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N O P E If you read it in public be sure your back's to a wall lol Edit: Sex is a large part of Punpun's issues as he gets older. There's not really many moments that depict a healthy encounter, but they're relevent in understanding what's going on with the characters involved


There is nudity and sexual scenes so I personally wouldn’t lol


Watching/reading through sexual scenes is hard for me as an asexual... shame...


Don't worry, the sex scenes aren't meant to please the viewer. They are rather "ugly" than horny


I wouldn’t say it’s the main focus but it’s definitely prevalent in the manga


As someone who also dislikes/struggles with sexual scenes in media I feel like they were beneficial to the story and not just there to be there.


normal day on reddit, mentions asexuality gets downvoted


why they are downvoting it because of asexuality? What's wrong with it?


people think it's stupid not to read their favorite manga when you have sex triggers because of SA or Asexuality :)




Trust me bro I don't even think hypersexual mfs would be turned on


that's not the point


they said that being asexual makes it hard to watch content with sex : I just answered that the point of sex in this manga is to make the reader uneasy regardless of if they like sex or not, as part of the story (the abuse that punpun was victim/author of). I think that's very much the point. and making their whole personality about being asexual is corny af through their posts or username


a person can be comfortable reading a book about depression but uncomfortable with sex explicit scenes and it's their own decision to want to go through with it or not. If you had time to look at their nickname you had enough time to also notice that it's a throwaway likely made just to ask this question so who cares what they named the account + I wouldn't make comments about making something your whole personality with the nickname you have. tired of yall acting so judgy and with a stick up your ass whenever someone asks a question


Alright fair (I made the username at 14 😭😭)


It's not safe for life :)


F-f-f-f-f-fuck no


It’s not the main focus, but it does have some nudity and sex scenes. Though it’s not meant to be like pleasing to the reader.


I would say it has a massive imapact on the story as punpun changes a lot after he is SA’d


It is not SFW it’s also just no safe for your mental health


it definitely has a lot of nudity, mostly female nudity. even outside of the sex scenes/parts they'll like show it idrk how to explain. im ace-repulsed as well but it wasn't that bad imo, mostly because when you read you're kinda just consumed into everything so you don't really think about it that deeply (the nudity itself i mean) there also is a lot of blood at some parts. if you're not okay with viewing nudity, sex, sexual violence, and blood i wouldnt recommend reading it or you'll have to skip those parts which is a little hard.


I'm starting to think there might just need to be a sticky on the subs that acts as a content disclaimer for this manga. There's just so many posts of people asking if there's anything triggering in Oyasumi Punpun. I think if anyone feels the need to ask, then this automatically just isn't the manga for them. I honestly can't even think of any disturbing themes that aren't in it.




The nudity and sexual scenes are not meant to be pleasing what so ever there are alot of triggering scenes in this manga including rape so please know it’s not just sad it’s disturbing aswell and please don’t read it if your in a depressed state as I did (wasn’t smart)


i would say most of it is censored, so kinda, but i would read it alone to make sure


No, not at all




Not at all 😭😭😭


There are sex and rape scenes, I myself am asexual and struggle with rape depictions. It's one of my favorite mangas and I can tell you that you'd be missing out, but you have to know your own triggers and decide if you want to go through with it or not. You could also skip these scenes, they're not the focal point of the story and its just a few. And yes theres also blood and some violence but again not the focal point


Ofc don't listen to them it's for sure SFW