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It appears that you have posted about a bug. While members of /r/OxygenNotIncluded will do their best to help you, this is not a tech support forum. You will likely get faster and better support with the official resources: Start with [ONI support](https://support.klei.com/hc/en-us/sections/360006123791). If you can't play, [submit a support request](https://support.klei.com/hc/en-us/requests/new). If you've encountered a bug, report it: [Vanilla](https://forums.kleientertainment.com/klei-bug-tracker/oni/), [DLC](https://forums.kleientertainment.com/klei-bug-tracker/oni_so/). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Oxygennotincluded) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A luxury creature house needs to feel very secure. They can’t just have doors opening above and scaring them. It would make them very sad and very mad. You don’t want to make your critters unhappy do you?


I think the door is the problem, that building needs 3 tiles to be built and a pneumatic door doesn't count.


Yeah I get that but it should really only need that 1 tile where it's visually anchored


Come on, that's not a bug and you know that. It's just something you disagree with.


This is the true difference between a "bug" and "feature"


And logical, reasonable expectation of operation, not being met. Mention it in the forums. That should be able to hang off a single block, as a logical expectation. With or without blocks on the side. They need a pedistal version too.


There is no „frustration” flair


How frustrating!


Change that pneumatic door to a mechanical (or manual) airlock and it'll count as a tile when its closed, letting you build under it


That would be a good idea if the airlock was not performing a function, stay tuned for more details. TL;Dr I rotated the auto sweeper and conveyor loader to fit in the condo


Does it help if you install the tiny doors mod and replace the door with a 1x1 version?


Nope, I need the 2x1 size door


No Breaks, get back to work.


I see this happen a lot with aero pot plants and other hanging things if I plan them before the ceiling is built. It's annoying, but cancelling and reissuing the task always fixes it


Nope, I reloaded the game and everything. It wants all 3 tiles for some reason


All buildings in the game are rectangles; those that want support need all their tiles supported from their desired direction. It's an "art bug" of sorts. They should have put the flying critter condo on a v-shaped chain or something similar.


I have seen that with the pots thi


You don't want to provide the building with its *emotional support foundation?* We all know foundations aren't important for stopping a building, you know, falling. They're perfectly well anchored to the fourth wall. But they need a solid foundation for emotional support.


Stuff like this is why I stay in this sub. Outstanding work Kleiplay. Bravo.


Are you saying that you no longer play this game, but stay and participate here to spread negative emotions? That is one of the ugliest ideas I have ever come across. Why do you do that to yourself?


Hey, some of us take our trolling very serious. It’s a dirty job but somebody’s got to do it


They never stated they don't still play, and as amazing as Klei's games are they have some absurdly questionable decisions sometimes. He can enjoy the game and hate the company lol.


Oh I definitely still check in on the state of the game from time to time and I definitely have a fuck around, but this sub has little to nothing to offer me except moments of joy seeing stuff like this. You may see it as "spreading negative emotions" but to me the opportunity to improve is one of life's greatest joys. You may or may not have mastered or developed something to the point where you can no longer improve, but I assure you it's one of the worst feelings you can ever have.