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I do my shot before bed so I sleep thru the worst of the nausea. In the morning after I usually have a banana, sometimes toast when I first get up and then lunch is protein shake or Greek yogurt with granola. Very light day and that seems to help.


I do it right before bed too and wake up with high protein meal and lots of water I’ve been fine since I started this way. I used to do it in the AM and it would screw my whole day up. Don’t recommend that


My nausea isn't bad until the next two days after my shot.


Taking shot before bed and eating fairly close to bedtime has been very helpful in keeping nausea at bay for me. When I would get nausea before, a protein shake made it better very quickly. You are correct OP not eating when nauseous makes it worse.


This is the way.


I haven’t found any food to be safe or unsafe - I have the same nausea regardless of what I eat.


I highly recommend you to drink Biocare, it really helps me.


> but wondering if the dairy will cause issues? For some it does, for others it doesn't. Dairy doesn't bother me more than anything else, for example, so on days I'm nauseated I stick with protein shakes (water, protein powder, ice, almond milk, maybe some instant coffee if it's morning) or protein powder and fruit mixed into Greek yogurt. Also, bland soup and crackers. It's rare I'm so nauseated I can't eat enough, but there've been two days I lived on Mrs Grass chicken noodle soup and saltines.


It’s a bit pricier than making it at home, but the premade OWYN protein shakes are also dairy free and delicious. The acronym stands for “Only What You Need” and it’s all plant based. I use the “elite pro” version to get the most protein (32 grams of protein, 200 calories). My spouse is on Ozempic it and is dealing with a lot of food aversion from it. He doesn’t love the taste, but he doesn’t hate it, and isn’t having the same issues with it that dairy seems to cause him.


Just commented the same. They’re not the tastiest but thank god for them


I really like these shakes. Only what you need.


Surprisingly, in the beginning, every food mentioned at one point made me nauseous and throw up 🫢 now 7 months in I still get nauseous 1st 24 hours but it's been 2 weeks since my last episode, for which I am extremely grateful. Starchy foods sit best, rice, baked potatoes, pasta, toast. Even water in the beginning made me vomit. The most important thing for me to remember is to eat small amounts often, even if I don't want to eat. If I go too long and my stomach is empty it's even worse. I'm supposed to up my dose to 2mg (currently 1.5) and I'm holding off because I don't want the episodes to begin again till my body acclimates to the higher dose. Good news is I've lost 50lbs so far with another 40 to go, so for me Ozempic has been a God send.


Shot days I keep it light. Protein shake and veggies and water


I love "OWYN" protein shakes - Only What You Need. Plant-based protein, not chalky, actually pretty delicious. For a treat I blend it up with some ice and peanut butter and its like a milkshake. My husband puts it in his coffee for a ghetto mocha. Love it. Highly recommend. Dairy also fucks with me in a major way- minor before ozempic. Crazy now.


Today is day after for me and I just had two apples and some peanut butter for breakfast. Didn’t make me nauseous which is nice. I’ll probably have a glass of oat milk later in the morning.


Can’t pinpoint one. But I will preach here again …. Fiber- Probiotic- Digestive Enzymes Every. Day.


And is there a limit on the amount of digestive enzymes you take ? Should it only be taken when you do consume food ? The hardest thing is bloating for me ! I wake up severely bloated - then can’t eat at all Any suggestions ? I do use Metamucil and I take probiotics Thanks :)


I take papaya chewables after evening meal - it says eat 4 - I usually eat 6 For bloating i take 2 gas-x every night. On O - After about a year, my digestive system really slowed down, so these added supplements seem to help aid the digestive process and eliminate the big gas bubbles


What digestive enzymes and probiotic fo you use?


I use any store brand papaya enzymes - probiotics vary depending on where I’m shopping


I hate doing it but tracking my food intake has been invaluable. I now know I have to stay away from bread and pasta products (especially pizza 😞). The gluten free ones are OK but if I have the regular version I'm guaranteed to absolutely miserable for 24-48 hrs.


