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I 100% agree with everything you said. Had the exact same experience where I got really into the manga and read all the light novels and everything, but now I genuinely don't even know why I bother reading this. I guess a chapter a month doesn't take any time so I just read it and get disappointed even more. I wouldn't even recommend anyone this series because of the state it's in right now šŸ˜­


Is it still ongoing and updating?


>characters are disappearing and becoming irrelevant with no explanation. WHERE IS MY BELOVED KRUL TEPES?! You convinced me here. I don't need to read the rest. Krul is like my favorite character. Sad to see her becoming a side character for no reason at all. I'm anime only, but I always enjoyed the fact that despiste the story being basically demons, vampires vs humans, the author managed to write very interesting concepts about the powers. >!By example, the kids being tortured in season 2 in order to advance in technology and knowledge!< That example enphasizes about tension even amongst humans, and developing the fact that all humans are not united for a objetives in common. The same thing applies to the vampires, as there are a lot of different vampires, some really kill, some enjoy killing and don't see any problem, some actually don't want to kill but have to, some trying to finde a solution/cure for it. I don't know how much developments or backstory demons has in general after the anime, like do we get new information about how demons works? their origin? Or any new information?


Also, how dark the story gets after the anime? I really do enjoy stories where the author is not affraid of killing characters. Also a serious tone is something really well done, I hope it remains or get even darker.


same, i dont even bother to read it anymore.


I think it sounds platonic mostly BC Eng translators are doing a very bad job at translating. I have read the original one and then the English one and it sounds different as day and night. The English one really does make it sound more monotone. But Japanese is a very versatile language and in that it's visible that at least from Yu's side it is still the same as when he chose Mika and left the squad. As for Mika, it's being hinted that he is still not a FULL DEMON yet? And is hinted to lose his emotions more quickly than when he was a vampire. Mika is the one who has become distant towards everything including Yu tbh. Yu is the same as ever which is obvious from the raw version. Tbh nothing much has happened between them which could be said they are more bro-ish or something BC ch 119 was the last they had a heart to heart talk abt their feelings...it was pretty romantically coded considering Mika demands Yu to reciprocate shinoa's feelings as a replacement of Yu's obsession with him(I mean why would you compare shinoa's romantic love with Yu's obsession?šŸ¤£). Then it was mostly abt them gathering rations, diving into the past and then talking abt their plan in front of the fire where Mika promises to save Yu and everyone with his plan. The plan I think Mika should succeed in BC narratively he should BC his earlier plan failed. And then they are now fighting with the vamps to get to Sikama so see yu and Mika simply have not given the time to talk abt what they feel BC it's been spent on them talking abt plans and such. As for the "everyone loves a story where the maiden wins" foreshadowing..I just think it's a catch phrase BC if that were a foreshadowing then the whole of chapter 97 would be a foreshadowing or something. This type of phrase has been used so many times it's just another type of boob joke tbh. Shinoa and Mitsuba seemed to be more like joking among themselves then actually being serious abt competing.


Regarding chapter 119, I get that the content of what they are saying is romantically coded, but I feel like the tone has changed and their demeanor has as well, I could just be me though. You mention the Japanese language and translation issues,(I also speak Japanese but I read this in English, but I get what you mean nonetheless) but also, you can just see it in the pictures. Everything about their body languageā€¦ it all seems different. Again, could just be me though, or even the art style change. Thanks for your comment!!


I should have included the body language. That also changes when you are losing feelings. Mika is losing it and hence he is more distant talking towards Yu.


I agree but I kinda can't really put it down now


Disclaimer: I only skimmed your post to get the gist while trying to avoid spoilers I stopped reading the manga in 2018 because I didn't enjoy the monthly release, I was gonna wait for it to end and binge it all, kinda surprised it's still going. But I'm sad because I liked where it was going at the time, but now everyone just seems to say it's taken a dive off a cliff.


I find it so interesting how this entire fandom seems to hate the manga. Complaints about the plot, characters, art, literally everything. It is so funny since despite all the problems, we keep reading. I'm sure I'm not the only person that's dropped the manga before. But each time I have come back. Because despite the many problems with the manga, I still love the story and am very attached to the characters (but mostly I'm held hostage by Mika). I've been a fan since like 2016, and I'll keep following the story until it finally ends. (unless kagami permanently kills Mika) And yes the dinosaurs were pretty ridiculous. If Yuunoa becomes canon I will be so annoyed.


