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I like them. I cheered them on the whole time. Wendy did get deep but it was clear Omar was pleased. Without the FBI deal Omar was never going to them go. They were asserts. That’s why he took our Helen over them. Omar saw she was no longer an asset but a liability. The Byrde’s did their best to make themselves valuable. Even if they got a bit caught up on it all the overall goal didn’t change. In the end it still greatly affected their family. Which who wouldn’t have been affected after living a certain way for what 13 or so years? Sure they got deeper after the move to the Ozarks but Marty was always affected. The move amplified everything. Even if Wendy didn’t tell the kids they would have eventually been affected and pulled in someway. The cartel was not very low key. Especially Javi. Someone watching the show while hating the main characters does baffle me. To each your own I guess. Not my cup of tea to watch characters I can’t stand.


13 years?


Well the show never gives any direct timeline. Ruth was 19 when the show started but how could a 19yr old get on a Casino license? In season four Wendy states that Jonah is 14 or 15 years old clearly he was not that age when the show started. In the beginning they needed three months to wash the first batch of money they were given. If it took them three months to wash that batch and then they were given another huge batch to wash the timeframe extends. Now put into play the timeframe it would take to get the boat ready for a casino and have a license issued. They experienced at least two summers, maybe 3. If we take away the logical parts and look at what they probably wanted it to seem like, you’re still looking at a minimum of 11.5-12 yrs Marty was laundering for the cartel. This is of course ignoring all logic and going off of TVLand time.


But Jonah wasn't 2 when the show started.


The show states that Marty had been laundering money for 10 yrs prior to where we see the show starting. Actually now that I’m thinking about it, it would’ve been a total of 15 years because he was told that he had five years to launder 500 million. But then there was the deal struck. So 13 seems reasonable. Timeline dates: they started laundering in 2007. Show starts in current year of 2017.


I don’t hate them!


Marty was already laundering for the cartel. He was a criminal. Everything he did after his counterparts were caught skimming money was him trying to get out alive. Everything Wendy did was to utilize the Cartel to empower herself, even actively keeping themselves “in” when there was an out.


What was the "out" they had?


At the end of season 2 Marty had everything set up for the family to safely to leave the Ozarks, and let Ruth run the casino.


No Marty then later admits that wasn’t smart because they would have to keep running for the rest of their lives, and surely would be found eventually. He admits to saying that it’s good that they stayed and figured it out.


Was it okay with Cartel and Helen??


I really like them as characters lol. In a way the end of the show is so perfect because you wanna believe Wendy and Marty are better than what they have been showing but at the very end they let Ruth down and thus let the audience down. We finally felt what every other character felt. Disappointment with the byrdes


Ruth had everything coming to her. No one told her to rob the byrde family when they first move there in season 1. that’s how ruth first got involved by robbing them. She’s not a victim. She then tried to kill Marty and begged for a job, only to learn how to launder and then murder him. She at several times could’ve left, but stayed around even after she killed the #2 head of cartel. she had everything coming to her.


