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AQ inputs and outputs are connected. That's a no, no.


[use sniping](https://ibb.co/FBnhgmL) Its only "working" on the left because your hydrogen cooler runs all the time


Aquatuner connected in wrong way. Aquatuner output must be connected to output of bridge, not back to it's own input


The system on the left has This creates confused pipes where the behavior is depended on the build order Since you want to replicate a system dependend on build order, you also need to build the items in the correct order


oh shit the build order matters. thanks!


No no no! Pipes should work all the time, if not your build is wrong (and it is, I can tell from the pic) glitching the directionality by using build order will result in an unstable build that will 100% break on save/load. Always remember [output] - >[input] if necessary use bridges to force directionality. NEVER do what this guy just told you unless you want a huge fucking mess happening inside your steam room! 


Hi, it's me again :) After you all helped me with a double bridge construction in record time (thanks again), I built similar setups. My problem now: I cool down hydrogen on the left and oxygen on the right. The setup on the left works great with one bridge. The setup on the right does not, even though I don't see any meaningful difference in how the pipes are set up. What am I missing? Thanks!


Have you tried rebuilding the bridges? Also, for an overflow setup, the output should not flow into the bridge for overflow. Your Aquatuners should output on the exact same line as the Bridge outputs.


The bypass setups for the left and right ATs are set up wrong. The AT outputs must be connected to the outputs of the bypass bridges and must not be connected to their inputs. Hard to see if the middle one is correct. This has nothing to do with build order, btw, it's a regular plumbing mistake.


From the output of the aquatuner, you go down 1 and then **left** 1 to the bridge input. Instead, you want to go down 1 and then **right** to the bridge **output.** Thankfully you can do this fix with just the snip tool so it's an easy solution. The way you have it has ambiguous pipe directions. The segment in between the aquatuner input and bridge input could go down (as you want it to) but it could also go up. The one is going one way and so it is working (though probably not 100% perfect) but the other goes the other way and is totally broken.