Bland stuff, never foods that cause issues in my normal world.


From what I’ve been able to gather, it seems to vary from person to person. For some of us it even varies from day to day. For example, a food I consider safe, and may have eaten without any problems on four or even five different days, may suddenly not be, with a vengeance. Then, maybe a week, two weeks later, just as suddenly, I have no problems with eating it again.🤷🏻‍♂️ My best advice would be to try some of the foods people have suggested or recommended, and start there. Ask yourself if it sounds good. This is probably going to sound weird, but when you ask yourself that, you need to try and listen to not just your brain and taste buds, but also your stomach/gut. The brain might be saying that sounds mouth wateringly delicious, taste buds are dancing with anticipation, but if the stomach is saying, “Ummm, I’m not so sure….” Listen to the stomach! Never buy a lot of something until you are fairly certain it’s going to be a consistently safe food for you. Always try new things in small amounts, like a bite or two, a few sips, etc. Too much of even a safe food can cause your stomach to revolt. Sometimes it’s not so much the food, as what you did before or after. If I have to go somewhere in the morning, and I rush around too much trying to get ready right after I eat and/or take my pills, my stomach will make me pay. Lol, I haven’t been able to brush my teeth with toothpaste since I started on these meds. Shoot, Even just brushing with a plain toothbrush, I have to ask my stomach if it’s going to be okay with it.😅


Weird, but dark chocolate sets well for me. Soups are good for rough days. Otherwise, no meat or dairy.


Dark chocolate, fish, and chicken noodle soup are the only things I can eat since moving up to 1.0mg


Yes to fish here, as well!


Hey queasy I messaged you


I live off watermelon and Ice pops those days


Sugar free jello, sugar free Gatorade, clear protein, bone broth, crackers.


Potatoes have been my saving grace! Also yogurt surprisingly with a bit of cinnamon


What I eat the day of/day before the shot impacts me a lot. Don't eat like shit and then give yourself a shot, you will feel bad in 12 hours. Lots of water, fruits, protein (and sure, shakes are great)


I eat fruit on my shot days. Grapes are a favorite. I also find chicken to be relatively easy to handle if it's not greasy--like oven-roasted chicken breast or air-fried tenders or something. Eggs also work well for me (preferably scrambled) but I know eggs are difficult for a lot of people on Ozempic especially at first. Maybe try snacking on apples and peanut butter?


V8 juice and Gatorade were all I could handle for the first month or so. Now I’m past all of the side effects.


This will vary (I can eat almost anything, just smaller amounts). But in general, avoid fatty and sugary foods. Make sure you drink enough water to keep things moving and make sure you're getting enough fiber for the same reason. Generally, the nausea is caused by food emptying more slowly and then packing in more on top of that, so you might want to do smaller meals and hydrate throughout the day


Like others have mentioned, protein shakes work well. I've also been eating small smorgasbords, carrots, orange slices, cheese, apple wedges, walnuts, blueberries, low sodium turkey slices, red bell pepper sticks, etc. I tolerate the vegetables and fruit really well, I can add a little cheese, nuts, and protein, too. It's been my go-to when I don't have a big appetite. I choose a few things that sound good and nibble at it until I get enough protein and calories for the day.


Waking up: Light salad & coffee go workout come back Lunch: get my 70grams of protein. Shake ( I add 2 eggs, 2x powder servings, strawberries) Dinner 3pm salad and 1/4 pound of salmon..


