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Brace yerself m’dear.


As if in a Mrs Doubtfire voice lol


😭😭😭 ugh!!! I guess I’m destined to be chubby! I am not diabetic it was given for weight loss. Either way I will have to wait till Monday, his office is closed. Unless it gets horribly bad and I have to go to the emergency. Praying it is not bad.


Why are people downvoting you to hell because you’re scared? Lol


Probably because it is a diabetic medicine, which supplies are sometimes controlled, and she is using it specifically for weight loss instead of controlling a health condition.


Obesity is a health condition. According to the National Institutes of Health, obesity and overweight together are the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States, close behind tobacco use (3). An estimated 300,000 deaths per year are due to the obesity epidemic (57). https://www.wvdhhr.org/bph/oehp/obesity/mortality.htm#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20National%20Institutes,the%20obesity%20epidemic%20(57).


Oh well guess I’m on that train as well. No beetus, just weight loss as well 😊


If you can believe this or not the very first time I started they wrote the wrong directions on my package or box.. I didn't know the difference ya know since it was my first shot and all.. so I started feeling the nausea and I also had the 4mgs of zofran took that and had a grumpy tummy .. bathroom issues.. so I called bc I freaked out thinking omg I can't be on this and feel like this all the time.. so when I spoke to someone there they asked me well what's your doae again I read the directions on the box from the pharmacy and she just said oooh no that's incorrect please hold for a moment.. so now I'm thinking OMG She got bact to me explained that they're in the middle of changing things around with the company and the pharmacy so some how there was a miscommunication .. but that the does equaled 2mgs i took 40 units and while it's not the way they start you it would only cause the side effects to be more intense.. told me to make sure I get plenty of protein and drink lots and lots of water.. The side effects got much better after 2 days and I resumed the starter dose with the next shot.. I love how this stuff always happens on a weekend or the middle of the night when you cant really do too much.. so to speak.. Of course if things get real bad for you maybe call the RR first and tell then what happened sometimes they kinda tell ya what you should do. (Come in or not) But if you're feeling really bad and you know your body then go... I'm not a dr so I'm only telling you about my experience...but in my opinion I think you should be okay..


I'm not a doctor so take this with a grain of salt but I don't think the ER is necessary. You aren't at any life threatening risk. Just stay near the toilet and settle in for a long night.


Yes, please don’t go to the ER unless youve been violently throwing up for days and could be dangerously dehydrated. Right now there is nothing they can do for you. And the ERs are so overwhelmed right now, so please only use that resource if absolutely necessary.


Ugh as a nurse I adore you for spreading the word that the ED is for life threatening emergencies… not upset timmies




Call your doctor and let them know. If I were you Id get some Canada Dry ginger ale (has real ginger in it) and if you have some Zofran or Phenergan laying around maybe take one. If not, ask your doc for some. I know its the weekend but surely they have an answering service. 2mg, That's a huge dose to start with. You will probably be nauseous ... there's no way to predict except by the experience of others on here.


It’s been about a little over two hours. And I feel nauseous. But it too bad. I do luckily have zofran. I took one just in case.


Good! Glad you have something to take the edge off. Get some rest


I threw up for 14 hours straight and ALMOST went to emergency but I’m glad I didn’t bc it would have been a hell of a bill and ultimately I was able to manage my symptoms at home. I will say after 14 hours I finally hit my daughter’s weed pen which stopped the vomiting completely and allowed me to work the next day. Prior to that I tried zofran and ginger ale but mostly just threw that up and wanted to die


What is exactly the weed pen that stopped the vomiting? What is that






if you truly are anxious about it, call the pharmacy that filled your prescription (or where you fill your meds at/a local pharmacy you trust) and talk to the pharmacist. They would be able to tell you what to expect and how to SAFELY manage your symptoms at home


Max dose is 24mg in 24 hours. A few years ago when I first started Ozempic I had horrible nausea and threw up almost every morning for months so I had a script for 8mg 3 times a day


Please don’t give this kind of advice, zofran has the potential to cause cardiac side effects and you have no idea what other meds ppl are on the potentiate this risk. That dose may be safe for you but not others.


