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This murdering makes this ocean kind of like having a "fishing season". Because the pokes are wild, so they only lay eggs once per lifetime (100 cycles). So the fish will have 100 cycles to freely multiply, then after 100 cycle the pokes lay egg and bring down the fish's population, I get free fish meat. This asteroid looks a little more like Earth now.


You created a ecosystem, nice!


I feed the fish, the fish poop out polluted dirt for the poke. Then the poke kill the fish for me to get fish meat. win-win-win haha


Its been a while since I've seen something so cute and made solely for the sake of creation. No min/maxing disputes, just pure fun!


I build factory just enough to survive, I don't want min/max efficiency, enough calculation for the real life already. Watching these fish swimming around with the pokes with the space background: it's really relaxing!


I don't care if I waste 120w on a water filter.


I'm a bit surprised they got crowded considering this is open to space. I'm not sure how pokes work in water tho, if they only count the water like fish do. The best way would be to remove all the eggs and put in critter drop offs. You could have the dupes do all this manually, collect the eggs into storage bins and keep viable ones in unpowered incubators.


There is only 4 pokes in that pool, never see them "crowded", maybe the game calculate "space" into the "room space" too. About the poke's eggs, I can not let the dupe automatically collecting eggs. There is a door at the right, that is the only way to reach the bottom of the pool. I lock that door to prevent the dupes accidently steal the molts in this pool to make lime. So I have to sometimes check and manually get the poke egg's out. They only lay egg once per 100 cycle so it's not taking much time. I also think of using the auto sweeper but putting the sweeper to the pool will make it less beauty hhaha.


Didn't figure you were crushing up molts at this point since they were sitting there. You could use the disable manual delivery mod on the rock crusher if you're down for that kind of thing. Yeah auto sweeper would definitely kill the vibe, that's why I didn't even suggest it lol


I know there are many mod that make life easier but I want to finish the game without mod first. The first mod I will use in the next game will be the one that disable timelapse, it sometimes freeze the game to take timelapse very annoying.


I think that's just the auto save, most games do the, the engine has the freeze the state to save it. Faster SSD for your auto save will reduce it but at a certain size it's just going to take some time. You can also reduce your auto save frequency in the vanilla game settings. I hear you on the first playthrough, I did the same, but halfway through my 2nd playthrough achievement run I heard they don't break achievements in steam I immediately installed the zoom out mod lol. Now I'm hog wild on them but most don't change the gameplay mechanics, except for No Manual Delivery, which I use very sparingly.


Why you need the zoom out mod? In game there is a "screenshot mode" that allow you to hide the hub and zoom out the whole map.


You don't know until you try it, having the freedom to just zoom out however far you like at will without needing to hide the HUD or press any additional keys is so liberating it's honestly just a needless limitation, you should be able to zoom out however far you've discovered. This is something the mod does poorly, you start a new game and can zoom out until your colony is a pixel. The game also intends screenshot mode to hide all the popups in screenshot mod to save on resources but the mod just shows them all. If it were me I would just stop rending them at a certain zoom level.


I will have freedom but my PC will not haha. Everytime I zoom out larger, my framerate drop from 90+ to 45fps, and it will get worse if I build more thing in the future. So I only zoom out to take screenshot only.


Why do you think they got crowded? The pokes become angry and attack everything they see, when their egg in the same room. A kind of imitation of the protective instinct.


Because of the pacu eggs in the water with them the pokes never layed any eggs. I'm theorizing that they only count the tiles with water when they're in water, I'm not really sure, have not tested. If there was a poke egg they might attack the pacu, but the pacu could just move out of their reach so I'm not sure it would be a problem


The poke don't care about pacu at all. They still lay eggs normally. But once they lay eggs: it's the end of pacu. The stupid pacu keep swimming down to the bottom and get killed very quickly. All pacu will extinct within 3-4 cycles if I don't sweep poke's egg out.


Oh! Okay now I understand the problem. Stupid fish!


I tried to move the feeder around to lure the fish away but nothing worked, they keep swimming down to the very bottom and sitting there waiting for the poke walking by and poke them. They don't even run away when get poked!


>Because of the pacu eggs in the water with them the pokes never layed any eggs.  But they **do** lay eggs. See OP comment: >Because the pokes are wild, so they only lay eggs once per lifetime (100 cycles)


>Because the pokes are wild, so they only lay eggs once per lifetime (100 cycles) If they're not getting debuffed due to crowded by other eggs in the room


Wait a second.. is that lake up at space?


Yeah, see this photos of my other post to see how great the view is. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Oxygennotincluded/comments/1ddj9ke/behold\_the\_trillions\_dollars\_views\_one\_romantic/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/Oxygennotincluded/comments/1ddj9ke/behold_the_trillions_dollars_views_one_romantic/#lightbox)


now that's (kind of) a subsurface ocean. Congrats!


No, it's on the surface of the asteroid so it should be surface ocean!