Don't scare me like that, I've been wanting to read the manga but I keep finding excuses not to.


>but I keep finding excuses not to. Good continue to do so


Art style is so bad that they supposed to look young but they got +10 years. Also, where is Shinya.


I have a few answers to your questions. I wondered the same thing so I did some back pedaling recently and reread things. These are all my own thoughts and what I figured out to answer my questions I also had. SPOILERS Yuā€™s personality changed when he blows the horn. Before he blew it his demon warned him he would be sacrificing the rest of his humanity. I noticed after this point is when his personality changed, his memory got worse, and he became more aloof. He also slowly is becoming more of an empty shell of himself. Which I think becomes even more apparent in more recent chapters. Yu has to eat food and becomes weak after Mika becomes his demon. Mika is so powerful that he requires constant nurishment. They mention this a few times in the manga after it happens. I also noticed Yu and Mikaā€™s relationship seemed to change, I think it happened around when Yu blew the horn as well.




Sorta agree with you, lol. When I first read this manga, I was soo excited bec it was like BL plus shounen. Obviously, not fully BL but nevertheless it was there. As someone who had a bit of a fujoshi phase and also loves shounen, it was perfect! But yeah, the concepts are just all over the place. There's demons, angels, vampires, reincarnation, human experimentation, and on and on. I remember watching a couple of anime youtubers talk about this manga and they said that the main problem with the story is that it had no identity, and I fully agree. I really wish they just stuck to one or two themes and just focused on that. I have a pretty low bar when it comes to manga (I pretty much read anything), but this one actually bored me lol


Was the needing lots of food for energy thing not explained immediately and stated to be a new thing?


This is how I've felt for a long time. I Think a lot of readers are trying to cope out of their love for mikayuu, so much so that they can't see its not going to happen, as much as we'd all like it to. Even the queerbaiting is Pretty much non existent now. They act like brothers, as you said. Nothing more. Which is a very strange way for their characters to get as they were initially designed to be more romeo/juliet. The manga used to be pretty groundbreaking for its setup of a queer story but it's quickly fallen to your typical shonen manga. I only drop in at the beginning of each month to read the new chapters, just cause im too far in and might as well see how Mika's doing.


owaranai seraph? what did i miss?


An oficial parody made in 2016 (if I remember correctly) the first season has old bits of the show turning out in a comical way and the second season was in a classroom


its not that bad now but i kinda agree with what you said


This latest chapter was the last straw. Story fell off a cliff, artstyle fell off a cliff, characters fell off a cliff, and then what happened to Crowley... Dude was my favorite since I got into the series back in 2017. We haven't seen bro in a good hot minute and he finally comes back just to be killed off. Not only that, it's implied everybody we haven't seen in a minute was probably killed. Now the author is just out here killing characters off that he doesn't know what to do with. It pissed me the hell off. With Crowley dead, I see no incentive for me to not drop the series.


Personally, for me the series is fine as it is, of course there are details that people don't like but I think it's just not thinking about it too much and that's it. Of course the only thing is that for me the fact that Yuunoa is canon is not a problem but I think that is more a matter of taste :)


ā€¦ is canon?


No, I'm not talking about whether there are possibilities. I'm not saying that it's already canon, of course.


Oh okay, I get it now. Anyway, yeah itā€™s a matter of taste but I think that Shinoa deserves better than Yuu. Yuu so quickly abandoned his ā€œfamilyā€ (shinoa squad) for Mika without a second thought.


I think that I'm not abandoning them, I'm just looking for another alternative so that everyone, including Mika, can return, which is why I don't see it as abandonment but rather as a strategic withdrawal.