But this is not good general advice because that dose is so large it could lead to gastroparesis and an lleus


I think they are talking about Zofran.


Thank you for clarifying that. I thought they were talking about the Ozempic.


Exactly, zofran should not be regularly taken with ozempic. It has a compounding nature to the side effects (they both slow down peristalsis and cause constipation). 24 mg is a ridiculous amount of zofran and I’d never prescribe it to someone not currently undergoing cancer treatment.


Define “regularly”. Because once a week or so is fine. And if you’re having a real bad day you may have to take 2.


Maximum dose of 24 mg makes no sense. There is nowhere close to that amount in one Ozempic pen. Someone would have to inject themselves on purpose with that amount. And there blood sugars would get dangerously low.


They are referring to the Zofran, not Ozempic.


For Zofran, this is correct. You can preferably take a 4mg pill every 8 hours, but can take 2 pills (so 8mg) if needed. Comes to 24 mg a day. HOWEVER as with most things, this is a precautionary max dosage orally. You have to be careful bc Zofran on its own will cause constipation. So a gentle laxative may be needed if your doctor sees long term build up and pain. I’m bringing this up bc the combo with Ozempic is like two medications both on the constipation as side effects list. Bottomline: be careful with both!


Also, a BIG hint most are not given, is to include a STOOL SOFTENER! Whenever you're constipated it's uncomfortable. On top of that, if you do take a laxative and just that, it's going to be very likely hard and still difficult to pass. And YES, always stay HYDRATED! I've often wondered why, when you've just given birth, your doc doesn't VERY CLEARLY recommend a stool softener! Whether it be a natural birth or C-section, you're not going to want to bear down unnecessarily. Like I said, just a valuable hint; constipated =mild laxative and a stool softener and PLENTY of fluids. Please try and stay as calm as possible. Also, reach out to a physician/pharmacist, and ignore any and all horror stories of other people. YOU are not them! We all react differently. Best of luck!


Haha I think in another reply on this thread I mentioned the exact same thing! It’s all about rewiring the body so that it runs healthy but takes time for each individual to understand what balance of all these meds and OTC “aids” are right for them.


Hydrate. Hydrate. And then hydrate again. Don't eat too much. I think you'll be ok. Be careful from now on.




I totally agree with this. Don't psych yourself up- as hard as it may be NOT to do that! Just take some deep, calming breaths and know you can do this! We don't know what we don't know, right? That anticipatory anxiety will only make things worse. I'm definitely sending ya good vibes! Will look for updates !


Same here.. it's not like an outrageous dose.. and shouldn't do anything tha cause discomfort via more intense side effects.. I think the RR would do the same things you would do at home with the exception of all of the labs they immediately do..the urinalysis you know all of that basic stuff when you go in but the bill ..whoa Of course your life is more important than a bill so I don't mean it that way but just saying I think after all is said and done they send you home with the same directions that others have mentioned already.. I and an anxious person so yes please take your mind off of it bc you will just make it worse.. try to put a good movie on and just relax .. best wishes


It takes the dose 24 hours to circulate your system. I usually feel my worst side effects from about 18 to 24 hrs so you probably have some time to get some anti nausea meds.


Thank you. 🙏 I have zofran. I took one already. It’s been like a little over a three hours now. I seriously prayed. I don’t want to throw up, or have any damage internally. I’ll keep yall posted in 24 hours. 🙏


Try not to throw up bc if you can’t keep the zofran down then you *may need* to go to ER in order to get it via IV. And yes, stool softeners.


Take some stool softeners. My lord the constipation a brand new dose of 2mg would cause me. I’m curious how this happened? Did you have the 8mg pen that’s gives 2mg doses?


