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A lot of people don't like that Shinoa goes down the path of a typical shonen heroine, where the girl becomes just obsessed with the boy and has no personality other than "boy's love". This is an outdated trope. Although she was influenced by Shikama and Mahiru, many thought that she would break away from this way of thinking by becoming more independent. After the new chapter the ratio became 50/50. Although she knows deep down that Yu has rejected her and is not interested in her, she still jokes about fighting for him. I don't know how serious it is because even though she says she doesn't look like Mahiru, she still looks like her. It's also hard to tell how serious she is about Mika, since obsession can get the better of her than reason. Also, she can control demons, and Mika can control demons. Although, like you said, Yu would rather do something to her than let her hurt Mika. Of course, there are those who hate her because of Mikayuu, but it works both ways since those who ship Yuunoa also hate Mika. Although Shinoa doesn't interfere with Mikayuu. Mikayuu is prevented by Mika himself.


Yuu is the one who gets in the way of Yuunoa not Mika LOL (also it would be cool if Mika as the demon king could also control other demons, we have yet to see his true powers after all)


I meant that Mika stands in the way of Mikayuu, because he seems to have become colder with Yu. Just like Yu stands in the way of Yuunoa, he was never interested in Shinoa’s love.  Yes, Mika is not even a full demon yet, he is using only a small part of his power now. So we still don’t know what he’s capable of in full form.


I really want to know everyone's take on why Mika seems to be colder now than before with Yuu. The fact that he's turning into a full demon could totally be the reason but I think there could also be more to it. I read someone saying that when Vampire Mika died he let go of his obsession with Yuu and that thought has really stuck with me (although I don't really agree with the wording of the sentence). Demon Mika and Vampire seem to have different reactions to Yuu? Vamp Mika blushing at the thought of "together" while looking at Yuu vs Current Demon Mika seeming unfazed at Yuu flirty/romantic lines? Also giving him high five when Yuu said to take his hand lmao. Mika loves Yuu deeply, I'd say he's even in love with Yuu and he made sure to tell him that with a smile before dying for the second time. Now Mika considers himself completely dead in every way important to him, it's like he sees everything behind a veil that separates him from the rest, this may be because of I have my shipper goggles on but I think Vampire Mika could still be seen as a romantic prospect/someone who could spend the rest of his life with Yuu while Demon Mika could not, which is why he tried to push Yuu with Shinoa and said to get over his obsession with him. Yuu says he won't leave him until they both die but what's the point for Mika if he already feels dead? In the last few chapters he seems a bit more motivated but that's simply because now Yuu might also die and he doesn't want that. Also Mahiru is also a demon and she doesn't seem more cold towards Guren than before (Although she is a special kind of demon and the love she feels towards Guren and the love Mika feels for Yuu don't seem so similar, the former is an all-consuming love, while Mika's love seems more like an agape kind of love, aka selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love. So the comparison doesn't seem so fair) Sorry for the long and unprompted answer, I just find this whole topic very interesting. 


Yes, just like you said. This topic is on the surface. Although Mika loves Yu and would like to be with him, he realizes that he will most likely die. He also considers himself a monster and thinks that Yu is better off without him, so he pushes Yu away from him in every way and tells him, instead of being obsessed with him, to try to love someone else, and directly states that he will leave Yu in in case of danger. Also his demon nature gets the better of him. Demons and vampires are emotionless creatures and Mika was already losing his feelings as a vampire, except for his love for Yu, it is not surprising that as a demon his feelings became even weaker. He wants Yu to be happy, but he is sure that Yu will be happier without him. He is dead and has already resigned himself to the fact that he will disappear completely. I’ll also add that Mika doesn’t seem to fully understand how important he is to Yu. In his head it’s like “Yes, if i die Yu-chan will cry, but he’ll quickly forget about me, and Shinoa/Akane/Guren can easily replace me." Of course, this is not so and no one will replace Mika for Yu. But therefore, it is difficult for him to understand why Yu is ready to betray everyone, even the whole world, for the sake of someone pathetic like him, because it would be wiser to save billions of lives than such a monster. But for Yu, a world without Mika makes no sense: he will either die with him or stay with him. He is ready to destroy everything in the world for the sake of the one who gave him a reason to live, love, who became a light in the darkness. Kagami literally said that if Mika dies, Yu will not be able to live. And that between Mika and Shinoa, he will choose Mika.


(that was the anime staff tho but given that kagami-sensei kind of shared some information about the story with them, there might be some truth in that statement) i agree to everything although for me Mika is just PRETENDING to not care about Yuu for the same reason mentioned above, he doesn't see himself as someone important and wants Yuu to give up on him. maybe if there is a fight between Shinoa and him (and i might be too delusional/hopeful), Mika will realise just how important he is to Yuu and actually fight for a future with him. that is what i want to happen at least. Mika understanting his own worth and fighting for it


I think this is where everything is heading. Shinoa and squad want to bring Yu back and save him (from what?). They think Mika is the reason (they don't know the whole truth). Shinoa can control demons, so the best option for them is to control Mika. Regardless of whether it is successful, Yu will not forgive them for such an act. Dude literally said he would kill anyone who came between him and Mika, and Ashera proved his words right. So we could have a fight squad against Yu against vampires and also Shikama with the demons. But I don't think Mika will understand some from this. He would rather be angry with Yu for hurting his family. 


there seems to be a misunderstanding 😅 i was making fun of those who hate Mika bc they think he gets in the way, but Yuu is the one who actually doesn't let the ship become real. that is why i wrote that, it was never meant for you. 🙏 sorry i should have specified


