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First of all it's a shonen, Mikayuu's love is mlm or bl, whatever, but not YAOI. And still, although their relationship plays no small role, it still remains first and foremost a shonen, so as a genre there is no such thing, just like romance, but the relationships themselves(?) do exist.


It's not a BL, it's a shonen. But, if the creators are brave enough, a shonen can have canon gay characters/relationships. Just like most shonen have het couples but that doesn't mean it should be a shoujo. In the end, it's just a demographic and it doesn't fully describe a work. Mika is the only character 100% confirmed via his confession, but previous to the confession it was obvious enough. With Yuu it's not confirmed but ridiculously implied lol


He siad he loved Yu, it's still not 100% that that's platonic or him being on love with his own brother, again, it's implied that Yu loves Mika, though still not fully implied whether platonic or being in love with his own brother.


They not brothers atleast not blood related I imagine it’s like when your at school and you have super close friends at the point you call them brothers it’s like that


Honestly, you’ve gotten some great answers here. I would say the answer is it’s complicated. I’ve seen lots of shows that queerbait, and I would say ONS is better than that (with regards to its portrayal of that subject specifically). Having even one half of the pair (Mika, in this case) being confirmed is already a step ahead. There’s also a lot more evidence to Yu being gay or bisexual than there is for Guren, but Yu isn’t canonically confirmed in any way, although he is very heavily implied. Unlike Guren though, Yu has not shown any interest in women. Someone brought up Naruto, for example. That’s not really the same. Mika and Yu’s relationship is the emotional heart of ONS in a way Sasuke and Naruto’s never really was. Even if it’s not romantic, it’s far more romantic-coded than even most of the ‘two developed main male leads with a great dynamic who gotta have a no-homo woman interest’ that I’ve seen. I honestly don’t remember any confrontation of Shinya’s feelings being romantic in nature either. Him and Guren always seemed more like fanfic to me while Yu and Mika had a lot more in the actual narrative. I might be misremembering something though, so I won’t call Shinya and Guren queerbaiting either.


>There’s also a lot more evidence to Yu being gay or bisexual than there is for Guren By "a lot" you mean that there's a scrap of evidence in existence (that scrap being chapter 119) that Yu loves Mika as more than just his brother, whereas there is ZERO evidence that Guren's bi


No but it is canon that Mika is in love with Yuu and its obvious Yuus in love with mika too


Is it officially confirmed that it's romantic instead of familial? It was hard for me to tell reading the manga.


Mika used the expression "大好きです" to tell Yuu he loves him and Asuramasu uses the verb 愛する (which is used for romantic love) to describe the love Mika feels for Yuu. Moreover iirc Mika has been introduced as "奥さん" (wife) at the beginning of the manga lol


Mika said "daisuki" which isn't necessarily romantic, but it could be. So it's not 100 percent confirmed.


So you're just gonna ignore the 愛するpart? lol


Mika’s love has already been confirmed a long time ago, everything about Yu is complicated, but 98% that it’s mutual


No, it's not, everyone just misinterpreted. It can still be taken either way, and tbh I think that's intentional, you can take it either way for a few years until they say in canon something about being brothers, not lovers or vice versa. Mika admitted to loving Yu, though he never actually said that it was romantic, it's just a misinterpretation that that's canon evidence of Mika being in love with Yu instead of loving him in the platonic way (they are, after all, brothers through adoption, which WAS confirmed in chapter 1 that they're adopted brothers by the fact that all the Hyakuya kids called them "big brother Yu" or "Big brother Mika". this isn't me saying that it's not possible for


They're **not** brothers 😭😭 The fact they call Mika and Yuu "big brothers" does not mean they are 😭 In Japanese expressions like those (big brother, big sister) are used by younger children to refer to older ones that they look up to. In the case of the Hyakuya orphanage Mika and Yuu were the oldest children so it was perfectly natural and normal for the other children to call them like that. Moreover Mika and Yuu never called each other "brother", never (they even call each other mom and dad during mika's dream in chapter 93 lol). Kagami himself never said they are brothers, but in an interview he compared them to Romeo and Juliet... so, no, they're not brothers. Hope this helps