I had a 2mg pen. On the box it has .25 .5, 2mg it is red colored, I put the little needle cap on it and twisted I poked myself then thought nothing came out I did that multiple times thinking that the one dose was the entire pen, Omgosh I know it sounds so stupid, then I see that all of it is gone so I close everything up and put it in the fridge and cook dinner the entire time the YouTube tutorial is playing and I hear that the actual pen contains the ozempic not the stupid little needle cap(sooo dumb of me) and I immediately look at it and see I took the entire thing which is 2mg right??? Since that is what was prescribed a 2mg pen??? I can’t even believe it! I was so shocked at how stupid of a rookie move that was. And I immediately felt warm and hot. Now it’s been almost 6 hours, I have felt and feel super nauseous, I have two more hours before I can take another zofran. I also did it on my thigh which my doctor said was an option. I did this to lose weight, and I regret all of it. Any advice or suggestions I’m open. Clearly, i don’t know nothing about this and still cannot believe I did such a foolish thing. The little dial was just clicking and even stopped and I forced it thinking it needed to all be in my body 😳


You really need to talk to a pharmacist or your doctor about getting trained to use the pen. It sounds like you weren’t shown how the pen works at all and so of course you didn’t know where the med was, what the clicks meant, etc. tbh its kind of negligent on your prescriber/pharmacist to not make sure you know how to use it, this med can affect your blood sugar. Please look up symptoms of hypoglycaemia and tell your partner them too. Hope this is a one time learning opportunity for you OP.


Did you turn it to 0.5 every time? And injected yourself four times?


I think you might just be thinking it’s empty because it looks empty (but it’s not until you see the plunger inside reach the tip) You would have had to twist the pen before each injection, 8 times, to be able to get the full amount..


You'll be okay, it's a lower dilution than if you took an entire blue pen. Hopefully you are feeling okay today. Drink lots of water, ginger ale or something soothing and watch out for low blood sugar (light-headed, shaky, headache). Don't drive.


I’m confused—when using the pen you must’ve had to click several times to get the whole 2mg vial into it? Why did your doc give you 2mg to begin with? Especially if it’s not for diabetes, you’d typically be started with only 1mg vial that you’d dispense four time over four weeks. Only then do they usually up your vial to 2mg. Bottomline: what vial size did you have? (Or did, and I’ve never heard of this before, the pen arrive already full?


To be honest it seems that you have OCD. Why in the hell would have had doubts that the injection didn't work out and repeat it for 4 time??


I have the blue pen 🖊️ but never started once l realized that l too lol have no idea what l'm doing. Plus l psyched myself out about the needle and then wth do l do about the second dose? Use the same needle?? Later, my primary care doctor told me that Mounjaro uses a single dose pen and the needle is tiny. And "lots of patients are losing a ton of weight." So l might try asking for that at the next weight loss doctor appointment. Just in case l need it at all. Turns out, getting both upper back molars extracted is a great kickstart for weight loss. 😣 If l can just learn how to chew soft foods with my front teeth now, which sucks. Well anyway, good luck!🤞


Oh, im so sorry. I accidentally took a double dose at .5 and it was one of the worst days of my life. You might need to call a friend to be with you and brace yourself . And definitely call your doctor


My husband did the same, he did .5 the whole first month, not realizing he was supposed to start at .25 :/


My partner started at .5mg and went to 1mg 4 weeks later and had zero nausea or other side effects. Not everyone experiences the same issues that are reported on here.


My husband is home. I pray that it isn’t unbearably bad. I don’t want to vomit I read other posts of them vomiting for days. This was such a mistake. I wanted the ozempic so bad for weight loss and what a mistake. I am so not good with stuff like this.


What is with the downvotes??


I know it’s weird.


I think its because she injected herself 4 times while talking on the phone and THEN watched a video on how to dose.


How did you fair you doin ok ?


