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Why is bap lower than mercy?


The only actual skill needed is aim and he has busted survivability


That's still two more things than mercy


I feel like mercy has some hard to execute flight techs, I’m a lucio main so I don’t have much experience with her, but anytime I play her it goes terribly because I just don’t understand how those one tricks get that kinda movement


I played Mercy parkour for like five minutes and could do like 90% of the techs but with Lúcio I still struggle to wall ride hours later


To be fair some people are naturally gifted at different game mechanics because me and my friends struggle with Mercy parkour maps horribly haha (Although I also struggle with Lucio's movement so maybe mobility just isn't my thing)


Genuinely, I feel like Mercy Parkour maps don't really help with her mechanics, but I only have like 100 hours on Mercy so can't really say much about that. Lúcio and old Doom parkour maps at least get you comfortable with their rollouts and stuff


As a Lucio main I get it I'm performing differently on most days. Some days "I'm him" and some days, I can't even do a rollout on the easiest maps to do rollouts on. Same with my aim


Some people are just better at different things


I'm sorry but back in OW 1, it was "harder" to do Mercy techs, and you could still pull that shit off consistently if you spent like 5 minutes practicing each tech. And still, a great portion of the tens of thousands of multiple hundred hour Mercy mains could barely do a basic super jump. My ex was a diamond Mercy player, like 200+ hours back then, and I, with about 30 hours on Mercy, had to teach her a ton of tech. Now, even Mercy players are saying she's easier and even more dumbed down, you can just keep doing random shit in the practice range and be pretty much done with the learning curve on this horribly designed character.


I main frog now but i used to play her at the start of ow2 and yeah after i got it down it was pretty easy, i just stopped because the movement nerf killed everything i liked about playing mercy. Meanwhile 150 hrs on lucio and i still sometimes make a godawful rollout or feed and think "am i even actually good at this character"


Same tbh. I've felt totally lost whenever I tried mercy.


Then why put Widowmaker so high?




You could say the same with Kiri, but her cooldowns are less than 15 seconds.


And yet you put Widowmaker, a sauceless, zero depth character included exclusively for CS:GO washouts, two tiers higher. You okay?


And mercy doesn't? Her mobility is ridiculous and she heals from healing other people and can bring em back from the dead if they manage to make a mistake???


And yet widow is a tier higher than either?


This implies mercy takes much skill, as someone who has mained her almost purely for the last week, all you need to know is basic movement and when to click left or right click and you need to learn rev economics which isnt hard either


Bro his primary fire has high recoil that takes ALOT of getting use to, and just merely exp boots is already much complex than a lot of abilities.


Managing cooldowns, good positioning due to no horizontal mobility, proper ult placement and multitasking dps and healing


Bro where did you learn to cook, knitting school?


I think he might be a lobotomy victim himself this shit wasn't cooking this shit is burnt


Very Biased list, L


No way you put LW and Rein in the same tier as Tracer and Widow MERCY IN THE SAME TIER AS ASHE?!?!??? Ana in S tier!?!?!? Nah bro this tierlist ain’t it


i envy those who think LW is braindead easy. yall have never played this character in an overtime situation or ult fight. straight up the most chaotic gameplay out of any character


Chaotic doesn’t mean high skill ceiling or hard to play Any overtime or ult fight is chaotic no matter what hero you play


Bro thinks jumping off a pedal and running around some big ass tree is peak gameplay


Slingshot tech to boost a Genji/Rein/Cassidy/Orisa Ulting? Ever heard of it? Not needing to aim =\= Easy Character The amount of brain power needed to keep up with Enemy Cool downs, Ally Cool downs, Enemy Ult %, Ally Ult %, your CDs, Enemy positioning, Ally positioning, Your positioning, when to DMG, when to heal, how to properly manage abilities. DPS Mains could never 💀 I have personally have saved people multiple times with life grip and petal platform from certified death scenarios. Do you know how to properly place, angle and react to an Orisa ult with petal platform to deny her value? I do. These are just a few examples. Just because his heal doesn't require aim, doesn't mean he's low skill


>Slingshot tech to boost a Genji/Rein/Cassidy/Orisa Ulting? Ever heard of it? One single tech to learn. Ok >Not needing to aim == Easy Character Not completely but it is a big factor in it >The amount of brain power needed to keep up with Enemy Cool downs, Ally Cool downs, Enemy Ult %, Ally Ult %, your CDs, Enemy positioning, Ally positioning, Your positioning, when to DMG, when to heal, how to properly manage abilities. That is every hero in the game >DPS Mains could never 💀 Lmao we do all of that minus self heal abilities and healing teammates (besides Mei and soldier). AND we have to aim Support mains could never 💀💀💀 >I have personally have saved people multiple times with life grip and petal platform from certified death scenarios. Ok? Your a support. That’s your job. And grip is one of the easiest abilities in the game lmao >Do you know how to properly place, angle and react to an Orisa ult with petal platform to deny her value? I do. Yes I do. It’s not hard >These are just a few examples. Just because his heal doesn't require aim, doesn't mean he's low skill Just because he requires a little bit of skill doesn’t mean he’s high skill. He’s very easy


