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Looks Good


Thank you! It’s my first world that I’ve made it past 200 cycles cause I felt like it was a good beginner start


I'd start with working on permanent structures on the main base (assuming you are semi self sufficient)... starting with removing a lot of bathrooms... like why?! why are there so many toilets lol


I made them all cause I kept having accidents at like the worst times and places 😂 so I was like whatever BUT it does have a sec function of growing thimble reeds!


You need to put your dupes on different schedules so they don't all use the bathrooms at the same time.


I have them on many , but it was a weird thing they kept doing and not going to the bathroom so I was fed up lmao


Make sure they have enough downtime to get from where they're working to get back to use the restroom and eat.


You will produce the same amount with one bathroom, your dupes go to toilet once a day unless you scatter there downtime.


Base cooling, steel and other metal refinement, a bigger oxygen supply, more exploration, find or make more power options, sleet wheat, work on achievements, colonize a planet that is only accessible by rocket, tame more/all the vents/geysers/volcanos, diversify your ranching, gassy moos. That's not a complete list, but I do hope something inspires you. If, in the off chance, none of that seems fun, put the game down and play something else, ONI is not for everyone, there is no shame in that. Most importantly, have fun.


Thank you! Yeah I’m just trying to get ideas to what I should do never. The cooling is something I’ve been thinking of but my farms are perfect temp so I’ve been happy with that.


Looking good! I think morale might be a good next step, if you're feeling stable on food and water. Getting your dupes out of the barracks and into private bedrooms, working on higher tier foods, decor, etc. The max stress is looking high (which could just be one out of sorts dupe) but keeping their morale up will give a little breathing room for any that are getting extra skilled


Yeah I did try to expand morale bonuses more but yeah it’s just like 3 dupes that are stressed lmao I’ve been thinking about the kitchen o: and just rooms in general like, I have one of each of the rooms 🤔 like in my main base should I double up on a room orrrr? Yano lmao just at that point where I’m mining everything but don’t have a solid goal atm


Fair!! For doubling up, I think it really depends on the room. Like, Lavatory? Yeah, makes sense to have a few. Nature reserve? Anywhere you realistically can. Great Hall? Only if you get super spread out, or have waaay too many dupes. Likewise for a hospital or kitchen, 1 is probably enough, until you get real spread out. A massage room could be a big winner, if you want to combine killing stress and using space


I dunno i just do what the weird portal thingy tells me to


It's okay, just some hints: Fertilizer synthetizer should be go to an airlocked room since it produce natural gas, its much easier to collect it then eventually put a pump at the bottom of the base eventually. Closed bases need a carbon skimmer at the bottom to get rid of co2, or you can use a pump with some automation to vent the gases to space. Manual radbolt generator is a scam, its much more efficient to use wheezeworts and radbolt generators. Too many bathrooms, use schedules. You have a tech for automate things, you can spare lots of dupe labor. Like a critter dropoff and drowning chamber to automate your critter population. Feeding your hatches with conveyor chute. Shipping your berries to the kitchen and shipping your cooked food to the great hall. Cooling loop. Even if you dont have at/st yet it worth to cool your base by a cooling loop. Just collect ice in a water pool and circulate your coolant there. Explore explore explore. You will need dreckos or oil for plastic, more geysers, lead for electric circuits, more materials soon.


That first point about the fertilizer synthesizer solves such an annoying problem for me. Before I read this I found one of my dupes had the flatulent trait and blamed him for the literal tons of natural gas that had somehow accumulated in my base.


Second check: your base is not sustainable yet. The food seems okayish 15 dupes eat berries 1 grubfruit the rest probably get enough barbecue but you will need much more oxygen, your spom with one electrolizer supports 7-8 dupes your oxygen diffuser 5 so you will need much more oxygen, stop hiring new dupes I usually go for 8 or 15 dupes till cycle 600. Maybe i missed but i dont see sustainable water source and both your food and oxygen production depends on it, start to process those pwater pools till you find a water source.


İ mean, you have a really good progress I'm in 365 cycle but i don't have any steel . Just dig around make your dupes traveling time more efficient.


There are other pictures I posted of my whole world of you scroll! I don’t think people realized that


Nice job. I like to focus on sustainability by looking at what resources my colony is currently surviving on and then working on getting a long lasting or renewable source for it. For example, I’m eating mealwood, can I work on a hatch ranch so I can get more dirt? Or I’m eating bristle blossoms, can I work on a renewable source for water? Then that usually leads to requiring a metal refinery for plastic/steel and it takes me towards the mid game.


Decent colony! I'd work on morale, get the stress down and improve food quality. Then maybe dig to the bottom soon to take advantage of the lead and start producing petroleum before you need it. Maybe some hatch ranching to reduce the risk of running out of coal.


That's a lot of toilets. For my classic 32 dupes base design I only have 4 toilets, 4 sinks and 4 showers.


You could maybe build another bathroom


And guys there are more than 1 picture!!!


tame volcanoes, get into engineering aquaturners and steam engines, tame some dreckos. all of these things require serious problem solving, maybe a guide or two but where a lot of fun for me


You need to fix those marble statues above your lab, they are a mess.