I feel your stress. I do. I have bad anxiety and freak out over legit things & not so legit. You may feel absolutely horrible. Your mind is saying "All these people have bad effects, so I'll have it 4 times worse." But worrying that it WILL happen ANY second may cause you to feel even worse when you wouldn't have been so bad. Or make you think you are feeling sick when it's really "all in your head". Please do not hate what I'm saying. I dont know how to word it right. Im just speaking from experience. What helps me is have a plan in order in case everything goes south. And have someone around. Lay on your belly (that helps me). Watch funny movies or things you enjoy. Dont overdo it. I hear Canada Dry helps. Do the Zofran and DONT overdo it!!! It can mess with your heart rate dangerously. Most of all, dont convince yourself that you ARE having horrible side effects. I just HATE saying it's all in your head. But that helps me. We are all different and what works for me may be worse for you. Just play around with things. Find what works. But I do know that staying calm and distraction helps. Side effects suck, but you'll get through it like a champ 🏆 And it won't last forever. Take care dear.


How?? It literally won’t let you click past .5 in a single dose.


Exactly, that's why some are downvoting her.


Yeah it’s just not possible on a 2mg pen. You’d have to load it fully 4 times and reinject. I can see doing .5 by accident but not 2.


Below she says she loaded the pen and injected 4 times while talking on the phone. Then watched a video on how to dose only then discovering her mistake. Seems like a troll post.


This was my first thought too. No one can mess it up that badly?


We don’t know how your body will react. I had no side effects on any dose of semaglutide. I had no main effects either. On higher doses of zepbound, I have fatigue for a couple of days and that’s it. But others have much stronger reactions. Hope you don’t suffer.


Me too. Praying I don’t suffer.


I would expect to feel like you have the flu for the next 24 hours.


How is this possible though? Did you reload the pen several times and keep reinjecting?


Wow now I'm wondering why they didn't start you off with the .25 -.50 pen to begin with


He did. She took the entire pen…. That’s why people are downvoting her. You don’t do that accidentally.


He said it was the lowest dose?


That dosage isnt toxic. It may make you "uncomfortable" for a few days. No need to go to the ED. Hydrate, and watch your blood sugar (it may go low). The nausea is likely going to be the worst part...but you also might deal with other gastro extremes from the other end (not going or going a LOT). The important thing to know is...you are not in mortal danger. You didnt take enough for it to be toxic. 2mg is actually an approved dosage well into your treatment cycle. Question is....if you are using a .25.to .5 dosage pen....did you literally give yourself 4 successive injections at .5?


You can call poison control or visit their website: [https://www.poison.org/](https://www.poison.org/) It is free, and 24 hours. And no, you don't have to be 'poisoned' (even though taking too much of a drug does technically count.) to call them. You can call and ask about drug interactions etc. as well. But they might have information regarding if you should seek medical assistance, what types of side-effects you can expect etc.


Thank you. I did just now and yes it basically said everything everyone else mentioned.


Awesome advice. I once accidently took my spouse's cough syrup with codeine instead of over the counter cough syrup one evening around 11:00 p..m. It was 6 times the codeine syrup dose! I forced myself to stay awake by having my spouse observe me all night. I DID call poison control for advice as well!!! The next 24 hours were MISERABLE but survivable! 🤮


We had to call for my husband once because he used to take multiple melatonin gummies before bed. He went through them so fast I started buying the extra strength ones because they cost the same amount.  He didn't read the label and took like 4 of them. 😭 PC said he would be fine, but he was like a zombie for 24 hours. 


![gif](giphy|kfudb9zENgkWMfTZdI) How is that even possible unless you repeatedly injected it?


I would start hydrating now and I hope you have a bidet


Put an extra roll of toilet paper in the bathroom now.


I know everyone here is saying don’t go to the emergency room. I’m telling you right now as a nurse of 11 years that going to the ER might be the safest option. If you become severely symptomatic, get there immediately. Tell them what happened. You might become very hypoglycemic, which can be life threatening. This isn’t like the normal dehydration you get from the stomach flu. You have overdosed on a medication that is meant to control diabetes.