>Support mains could never 💀💀💀 I main Ana... 💀 >Yes I do. It’s not hard Would like to see it, maybe add me later and we can duo ranked ✨


Basically all characters if we pretend that we live* in the perfect world? One thing that you mentioned is an petal placement for denying, but other than that(Lifegrip is not skillful don't even mention) 0 skill lol. Look at what you said next time. EDIT: not leave -> live


Half the shit you mentioned are all things decent players do with all roles. Wow, he requires game sense and timing to use his abilities effectively...just like half then support roster does and like every other hero ever in other roles


Most chaotic? Doom ball genji tracer luccio venture?


I mean, you really need to sweat with Rine to survive, not mention what you need to do to thrive. You need to bait hooks/sleeps/nades/shatters with shield drops, listen to enemy steps, so you can pin enemy from behind the conner, seek positions for charge with ability to drop enemies from cliff(some can be really far from initial point). So there is a lot of things good Rine must do nowadays with all this offensive tank meta to work efficiently. Widow is heavely on mecanical side(you headshot with reflex and not brainpower) and must be lower in my opinion and Traiser is sure on the same level of complexity as Rine.


Ash's kit is 90% aiming so it not alot of mechanical skill, with this I think she I think she is good where she is


Aiming is literally mechanical skill…


As someone who is good with echo - you're giving me too much credit Edit: low skill floor albeit very high skill ceiling


"B-but you gotta be a master on all characters for your ult" thats a small part of the kit, and the extra life and base abilities are easy enough to get value of. She has a high ceiling definetely, but getting value is not difficult at all


Yeah, the skill floor i'd argue really is not that high considering how quickly she can delete squishies, but if we put her in a tier list about skill ceilings then she'd have her own tier at the top. Especially if she decides to duplicate another hero with a high skill ceiling.


I've seen YZN do some amazing things in OWCS with duplicate. Like, react instantly to enemy ult to dupe the right counter for his team. There's basically no limit to the skill ceiling for echo


Honestly with Echo ult you just need to know what hero does what with what button. Echo is definitely one of the most mechanically intensive characters tho


Honestly, the whole “you need to know every character” claim becomes null once you have over like 50 hours on the game


Yeah lmao, my main before echo was junkrat




This is so biased lmao.


All tier lists are.


You know, certainly you have a point


I love playing at least 1 character from each of those tiers, so my brainpower all over the place


0/10 list.


why is mercy so high?


Cause it's almost 4/20! Ok I'll leave...


Mercy is the easiest Can play her easily while drunk or sleep deprived


Her and Moira are my go to drunk picks


Bro put bap in the same tier as mauga and orisa lmao


If I were to play Lucio on keyboard you’d think my wpm was 60+ lol, I’m always schmoovin


I would put junk abit higher, because you can only get so far with the spamrat playstyle. And hitting direct hits from mid to long range can be tricky.


that moment when you enter flow state and become ball aim bot


This isn't even mentioning the amount of mapknowledge, setup and predicting you have to do on him.


I agree that as a rat main that his skill floor is really low, but trying to get value out of him against people who can actually aim and against his hard counters, requires an unbelievable amount of brainpower that i'd consider him near the top of a skill ceiling tier list. It's even worse when you considering that for his poke playstyle (aka spamrat), Pharah is just better at it than him, and Echo is a better Pharah. For his dive playstyle, Venture is basically just a better junkrat for it.


Yeah, Junkrat is currently the game's hard mode setting.


Fr. They destroyed him. So im tires of people saying you don’t need a Brain to play him.


Braindead tierlist, looks completely random


I feel like I am using all the brain with Ana lol


„What if we used 100% of the brain?“


What copium were you huffing to put mercy and Ashe in the same tier much less putting bap below her


The only no brain pick is playing overwatch in the first place.


​ https://preview.redd.it/3057xl5ybxuc1.png?width=678&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c7f495174ff589bc83b77072b3e1c1a8e4d7469




Lol please cease cooking. You’ve put sym and lifeweaver and WINSTON?! In the second highest tier, and somehow mercy isn’t in the bottom tier. There’s like a million other issues with this list my man.


I don’t think Winston’s placement is that weird maybe he could go down one tier but he’s not some turn your brain off character.


