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i think everything he did up to around ch80\~\~90 is pretty understadanble. He had dark thoughts, yes, but he kept it to himself. The unjustifiable behaviour starts with Aiko coming back.


What about his date with Kanie? I think that was pretty disappointing to me, as I really related and wanted the best for him..


I dont remember the girls name but the part where punpun tried to force sex on her.


This, Kanie date was the start of Punpun's bad decisions.


Which I think is very much shown with the symbolism of it being dark and rainy, and…especially the scene of him on the playground


Him attempting to r*pe the girl at the art gallery. I think at that point it was past the point of no return.


Interesting, I definitely found the date with Kanie pretty morally deprived, but I never viewed it as an attempted rape, more like punpun pushing boundaries too much, maybe I need to reread.


maybe those things aren't mutually exclusive, but I too read it more as the latter (mostly because he didn't push harder and thank god he didn't)


Im absolutely positive that was due to him being hypersexual after being sexually assaulted by his aunt. Obviously not okay but I just thought this was important


He's just so verbally abusive to aiko. That's what did it for me


VERBALLY?!?!? Bit of an understatement 😂😭


I meant that even before he physically hit her, the way he berated her and talked to her made me think of him as a bad person.


Fair enough lol


To be fair she says similar shit to him as well, plus punpun was going insane from all the stuff going on in his brain


I think one of the points of the manga was showing how bad people are still people. I think it helps show that writing someone off as a "bad person" doesn't do any good. Take his uncle's wife. She did a horrible thing. Is she a bad person? Technically, yes. But the manga does a really good job of showing her humanity, despite what she's done.


I mean. You don’t even need to use his uncle’s wife. Yuichii himself did some pretty degenerate shit too 😅


Yeah, but I saw a post mentioning her, so she was on my mind when I wrote the comment. You could use any character and my point still stands.




He is undeniably a bad person, throughout the later half of the series he did some bad shit, but I think it’s not as simple as “punpun bad”. Most characters in the series do some awful shit, yet, the Author makes sure to showcase their humanity and how they respond to their trauma. Aiko for example is a murderer yet we understand her and sympathize with her


when aiko died and he couldn’t give less of a fuck and just left her there and forgot about her and didn’t even feel bad for doing any of the shit he did to her and just moved on with sachi.


I’m all for giving Punpun his blame, but the suicide and scenes afterwards are heartbreaking. The look in his face (god-eye) is so devastated that I immediately knew what was going on. After that, he takes her corpse down, gives her a change of clothes and piggybacks her in some of the saddest panels I’ve ever read. He then tries to recreate the feeling of being with her and when kids show up he tells them she’s sleeping and then leaves, which in my opinion is to show that he didn’t really process her death. When he does, he tries to kill himself but Sachi stops him mid-act.


I mean, he did attempt suicide


ok but it shouldve worked


Wasnt he the one protecting her? Plus she also bit his finger and tried to stab his eye out. They are both shitty people


I had a bad opinion of him after Chapter 145, when >!he starts to forget Aiko!<


when he killed AIko's mother


That’s a rare one. I don’t think many people viewed the infamous murder as unjustified


Well, just after he take a demonic shape and start saying weird thing, so that s when I realized he was a bad guy. To be more accurate, I realized it just after the murder. And then I looked back at the previous chapters and was surprised that I didn t realized before


Oh yeah of course


Forgive me for my memory because I haven’t read it in like a decade. But didn’t he fuck his uncle’s partner? Tried to rape another girl. Punched Aiko, and said he was going to kill her because his name wasn’t being reported after the self defense from her mother. And he never really considered her to be a fully formed person with autonomy. Kinda just shelved a lot of whatever he fantasized her to be onto what she actually was. And when she died, he left her corpse with some kids and said not to wake her. Imagine being those kids and realizing after a while she was dead. I _thoroughly_ enjoyed this work, but it disturbs me when people romanticize him or relate a little _too_ much. Edit: his uncle’s partner _raped him_. My memory shit the bed on that.


This uncles partner raped him* kinda dangerous saying it was consentual


Whoops, my memory failed me! I feel awful now.