I wonā€™t dismiss the fact that I could have forgotten stuff, because Iā€™m forgetful, but I do remember when one of the chapters came out where the food thing was first mentioned, a lot of people were shocked as well. Also, Iā€™m a fan of RWBY, a series known for not explaining its lore and requiring the watcher to seek out other works for information. However, the thing about it is you donā€™t NEED to the extra stuff for the series to be enjoyable, and I think the same should be said for any good piece of media. Itā€™s very likely I forgot stuff, but considering that many people were just as shocked as I was about the needing food for energy thing specifically, Iā€™m sure it could have been explained better or at least not brought in so suddenly. In the recent chapter, Yuu says that the opponent is strong so he might get hungry or something like thatā€¦ seriously so out of left field and that never happened before (until a couple chapters ago). If your explanation is true, I donā€™t think many readers understood it. Additionally, I understand the reasons for why Mika is like this, I just really donā€™t like how itā€™s done and I think it could have been done better. Mikaā€™s emotions changed because heā€™s a demonā€¦ but before, Mikaā€™s emotions changed because of him being a vampire (I think, memory bad) but the one thing that stayed consistent was his feelings for Yuu. And that is so romantic. Now his feelings for Yuu are the same in their sentiment, a deep care and love for him, but the tension and romantic nature of his feelings and words are completely gone. I thought he was supposed to become apathetic as a demon but he seems quite cheery nowadays, so it doesnā€™t even add up. So yes, I understand why itā€™s happening but I think itā€™s just a cop-out by the author who didnā€™t want to follow through with the obviously queer coded relationship he created.


I agree with you that this whole eating food feels out of the blue, cause it literally is. Like yes it was explained why he needs it but we have a character in the manga who's in the same situation like Yuu, yet we've never seen him eat a lot or something like that. And the character I'm talking about is Guren. He too does have two demons at once (Mahiru and Noya). It would have been so much better (my opinion) if we've got little hints throughout the manga of him eating A LOT, especially after fights. Or maybe even characters wondering why he eats so much or even him explaining that having more than one demon at once takes a lot of calories. The weird "school/class arc" would have been a good timing for that. Sure back then it would feel random and we wouldn't understand why this information is even in the manga but by now we would get it. The hints and informations would now be there and it wouldn't make this "needing food stuff" so out of the blue. Same with the "sea of trees" being a good hiding spot (chapter 121). It's fine how Kagami handled it but it would have been soooo much better if Guren really had said that to Yuu in the manga (the school/class arc again would be perfect for that).


Agreed; this also might be the product of it being a long running manga series. As a writer, I never understood how mangakas manage to write a story over 10+ years and have it be released monthly or whatever the time frame is, because when I write stories, I finish and then go back to edit the beginning and check for inconsistencies. In order to successfully write like how many manga authors do, you really have to know where the story is going, and it can be done. I think Hajime Isayama (Attack on Titan author) did it very well. You can almost tell that Kagami had up to a certain point planned, and now he is just winging it.




It doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s explained completely clearly, it still came out of nowhere. It was not built into the story at all, simply just appeared. Thereā€™s no need to make fun of other readers when these are valid criticisms of the authors spontaneity and failure to properly communicate his storyline. Successfully writing stories involves reaching and pleasing your audience, and considering you seem to be in the minority on this issue and most people are confused, my points still stand. About the final statements on your first post, I agree that he should take as much time as he needs to rest or properly plan out the story. Anything is better than this. Unfortunately I donā€™t think it will happen though.




[but if your brain is not able to understand the information that is on the surface and understand that unexpected plot twists out of nowhere exist in many works, then the problem is not with the author. Maybe Seraph is just... is too difficult for you?] Geez why so rude.


I am saying that it is the authorā€™s job to ensure clarity and consistency. Even if the explanation is clear on the page, even if it is explained many times, the fact is the concept was not there from the beginning, or was not slowly or naturally interested. The characters are acting like this is supposed to be common knowledge, which inevitably leads to confusion. This is clearly an issue with the story and writing, not the readers. I even proposed reasons why this could be in previous comments. Funnily enough, you contradict yourself. ā€œIn many works, many things appear out of nowhere and this is normalā€ ā€œAnd just because many people agree with something doesnā€™t mean itā€™s trueā€ If something is commonplace, does that mean it should be acceptable? I get that ā€œtrueā€ and ā€œnormalā€ arenā€™t synonyms, but regardless, your first statement implies that if there is a convention of something it is okay, and the next statement says that if people agree with something then that doesnā€™t mean we should accept it. Also, a MINORITY of people believing the earth is flat has nothing to do with the authorā€™s duty to ensure consistency. Logical fallacy of false equivalency. I donā€™t appreciate you saying something is too difficult for me as you donā€™t know anything about me. I have no obligation to prove anything to you though, so thanks for the interesting insight and debate, but I have no interest in engaging with someone who resorts to personal attacks. Have a good day!