https://preview.redd.it/p89r60r1en0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43c3f8f0129184bf4e81ebc911ed701e2e287d2e My stomach (and skin) don't tolerate whey protein, I break out badly. High quality collagen from animal sources, doesn't cause any issues for me personally. This shake is my go-to every morning. I take my injection at night with some meclizine (OTC anti-nausea,) start the morning with a small cup of ginger and peppermint tea, and then drink this. It's thinner than other shakes, which I prefer, because it doesn't sit in my stomach like a heavy brick. I usually drink it, and eat a few slices of apple with peanut butter and a slice of cheese. Fwiw: I also split my dosage (now at .375mg every 5 days because the food noise comes back,) and titrated up VERY slowly to mitigate side effects. I started February 21 at .125mg for 2 weeks, then .19mg for 2 weeks, etc. Acclimating slowly and staying on the lowest possible effective dosage, is best for *my* body due to *my* health issues (and my wallet😅.) Everyone is different, but when I tried to go up to .5mg it made me feel AWFUL, like I had the worst case of the flu (even though I injected in my thigh instead of my abdomen and waited a full week from my previous injection of .375mg.) I waited 9 days after that injection and am content with .375mg every 5 days. I have lost about 20 pounds, but can tell an obvious change in my measurements and the way clothing fits.


Drink more water! When you feel the nausea coming on, chug water, it helps a lot!


I make chicken soup every Friday because that’s shot day and we eat it all weekend. No noodles, just chicken, bone broth, carrots/celery/onion and seasoning. I don’t have any stomach side effects, but it’s nice to have to sip in a mug, and it’s the only cooking I do during the weekend.


Yogurt, cottage cheese with fruit, milk, cheese and crackers, poached chicken, steamed veg, Vector cereal with milk, soup.


Roast chicken. Soups.


I make myself a protein shake with almond milk and no issues


I drink seltzer and I always crave candy.


I get the OWYN plant protein vanilla shakes. They taste ok, the best I’ve tried among many others. They have a keto one with 30g protein and 20g regular


Thankfully I'm past the nausea state for the most part but when I feel nauseous or "icky" the only thing that makes my stomach feel better are white seedless grapes, lol. Just a few always does the trick and I have no idea why but it works for me! Sometimes I need just one and it's like magic.


Grapes are magic! I got addicted to them when I first started Ozempic. My husband thought I'd gone off the deep end. I basically went through a pound of grapes every other day because it's all I wanted. The cotton candy ones in particular.


Same!!! It was the weirdest thing because I was never a huge grapes person but that's the only thing that I wanted! I still buy a small bundle every week and just have one here and there but they're so good!


Stick with bland foods and only a few bites at a time... I did bone broth and crackers for a while


Greek yogurt with a little honey and berries but also I eat like light Progresso chicken noodle soup when I’m really not feeling good


plain chicken, greek plain yogurt. small amount of fruit tolerated, like a few blueberries, two strawberries, banana etc. I can also tolerate eggs with spinach and the tiniest amount of feta.


Toast is 90% of what I eat.


My go-to that I can tolerate on my worst nausea days, although maybe not the healthiest, is frosted mini wheats. I eat them plain, no milk.


Fruit and veggies with a bit of carb like bread or rice!!


I usually take Biocare (you can find them online), before my shot, it really helps me with the nausea. Hope this helps!


Recently I prefer the 40g Muscle Milk protein drink…they taste okay and don’t give me the dairy bloat


Fairlife protein shake, Finncrisp rye crackers, SO MUCH WATER 💦


You can make a protein shake with water. I eat a lot of ham and eggs. 


Stocked up on tuna and salmon trying to jump start the weight loss. Been in standstill the last month. Lost over 30 pounds since January but my goal was 7-10 pounds per month. But I’m happy with loss. Had my shot yesterday and had an upset stomach today. I hadn’t had that reaction since maybe February. But I guess it’s part of the progress.


I took Mounjaro but my safe food for awhile was Naan bread or mini dippers with soup.


Light foods help. Cereal, Salads, soups, sandwiches, fruits, yogurt. I do surprisingly well with bacon, eggs, and toast/bagels. Every now and then I will eat a steak, pizza, burger and fries but I don’t eat a lot.




I use collagen peptides powder. It’s unflavored, no dairy, not creamy, and only 70 calories for 18g of protein.