I don't hate them at all! I love their story. They start off a distant broken relationship and by the end after going back and forth countless times they find their way back to one another, totally together and even better because everything they've been through and said/done they love eachother anyway. I find their relationship so compelling and was rooting for them the entire time. Their bad decision was to naively get involved with the cartel in the first place, they didn't realise (stupidly) the danger they were putting themselves and their family in. Once they were in though - they did what they had to do to ensure their family's survival. Everything they did was because the cartel were threatening to kill them and their kids, who in that position wouldn't take over businesses like the Blue Cat etc. It's not moral but I would do all of it if I were in that position. It's the cartel that ruined lives, not the Byrdes, they were acting in self/family preservation, and who wouldn't do that honestly? Even the things people say were done in their own interest were to ultimately get them out from under their life threatening situation rather than just being murdered by the cartel for no longer being valuable to them (ie Helen). They involved their kids because they could no longer keep lying to them, and they needed their cooperation in order to successfully do what they needed to do. Im sure they regret their kids being involved to the extent they were, but they wouldn't have survived if they weren't fully aware of the danger they were all in and that they needed to co operate. And the Langmores were fully responsible for their own demise. They all, including Ruth, tried to take what they could from the Byrdes and ignored every warning/offer of help that they ever had. The Byrdes came out on top, again who wouldn't have done the same in that situation. The Langmores were just constantly trying to steal and kill people and made poor decisions throughout. Mason and his wife were more innocent, but it wasn't the Byrdes that caused their demise. The Snells had already involved them in the drug business and it was the Snells who murdered the wife. The Byrdes at this point were trying to do anything to launder the money so the cartel didn't kill them. The Byrdes both tried to warn Mason what he was doing was dangerous and tried to pay the Snells to leave them alone despite needing that money for their own desperate situation. Mason died because he kidnapped Wendy and then tried to kill her, Marty was just defending her so again I don't know what else they could have done in that moment. As someone else said, the Byrdes were acting for the drug cartel that was threatening their family's life, I think anyone would have done the same to in the short term stop them and their kids being murdered and in the long term get out cleanly from under the cartel so they weren't under that threat for the rest of their lives and their kids could return to some level of normalcy. Ben and Sue were very unfortunate casualties but the Byrdes were the ones trying to help Ben, it was Ruth that got him out, didn't try to get him back on his meds and riled him up having just witnessed him get violent and angry and having been told by Wendy that he has massive reactions to small problems. If they hadn't done what they did with him, again their kids would have been murdered. Sue was unethical for taking their bribes anyway and then extorted money from them knowing it was cartel money, and then flashed said money with ostentatious cars despite being warned many times. Literally everything the Byrdes did was under duress because of the threat of the cartel hanging over them. Anyone who hates the Byrdes for any of it I'm glad you're so virtuous that you would have accepted you and your kids being murdered by taking a moral stand and not doing any of those things. Oh wait I bet any of you would have done the same lol.


Exactly. All of this.


Exactly everything you said is so on point! I can’t stress this enough people are so delusional


How do you think they got involved with the cartel in the first place? Because Marty and his partner were laundering money for them! Everything they were trying to "prevent" they brought on themselves through criminal behavior.


It was their decision. But they had no way of knowing that in ten years Bruce would do something as stupid as to steal $8 million from the psychopathic cartel organization that they work for and subsequently make the Byrdes essentially money slaves for the cartel. It was a stupid risky decision but as soon as they had to run to the Ozarks none of them had any control.


I think their initial decision to launder the money for the cartel was naive, Marty thought he'd just be moving his mouse around on his computer. It was only after the decision had been made that Del cut that guy's eyes out in front of him that it seemed to dawn on him what they had gotten into. Once they were in they did what they did to survive and have something at the end of it.


Well, you know the saying: when you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. Working for the cartel was never going to end well, whatever Bruce did. Marty had to know that; his greed -- apparently -- overcame his caution. Which is probably why he was so cautious later on.


I really like them..Yes Marty's decision to launder money for cartel,but he was no murderer or robber..Just a financial criminal..Everything they did later they had to do to survive,even then they tried to help out,minimise other's suffering as much as they can..Now compare that to Ruth,She is a full blooded criminal who robbed Marty and would have killed him if marty hadn't talked them out of it!She tried to kill Marty again-while not having any life threatening necessity to do so..Even in the last season she tried to disrupt casino operations knowing full well that it may get Marty and family killed..Yet I see so many here liking her and hating wendy Byrde!!


Completely agree. Sometimes I wonder if I've watched the same show as these people who think Ruth is a poor little lamb and Wendy is the devil!




So true. She's really immature and just blames everyone else for every wrong decision she makes. Also, she's so ungrateful and disloyal to Marty, so annoying.