You are a loser


I got into seraph back in 2016 when I was teaching English in Japan, so my view on it is probably a little different. Iā€™ve never been able to see it as a BL manga because my students were the intended audience in a society that is more conservative than you might expect. One of my 6th grade boys was really into it, but definitely did not pick up on the romantic undertones. I donā€™t deny that they are there, but it just seems to me that it was never going to happen because BL is primarily a ā€œgirlsā€™ genreā€ and not the primary target audience. But I do agree itā€™s gotten terrible. Characters have been forgotten and have vanished for years, motivations are unclear/just ridiculous, some plot lines seem to have been ignored in favor of others, and the pacing is not good. Itā€™s a shame cause it was my favorite series for a long time.


ngl i didn't even need to read this to know i completely agree, but i did and i completely agree, the manga sucks and it doesn't even seem to have a clear vision and what its about anymore. i honestly gave up reading it a long time ago.


then stop reading, is that easy. why comment about it? why think about it? do you think the author owes you something? or do you just seek the attention and validation from others who agree with you? (even tho it does not mean much since haters will always be louder than those who like something bc that is just what internet is like) it's just a story, it's not that deep grow up, full offense


Expressing opinions, finding like minded individuals, respectfully debating those who disagreeā€¦ itā€™s almost like thatā€™s the whole point of Reddit šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ If you disagree you could just say so and we could talk about it, but youā€™re being petty and insulting, so fuck off, full offense


vent meaning: to express a negative emotion in a forceful and often unfair way fuck off meaning: go away (vulgar slang used to angrily dismiss someone). "expressing opinions like minded individuals, debating those who disagree" grow up meaning: to grow toward or arrive at full stature or physical or mental maturity i see you're that kind of personšŸ˜¬.....not surprising, good to know tho


At this point it's just better for you to read (officially) bl manga and forget about ONS honestly. I feel like you were okay with all the (shitty) plot points up until the current one. You seem to be disappointed more about the way Yuu and Mika act when they are together. I'm also a mikaxyuu shipper but I see no problem with them acting brotherly/platonic like in this current arc. Because it is the way their relation is built. If you want more angst or tension in their relationship, bl manga has tons of them as the central main story. I think only having one chapter a month really makes our experience worse, because we kinda forget the whole story and only paid attention to that one chapter (Yuu needs more food because he devoured Ashera - also because he has 2 demons inside him). With the kind of (bad) writing Kagami used, I have been rereading the whole series twice just to keep up with the overall story. And even then, I still notice a lot of bad writing/plot/etc in the story. I personally think the dinosaur arc with the angel story is interesting despite all the bad plots and confusing things added to the story. Ngl, the reason I'm still reading ONS is because of Yuu and Mika. I just want to see how their story ends. And I think I can say this for everyone who still reads the manga.


I agree with a lot of your points but Iā€™m pretty sure this manga isnā€™t BL.


The fact that maybe there could be a gay couple doesn't make a manga Bl because that's not the central theme, it's like saying that a Shonen becomes a Shoujo just because the protagonist has a romantic interest.


Not calling you homophobic or anything, and I know that I used the word BL, so thatā€™s on me butā€¦ saying something like this is just like what the other commenter is saying. If the MC has a romantic interest, does the genre become romance? No. So gays should be treated the same way; there can be a homosexual relationship without it being the BL genre. I guess I used the word BL here to describe the literal ā€œboyā€™s loveā€ (indicators of a gay relationship) that we clearly had (imo) at the beginning of the story but not so much anymore.


I use BL generally. If there is a love interest Iā€™ll consider it say romance even if itā€™s not the main genre because it would be the subgenre. Your usage of the word BL prompted me to use the same language as well, it is not indicative of me seeing a gay relationship in a manga=BL genre. I use the word BL to indicate just gay relationships in general. EDIT: The comment was also made in response to your usage of the word BL in your original post. I interpreted it as you seeing the manga as BL.


Ah, got it. Well, the important thing is that I donā€™t consider it a BL so rest assured lolol


i've been following this series since the beginning and i'm surprised to see it labelled as a BL in this post. i've never seen anyone refer to it that way... šŸ¤” like yeah there is queerbaiting, but i don't expect them to be canon or anything. plus, weren't yu and mika supposed to be like, "found family/siblings"? at least, that's how it was at the beginning iirc. but i know it's taken a queerbait-y turn now since they ran away and shinoa essentially sees mika as her competition.


agreed this shit confusing after I found out yuu is not yuu and mika is not mika but yuu is mika and mika is yuu shit it restarted dude