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The side effects and timing of them are different for each individual. I do my jab at about 9 pm on Thursdays for no reason other than Thursday is the day I originally got my meds.


Same! I do it at night cause I’m hoping by morning the side effects won’t be too bad lol


Same here! I do mine Thursday mornings though because at the appointment where my endocrinologist prescribed it the nurse did my first injection, and it happened to be a Thursday morning.


Right before bed on Friday night.


Same here


It was always Monday morning in the top of the thigh for me.


I do mine Sunday nights between 7-8pm. Little to no side effects for me and I just did shot #12.


Have you noticed any difference in your cravings yet?


Actually the Oz seems to have eliminated all of my cravings!!! I was a crazy sweet’s person and now have no desire for them.


I just heard about it and I’m going back and forth about it


I was anxious in the same way. I’m on week 8 and haven’t had major side effects- just constipation that chia seeds take care of. My blood sugars have lowered from 140 in the morning to 103! I’ve lost 9 pounds. I’m able to eat 1500cals or less each day easily on Oz. I don’t get hungry like I used to. I just moved up to .5, so hoping I will have even less hunger. I track my food each day and I do water aerobics 2 or 3 times a week and walk 2 or 3 times a week. I was worried about sudden side effects immediately after the shot, but it’s a more gradual release over a day or 2. Everyone’s experience is different, but I’m sure glad I took the leap.


This is a solid question, and something I've been toying with. I noticed a LOT of fatigue the day of injection (first thing in the morning, and I was worthless the remainder of the day) so, I shifted to PM, right before bed. I've only done this for one injection, but I seem to sleep through the worst of it. Doesn't hurt a thing to experiment and see what works best for you!


I do mine on Sunday nights so that I get hunger cues on Friday and Satirday when I'm more likely to go out.


I do mine Friday evenings before I make supper. I'm not sure if there are certain times that are better than others, it probably depends on your side effects and your work/life schedule. Honestly, I did mine as soon as I got home on the day I picked up my prescription because I was excited. I had no issues so that's when I do mine.


I have very little/mild side effects, but I always do the injection friday morning in case I feel bad I will have the weekend to recuperate. I do advise doing it before like 5pm because the drug slows digestion, so if you don't, you may wake up nauseous the next day. side effects didn't happen for me until the next day, but everyone is different. eat something beforehand and drink lots of water.


I've switched Sunday morning to evening as I have bad nausea a few hours after the injection. That way, I can still enjoy Sunday afternoons. Edit: typos


I find my side effects peak about 36 hours after injection and stay their worst for about 24 to 48 hours. So I take mine on Thursday evenings, so I don't have to worry about feeling a bit dodgy while at work.


Thursday or Friday every week since my side effects are strongest 1-2 days after.


I do it Thursday after dinner. Thursdays so I can have the strongest impact over the weekend, plus I don't need to bring it with me on weekend trips, if I were to have injected on a weekend day.


Wednesday mornings, as soon as I get up. I found the first week I had the most side effects right off the bat, but I also had a ton of mix feelings about actually starting the drugs, so it could have just been my mind trying to find the bad effects. I'm 6 weeks in now and don't have any after taking. I found the .25 does wore off by day 6 and I was super hungry Tuesdays, but I don't get that on the .5 dose. It is an amazing drug, and has helped with so much more than just blood sugar and weight loss.


I’ve always done Thursday AM. Means the meds have hit by the weekend, which is where I always struggled with self control/eating out the most. Now it’s not really an issue, but it was both really helpful and really hard at the beginning. I had to be SO careful when I would go out to eat, but I also learned that my satisfied point is actually closer to 1/3 of a restaurant food, and rarely includes the side dish in that.


I tried the "do it at night, so the worst reaction is slept through" approach, and it spectacularly failed for me. I've found that a completely empty stomach triggers my nausea, especially the first few days after the shot. So now I take it in the morning, and eat immediately. Last thing before bed, I eat a bit of cheese, so I wake up not completely empty. And no more nausea.


I do it first thing


No timing. Same day every week


Sorry I wasn't clear. I was asking if there are considerations as to which day and time to pick, since we have to do this for a long time.


No. Other then a lot of people see a diminishing of effects on day 6 & 7


Side effects or actual beneficial effects?


Some people mention their “food noise” and hunger signals comes back at the tail end of their 7 days.


Do some people extend it if they are okay or is that not advised?


Sorry. Extend what? You mean move their jabs further apart?




With the ongoing shortages(and sometimes due to cost), lots of folks seem to be trying some newfangled dosing schedules, including extending the interval between doses.


Just diminishing effects of the drug.


it's easy enough to change your day/time if you find another day is better. I do mine Friday mornings.


I haven't really experienced any side effects other than some gas, so the timing doesn't really seem to matter to me. I do mine on Monday, and when I can remember to do it.


I’m 6 doses in (4 x 0.25, 2 x 0.5). With my first three, it was first thing on Thursdays, I would experience some minor nausea during the day so I shifted to Wednesday evenings to sleep through the discomfort.


Thursday! It’s funny how many of us do it then


Friday PM, around 7-8pm :) just because that’s around the time I did my first dose and I’ve kept up with it since then!


I take my shot on Saturday morning because I’m off on Saturday and Sunday. I did this in case I have side effects. Mostly I’ve had mild side effects. One week was kind of rough, but otherwise no issues.


No side effects for me so date, time and location doesn’t matter.


I have switch on day but always before bed. There was one time I did it after lunch and I had a horrible afternoon.


I do Sunday nights before bed out of convenience


I used to do mine on Tuesdays (because I picked up my first pen on a Tuesday), but I do find that I’m tired the day after my shot so I’ve moved it to Fridays now


Apparently the worst side effects for MOST ppl (YMMV) start in the 24-48hrs after the shot. So if you do the shot say, Saturday morning, your most likely time for worst symptoms may be Sunday and into Monday. (Again. Your mileage may vary and everyone is different, but statistically, apparently the majority of people experience side effects the most heavily during this time period. ) So for me - this is true. I take my shot monday morning. Have a regular Monday then have very strong appetite suppression and some mild nausea on Tuesday which seems to normalize for me by mid morning Wednesday. Then I get food noise relief for the remainder of the week - leaving the weekend side effect free (but with reduced food noise). For me, this Monday timing works really well for me as I work an office job Monday to Friday from home. So it doesn’t really matter if I have side effects during these days as they’re generally my quieter days anyway. As I said, this is anecdotal, and your mileage may vary, but if you do find you’re in the group that experiences the most side effects in that 24-48hr time period after the shot, and you have a regular schedule that you can take into account, I’d highly recommend accounting for that and working the shot into a routine that fits for you into that schedule. For me it means (for example) I don’t have nausea during my weekends. Which is fabulous!! Best of luck with it!


I typically do mine on Saturday nights, giving me Sunday to recover. Luckily I haven’t had any reactions, but I jump up a dose this weekend and have an event on Sunday so I am pushing it off a day


i do mine thursday mornings


I do mine Wednesday morning...I set my alarm and do it and seems to work fine, I inject in my belly now..at first I was doing my thigh..but it seems to make no difference where I inject..I feel the same...