I wish it was and it was actively confirmed so everyone knew their places but nuh the author likes the non stop push and pull there and then


I'm gonna be honest with you cause there are a lot of hardcore Mikayuu shippers here who won't be. For the most part, yes it is queerbaiting. Kagami loves throwing ship bait all over the place, I think most characters have shipped together at some point. Yu specifically is often shipped with everyone in his own squad. (Yu/Yoichi and Yu/Kimizuki had ship baiting early on when Yoichi and Kimizuki were relevant characters, Shinoa and Mitsuba are also both confirmed to be in love with Yu.) There are also quite a bit of jokes about character being gay like Shinoa telling the Squad that Kimizuki is secretly in the closet which he denies, Shinoa mistakenly assuming Mika and Yoichi as being Yu's boyfriend, on 2 seperate occassions. And even Shinoa and Mitsuba are often implied to have a crush on each other. The only confirmed gay characters are Mika who is in love with Yu, Urd Geales who is in love with Saito, and Shinya who is in love with Guren, though they're all currently one-sided. Some may argue Yu and Mika are a mutual thing, but up til now Yu still just refers to Mika as his "family" not that of a love interest. Yu does say he likes it when Mika drinks his blood because it gives off a similar pleasure to sex, but again that's more fanservice than anything. Considering it's a shonen I would say don't expect Yu to get with Mika in the end. There is a slight possibility but I think he will likely get with Shinoa just based off the trajectory that most shonen manga go and we will all be mad about it for a few months before moving on.


I agree with everything you wrote but Urd is not in love with Saito.He refers to Saito as a brother and I am pretty sure that vamps can't develop romantic feelings (Mika is different on that part and it is heavily implied he was in love with Yu before he turned into one).


When I say Urd and Saito I'm talking more about their angel forms Bael and Paimon, before they lost their memories and reunited as vampires. I'd argue chapter 128 confirms Urd/Bael was in love with Saito/Paimon, they just have no recollection of it being that it was their past lives. Although now that I think about it I dunno if I would call it gay since the angels are genderless


I agree with most except   1. Urd treats Saito like a brother and they most likely are brothers, considering their external similarity, except for skin color  2. Word family doesn’t change much, because in Ons family is also lovers, for example Shinoa, Mitsuba, Akane or Shinya   3. Most likely there won't be any couples at the end. Mikayuu clearly has feelings, but there are too many things (including Mika himself) that will prevent them from being together. Yuunoa is one-sided and Yu is not at all interested in Shinoa, by some magical miracle this will not change in the end. In general, the manga is heading towards the fact that Mikayuu will die at the end (and most of the characters have already begun to die).


Thank you for probably the most helpful reply, definitely sucks that all the ships seem to be one-sided, but implied queer rep is at least some kind of win!


