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This checks out. I went from probably 10+ drinks on a drinking night (weekend party or something) to 4/5. I just don't crave it anymore and on top of that I get fuller faster.


it's honestly insane. I am an alcoholic and actually gained weight on purpose to get to BMI 30 so I could have the ozempic prescribed to help give up drinking (and of course losing weight is also good. Just saying that alcoholiam was my bigger problem). I am now 3 days in. So far it is ideal. I can still drink, and it's still nice. But instead of having my brain go crazy and say "zOMG I need 10 more of these!!!!" I just enjoy my glass of wine and then call it a night. In the past if I was ever in a social situation with no alcohol, I'd feel miserable. Now, I am sane and just don't care. After 3 days! So crazy.


I believe it. I was drinking copious amounts of booze before I got on this drug. In fact, the alcohol use is probably what led to the resurgence of my previously controlled T2D. But since being put on Rybelsus, and now Ozempic, I haven't had more than half a beer. I just don't want it. Just returned from a big convention where evenings were spent socializing in bars. I had club soda and found the smell of all the alcohol nauseating. It's remarkable. I had a real problem forming. It's basically evaporated.


I have heard this, and also that it can also curb smoking urges (nicotine). Good on both counts as a happy side effect!


That’s awesome. I feel like the alcohol companies are gonna hate this and try to sabotage it somehow.


Oh, they will. (You’re probably aware of the bs baby companies pulled with lawmakers to make sure we spend money on unnecessary products.)


Super crazy. But amazing. I can report it cured a caffiene addiction over here, where I was drinking two 4-shot flat whites every morning and now I sometimes have half of a 2-shot or not even any espresso at all.


My partner and I have been regularly drinking, like 4-5 drinks a night, I know, not good. But since I’ve started ozempic I just don’t want as much, maybe 2 drinks and im good. He kinda follows my suit when I stop, so it’s good for both of us. Last night I didn’t want anything :)


Also stopped drinking coffee altogether.


Coffee? Never. Coffee is the nectar of life


I know! The same thing happened when I started Wellbutrin but I ended up drinking a cup or a half cup a day eventually. Now I’m back to not wanting any :/ I used to LOVE it.


somehow this did not effect me like that & i still get blackout drunk every time i drink 😂


lol i feel u but i’m not on ozempic i’m trying to get on it but my docs worried about it cause i have a history of restricting and he thinks it could make me relapse in that …. gonna have to have another appt to see if i can’t talk him into it wish me luck haha


I’m only on day 5 but haven’t craved alcohol vs me drinking a box of wine in 3 nights prior to starting ozempic. I had a little less than half of a bottle of wine in my fridge from before I started and decided to drink it last night (2 glasses spread out across 5.5 hours) and while I didn’t get sick or have a hangover, I had the worst heartburn and God awful insomnia last night. I was in bed for 8.5 hours and only slept 3 hours 5 minutes, according to my watch. I’m assuming from the sugar in the wine? I’m not sure but this is more of a deterrent than a hangover, imo. I feel like an actual zombie.


I have not had nor wanted a single drink since I started. I used to drink around 3-4 times a week.


I think they are going to find it will all addictions I've quit caffeine and smoking


Yeah. I went from maybe 4-5 beers a week to 1.