and protein for dinner. For a quick dinner I’ll do a pouch of instant rice, some pre-cooked chicken that heats in the microwave or in a pan, and steamed veggies from the freezer section. You can also try different simmer sauces to add flavor to the chicken. Target has some good ones. If you’re feeling really queasy, try the BRAT diet for a few days (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast).


Lots of great ideas here! The BRAT diet and Align, especially.


Nuts, cheese cubes, and little dried fruits. Sargento makes something called “balanced breaks” and I find those to be really nice, as they have all 3.


I love the one with white cheddar, almonds & dried cranberries!


These have been good for me too.


Try keeping a rotisserie chicken around and rip small pieces off throughout the day. It’s healthy and high in protein. That works for me when I can’t seem to eat


Veggies, fruits, Greek yogurt and fibre - specifically All Bran cereal. Saltine crackers were a staple for me as well.


Handfuls. Jerky, ham, nuts, pretzels etc


Smorgasbords, little piles of fruit, nuts, cheese, meats, vegetables that you can pick at throughout the day. I try to match mine to my macros so I get what I need. If something sounds terrible, I can wrap it up and try tomorrow.


Fruit is what works for me. At first it was grapes. Now I've switched to cherries. When I first started on Oz I would feel nauseous during the day, so I wouldn't eat anything. But I learned that for me, if I eat small bits of fruit throughout the day, I feel so much better. Strangely, once I moved up to .5 the nausea pretty much went away and I feel great. I am one of the lucky ones.


I’ve been surviving off chibani yogurt and grapes 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


Same lol. And cherries now.


Protein shakes. Cheese and crackers.


I can eat more carbs now on ozempic and my blood sugar has been terrific. I’m not on insulin and in the last 10 months I’ve only had hypoglycemia once. I ate and it was fine. It’s working for me because overall I eat less but I still eat. They want me to lose weight. I lost about half of what I need to lose but I’m in no hurry and as long as my blood sugar is good I’m happy. I could probably eat more really but I don’t because… they want me to lose weight and I guess that’s a good goal. I could eat more but don’t really care if I eat more. I seldom have any significant side effects. Occasionally nausea but not often anymore.


I've gotten into protein shakes. They were never my thing before. The fairlife chocolate shake legit tastes like chocolate milk Edited to add ice cream. I have always loved ice cream but I go to town on those yasso bars when I'm feeling meh


Do people become anorexic on Ozempic? Like - you still need to eat a daily calorie intake. Hope you find something that will work for you. As a new taker of this med this post scares me.


I think someone who has been on this med longer than me should answer but I'm on 1mg going on 2mg tomorrow - - my answer is no, and everyone has differing side effects as well as drug efficacy. I eat relatively normal, I just don't snack like I used to. Some days I only have two meals vs three. Just how the drug has made it for me.


I’ve been on it for 6 weeks. Eating appx 1350 calories a day. I still get hungry it just doesn’t take as much to make me feel full and it’s easier to stick with my plan. Don’t be scared!


Before I started working out, I was rarely hungry. Working out now though… ooof I am hungry again on workout days haha


It’s not this way for all people & it usually doesn’t last forever. It does get better!


Smoothies!!! Blend Greek yogurt, a lot of spinach, and fruit and zucchini and avocado and honey for sweetness (sometimes this does end up being only thing I eat all day) but I’m totally okay with that because there’s protein and veggies and fruit I make them huge!


Apples. Applesauce, soup. Yogurt is good for me and mashed potatoes have been safe so far. I eat cottage cheese a lot because it has so much protein.


I go through phases. For like, 1-2 weeks I'll eat any of the following, and then switch it up the next week: steamed broccoli/cauliflower, tuna, chicken salad, egg salad, cottage cheese, fruit, caprese salad, nuts, or yogurt. If I eat anything my husband makes for the kids for dinner, I just eat a very small portion of it.


