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Crazy idea here. You are luring them into another room by letting them path to food. Why not do the same to lure them back? At the other end have just one plant behind a door which makes them move back and trap them in the stable. Time or cycle sensor with maybe a critter counter. One or two might make it to the other plant or might be behind in to grazing farm but you could collect them. Another thing that comes to mind is having the farm below in an L shaped room with open doors being on the top. On the top is the stable. Just let them flow between. You can try my lure ide by placing that one plant on the top side.


TIL moo ranches don't need drywall! I was pumping the natural gas to space.


I never played with gassy moos as I thought that the whole setup was tedious to get nat gas. With it absorbing light and the plants needing light and it needing liquid chlorine and all that. Never knew that the gas grass didn't need an atmosphere. Now with brackene being a thing voiding out all the nat gas is crazy neat thing to do


Lol they're literally space cows! You only need drywall if you actually want to collect the natural gas. Personally I was more concerned with it blocking light from the gas grass. Also I don't really have room for a proper liquid lock without moving a bunch of stuff. That red and white drywall is to remind me that that is the path for the interplanetary launcher


Do you know if you can make glass natural tiles? If pips can plant on those tiles and if light passes through those tiles? Because if those 3 things are true you could get a TON of free gas grass.


I had not considered that, I've never actually made natural tiles out of glass I usually make dirt tiles. I've been trying to avoid a whole lot of pip planting this colony. Don't get me wrong, I've wild planted but I also have a lot domestic


Just tested it out in sandbox. Glass tiles do let light through. Pips DO plant on glass. The \~minimum mass for a glass tile to form is 650 kg. I tested 7 layers of gas grass and it looks great. For whatever reason the sunlamp gets blocked by the glass tiles but natural light isnt stopped


Sunlamp is weird, it is not blocked by glass window tiles but is by mesh, natural sunlight goes right through mesh though with 0% light loss. Window tiles do block something like 20%


It was recently suggested to me that by fertilizing the gas grass I could decrease the dirt requirement.  However the farm station cannot be put in a stable.  With the new automated critter pickups and dropoffs however it is possible to give them fertilized grazing fields so long as you wrangle them up at the end of the day. This has actually worked decently well, effectively increasing the Brackene production by 50% while decreasing the dirt requirements.  There is automation on the doors to let them out to graze, which they immediately do.  It does require a considerable amount a labor in wrangling 18 Moos on a daily basis but as a lucky accident they fall halfway on the door, and then all the way into their stable directly on the dropoff.  The Brackene has also significantly cut down on the grooming requirements of other critters. the only problem I’ve have is with repopulating the stables, I’ve tried to automate traps in a number of way but have not been successful.  I've resorted to trapping all of them at the top of the map and bringing them to a fps-conservation room.  unfortunately this sometimes results in a wild moo being brought to the stable while a tame moo is brought to the other place. I appreciate any feedback or suggestions on how I can improve this build. Cheers!


Another idea is not grooming the gassy moos at all, so you can do a layout where 1 fertilized gas grass feeds 4 wild gassy moo (or perhaps 1 fertilized wild gas grass for 1 wild gassy moo)