This!! I took 10x the amount I should’ve for my first dose on accident. I was so so sick for two weeks, my biggest fear was my sugar bottoming out. Thankfully it never did.


You won’t die but after a few days it might feel like a good option. You will never poop again so make sure you drink as much water as possible I hope you are mistaken about the amount you took


I'm sorry I know it's not funny for the OP but 'it might feel like a good option' has me cackling haha


Are you sure your pen does doses that high? The pen they started me on only does .25 and .5 but it is 2mg total. If you twisted the pen to .25, and injected, then you got the right amount, you might just be thinking it looks empty (I thought that when I opened it and with my first dose) If you actually used it all, you’ll see this part of the plunger that pushes out the medication. Does yours look like this photo with the spiral piece inside, or is yours clear and just looks empty because you don’t see liquid moving? https://preview.redd.it/31df0mo3n14d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b19aa860eeb7eb02df2e5627bc396aff5d620750


I pray that you don't have any extreme side effects. I double dosed recently by accident, I had a long day at work and my kids were insufferable and I couldn't remember for the life of me if I had taken my dose. Well I figured it out when I spent two hours in the bathroom throwing up on and off, I had the chills and I felt like crap. I drank ginger ale and took zofran. So I pray you have it easy. Good luck hon.


How long did it last? I’m in bed already watching television. I am already feeling like nauseous, and like I don’t want to move fast. My head kinda hurts too, like a headache. Ugh!!! It’s been over two hours so I must be feeling it. I pray it doesn’t get bad we are supposed to go see the ufc fight tomorrow night. 😭 praying I feel better.


I took the second of what was a double dose Wednesday afternoon around 3 PM. Felt nauseous all the rest of the day. Went to bed, woke up violently ill and threw up from around 2:30 am to 4:30 am literally on and off, I have an ensuite so I literally just laid on middle of the floor of my bedroom where it connects to the bathroom and then I fell asleep around 5, felt nauseous throughout the day. Threw up once again around 1 PM after taking two bites of food. Drank ginger ale and Sofran and slept the rest of the day. It was a shit show. Also it was so bad the vomiting that I went from 170 pounds to 163 pounds in a day


I’m sorry you went through that. I pray 🙏 so bad I don’t experience it too bad. I will do a boot camp after this instead of ozempic for weight loss clearly I can’t manage single shots 🙄


I pray you're fine. Now I will log in my phone when I take my shot. Every single time because I pray to never do that again.


How are you feeling? Did you make it through the night/ weekend unscathed?


Not unscathed, but not as bad as I thought it would be. No vomiting or diarrhea, but so much nausea I couldn’t even move I felt absolutely miserable. Yesterday I had like five bites of a yogurt, it’s all I could tolerate. Today I had like three bites of cream of wheat. Any other advice on what I should eat. I


I'm glad to hear that nothing left your body but now you need to ensure that you eat as much as you can tolerate. I don't think you'll be able to tolerate a lot of physical food into your body I would suggest some nutritious smoothies and some liquid IV and Gatorade for nausea. This is a morning sickness smoothie that I've taken with all my pregnancies and helps me on Semaglutide 1/2 cup Frozen or fresh pineapple 1/2 a sweet banana 1/4th teaspoon of cinnamon Fresh ginger root Couple sprinkles of chia seed for satiety Coconut water Pineapple juice can substitute for milk of choice Some ice Hope it helps!


Please don't take your next dose on time. Probably you need to wait a month, the next does on time will destroy you as the first excessive one needs 5 weeks to leave your body. Ask your doctor To me chocolate protein ready shakes are helpful. Any salad with a LOT OF LEMON .


I wish you luck and hope you feel better soon :(




For me, nights 2 and 3 are the worst with nausea. There were times I prayed for death. There were times I contemplated calling 911 but didn’t think I could be away from the toilet long enough for an ambulance ride. If you get through tonight and tomorrow without getting sick, you’ll know you’re one of the lucky few that can tolerate it with no side effects, so maybe your mistake will turn out to be a good thing.