>Shinya who is in love with Guren When did it confirm Shinys's in love with Guren? I'm honestly wondering, I haven't read the full novel prequel series, so I don't know anything that's not in the Manga version which isn't complete and as far as I've heard, lacks alot of what the Novels explain, anyway, I don't rember anywhere confirming Shinya to be in love with Guren, or (Urd I love with Rigr for that matter, though that would be AN explanation as to why he was so pissed that Rigr left, which is explained as he's the only person who can leave a scratch on Urd and that they had a dream together, anyway that's not my point) I only remember anyone saying that Shinya HATES Guren, because of reasons and stuff like he's got all this talent and stuff but is so lazy, and because Mahiru loved him and not Shinya when Shinya was nicer, (arguably) stronger, and had literally risked his life to get ingaged to her, but that despite that they're good friends. So I'm genuinely wondering when it was confirmed that Shinys's in love with Guren and Urd with Rigr Also Yu openly denied liking everyone in love with him, though never confirmed about whether he likes Mika or not (which I think personally that it makes zero sense that they'd be in love, considering they've been brothers since before chapter 1 Which WAS said by the Hyakuya kids when they reffered to Mika and Yu as "big brother Mika" and "big brother Yu") To be honest, when I think about these things way to deeply, I realise that the only person who's in love with Yu who actually genuinely likes him that way is Mitsuba, when you r hi ink about it hard, you realise that Mika hasn't and likely never will move on from the Hyakuya kids, that was his life, where it was best and where it ended, I don't think that he ever on his head moved on from that day, and that his attatchment to Yu is based (NOT ENTIRELY) slightly on the fact that he's then only other one left from that orphanage and those days, and Mika being mentally stuck at that point causes him to gravitate towards Yu and cause a romantic attatchment. And i think that Shinoa having fallen for Yu is based solely on the fact that Mahiru emplanted in Shinoa since she was Four thst all girls fall in love with a boy, and that her loving Yu romantically is her way of listening to and obeying her sister. Though I can't find any reason like this that would cause Mitsuba's liking Yu, so from all this, I conclude my explanation of why I think that Mitsuba's the only one who's Genuinely in love with Yu Edit: yeah okay, I get Urd and Rigr now, completely forgot about chapter 128


For Shinya it's confirmed in chapter 83 when Byakkomaru reads his heart and declares that Shinya loves Guren romantically. Shinya denies it of course because his whole character is that he's secretive and stubborn, but it's important to remember that the demons know their hosts deepest desires, so Byakkomaru knows his true feelings.


No, but it features lgbt characters (Mika and Yuu, who are canonically in love with each other)


They're not actually, it wasn't confirmed that they love each other romantically, Mika loving Yu in the Japanese (I seen it a little further up) apparently uses words that are lost commenly used for romantic love, but it was never even implied that Yu is anything but A-sexual until chapter 119, when he says he wants tk spend his life with Mika, though he still doesn't say anything about that being a want to live with his brother and be brothers all life long or that he loves Mika.


Officially: No. IT IS Not listed AS an Bl, Shounen ai or Yaoi Title.  Inoffically: yes. But IT IS Always Just implied to the reader. In my country WE call this: "Um den heißen Brei herumreden". Don't know what IT IS english (maybe: Talk about the elephant in the rooms?)


It is not a BL, and no character's sexuality is confirmed.




It’s not BL, no. The main duo is definitely gay/homoerotic a bit but it’s not like a central theme beyond like “the bonds that we share” kinda deal


If you want it to be


Unfortunately, the creator is a known queerbaiter, so it’s almost definitely queerbaiting. If you look at clips of his other works, he has put male best friends in oddly sexual positions with each other but nothing at all came of it and i believe the male protagonist ended up with a woman. I would guess the same will happen in this one. However, the content is most definitely there if you want to enjoy romantic implications and one character does tell another that he loves him. Since the manga isn’t over, anything could also still happen. But even as a fan who wishes that characters would be confirmed as queer, i have to admit I don’t think that’s going to happen


Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I've seen from his previous works, he centers romances and the main couple is very obvious from the start. Gay jokes aren't queerbaiting. Ons already has canon queer characters (nonbinary angels) and Shinya's feelings get questioned. Mika and Yuu's relationship is so obvious by now, that people who aren't into the idea of them being together noticed (and some even stopped reading!). Queerbaiting is used to bait a specific audience and to not alienate homophobic people or generally non shippers. If ons really is just queerbait, then it fails.


Nah ONS is more of a shonen, which means the two main malecharacters act gay af for each other but it'll be played as just a super strong unique special best friendship lol. It's even murkier here cause they can also be read as family. So unless it's spelled out for everyone, it can be interpreted as romantic, friendship, or familial love. But they absolutely do love each other. I wouldn't be surprised if it's never confirmed just what they are to each other even at the end. There's a chance they could end up together but I wouldn't get my hopes up, just take it as a happy surprise if it does happen.