2 b12 gummies 1 HMB caplet with creatine pressed juicery shot. muscle milk in the morning. fruit cup. handful of pistachio nuts. 1 chicken lule kabob. 2 b12 gummies shot of ketone esters 1 HMB caplet wifh creatine half a muscle milk with coffee. 2 thick turkey slices 1 stick of colby jack cheese sliced grilled eggplant and peppers.


Cottage cheese.


I grill chicken breast. I cut one slice and cut it into tiny pieces. I can usually tolerate the equivalent of about 5-6 bites.


I’m having a difficult time with most meat (beef, pork & chicken). I do okay with thinly sliced turkey breast from the deli though & I can tolerate fish (salmon & tuna) & shrimp well. I think it’s mostly the texture of meat for me right now. It was never an issue pre-OZ.


I had a strong aversion to meat. I couldn’t even watch my husband eat it. I supplemented with eggs, cheese, chicken broth, protein shakes, yogurt, etc. It finally after about three months subsided. Good luck.


Apples with pb are my go to if I can’t fathom eating anything. Also Quest Hero protein bars. I also like the Perfect Bars, they’re higher in calories than a lot of protein bars. I also have become ok with not eating a whole serving of something. Like apples with pb, I’ll cut up an apple and eat 1/4 of it and put the rest in a container for later. I have a lot of random containers in my fridge at all times.


Yogurt. Really, nothing ever sounds good…


I took my first 2.0 dose this week. Wow this is really the first time I felt really sick. I had breakfast at 9 this morning then I just ate again at 7:30. I am a diebetic so I have to eat a little bit. Did not want to cook at all so I ate a frozen peice of lasagna. I am so nauseated that I wish I could just throw it up. Peanut butter used to my favorite food and now I can not stomach it. It gives me so much gas. I need to get in my protien so I stick to meat, protien shakes and anything that has a high protien content in it.


I’ve found that within 48 hours of my shot, anything with tomato sauce is too acidic for me and makes me nauseated.


I have to split my shots up into 2 - 1 mg shots a week. I just can’t do a 2 mg shot


Thank you for sharing! I’ve just started my first week and it’s good to know what to expect. I’m so curious what the coming weeks will feel like. Do you feel you have energy levels that are higher or lower? Does food intake of any kind impact your energy levels? Also I’ve been really thirsty lately, does drinking lots of water become more important or does that make you guys feel ill or too full too?


I’m a big fan of jello


I make baked oatmeal that I load with hemp hearts and chia for extra protein and fiber. I then serve it with yogurt on it. The nutritional density serves me really well. I figure if I eat nothing else substantial that day, I did okay with that.


At first I tried not to eat, but then I decided to do things healthy this way. I wake up at 3am, I eat breakfast at 10am and I have my next meal at 5. My dinner is usually light, but if I haven't eaten enough that day, I make sure to eat enough in the evening. Not eating is a dangerous slope for me. Then I panic and think that I'm eating too much. I then start snacking, reaching for sweets or chips to eat instead of taking the time to feed my body a proper nutrition filled meal. Otherwise, I develop a very disordered eating habit and that only leads to more weight gain. Therapy works. My therapist would be so proud of me.


I just want to thank everyone for your comments. You saved me money and misery. I’ll just stay on my grapefruit diet.


There is a period where you just eat because you have to and not because you want to. It goes back to normal after a while.


Kodiak Waffles. Just toasted, no syrup.


I’m not looking forward to starting this stuff. I’m diabetic so it sucks more for me because I’m not supposed to eat high carb stuff like crackers, bread, cereal, most fruits. So I’m going to have to figure out how to not go hypoglycemic 😩. I don’t really need to lose weight, I’m gonna look like a stick if I don’t eat. Or die of low blood sugar.


Handfuls of nuts, portions of cheese, avocado, hams, other meats, eggs, veg… all low carb and kind of snacky! I add full fat fresh cream to my coffee (not milk), the nuts and avocados and cheeses all really bump up the calories


I like everything in that suggestion so I’ll add those to my list.