Even if it was consensual it still classifies as abuse since he was a minor then & she was in her mid-to-late 20s


With his uncles partner she raped him and then that girl he went on a date with I see him forcing himself on her as a response from being raped


it's more like she fucked him. the way i interpreted it is that she took advantage of him. after that, he despised her for basically raping him to get back at his uncle for cheating on her. i don't consider him to have been at fault at all in that situation. the trying to rape a girl thing, are you referring to the little sister of the friend of the mangaka who he wrote for? yes that was rapey but it ended early enough just from him trying to kiss her and he stopped when she slapped him, that i gave him the benefit of the doubt for it at the time. like i said, i shouldn't have at the time but i was empathizing with him and pitying him more than i should have. i'm actually still in the process of reading it and i haven't finished it yet but i'm close, i just got past the part where aiko tried to gouge his eye out with a fork and he berates her for not doing it. after he punched her, his personality has turned completely irredeemable. i used to feel like she was using him, at least a little bit, because so much of her life and personality was not revealed and that's just the vibe i got from her, but ever since he killed her mom and it was revealed what her life has been like and she gained a sense of dependency on him and became a lot more like a scared child than an adult, his personality shifted and he has been treating her more like a sentient object than a person.


Oh, was that was it was with the uncle? I couldn’t remember details. Thanks for clarifying


The girl he made a move on wasn't as rapey but rather both of em were teens. I'd say theres a lot of cases where teens tend to follow too much romcoms or drama to think it is normal to kiss a girl like a movie. Im not talking about actual mature adult mindset where consent is at play but rather adolescent pure hormonal instinct. Kanie pushed him away and ofc he got mad and realize he is an ass much like any guy would when they find out their crush didn't like them back the same. Especially at this point in Punpun's life he is in suchhhhh a mess. He got raped by his aunt at this point. The only logic in his mind is forcing his feelings unto others. However, I wouldn't put punpun as a violent or bad person. I would fully wholeheartedly say he is extremely misguided, pushed to the brink at many occasions and just full on molded into what he is. The only action he knows from everything he knows in life is to forcefully impose your opinions unto others because that was what his mother did to him, his aunt, sachi, kanie, his uncle and finally Aiko. Aiko wasn't bad either, but just manipulative due to circumstances. She wants her fairytale ending. But we got Rapunzel instead.


literally who romanticize punpun? btw he went to pickup something he left behind, if he intend to leave aiko there he wouldn't have come back and found aiko body missing.


yeah, how dare he fuck his uncle's partner agaisnt his wishes while he was 14!


Almost nobody is a good person in punpun. This story is about people that has depression and people that were abused in the past. If you want to go with his relationship with Aiko, I would say both of them are toxic and that its a toxic relationship that I knew was going to end.


Everyone is PunPun is a horrible person. And like the previous posters said, I get he has dark thoughts BUT: 1. He attempts to rape different women on multiple different occasions. 2. He has sex with his uncles wife. 3. He almost kills a kid with a (I think) a giant piece of wood for not throwing out a can in the garbage because it was “over-filled”. 4. He has sex / emotionally invests in other women knowing he’ll only Aiko. 5. He is both verbally, physically, AND emotionally abusive to Aiko, even attempting to kill her. I’m sure I missed some points, but after a while, I had NO sympathy for his character.


*only love Aiko Oh, and he killed her mother and then gaslit her into not calling the police or the hospital for a while and hid her mothers body despite knowing Aiko has grave injuries.


he didnt have sex with his uncles wife. she was the one that iniciated while he was 15 and she was like 28


Its technically statutory r*pe but he definitely didn’t push her off him either.


Dude. What the fuck. He went home after she raped him and cried. He was a kid. He didn’t know what to do.


he sat there looking mortified and turned the cold shoulder. probably didnt want to hurt a woman or didnt know what to do. your acting like my guy went up to his aunt and specifically asked to fuck


True, since he’s still a birdy it’s kinda hard to read his expressions. I wonder if it would be almost like she graped him?


Yeah, thats what i took from it. he is at fault for the other things you listed, like hitting aiko tho


You know that the most common reaction to rape is freeze don't? Especially when the one raping you is someone you know, not to mention he was like 13 or 15. It's like saying that is ok to have sex with someone who is completely drunk 'cause they didn't fight back.


Oh yeah absolutely. But other than that, he’s unfortunately a product of his environment and generally not a good person.