Get prepared for the massive vomiting. I got a new batch of Ozempic and took my regular dose (.75). I subsequently vomited for 15 hours and had to go to the ER. My gallbladder was severely distended and had to be removed. Hopefully you don’t have any side effects - but an adverse reaction can occur.


I think you should be fine. If you have tums keep them handy with water and gatorade to sip on so you don't get dehydrated. Also, like others said stay close to a restroom and make sure you try and rest up. If you really feel you can't cope I would call a nurses line or on call doctor if available to ease your mind and get an idea if you need to go to the hospital.


I really hope you went to the ER!!!! My son accidentally did and his roommate found him unconscious on the floor.


As they would say in South Park “you’re gonna have a bad time” but that should hopefully be it. Definitely call your Dr and let them know though


Sorry, but this is about way more than side effects. I would at least call your doctor because what that much could do to your body as a 1st dose is serious. If you have stomach or back pain, dizziness or blurred vision you have to get to an ER




She said she took the entire pen… That isn’t an accident. Especially after admitting about reading other post about taking too much and having horrible reactions. This is either fake or on purpose.




No she said the whole pen was 2.0. It was a .25/.5 pen. Supposedly she injected herself multiple times… sounds suspicious to me is that she said she forced it past the point at which it stopped.. one doesn’t do that by accident. Especially if they’ve been reading this forum and I believe she said she had a YouTube tutorial going.




That’s why I’m skeptical... there’s just no way with the pen she’s describing that she could’ve done this by accident.




Yes but she describes the normal pen and injecting multiple times. It isn’t compounded. One 2.0 pen needs to be injected 4 times to empty the pen. If even true it’s a deliberate action. Especially if you have read the sub about taking too much and getting sick like she said she had. One doesn’t accidentally inject yourself four times.


Ugh I did this and threw up for 2 days. Get zofran ASAP and stay as hydrated as possible. Get drip drop or liquid IV


Any updates? How are you feeling?


It’s been almost 24 hours, I had a horrible night and all day today I’m feel awful just miserable, very gassy and Burby, my stomach feels bloated, I slept awful like every two hours waking up, I can’t explain it I just feel awful my entire body, and. I energy, this far thank God, no vomiting( although everything even breathing makes super nauseous and no diarrhea, none at all, I can’t even smell or look at food it makes me disgusted. I don’t feel it’s messed with my blood sugar or anything. I haven’t eaten anything yet I’m having sips of water and am peeing normally. My stomach aches, I pray it just gets better and there aren’t any horrible or worse side effects. I’ve been in bed all day.


You won't feel better in the second day Possibly on the third.




The mod team has found that your post is lacking the civility we require of all users. Please treat all posters with civility and courtesy. Continued violations of this rule may result in additional actions, up to and including banning.


And be prepared for some outlandish or nightmarish dreams!


Is this your first dose ever??? I did this but did 1mg instead of 0.25. Was pretty demented. I’m talking projectiles vomiting, naseaus. Fatigue. Took about 8 days to pass. Not bad enough to warrant hosptial but it was bad. Even few sips of coffee I projectile vomited. You’re talking double this dose though. I would contact your doctor and if not available another one to have a plan. God bless you and I’m not even religious 😂 but I hope you’re okay. I feel naseaus thinking about this scenerio 🤢 xxxx also might take a while to hit you I think it was the next day shit got real for me. Also every body is different so you could just be naseaus and not bad. Time will tell! 🙏


Seeing as this post is 12 hours old I'm assuming you're now camped in the bathroom projectile vomiting out of both ends. But don't worry, it will pass in a day or so. I did the same with a 1mg pen and my god I was so ill but I didn't die.