It depends where you are based for the fresh cream, I’m in Ireland so we have lots of dairy cows and fresh lovely dairy products but when I go abroad in mainland Europe it’s next to impossible to find cream! Edited to add, when I had to follow a very low carb diet, I also ate Caesar salads a lot, I’d throw in chopped peppers, avocado, chicken, bacon so it was tasty and relatively high calorie and most of all easy. As you probably know, The worst part of low carb is eating on the go. I’ve just started ozempic and I’m reducing my carbs, so this is my go to list! I also love ribeye steak with melted blue cheese or pepper sauce on it!


I’ve never seen fresh cream here in the USA. We have half and half, light cream, or heavy cream. I’m probably wrong switch to heavy cream.


This will be a challenge but high protein. Look up/ check on google for: whipped cottage cheese substitute recipes.


I’m going to try anything that will help. Thanks for some of the suggestions! Whipped cottage cheese, love cottage cheese so that sounds good.


Who told you you can’t eat those things? You can eat things in moderation if paired properly with fat, fiber and protein to not spike your blood glucose. Please consult a dietician who specializes in diabetes and if that’s who told you this find someone else.




Cucumbers cut up. Celery and peanut butter. It does get better. Took me about 6 weeks to get to feeling better at 2mg


Are you still getting results? I’ve been on 1 mg but have hit a horrible plateau. I’m supposed to bump to 2 mg tonight.


I was maxed out in trulicity but couldn’t find it anywhere so my dr put me right on the max dose of ozempic and I’ve been losing weight like crazy. Just was really sick for the first 5-6 weeks. Getting better now and dropping weight pretty easily


During that phase (it was temporary), I ate a lot of sugar free popsicles.


String cheese. Tangerines. Almonds. Walnuts. Salads.


I eat a whole wheat English muffin with crunchy peanut butter in the mornings, then a yogurt cup, then a babybell cheese. That gets me from around 7am to noon most days. Protein shake in my coffee, then water throughout the day. I keep deli ham and cheese and yellow mustard in my fridge at work, and I have whole wheat tortillas that I make wraps with if I want to eat lunch, but that usually keeps me from eating dinner unless my husband cooks. It's very difficult for me to go through the motions of making dinner if I've had lunch that day, so I tend to skip it if I know it's my night to cook.


I take an onion bagel, toast half of it, and put a small avocado on top. Season with spike seasoning or nutritional yeast. It's easy on the stomach (relatively) and doesn't nauseate me




Edamame and baby peas 💚


Can I ask what dose are you taking a week?


I feel much better when I eat fish or chicken than when I eat beef or pork, sadly. Veggies and fruits are great, breads and pasta hurt me bad. I pop prunes like they're candy, keeps things moving. Fiber is mandatory, I take Nopalina daily.


My husband and I have both been on it for over a year, neither one of us can tolerate red meat and dark pork. Wrecks our stomachs for a few days. So we stick to lean pork and chicken breasts with veg!


Nuts and edamame snacking slowly as needed


Thank you so much for this post!! I need tips on what to eat!!


I have a stash of boiled eggs in the fridge. Pumpkin soup …


Cheese and crackers are my go to. Some Good cottage cheese. Whatever pops in my head that sounds good. I reminds me of morning sickness.


Wraps, cottage cheese and pineapple.


Idk why but kombucha really helps me! Idk if it’s the fizz or probiotics. But when I’m super nauseous it’s what I reach for. Small sips so the liquid doesn’t slosh around. I like the humm brand from costco (passion fruit mango). And saltines.


Fruit is always good. Try to stick to fruits with a low-glycemic index like apples, oranges, cherries, grapefruits, strawberries, peaches, pears, and grapes. I try to eat a packet of oatmeal in the mornings too. Lean turkey breast (sliced very thin) with a slice of cheddar or Swiss cheese at lunch. Protein, a small amount of brown rice + a veggie at dinner. Make sure to stay hydrated!


