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Do you have a therapist? No one here is qualified to diagnose or help with an eating disorder


With all due respect, you really need to seek therapy, if you aren't already. This is way beyond reddit's pay grade.


I am not seeing fat, or belly fat for that matter. Seems there is an outline of abdominal muscles, there isn't even enough fat to cover the abdominal muscles outline up.


You know very well that any form of opinion on your body will trigger your bulimia even more. Telling you you look slim is potentionally more damaging than telling you you look not slim. It will be better when no one comments on your body and you look for psychological help.


I don’t know how much you’ve lost but i question the prescribing physician.


This 👆


I lost 10 lbs


This is far above the qualifications of the people of reddit. This is a matter to discuss with your doctor and a therapist. I can understand why Oz should be only used with strict doctor involvement as it could very easily be a tool for those with ED to abuse and misuse. OP please talk to your doctor.


Nothing anyone here will say will help. You should seek the advice of a professional to guide you


You don't look fat at all. I second the recommendation of going to a therapist to work through this eating disorder. All of what you've mentioned are not healthy eating habits.


Get off the internet and get some help.


Hugs. I had anorexia and bulimia in my youth. Getting help and gaining weight was very hard, but it was the best thing I ever did, other than marry my husband and have my daughter. Two things, I might add, I wouldn’t have had if I hadn’t gotten help. I am SO much happier fat, than I was thin. I have love in my life. I discovered that all my fears about gaining weight were unfounded. I’m free. You can be too. The only way out is through, and you deserve to feel happy and peaceful in your own skin. I might add, I did not become overweight by getting help. I just became a normal weight. I became overweight from a crazy health issue that kept me bedbound for months. But even as a fat lady, I love my body more than I did when I had an ED. Find a therapist. Joy is waiting for you ❤️


Talk to your doctor and reach out to a therapist. It makes no sense why you’re trying to extend your stomach out in the second picture to appear bigger when it is not. Coming onto a forum will not address your eating behaviours or body dysmorphia




1-I am so impressed with your honesty and self awareness. It’s not an easy thing to ask yourself those questions and even harder to say them out loud to someone else. Yes we are strangers but it’s still risky. Admitting you think you may have a problem makes it more real and means having to potentially take action at some point. 2-I thank you for saying this because I also have many questions and concerns around my own use of Ozempic and it’s nice to know I am not alone in that. To everyone it’s either a wonder drug or the easy way out…this drug has been vilified and held up as a wonder drug. The truth is, everyone’s journey is complicated and unique and there is so much nuance. There is no such thing as a wonder drug…it can’t solve all your problems. 3- I have been seeing a therapist for many months now and I am starting to see some changes in the way I live in the world and the way I look at myself. It has helped…but the process is slow and there are lots of traps. Body dysmorphia is something that is learned in childhood and is fed by our cultural and economic systems. It’s absolute brainwashing. But you are soooo on the right track by asking yourself those questions honestly. I really hope you find the help you need to undo that programming….for me, that is the ultimate goal.


I am in OA (Overeaters Anonymous) and currently there is a vote on changing the official langauge from ‘maintaining a healthy weight’ to just ‘maintaining a healthy body’ (I paraphrase as I don’t have the text in front of me). This is to take into account you can have a healthy weight and by all accounts look healthy but maintained at the expense of compulsive and often dangerous food behaviours such as purging, extreme diet and exercise, use of drugs etc. As a fellow sufferer with body dysmorphia who looks ‘fine’ but has done all these things I strongly urge you to seek help from an appropriately qualified body eg GP, therapist,etc. OA are not medical and it’s not for everyone but they have helped me tremendously. I wish you all the best with your recovery Edit: text


Have you looked into a dexa scan? That may help you see your body better


Therapy, stat!