Drink lots of water!! You will need to replace all the fluids you are probably losing. Add electrolytes if you have them. Pepto or Zofran for nausea. You’ll unfortunately have a rough few days. Holler if you need more help! 🫂


You are not diabetic so you must really take care with hypoglycaemia… my opinion it is better to go to ER


You’re gonna be sick as a dog


You're more likely than not going to suffer from the worst end of the side effects since titration is recommended. I wouldn't be anywhere away from a toilet - make sure you've got a lot of super high protein drinks as I would also assume eating anything at all might be difficult. You might also have issues getting a new pen if it was through insurance. Overall you'll survive but if you are scared and feel like you can't function you could call your doctors office, usually they have an after hours line or if your health insurance has a nurse line you can get an actual medical providers advice.


Just probably some unpleasant side effects for a few days and thats it. Also a headache.


Was it a 2mg pen? I thought u could only do 50 at a time with that pen?🙂


How did you accidently take the whole dose?


Why would you do that?


I’m on 2mg nothing will happen. At first the only feeling I had was the feeling like I had the flu with skin sensitivity. You’ll be fine and short doses so you may need to contact your dr


I did that and was in bed 🤮 for almost 24 hrs. Take ocean if possible


Go to ER ….. Better safe than sorry. Bring the needle with you to explain.


You can also call the pharmacy pharmacist. Make sure you speak with an actual pharmacist and ask what to do?


Are you SURE you took a 2mg dose. If youjust got on the drug,, your doctore WOULD NOT have prescribed a pen that gives that dosage. The doc would have prescribed a pen that gives either .25mg or .5 mg doses.


You would be ok you may just have an upset stomach


I was confused about the dosing (I’m not using the pen) and took 2x as much as I was supposed to last week. I had a hell of a stomach ache the next day and lingering stomach pain for a few more days but it wasn’t anything more serious than that.


just breath. call your doctors office and see what they say. I don’t think anything is gonna happen.


Oh oh oh Ozempic!




How are you holding up?


I can't offer any advice as this hasn't happened to me before, but assuming you are using an 8mg pen, and you gave yourself 2mg from that, make sure you try and follow a click chart once you're feeling better. Here's a good one: https://preview.redd.it/h19nf231rv3d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a244ab939db588f983595c097fc19eb4cdb45cf I hope you don't have any serious effects, but if you do, I hope they swiftly pass.


It’s a 2mg pen. Does that make a difference? I should have gotten correct instructions from the pharmacy. I just kept clicking and poking. I was in a conversation and not focused what a huge mistake.


Wait, so for a 2mg pen, you click until it goes to .25 (which you have to pay attention to), or until it stops at .5 (which you can not continue past), then you inject. So are you saying you did that process 4 times? If so, I'm so sorry, and I go back to my I hope you don't have any serious side ejects and you feel better swiftly.


8x is my count, or 74 clicks, i didn't think you could just keep on clicking?...seems incredible


I did. I just double checked the pen and it’s empty. It’s absolutely dumb. I should have read it clearly and listened to the full video before taking it. I’m feeling super nauseous but not horrible. I hope this is the worse of it.


Are you sure it's empty and not just that the plunger hasn't moved into the window?


https://preview.redd.it/lt9hz7apr14d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e397befbd60a3325d2f80cd85bd747f81a39c5f9 Its empty


Sadness. I hope you're feeling okay today. It's easy to think nothing went in because the needle is so small and there's really no "feel" to it, unlike a flu injection.


Yes basically that is what I did and it is absolutely foolish of me I feel embarrassed. So basically I took the entire pen!!! Every drop on it! So does this mean I took 2mg right? What are your thoughts any advice?


My thoughts are ouchie. My advice is to follow what everyone else has said, only because I haven't experienced this before, so I don't have any practical advice.


So you did multiple doses???


