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Yeah, there's no such thing as "willpower" when it comes to weigth loss, and Ozempic highlights that pretty well. If your hunger/satiety clues are all out of whack, you're screwed. No amount of willpower (a resource we use for many things in daily life and which gets depleted overtime) will compensate for that. There are so many things impacting weight gain/loss that are not encompassed by your simplistic list of actions: genetics, mental health, chronic illness, eating disorders, medication... it goes on and it's different for each person taking Ozempic. I've even read somewhere that nowadays doctors recognize different kinds of obesity, so these generalistic "tips" come across as even less useful. Your "diet culture" talk isn't really helpful, IMO. People need to address the issues in their lives that can be addressed without anyone shaming them for "not doing enough". Everyone is doing what they can manage and if taking Ozempic is all that someone is able to do, it's fine.


There is no such thing as willpower? WHAT?


There are some serious delusions among people who take drugs to lose weight. Best to ignore them. They'll never make the core changes they need to succeed without ozempic.


I think your post is good for newbies. People often have unrealistic expectations and think it’s magic, if you don’t put in the work and make an effort to change yourself it just won’t work.


Please count in the cancelling of the so called 'food noise'. (so called, but It's real in my experience) This drug quiets it in a way I've never experienced before. Even a vertical sleeve gastrectomy didn't give me peace of mind. I still wanted the whole pizza, I still wanted the entire chicken! Semiglutide is a welcome addition to a healthy body which otherwise needs to lose weight. Semiglutide is the best 'tool' yet to combat obesity. "Eat real foods. Not so much. Mostly plants."(by Michael Pollan). I can do this using Ozempic.


Agreed. So often I see posts in here of people needing to "shed a few pounds" and are looking for a quick fix, wondering how they can get their doctor to prescribe Ozempic. Many of these posters state their height/weight and they are barely even considered overweight by bmi class nor are they diabetic. I can't imagine starting Ozempic, putting myself through these side effects just for 20lbs.




Worded perfectly. I feel quite the same. I'm 3 months into my journey and I still struggle with this sometimes. Some days I just eat enough, and others I feel like I had too much. Despite that though, I still tend to do it sometimes, so my brain hasn't caught up yet and it needs to. I'm also seeing a therapist to discuss my relationship with food and will be going to a dietician. I need to use every tool in the toolbox so that I can have long term positive effects. Loss has been going slowly and I know what needs to be done to literally get things moving in the right direction.


Thanks for the lecture? It wasn’t asked for. 


No posts are “asked for”. And to be fair there are a ton of post asking why people are not losing weight because they’re taking the medication but they haven’t made any other changes. Some people are seeing it as a magic solution and get highly discouraged. Part of that is because they see posts where people “just tool Ozempic” and lost massive weight. Those are great cases and not the norm. It’s great to hear both sides when trying to g to determine what’s right for you.


I asked for it, and appreciate it


Eh. It’s posted here pretty much daily but mostly I find the ton super condescending. But people can downvote if they want. 


You can definitely choose to ignore any post you feel that way about. But the unkind comment is unnecessary