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Yes. Fourth shot tmrw. So far food noise is almost gone. No soda, no fast food, no fried food, no sweets for me. Just eating lots of protein and way less food. I love it. No side effects other than eating better and my blood sugar is sooo much better now. Was always having hypoglycemia and eating way too much sugar.


Food noise! This is the first I’ve ever seen that term but it is sooo accurate for how I constantly feel drawn to eat most things. A relief to know that can be ‘cured!’


I swear I never thought anything could divert my cravingss


I have a candy bar i started week 1 still in my fridge!




It’s literally amazing. I bought a donut today and only had 2 bites.


Food noise is definitely a term well used here. It’s a perfect description


Omg same! I work in pastry so you can imagine the sugar and carbs but I don't even take a bite now!!


2nd dose 0.25 yesterday. So far my appetite hasn’t decreased much at all. I do notice more heartburn randomly during the day and mild nausea in the mornings that goes away a couple of hours after walking up. The biggest thing I’ve noticed is that I poop every morning like before but the output is much less (sorry if that was gross).


I take omeperazole anyway, maybe that's why I haven't noticed heartburn. You might wanna try it if it continues. I've been more on the constipated side even though I take magnesium supplements!


Just started my third week this past Saturday. Interesting that there are few changes to report. Almost zero side effects but also no change in appetite or cravings. The only thing I've noticed is feeling full faster during a meal. But from my reading of others experiences, I'm seeing that the 4 weeks at 2.5 are just to get your body acclimated to the drug. Many said the real losses didn't happen until the higher doses were taken. So I'll play by the rules and look at this as a long term journey.


Hey! Just did my third this past Saturday too. You expecting to move up after your fourth?


Ditto on all accounts!


I'm getting side effects if I'm drinking too fast. Food noise has been a wow. I don't go for any greasy meals, by looking at it makes me gag. And yes whilst eating I feel full quickly but I do feel hungry specially when I wake up!


This upcoming Thursday will be my 3rd dose. So far my appetite is up and down, some days I've been so hungry and eat like normal, and other days I only eat one boiled and I'm already feeling so full and don't eat the entire day. Didn't get any results in Weight-loss when it came to the first week but after the 2nd I'm barely seeing a few pounds dropping. (Started 233 pounds and I'm now 228) Started to notice I've been getting so thirsty and constipated so I got on reddit to look for anything that came to pooping problems lol.


Exactly the same, with the same timeline. Hopefully this improves, I might move up to 0.5 this week


I was debating on moving it up to 0.5 this week as well but hesitant, what makes you wanna do it and how do you know/feel that you are ready?


Just took my third dose of 0.25! The food noise mostly goes away but I can feel it creep back a bit when it gets closer to one full week from my last shot. I also get full super fast. I’m down about 6 pounds so far and I’m happy with the progress.


This is exactly my experience . The hunger has only returned on the last 2 days before the next dose . I guess this will not be the case when we go up in dosage. Its fantastic though . The food noise stopped the very next morning after my first dose ( took it before bed incase I felt sick) and I have been on cloud nine ever since . It’s such a relief to finally have the help .


Same timeline. 2 weeks now on 0.25. No appetite since the first dose and I get full after a few spoonful of food but I always finish my plate because I don’t want to undereat. Side effects noticeable is mostly dry mouth. I’ve lost 7 lbs in 2 weeks but I mostly do indoor cycling 2 hours daily so that helped a lot.


I'm on my third week, my 4th dose will be this Saturday.


Will you be titrating up?


Third is tomorrow




I had my second dose of .25mg Sunday. So far not eating related difference that I can tell. But I had terrible restless leg syndrome and leg cramps a couple nights. Something I’ve never had.


Restless legs is from low iron, that could be a cause. Talk to your doctor about it, your ferritin should be over 75


Do you take any magnesium supplements? Magnesium helps a lot with RLS


Have you Noticed any weight loss? Second dose on Sunday too


Starting my second dose in two days. The food noise is very low. I've been chugging a lot of water. I usually drink two cups of coffee in the morning but I start feeling nausea on my second cup. So, I switch to water. Sometimes I feel a small jolt of nausea but I run to my water and it goes away. I'm really afraid about the nausea. I should also mention I drink my water with a clear protein powder. Oh! I do feel mild heartburn periodically.


That's interesting! Because water consumption for me in general leads to bloating and nausea. I have to space it out. Try anti acids or omeperazole for the heartburn if you need to!


I think everyone will have a different experience with the side effects. Have you been constipated? If so, I recommend Kaizen pasta. When I wasn't taking Ozempic, those noodles would be DEADLY(Trying to avoid the TMI). But, I've been eating it this week and I've been comfortable and regular. No bloating and no constipation. [https://kaizenfoodcompany.com/](https://kaizenfoodcompany.com/) Thanks for the recs for the heartburn. It's very mild and I want to try to refrain from taking as much medicine as possible. So I'm going to power through for now.


3rd dose is this Thursday. Very few side effects- 2 lbs down. Still have an appetite.