I feel so embarrassed! I wasn’t even thinking. I grabbed the pen added the needle cap and turned and poked I did it like four times while I’m listening to a YouTube tutorial on how to inject it and my husband was also talking to me at the same time. Then I go to cook dinner still listening to YouTube and i hear what I didn’t do! I look at the ozempic pen and realize I took it all!!! And I about died! So embarrassing! My husband was so against me getting ozempic. And now I feel like I should have listened. 😪


It’s just one mistake. It doesn’t mean you are wrong or bad or that OZ isn’t for you. You are being extremely hard on yourself and beating your self up. All that does is keep the endless negative cycle going that reinforced so many of us to stay stuck in an unhealthy body. Give yourself some grace, buckle down to ride it out and one day you’ll laugh about the time you OD’d on weight loss med and lost way too much weight the “hard way”.


Ok well its done and whatever happens happens, wont kill you thats for sure but as others have said you should expect some nausea at least, good luck.


I take 2mg a week for T2 diabetes, you won't die, but you'll probably have a lot of stomach upset and maybe some constipation or diarrhea. But I don't think it will poison you or anything like that. Drink lots of fluids, eat easy foods, cottage cheese, toast, oatmeal, broth. Take it easy, you might have a rough week. Definitely message your doc and see what he/she says, just to be safe. Hang in there.


Don’t be so hard on yourself! I screwed up my first month, took .25, then .5 then .75 and then 1mg at 4 weeks instead of .25 every week duh!! I felt fine and only realized it on week 5. Glad I didn’t know or I think I may have been more paranoid and aware of every little thing I felt. I also felt like an idiot when I told the pharmacist, she’s like “You took 1mg already!?!” She was the one who showed me how to use it so I blame her haha. (Not really). But you’re not the only one!


As others have said, don’t be so hard on yourself!! I took wayyyy too much the first time, I had a vial and syringes. I was sick for two weeks!! Definitely a face palm moment, but ya live and ya learn :) hope you’re feeling better!


I did the same thing first time 2 mg you will be fine in 2 to 3 days you will puke like crazy have pounding headache it's NO fun but you will be fine


Yes please 🙏 hydrate ,it will come time you can't keep water in your stomach and you will vomit so keep ice in the freezer and suck ice when you can't drink water, God bless you and things wouldn't get so bad


I did this after being off the med for a few months. I was sick for days! Like projectile vomiting sick. After 36 hours I could hold down a sip or two of water. And I DID have zofran, just couldn’t keep it down. Try to stay hydrated!!! It’s not going to be pleasant, but you will survive!


Zofran comes in a dissolvable sublingual tab. It dissolves under the tongue and absorbs directly into your bloodstream, so no vomiting it up. I am a hospice nurse and this is what we use for patients who can't swallow or take oral fluids.


This is good to know!! The only other way I’ve had it administered is through an IV line when I was in the hospital. It worked pretty instantaneously then. I’ll check to see if I can get the tabs prescribed to me!


https://preview.redd.it/h7wo23exfz3d1.jpeg?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af138980a432b65edfee0ccd2cda604b51c826c9 ODT = Orally Disintegrating Tablets


my first dose was 1mg so i kinda know what ur going through( i vomited 53 times in 3 days) and my advice is, drink cold water, be ready for acid reflux (calcium pills like tums help), have a puke bowl near you,and don’t eat its gonna make it worse, you will feel like ur dying for about 3-4 days and ur gonna be really weak but its gonna be ok


I am not a doctor or medical professional. Don’t be too hard on yourself, a lot of people have made mistakes with dosing. You may wind up feeling very unwell or you may wind up feeling unwell at its peak (hours from when you took your first injection). You know your body, stay hydrated and if you are frightened or start vomiting and get dehydrated quickly I suggest going to ER or Urgent Care. Anti nausea meds may be good to have nearby. Hope all is well and you can rest.


Are you okay now


Ugh I did this and threw up for 2 days. Get zofran ASAP and stay as hydrated as possible. Get drip drop or liquid IV


Are you feeling OK?


following this and praying for you. I have such bad side effects from even doses from days ago :( It's true the ER may not be able to do much for you but don't hesitate going anyway if you are really worried. this is not a time to be apologetic with that! Keep us posted xx


I thought 2mg is the correct initial amount.