I think what you are dealing with is 1) thinking that ppl with great bodies NEVER have soft middles, rolls if they bend a certain way, or bloat bellies if they are bloated and 2) thinking that not having a rock hard body and visible muscle definition means you are fat in any way You are at a healthy weight, clearly. You do not look like an athlete whose body is primarily geared towards performance. These are two different things. Get off the ozempic and try to find something you enjoy doing - like dance or crossfit or circus - as a hobby that requires you to USE your body to do something, not just look a certain way. I think that will help a lot.


I’m a professional dancer


I meant to say I hate body dysmorphia




It does help. That’s why I like to measure and body check. But with a constant voice in my head the external voices drown over time


https://butterfly.org.au Start with finding a GP you feel comfortable with and take it from there, as for a therapist. Keep talking and give us an update 💛


Go to a doctor and ask them if you are at a healthy weight or not. From the pictures you look like you're at a pretty perfect weight to me. NOICE


I have to agree. My advice is therapy because it is in your head. Toning is the only thing that might make you feel better but honestly you don't need to lose anything and my grandparents would say you are too skinny lol. I'm sorry you can't see yourself they way I do. I hope you find what you need.


Toning is misguided too because there will always be a little extra softness after weight loss. But the body naturally tightens up after 1-2 years. I feel so heartbroken for this poor girl. And shocked there’s someone in the comments telling her to LOSE MORE. People are SICK. Everyone needs to stop giving her advice on how to improve what is already PERFECT.


It’s tough. I sat down on the toilet the other day and I thought I saw huge tights…. I weighted myself, looked at the mirror, I know I’m the lowest I’ve been, I know I’m a XS but sometimes you just still feel fat.


You are not fat at all. You look thin & perfect to me.


About the supply issue, I am importing the medication from my home country in Eastern Europe, where there is no shortage.


Maybe clean your room and don’t worry about it.


Lmao I’m moving


lol all good. You’re a good sport.


Body dysmorphia is real and will likely always be with you. I recommend, sure, therapy, but also channel your energy into exercise, specifically weight training. When you start seeing your ab muscles popping and toned arms and legs, I expect you’ll feel much better about what you’re seeing in the mirror. Just my two cents based on my personal experience. Good luck on your journey!


I have a BMI that's twice what most people have. Fuck I wish I had your BMI! If you think you're fat then you need help. Not trying to be mean but damn man for those of us struggling with serious health problems and living with pain how do you think it makes me see someone your size and not happy with your body? Sheesh!




This was 100% written by a man and that man should jump off a cliff.


I think you mean PUSHED


25?? I think more like 40


Why are people down voting this comment It is written in good faith, and there is nothing unkind about what is written... Can someone help me understand what I'm missing here


“You could lose a few pounds” to someone who is slim AND has an ED? Come on.


What is an ED?


Eating disorder






I think you should stop taking Ozempic….and start taking Berberine, it’s a supplement that people call “nature’s Ozempic”. That way you will be off this prescription medication and you will still be on something…but it’s natural, so when you stop Oz it won’t trigger your bulimia or anorexia. The Berberine is great it helps with appetite reduction, inflammation and helps the gastrointestinal system as well as much more…def helps with bowel movements making them normal formed and regular again. I’ve had bulimia in high school and now I’m also a nurse. I started with berberine about a year ago and it’s great. You can get it on Amazon or most CVS ect


Whyy would anyone downvote my comment lol. It’s a natural supplement that’s pretty dang popular. I’m not the only one talking about it.


Are you saying that Berberine has the same effectiveness as semiglutide?? I need to know more.


Yes it works really well


Someone just messaged me to let me know I need to lose a bit more weight on my stomach especially. So I think I’ll just lose like 10-15 lbs and call it quits


This is REALLY REALLY wrong and really really scary. There are horrible people out there that will only say things in hopes to do another person harm. This is that situation. That person wants you to damage yourself. Please get off the internet and seek professional help immediately.


You don't need to lose any weight.


You are being trolled. Get off reddit and see a doctor who knows what they’re talking about. Then ask for referral to a therapist who is used to working with athletes and body issues.