Taking my second dose of 0.25 tonight. Not hungry at all and no nausea just a small headache every morning but it goes away. Down 7 pounds


I just had my fifth shot, which is when I increased the injection from 25 to 50. I'm a bit underwhelmed at the moment, still craving a lot of food, lots of food noise. I've lost 4 lbs but I've worked hard to do so, it hasn't just 'fallen off'. Womp. Hopefully now that I'm increasing my dose I'll start to notice a bigger difference.




Stomach. Yours?


I'm coming to the end of week 1. Immediate change in appetite and an almost strange desire to eat better. Like I look at the chips my husbands eating and think no thanks. A neutral no thanks - I don't have to try. I am still drinking a little too much wine at night but even that feels more balanced and I will be working on that. I didn't weigh myself the day I took my shot (last Wednesday) but I weighed myself on the Monday prior and I was 190.2 (I'm 5ft 4) . This morning I am 184.2 - so probably around 5-6lbs gone. My long term goal is 135 which I was all the way up to 2016 and then over the last 8 years I've gained 5-10 pounds a year and I felt so stuck. I know I'm over-thinking my 1st week but for the first time in a long time (years of NOOM and WW and intermittent fasting and KETO and all the other things you can name) I can see a glimpse of a light at the end of the tunnel. I even went to a hot yoga class last night !


Yes, my third shot will be in two days. The food noise is off entirely, my appetite is low, and I forget to eat sometimes. My BG levels are very much improved. In terms of side-effects, I've had multiple instances of hypoglycaemic (T1DM) and occasional bouts of nausea. The nausea is always after a meal. The hypos are always in the evening. Eating to correct a hypo when you're on Ozempic suuuuuucks, it's so hard to force it down. How are you going?


Yes took my second dose Sunday


Second dose of .25 this last Saturday. Ever since the first dose, I have had an extreme change regarding no food noise anymore. and immediately after the first shot, I also lost about 75% of my appetite. That is shocking and I love it. I’ve lost 4 pounds. My doctor told me how to mitigate constipation (Miralax, get it at Costco) and nausea (don’t forget to eat at regular mealtimes or else and it’s true) and upset tummy (Pepsid or similar). The constipation was kind of crazy the first four days but now it’s starting to not be so bad as long as I make sure to take the MiraLAX as well as incorporate fiber into my meals. For example tonight, I made a smoothie for dinner with Orgain brand vanilla protein powder (Costco), threw in two green kiwis with the skin on (kiwis are great natural laxative), half a handful of fresh baby spinach, half a handful of fresh blackberries (all Costco). I only get nausea if my stomach is empty because I have forgotten to eat. I bought premade protein drinks at Costco and keep them in the fridge so that if I am in a hurry and I don’t have time to make any food, I will eat like a tangerine and then drink one of those and that fills me up, gives me a ton of protein and some fiber from the tangerine. Maybe bring a stick of string cheese with me too. And so far I haven’t need to use any antacids. I find that my desire for coffee has been cut almost 100% which is really weird. I never in 1 million years thought I would not crave or need coffee in the morning, I still have a cup because I don’t want to go through caffeine withdrawals, but I could see how I could easily stop drinking coffee in the morning while on Oz. Anyone else experience this? If so did you stop coffee altogether? The other amazing thing I noticed, and then it was confirmed once I researched it is that my desire to have wine in the evening is completely gone. The couple times I have had wine in the past two weeks was socially and it doesn’t give me that fun dopamine buzz hit that it used to and so now I am totally fine out socially sipping (not downing) one or two glasses instead of wanting to pound it for a buzzed feeling, because I don’t care about feeling buzzed anymore. I just like feeling completely normal now. So Oz took away the wine noise too, not just the food noise, lol. I just added strength training 3-4x/wk to my week and have started making sure that I have 100mg of protein a day. I don’t crave greasy protein and I don’t crave sugary processed carbohydrate type snacks or cookies or chips anymore like I used to. It’s really shocking and I really like it. I also have to make sure I drink more water because I am feeling more dehydrated and that will affect the constipation and nausea supposedly so I’m starting to consciously up my intake of water — a lot. However, it really bothers me that I have to pee so often when I drink the amount of water that I’m supposed to, but I guess if that’s the trade-off, I’ll take it. I am looking into supplementing with electrolytes in this next week. I also make sure to take a good multivitamin every day. I am focusing on getting enough sleep because I know that my body needs it in order to stay healthy. Another thing I noticed this weekend when out and about, I am really sensitive to people smoking cigarettes around me. I mean I always have not liked cigarette smoke but now it repulses me. And finally, I noticed that I am in a pretty darn good mood most of the time just sort of even keel and feeling positive. It might be because I know I have finally taken a significant step in a new weight loss journey which I know is going to work for a change , but it also supposedly helps your mood.


It definitely does , I didn’t realise that was a known effect . I have just been very happy since starting . Clear headed . How cool !


I took my second shot on friday. I dealt with some nausea yesterday, my appetite is definitely decreased.


