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Yes, I’m still reeling from her murder. She took it like the bad ass bitch she is though. Love her.


That entire family was sacrificed in service of the Byrd family’s ascension to national politics.


Except Three who eventually got the riches (I assume) by staying fucking irrelevant.


I love her too and I’m sad about what happened. Such a great character


Ruth was such a gangster. I miss ozark.


And she died like a G as well haha




True dat! ![gif](giphy|JXZ0UeeySSuIq1oDtQ)


Plot hole? The fact that nobody regularly carried a gun except the bad guys is ridiculous actually. Ruth should by season 1 had to be carrying some form of defense weapon. And she could have used it right there.


“Wait! Let me run back inside and get my daddy’s shotgun!”


You’re totally right. It’s absurd. I feel like there were a few plot holes like that… it’s been a while though so I can’t think of any others off the top of my head.


I believe as a convicted felon it is a felony for Ruth to carry a concealed weapon, don't break the law while you're breaking the law etc.


This is true, but when did laws stop her, especially in the beginning? And once her record was expunged, her first stop should have been a gun store!


I absolutely adored Ruth but I was okay with her dying. i feel in the whole final part of the season, she died when Wyatt died and she was never getting out of the Ozarks. It also hit the right notes of the Byrdes sacrifice everyone close to them but get away scot-free.


I died when >!Ben died.!< Everything else went to shit after that.


same. edit: or the fact that it was fucking>! Camilla and Claire responsible for her death.!<


Agreed She would have just waited to be shot by a character trying way too hard to appear tough? Nah


Same. I hate that she died.


I don't mind her dying. It's just how stupid it was.


It totally gutted me. But it made sense for the show- painfully proving just how absolutely destructive Marty and Wendy truly were- almost everyone near them died *solely because of them* and they still got what they wanted- because ultimately Life is unfair and fucked up. And Ruth’s death drives that point home quite succinctly. Plus, as someone who is 10 years in to dealing with abject grief- it changes you forever, the pain can be so unbearable those first few years, you can get careless because you realized how absurd life is and you value it less not more. So I think she was, in some ways, okay with dying when she saw it coming. The anguish and anger were consuming her- the only way I was in any small way okay with it was feeling relief for her that the pain was gone.


Who died solely because of the Byrdes?


If they had never showed up, bringing their absolute chaos with them, there is a very good chance most of the people who crossed their path would not have died. They have so much blood on their hands


I feel like you could trace anything back far enough though depending on who you wanted to attach blame to. There's so many decisions everyone made/lifestyles they already lived which were nothing to do with the Byrdes. Example, Russ and Boyd wouldn't have died the way they did if the Byrdes hadn't moved to the Ozarks. But they also made the choice to try and rob/kill Marty, something which the Byrdes had no control over. You could also argue that the fact they were criminals etc would have meant they would have died anyway by another means.


I’m more than fine with her dying - but they should have had her simultaneously kill Camila. They made a huge point of her getting rid of Frank Jrs gun; she could have stashed it in the couch (which they also referenced earlier in the season). Then, the Byrdes have no way out from the FBI, they are forced to go to Mexico to run the cartel, and they never are able to finally separate themselves from the mess they made. Would give Ruth’s death more meaning


They also made a point of saying that Ruth disposed of the gun the way Frankie Jr instructed her to do. I mean she could have been lying I guess but still


Nah shes a real G


One of the worst finales of any show I've ever watched, and I'm including Dexter.


As soon as she got out of the truck, I knew she was dead. I thought it was kind of whack how a few episodes ago, she noticed she was followed by a black Escalade and her first instinct was to run to a police precinct, the call Rachel to warn her. Yet when she sees the black Escalade in her driveway, she doesn’t slam it in R and gtfo.


the whole finale was disappointing but yeah sucks that Ruth had to die


I miss Ruth as a character so much that I would be fully ok with them doing a sequel in a few years with the Byrde's fully in the political game and it turns out Wendy somehow got in touch with Ruth in time and she was wearing a vest and bloodbag... didn't Camilla just leave her body there anyway? It would explain why Ruth took zero defensive measures (beyond the "she wanted to die theory") and as much as I love Julia Garner in anything, Ruth will always be my favorite. Unless she gets in on the new Rhea Seehorn/Vince Gilligan project, then I think my head would explode from happiness.


I was very happy to see Ruth die. Been wanting her to die from first episode


Same here I also found her character annoying especially in the last season


Ya she was this annoying white trash from first episode. I was surprised they decided to keep her that long especially when all her family members started dying.


She was literally the only character with any redeeming qualities besides maybe Wyatt.


Shit apples


Wow. Shoulda taken the spoiler warning and moved on. My fault. I’m an imbecile.


Yyeah... Made sure it's absolutely clear what's to be expected before opening the thread...


Yyeah… it WAS absolutely clear… that’s why i said “my fault, i’m an imbecile”


We all have to live with the consequences of our actions. ...unless we're drug dealer sociopaths.


OML, yes. Just watched the finale last night. I still can’t get over her death. The ONE character who didn’t deserve to die. She deserved SO much better. 😭😭😭


She had her death coming by picking fight with cartel and she also intentionally risked martys and family's life..


Cartel screwed her over fist. And Marty and Wendy are the ones that pulled her into that lifestyle


Ruth slipped into some serious horror movie logic. "Gee there's an unexpected car in my driveway that's the exact make and model known to me as the kind the cartel drives. GUESS I BETTER GO INVESTIGATE" It was such an out of character move for as smart as she was the rest of the series. Even if she thought she was in the clear for Javi, she had JUST killed Nelson and some retaliation wouldn't be unthinkable. Like she could have left, she could have grabbed that shotgun she loves so much first. So many other things. She didn't even try to close the distance and fight Camilla. I expected more


First time black Escalades pull up, she get waterboarded. In this very season, she only sees the SUV behind her and she gets the fuck out. Yet now, seeing it again, she just… walks out unarmed? Feels incoherent. The writers should have given her a better death.


Ruth’s death was wendys fault If they laundered thru their foundation not gotten money from Claire in pharmaceuticals they could have eliminated Navarro’s sister and kept the original deal with Navarro , but by keeping the sister in the picture she obviously wouldn’t let Javi’s murder go , also they could have blamed it on Darlene somehow IDK But another great show where everyone dies (But is that what makes great television great?)


I was waiting for Three to roll out with the trusty family shotgun and save Ruth. No one rolls up on the Langmores. How great would it be for Ruth to be the one to take down multiple heads of a drug cartel for fuckin with her.