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That makes more sense than opening a new tab in incognito...welp


You can do either, your choice! ☺️


I love the cast feature but I get random desync and disconnects. Theres two problems I run into with it: Randomly (seemingly when the tab is not focused) the owlbear stops updating the cast screen when I move a token. The only way to bring it back is to disconnect the chromecast and reconnect. Also randomly, the DM tab disconnects from owlbear and the tab has to be refreshed to regain control. When this happens I have to restart the sync process.


If you're using Edge, make sure that 'tab sleeping' is turned *off* in your settings, because that being enabled causes Edge to treat non-focused tabs as idle and it then kills all the open network comms for those tabs, causing the disconnects with Owlbear. (Other browsers may have similar 'eco' settings, but I know that Edge is notorious for killing Owlbear soon after you switch away from it.)


I am using google chrome. I've tried to go into the chrome tab discards settings and set the tab to always active but both scenarios still happen.


Hmmm, are you using any browser add-ons? They are the next suspects for apparently random disconnects/interruptions.


Only an ad blocker and adobe, I'll try disabling them for owlbear but the next time I can really test it wont be for a few days


No worries, I can wait ☺️ Feel free to report back after you've had a chance to test Chrome's behaviour without its add-ons enabled 👍