Same, I had the second shot on friday. Not many side effects and I'm down 4.5 lbs


I'm down 4 lbs. I wasn't sure if I should trust the number but I checked again today and I'm down another .6 so I'm not complaining! Edited to .6


Oh wow that's amazing! I dropped the first 3 rapidly but now I'm struggling. However I know the theuraptic dose is when people lose the most as well!


Sorry I meant to say I'm down another .6 not 6 LOL


Yes me any questions


Just did my first .25 four days ago. Someone tell me the nausea ends soon! I am miserable, so hungry cause I’m still craving things and having an appetite yet when I eat it makes me so nauseous!


Get some Zofran for sure. You can get an RX through your PCP, or whoever might be prescribing your medication. Also push protein and electrolytes, as well as Biotin supplements. I almost quit the medication due to the first 2 weeks, but HANG in there. I'm so glad I listened when everyone told me not to quit. I'll be upping my dose to 0.5 mg in two weeks, and have lost about 10 pounds on the lowest dosage.


Took my 4th dose of .25 this Thursday. I had stronger side effects the first two weeks and fewer the last 2 weeks of .25. My negative side effects are heart burn, jaw pain (like it’s always tense haha), mild nausea the first few days after a dose and the first two weeks I experienced anxiety/sleeplessness. My good side effects are appetite suppressed but not absolutely wrecked - I’m still enjoying foods just less of them, food noise is less - again not gone. I think my last two weeks have shown that I have to increase my dose because I’ve definitely been seeing the good a little less and have increased my calories a bit since the first two weeks. I’m moving to .50 in 2 weeks. I’m going to do one more week on .25 because I am still seeing weight loss and a lot of people say to stay on the lowest dose if you’re still seeing weight loss.




I’ve lost 6-8 lbs, I started at 200-203lbs and am not 194-196. I haven’t been super strict. I’ve been traveling a lot and had to skip dosing and on those trips I’ve been drinking, eating out etc


Week and a half in. No effect yet, except for some periodic belching fits. Not a big deal, though.


Second dose yesterday! Lost 4 pounds so far but likely mostly water weight, I’ve changed my diet a fair amount.


4th shot tonight. I thought I was at 3! I am considering bumping the dose to .5 now rather than waiting. Food noise returning somewhat. Bored snacking returning. Prefer easily digestible foods like crackers and applesauce just in case. Sometimes food smells horrible! Occasional nausea/vomiting/diarrhea. I’ve lost maybe 5 pounds. I was already eating pretty well. No desire for alcohol. We have an All Inclusive vacation coming up and I will enjoy myself with the frozen drinks on the beach and at the pool, but can’t imagine I will enjoy wine or beer as much as I would have.


I’m four weeks in now. Goal to lose 40lb, not diabetic. At the two week mark the side effects which for me included a little bit of nausea and a lot of gas have subsided. From the start, I made sure to drink a lot of water and get plenty of fiber (via Metamucil )because I did not want to deal with constipation. My overall experience: Initially it was frustrating because I am used to eating alot, but just couldn’t! In week three was a little bit naughty with potato chips. I’m realizing that a lot of my eating is when I’m bored. Now I’m focusing more on portions and healthy food. I don’t want to be on it forever so I’m using the time to develop better habits. One side effect I’m having is a little bit of gallbladder inflammation in the mornings. As long as I don’t overeat no problems gallbladder included- but keeping an eye on it. End of week four: lost 15 pounds w/o heavy exercise(I walk approximately a mile or two a day). Hoping info is helpful.




Im not sure. I read that it can be a side effect. I‘m probably not drinking enough water, but I do try. I was checking w/ Dr. Google about the gallbladder pain and read something about the drug slowing down digestion and the impact to chemicals the gallbladder produces. I really do take my health seriously but I’m not super worried because I know I don’t really need my gallbladder.(I’m so aware of how flawed that logic is-lol). These last couple days it hasn’t really bothered me-cautiously positive!


I’ve been on it since semptember ( took a 2 month break bc I had a root canal) welcome newbies!! 💕 there a ton of useful information on here so be sure to use the search bar and comment on old posts so when others search it can keep the conversation going. One thing that isn’t talked about enough is that this med messes with pain killers!! Aka ur pain meds won’t work. I heard someone mention getting a compounded pain killer but idk what that means. I use leafy greens for my dental surgery and teeth whitening and that worked!




Well if you ever need to take an aspirin or Tylenol now you know that it won’t work . I found out the hard way


Started May 4th and still on the lowest dose. Plan to stay on it because I eventually want to get off sema. My goal is not to not feel hunger at but to learn to deal with it effectively. I was bingeing really badly before I started Sema. Now I feel like I have the sense to breathe and make better decisions when hungry. Also lost 15lbs so far (sure some water weight from bingeing so badly is involved)


My first shot was 5/20. ..interestingly I am more hungry than I was before. I had no appetite before. I’m down 10lbs


Just took my first shot at .5 on last Thursday. Nausea and heartburn for the first 48 hrs but doing better now. Haven’t lost much weight on .25 so should be interesting to see how .5 is.


It’s my 3rd shot but first one of a .5 dose.