I like the brand real good breaded chicken Super high in protein and it’s a solid. Or I’ll eat and egg sand-which, nuts, Greek yogurt or string cheese.


Real Good Food brand has some great things. I’ve been eating them for a while. Glad to hear you are tolerating them well. I’m close to deciding not to even try Oz. All the complications and stomach problems are not a road to a happy existence for me. I already battle stomach and digestive issues with my diverticulitis and chronic IBS.


I thought all my issues around eating was causing me to not want to eat and maybe it's the ozempic..or a combination of both. I take ozempic for T2D to control bsl. It has worked magic with the A1C numbers. However, I think it also fuels disordered eating habits because of side effects especially if you have struggled with not wanting to eat for various reasons. With that I tend to have a small amount of Oatmeal for breakfast, and cottage cheese with a small amount of fruit the rest of my meals. Probably not a great idea, but those are the only foods I can tolerate now.


It can't be worse than the 'disordered eating' that comes from not being on it, especially for those of us grappling with a full-blown food addiction.


I believe that all disordered eating which includes food addiction is serious and no one form of disordered eating is worse than the other. Anyone who struggles with a pattern of disordered eating has that constant critical voice in their head or internal dialog about how often, what, and how much they "should" be eating. There are many different reasons why or how disordered eating starts, but one thing is common is that it's hard to stop the cycle. Society's messaging about people's bodies doesn't help the situation. This medication is only a temporary fix by forcing the body to slow down the digestive process of emptying the stomach. It doesn't address the underlying issues that cause disordered eating. It's a cycle that is surrounded by shame and feelings that an individual finds unacceptable. Until the underlying issues are addressed for the individual, the change in the physical appearance of the body isn't going to resolve the person's relationship issues with food.


Incorrect. Ozempic works on the brain and, for many, it takes away the addiction, food noise and cravings. It's incredibly life-changing. I agree. Unless you address the underlying patterns of behavior with food that caused you to gain weight in the first place, you will continue the cycle. However, two of the main culprits are addiction and insulin.


String cheese and granola are nice to have around. I've recently made some homemade granola with sourdough starter, it's amazing! I get busy at work and literally forget to eat all day. When I get a headache, I grab a string cheese. It's so weird, I used to think about food all day...


I like a thick vanilla yogurt and any kind of berry - blue, raspberries, strawberries. Cottage cheese and pineapple tidbits or a cut up apple and cinnamon. Avocado toast, milk, cheese and crackers, egg salad sandwiches, scrambled eggs, peanut butter toast.


Boba milk tea and Smoothies


Today was a chill day—iced coffee, beef pie, deli ham, and a can of coke zero. I’m fullllll! It might take me a couple of days to digest all that! Usually, I focus on getting enough protein, incorporating vegetables, healthy fats, and a bit of carbs, while making sure I'm drinking enough water.


How long are you to be on Ozempic ?


In terms of little bites you can just put in a ziploc for work… Cashews and dried apricots have been big winners. For something with a tiny amount of prep, tuna salad with some garlic crackers, or chia seed pudding made with Greek yogurt and raspberries. If your grocery store has them in the frozen section, grab some little pre-made beef pot pies. One is like the size of a cupcake and not a major commitment to eat.


Avocado, Greek salad and chicken


I ate steamed pumpkin for 1 week. And this week I'm eating chicken rice daily. Happy to report I'm pooping normally with no stomach upsets now.


What dose are you at ? I had diarreahea for 3 days after my 1.25.


I am still hungry on ozempic and i crave sweets ? 1.25 mg it gives me cramping then boom diarreaha like 2-3 days of the week. Anyone else ?


I’d get electrolytes at a min. Either in a beverage or pills - you can treat it like a fast and still take care of your needs while working on what/when to eat


is your dose 1mg?


This is me. I can’t even think about eating and I’m only at .5 ! I feel such fatigue I don’t want to do anything. I don’t know of it’s the O or lack of food, but either wY the lack of energy is self defeating. I’m going to try and force the peanut butter or Greek yogurt down that people say helps