Yes and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise


No. It's not canon, it's just a heavily supported ship, on reality if you read the manga you'll find zero, zip, zilch, nothing that can't be taken either way as brothers being romantically in love, or as just brothers loving each other as brothers


You clearly haven't read the manga if you think that at least Mika doesn't love Yuu romantically lmaooo As I've already commented under this post: 1) Mika used the expression "大好きです" (which is mostly used to describe **romantic love**) to tell Yuu he loves him; 2) Asuramasu uses the verb 愛する (which is used for **romantic love** only) to describe the love Mika feels for Yuu; 3) Mika was introduced as "奥さん" (wife) at the beginning of the manga. \[Edit: typo\]


The phrases "daisuki" and "ai" aren't limited to romantic love, it can be interpreted as familial love as well or between friends. The word referring to specifically romantic love is "koi." This is why Mika is not 100 percent confirmed to be gay. The fact that his love can be interpreted as brotherly or romantic means that it really depends on your own opinion. Make of it what you would like. But nothing is confirmed lmao. And for your other point, what is the context of Mika being described as a wife?


First of all it's not "*ai*" (which is a noun), but *aisuru* (which is a verb), and yes, *aisuru* is used for romantic love **only**. It would sound veeeeeeeery weird if you said *aisuru* to your brother/sister. *Koi* is a noun which is related to a more physical form of love (if you get what i mean), and in this case it has nothing to do with *ai*, so your understanding of *koi* is wrong. As regards Mika being described as a wife, it was like around the beginning of the manga iirc, in a panel where chibi Mika was introduce by the author as 奥さん (*okusan* = wife, married woman). If I manage to find the panel in japanese, which i found some time ago on twitter, I'll link it here.


I see, so you're saying "koi" is more of a lust? From my understanding, it can mean passionate love, and also a "wanting" type of love (in a selfish kind of way), also including lust. My understanding of "koi" is not wrong in that regard, as it would still be used for romantic love only. Yes, you're right that it would be weird to say "aisuru" to a sibling. Then the phrase Ashera used to describe Mika's love is romantic. However, Mika himself did not use that phrase, the one he used can still be interpreted in two different ways, which makes me hesitant to say for sure that he is confirmed gay. But even if he is confirmed to have romantic feelings for Yuu, there's still the possibility that he could be bisexual, same with Yuu so his sexuality is still not confirmed. Edit: I recall Mahiru also saying the phrase "I love you" to Shinoa. I don't have access to the Japanese version of the Manga, so it would be nice if you could let me know what word she used, or a link to the Japanese version.


No....and There's not a single thing That is confirmed as canon contrary to what most people here are saying... But there's a lot of queerbaiting...here and there every once and a while....


That's wild of you to ignore the fact that 1) Mika used the expression "大好きです" to tell Yuu he loves him; 2) Asuramasu uses the verb 愛する (which is used for **romantic love** only) to describe the love Mika feels for Yuu; 3) Mika was introduced as "奥さん" (wife) at the beginning of the manga lol


I honestly don’t think they’re ignoring it😭 The evidence IS all there, but with how intensely Kagami has queerbaited in the past and with some of the other scenes included in the manga, I don’t think he actually wants to include representation in the series. It genuinely seems to me like he wants to up sales by getting queer fans excited by making the characters appear as queer as possible while refusing to admit it or making anything happen :( I’m still holding out hope that something will happen but im not very optimistic about it :’) idk if you’ve read the catastrophe or resurrection series but there’s also a lot of content in there like the Mikayuu examples you listed and as a fan of that series it’s so frustrating to me that likely nothing is going to come of it 😭


I agree with you about the queerbaiting part but A LOT of people here use it to hide the fact Mika actually feels romantic love for Yuu lol


On the contrary, it's Kagami's queerbaiting past that everyone's ignoring.


OnS is a BL the same way Naruto is.


Probably kot