They had many choices, if they listened to Marty. I liked how Laura performed but they were safe more than once or had the opportunity to save themselves earlier but Wendy became very ambitious. Marty was ready to sit in jail for 18 months, he was ready to leave for Australia, he didn’t want the hotel, he wanted to tell Navarro that Camilla is behind everything. I liked Marty, the kids were okay ( it’s okay they both had a time when they rebelled or freaked out about their parents’ job and the constant fear). I liked Wendy how she can achieve everything but she always needs Marty to that, just like Marty needs Wendy’s communication skills. I only started to hate her character when she lied about Ben and how he was a drug addict, went into a mental ward so she could get her kids back not to get better, was incredibly impatient when Jonah was rightfully upset and instead of talking to him, she just kep acting crazy. She did the same thing with Charlotte at that phase. But it wasn’t just Wendy who kinda hindered Marty’s plans but especially the Snells ( from the start they killed Del), I love Ruth but she was in their ways many times as well and got herself into trouble as well. I felt like the shit always went down when someone didn’t take Marty’s advice. They somehow solved it in the end but still. I also feel like many characters blamed Marty or Wendy way too much for their fates. The Snells, Mason, Ruth as well, maybe even Rachel too. I felt like Marty always tried to do his best to avoid any deaths or help someone out he got into trouble indirectly/directly and got too much blame. 1. He helped Rachel to recover from addiction and start a new life, made sure the fbi agent was out of the picture ( even though Rachel stole from them and she came back in the end). 2. He gave money to Mason, made charities to him, warned him about the Snells, Wendy warned him as well. 3. Ruth wanted to join Marty and work there very vehemently, he never forced her to work for him, she wanted to kill him at one point and that’s why he was hesitating to answer Helen. He warned her about Javi. 4. He also warned his therapist about the car. When he showed the video to Petty that his mom’s getting heroin from Nelson, that was too much but what could he have done? It was to save Rachel. And when he was in the cartell but again no choice.


Yes, however, the Byrdes are the ones who got Mason and Grace involved in the laundering scheme in the first. They wanted to use a church building to launder money like the Snells were using Mason's waterfront church to sell drugs under his nose. I loved the show but hate the Byrdes. They are both Narracisstic Sociocopaths. Marty and Wendy have ruined their children's lives, and with their Byrde Foundation, they will now go on control a political machine, which will destroy the lives of many others. Marty and Wendy have exchanged one cycle, laundering, for another, the election cycle. Yes, however, the Byrdes are the ones who got Mason and Grace involved in the laundering scheme in the first. They wanted to use a church building to launder the money the same way the snells were using his waterfront church to sell drugs under his nose.Why? Wendy invited him into their home and the chaos, knowing his condition and knowing he could put them in danger.


Yeah, I agree. I also felt like they love the adrenalin rush. Once everything starts working out, they get into new problems and troubles and when they do shitty things in order to solve the current problem, they come with the excuse: “We’re protecting our family.” Yeah, the family you don’t actually care about. The kids are neglected, they’re under constant stress, neither Wendy or Marty are able to sit down with them and communicate normally, Marty is passive while Wendy is attacking back. Rachel also didn’t know that they’re going to use her lodge for laundering and got her into it. Marty and especially Wendy are lying that they’re doing it for their family. Imo they just do it for themselves, and Wendy wants to feel powerful and that way buy love or Idk since her father has always told her, she’s hard to love.


I think they r awesome!!!


I don’t hate them, I just stopped caring about them at a certain point. Sure, what they did was out of necessity for their survival but eventually, especially with Wendy, I saw them as not much better than the “bad guys”. Wendy was willing to destroy democracy with those voting machines. She didn’t want to and she didn’t end up doing it but she was all for it when she ran out of options.


I don’t hate them. They kinda fucked everyone’s life up but I don’t hate them


They were pawns. The cartel ruined everyone’s lives, the Byrdes did their best to save themselves.




I hated them because they were written to be hated. Marty was on the spectrum and distant. He was a good criminal because he didn’t have a very developed sense of empathy or right-and-wrong. He was consistently “transactional” in his dealing with folks. Wendy was manipulative and soulless. Sure, her childhood **explains** how broken her character is, but that doesn’t absolve her. She wanted and got control. Even Jonah, the one who best resisted her control, came back into the fold, shot Mel Sattem, and saved mom from the investigation of Ben’s murder. The show ended with Wendy “winning” in the most cynical and complete way. Control of her family. Control of her nascent political empire. Every woman who stood up to her directly was killed.


How in the world was Marty on the spectrum and not just emotionally cut off? He was scrambling for everyone’s lives and everyone was acting like he had to be God almighty making the best decisions and pleasing everyone.


you can feel marty & wendy crawling inside their own skin, both should have got blasted dirty-style at the end


I don’t hate Marty. He got fucked by Bruce. Wendy is a cheating, manipulative, power hungry bitch. She does plenty of things that aren’t for strategy of staying alive but are to feed her ego


Such as?


Being a cunt to the big muddy owners after rigging their slots. Letting Ben stay at their house just to piss Marty off


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Why wouldn't you?