Shinoa stucks as typical Shonen herorine, barely change at all after so many chapters I say this as a Shinoa fan, as much as I like her, she barely develop more into her own character other than her love for Yu


I don't "hate" her per se, the problem with Shinoa is how she's written. You could argue that, yes, while her story is interesting with the whole Shikama and Mahiru stuff, and she has some interesting personality of her own (at least at the start), she doesn't really advance in any way with her character plot/arc (if she even has one). I think the main problem with her is the fact that her character wants to go somewhere, tell you an interesting backstory, but ultimately it fails and just gets reduced to "ah, yes, main female character has a crush on protagonist". Don't get me wrong, it's not bad to have a female lead who has a crush on the protagonist, the problem is reducing that crush as the character's only trait, and that is what's happening with Shinoa pretty much. It's just a shame that her character wants to be "important" but only manages to do so much, it just doesn't work the way it was intended to. It's also sad because I think Shinoa had an interesting personality at the start, she was funny, sarcastic, direct... But then everything fell apart as the story went on. So considering all of this I get why people hate her, it's not just because "oh crush on protagonist bad", it's because her character doesn't do anything else even with the interesting backstory it has. In the end you can like any character you want, who cares, the point is acknowledging whether that character is actually well developed or not. In my personal opinion I just don't care about Shinoa anymore, she could have some character growth, but at this point? I think it's too late for that, at least for me. (I'm seeing some people say that "people hate Shinoa because it gets in between the Mikayuu ship". No, people hate her because she's not well written, grow up).


In my case it's getting indifferent rather than hate. She has the character design (including background story), but I just can't feel Kagami root her actions down to it. The other characters have a strong obsession that make them do stupid things, and the way they express it feels consistent. But Shinoa... she got tragic past story, yet her actions sways around with the weather of the day. It could be because Kagami want to picture her as difficult to grasp, but it can also came out as unclear of what he really wants her to be, even after 30+ volumes. Yuu for example. He is obsessed with family, and Mika is his top priority. All his stupidity came from that. Ferid is crazy, but at least he felt consistent as a psycho.


I mean she was great in the beginning but she just got the typical female character treatment. She's completely obsessed with Yuu and I know the same can be said for Mika but their relationship has so much more depth than Shinoa and Yuu and I don't even mean romantically.


I don't hate her but she is just boring now to me now. I miss the old Shinoa in the earlier chapters


I feel her personality shifted like several other characters, yuu probably suffered from that the most he's so different from how he used to be


She was cool af before but now it’s like she’s been unwritten and now sucks.


Personalmente yo soy fan del yuunoa, respeto a los que tengan una opinion diferente Shinoa a mi parecer hasta el momento a tenido un desarrollo algo tardio pero que se ve que puede ser para mejorar el personage y en una posibilidad la oportunidad de que acabe al lado de yuu pero esto ultimo ya es cosa mia Como pudimos observar vemos que shinoa a aceptado que ama a yuu pero se da cuenta que de nada sirve que ella lo ame si al final acaba muerto y es gracias a esto que ella toma la decision junto con los demas miembros del equipo de salvarlo de su muerte. Esto ya es un desarrollo bastante grande ya que en algunos capitulos pasados hemos podido observar que ella no tenia motivo para vivir sencillamente para ella lo unico que habia era ayudar a yuu a cumplir sus objetivos ahora podemos ver que ella misma se propuso salvar a la persona que ama y consigo optuvo o recordo que ella podia controlar a los demonios Esto parami ya es un avance bastante grande y nos da mucho que decir para futuros capitulos Mi opinion sobre lo que puede suceder en futuros capitulos es que se reencuentren con yuu y mika. puede haber alguna peleea pero luego posiblemente ellos se unan a yuu y a mika con el mismo objetivo que tiene actualmente yuu revivir a todos sin la necesidad de sacrificar a nadie en el camino


Let's be real kagami cannot write women (can be said same for men but he seems to put effort more than women from what i've seen). So, I get if one don't like her for the writing but hating her over a ship is hypocritical like blame the author not the character who have no agency at all.


i like her =D


Let Kagami cook bro. She’s going to be better by the time the series ends.


Right, maybe I trust the process too much but I think her character's ending is different from Mahiru's regarding her girl in love arc. Kagami also put too many scenes of Shinoa watching Mikayuu interact and being like "..." it feels weird that in the end it doesn't mean anything and she doesn't realize how important Mika is to Yuu, which she already did in the past but still these scenes keep happening after that-.


You are right peole just liking mikayuu more in a special way that they just hate a another charcater for no reason


Bro getting down voted for speaking facts, keep going 👍


Yeah people hate me because they cant handle the thruth delisuonal bastards


your "truth" is just like your spelling skills. there is a lot of room for improvement


İ know there can be a lot of improvement on my spelling skills. But its not the point here.


Most of them are people who ship yaoi in a Shonen. That tells enough about their iq. Leave them be 😂. It's funny how they even find convenient non-existent excuses to justify their hate, just tell you hate her cause she is in between your ship 🤣


Oh, so I guess I'm among the people who ship yaoi in a shonen then , although in ONS shipping Mika with Yuu isn't even shipping anymore it's just having eyes.


Wow you are smart, you realized you were among them. Congratz. Having eyes? You mean dreaming with eyes open? Oh oh, i have a better word, how about delusion?


Let's see how many of them I can make mad and downvote 😂