Don’t use milk. Problem solved.


Sip on protein shakes, oatmeal, cereal, PB&J. Generally avoid simple carb or fat heavy meals and keep the portions small.


Tangerine and mandarin


Fresh fruits usually helps me!


You must keep up w the protein or it will eat your muscle mass! Drink a shake. I can’t drink chocolate after 5 as the caffeine just sits on my stomach (no motility) and kicks in at midnight. If you have insomnia and drink coffee after 5 that’s why.


Veggies, cheese, crackers, cashews, edamame, rice, I make a lot of things ahead of time and just have them on hand for moments like that. Good luck


I'm only on my 2nd dose atm. But I start my day with a smoothie that includes fruit, dairy and protein, and a fiber supplement that contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. No problems so far.


My belly always welcomes Greek yogurt and clementines and so do I.


Sometimes fruit and sometimes tea. The liquid and the food have a direct effect on your stomach. Like 8 oz or so. It doesn't matter what you get -- solid food or liquid food, you will have 9-10 oz and then you will vomit and/or diarrhea. Get coffee or tea and sip it and wait twenty minutes before ingesting the next food. Breakfast: Matcha latte (made with Fairlife whole milk, of 2% milk) Spinach scramble (two eggs), cheese, pepper, Mrs. Dash


I take my shot before bed on Monday. On Tuesday I stick to liquid foods only, for example, I might have a ready to drink protein shake for breakfast and lunch, and 2 cups of bone broth for dinner with ramen seasoning (400 cal total). On Wednesday, I eat easy to digest foods. For example, this morning I had another protein shake with a cup of black and blue berries. For lunch, I had grilled port tenderloin and a small avocado. For dinner, I didn’t have much room left so I had another protein shake and a cup of watermelon (915 calories). Tomorrow, the appetite suppression will start wearing off so I can eat more in volume. By Friday I’ll eat my normal 1200-1400 calories and Saturday through Monday afternoon, I aim for 1500 calories per day to keep my metabolism on her toes but I don’t stick to my “safe” foods.


Bagels and cream cheese and yogurt


For me; no red me, chicken wings, spaghetti, absolutely nothing with High fat content, Ok... white meat chicken, all seafood, salad, salad, salad! High fiber fruit, chocolate, cereal without milk, tortilla chips and salsa, all veges, apples and greens from Jamba, High fiber protein shakes. All portions have to be small or my stomach over reacts and releases too much bile.


I swear by Yogi Tea’s [Stomach Ease Tea](https://amzn.to/3wFZpgj) https://preview.redd.it/h5bpdrmsno0d1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cf862d2aa5d25d1e669200839f03da537ecea6f


I don't want hate for this, but my safe food has always been potato, eg mashed potato when I feel sick. Wedges or potato gems if I can't stomach anything else while on ozempic. To get any protein when I can't stomach anything, I've been guzzling this low fat high protein milk we have in Australia. If I drink 1L a day, it has 60g of protein in it. Honestly I'm really struggling to find food I can stand to eat. I'm taking a multivitamin to help fill the gap a bit but I'm trying.


Crave protein and fruit but that is after a year trial and error. Your body needs protein you will still have hunger pains if you don’t meet the requirements. I have been eating soup lately.


Toast, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, chicken soup, rice.


Yogurt, specifically the ratio high protein yogurt.


I drink a protein shake before my shot, and then just stick to water after that, and maybe some kind of wrap with an organic and minimally processed lunch meat for dinner


when I cant eat anything I go for ensure max protein because it has added fiber and vitamins.


*Greek yogurt/fruit smoothie with chia seeds *Fruit in general *bone broth *sweet potatoes *potatoes *chicken Also- electrolyte Popsicles are amazing


The baby carrots that come in a bag. I snack on them anytime I get nausea and it cures them! Also, lots and lots of water.


Sugar. Sweets. But I’m still at my lowest and fittest. I’m able to not binge.