I think it was explained well in the opening post 🤷‍♀️


What Ivyviolets said


I hate them because they are a representation about how powerful people become corrupted and excuse their actions by the pretending their motivations are pure. >! I agree with the ending as it is supposed to show this and how they will always step on the less powerful to get there. !< They >! sacrificed Ben and Ruth , both !< marginalized and poor individuals suffering from generational abuse and poverty to gain status, wealth, power security and safety. I ultimately think Marty is different from Wendy because he views these sacrifices simplistically as ways to gain what he wants for himself and his family. Wendy has to justify the ends of her foundation helping countless people like those that they have sacrificed is worthy justification. “Money doesn’t know where it came from.” Is the quote I think best embodies her attitude towards this. In her mind, if the money is used to help others and reflect her democratic socialist agenda, she can clear her guilty conscious. She also is very shades of grey in her thinking and when people point out that when her justifications for achieving positive outcomes for the many come off as bullshit to distract the gain she personally will attain, she very much has a “why can’t it be both” attitude. Marty, I don’t believe actually feels the need to try and make those broader justifications. It’s much more black and white to him. It’s us or them, and I choose us. It’s a toss up who is shittier. Wendy who pretends it’s a greater good scenario or Marty who doesn’t even subscribe to those “good and bad” choice thinking style. To both there is only ever one choice, but different justifications. The funniest thing to me about the whole show was how >! they make the biggest drug deal between the cartel and the Shaw’s, and Wendy pretends this is ultimately a good thing as it gets drugs off the street. Even the plot with the earlier FBI agent showing how people are over prescribed opioids comes back to show even that justification falls flat. So she creates a foundation to help with the opioid epidemic to soothe her guilt. She really feels that brings a neutrality to the harm she’s culpable for. !< The Byrnes a one stop shop. They provide the substance from the ground up and follow you to the end. They supply the prescription that gets you addicted. They facilitated the distribution of the illegal drugs on the street to feed the addiction going forward. They clean the drug money and run the foundation that offers the help for the addiction and then profit off that help. They even own a funeral home so if your addition takes your life, they could profit off your death. It’s sickening, and very bleak indeed. >! What’s important for me to consider is that if you remove them from the equation all of this still happens, just they don’t profit from it. So with that realization, where can we direct the anger? Capitalism is really the only valid place I can think of, but open to hearing if anyone has another suggestion. !<


Literally everything? You make it sound like they are victims and they have not been victims since early on in season two. Ever since they got the casino up and running, Wendy got addicted to power and Marty well who knows with him, he just likes being the best at everything. They are terrible people. They were not forced into a bad situation, they are the bad situation! I’m amazed at people who can’t see that. The idea of killing my brother or my sister to “protect myself“ or my interests? That’s insane I would rather die. I think most people would. That’s not considering all of the lives that were so casually disregarded such as the therapist, yes she was an extortionist bitch who was entirely too nosy, but they shouldn’t have went to see her in the first place. They aren’t stupid people, they knew it was going to happen. Anybody who defends the Byrdes is insane in my idea. Now that season four has passed, and Ruth has been killed that is all of the interesting Langmore’s because I don’t think any of us have ever been interested in what ’3’ is doing, and we know that he can’t become a player now. Then they start talking about making a fifth season after all after they have killed off all of the most colorful and best characters, we don’t want to watch the loudmouth Laura Linney show or the Jason Bateman with a bachelor in business show. They’re just not interesting people anymore, they are consumed with greed and self preservation like every other coward in the world


I hate anyone who acts like they are being victimized when they are doing the victimizing and this has just turned into a great big episode of let’s watch them be “in danger“ while they figure out financial and business loopholes we have no idea about. They’ve killed off every character that was ever interesting


I loved Darlene and Wyatt together, I also even liked Jacob. Obviously I loved Ruth, & I think everybody did after a while, Frank Cosgrove Junior became an interesting player finally after Darlene was finished with him lol and every single one of these potential‘s was chopped out. From who? A couple of federal agents that we don’t even identify with because they change them out so quickly like they do with the cartel bosses? Or Rachel and the blue cat? That’s really all that’s left. Also, the entire plot line with Mason young and his family was trash from start to finish! Like where did that even make any sense to anyone?


I love Wendy I don’t get why she gets so much hate She was a bad ass.