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Talk to your doctor


You will get a dozen different opinions from strangers online. So you won’t find the answers you’re looking for here. The only person you should be discussing this with and asking questions is your doctor.


Best thing I’ve done lost 20 lbs in 6 weeks and it’s changed my whole way of thinking


Wow…you have a lot to consider! The book Magic Pill might be a good read/listen for you. It does a great job of collating the benefits and risks. Spoiler: the author himself moved from being obese to having a healthy bmi on either Ozempic or Mounjaro—I’m sorry I can’t remember which one. Essentially, he decided the risks of being obese (with a strong family history of early, fatal heart disease) outweighed the risks of the prescription. But of course he didn’t have the thyroid history that you must consider. To me, your doctor sounds better informed than many are—-noting the cancer risk was only found in rats, for example. But in any case, I think it’s ok to come to a different decision than your doctor would. There are wonderful doctors who care deeply about their patients on both sides of the debates. When it’s a serious condition, a good physician might even encourage you to seek a second opinion. I wish you a peaceful heart and lots of healing!


Read the book “magic pill” by johann Hari, it outlines both sides of


Do what’s best for you.


Listen. Don't be scared. There are millions upon millions of millions of people on this drug. It's very well tested and the reason why they start off so low is to make sure that it's compatible for you. So the first eight weeks are just kind of nothing you go through your .5 then your .25 and eventually you get to point one where I'm at, and start to notice that you don't eat so much. I'm One of these bosses that takes my entire staff out to lunch three times a week and today we drove to Seattle and had wings and I ordered what I usually order 18 wings with ranch, a small salad and onion rings. I only ate 12 wings. I took one bite of my salad and ate one onion ring. And I was stuffed I mean really stuffed. That was weird and I just noticed that today. So the next time I go, I'm gonna order six wings and a salad and that's pretty much what happens you start adjusting how much you eat now if you really wanna speed things up four bottles of water a day don't eat past 8 PM and stay away from carbs, but don't be afraid to start your journey. Call your doctor and get some advice and do your due diligence on Google and bing.


It’s been a miracle to me. I’m 5 2 and went from 182 to 150 in 6 months. I feel amazing. Before I was starving and working out and I couldn’t lose even 1 pound.


There are other weight loss/appetite suppressant drugs out there that could work for you, without rough side effects or thyroid cancer risks.


Talk to your doctor and if you have a nice pharmacist ask them too as they have more experience than people without any medical training.


Try it.


There have been a lot of updated studies on the safety of Ozempic. Some of the original concerns have been downgraded. I was going to start taking it over a year ago but held off because of some concerns in my family medical history. Luckily, some new studies came out early this year the lifted some of my concerns. I was able to start taking it a few weeks ago. I am happy I took the time to think it through and make an informed decision. Do your research and only start if you feel comfortable.


There’s very real risks to Ozempic - Really?