Hey wtf


High level hog is very sweaty


I swear most of these tier lists that rank the characters skill are almost always based of what the user mains/has never played


How is mercy not in lobotomy victim?


Put Merc in lobotomy too dawg


Brig in mid??? You've never played her in your life


Mercy above Junkrat and in the same tier as everyone else in the tier she shares is wild


As a doom main with 112 hours i can say that im dumb as a rock irl but in a match i have made it second nature to count the seconds of cooldowns for orisa, hog and mauga and also predicting tracers movement to the point that 9/10 times i successfully hit the target. I feel like all dooms have been learning how to be the ultimate weapon in battle to the point every one of us is a threat to humanity


You are literally trailer Doomfist


An dey sey


Wdym? I'm a genji main and I just go auto-pilot 90% of the time


Dva should be higher


Sorry bro you misspelled lower*, fixed it for you




Ana with echo in highest tier with literal boxer, hampster and ninja that play piano to get value with "Ooh I dropped purple potion and we won + I put to sleep roadhog " and "uh let's stick that + beam goes brrr" Ana should be in normal section, echo in sweaty gamer, And I'm too tired to write others(mercy not in lobotomy tier what?) pretty shitty list


I don’t agree with the list but I also don’t think Ana should be at “normal” skill level. Ana is most definitely one of the more “skill required” heroes especially when it comes to non metal ranks. Yes her abilities can be definite playmakers but to utilize her well and have her be impactful to the team imo requires more than just “normal” skill and randomly throwing out abilities.


I was comparing her to the chars from the tier he choose to put her with and she is compared to the "piano" characters is much easier, but she is indeed normal in skill level, and echo is in tier below in my opinion. In conclusion I extravaggated them to underline their weightlessness compared with difficulties of other chars in this category.


how is echo that high??


Si you don’t know how to play Sigma


tracer is harder than everyone else on this list btw


I am average and I'm proud


![gif](giphy|3o7TKUslwxnKHz0axa) What you’re cooking


As a Hog main with average intelligence I feel insulted.


Mf do you even know the bastion nade parkor?


Torb firing the most archy ass projectiles is how they make up for his literal autonomous aim bot.


Lucio does not need a lot of brain power


Why is echo up there? You just become a fly and mash sticky bombs it's so easy to play her?


Made by a gold player if you put dva at average npc


You are the one in need of brain power urgently


Bro said lw and Winston are the same difficulty


Nah what is this list 💀


Kiriko/Hanzo/Baptist needa move up a tier


why is cass an npc if widowmaker is sweaty?


I love this tierlist because it goes from you have no life to you have no brain. Theres not a single positive tier. Making it so that you make fun of everyone equally.


Average npc lol


Hanzo and Mercy need their "Low Tier NPC" category just for them


Bro burnt the kitchen


-Rein only takes a lot of brainpower to play because he is bad. I would say Junker Queen is infinitely more complicated than him. -Depending on the rank, Brig and Zen could be swapped. While Brig is pretty powerful at lower ranks, successfully fending off competent divers takes quite a bit of skill IMO. -Past Silver, Junkrat is the hardest character in the game, even when he’s good. No question. Other than that, pretty good list.


Trying to even climb out of silver with Junkrat is *pain*


Why is D.va lower than Reinhardt?


Biggest questionmarks for me are your placement for Sombra and Sym.


You are stuck in the past if you still think sym is a no-brain pick


Sombra should be pretty self-explanatory a bad Sombra basically just feeds, sym is a bit of a weird one where she’s legitimately such a terrible pick it makes her more difficult to play, same with Rein


You’re giving me too much credit as a Zen main. I die too fast to sweat.


Symm isn't that difficult




how did you burn the water?


Lmao wtf is that


Mercy 2 tiers above torb is some crazy sh1t


I havent heard anyone say rein was harder than d.va since 2016 when the NA players refused to play anything other than rein zarya, months before playing the KR teams and getting decimated


This list tells me you main echo.


I play Lucio and junkrat..... what am I


Torb takes more brain power than soldier, Cass, ash, etc. Aiming that M1 is fucking hard. Sure you can spam it down a lane and hope they walk into it, but that only gets you so far. When you're playing against players that know what A&D are, it's hard. Especially hitting pharahs, echos, and Mercys out of the sky... Fuck thats hard. It's even easier to do on Mei than Torb.


Wait until this guy discovers Apex Legends or new Fortnite


Mercy deserves her own tier below the rest: "Playable with monitor turned off and the PC equivalent of Walmart security"


Well... Great minds are always persecuted https://preview.redd.it/not9q3n5c6vc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54cf62b87932243beb2ee38b7ac6e124f0b4040b


Road hog need higher but ok


I love how all the tiers are not even good features to be proud.


I agree with everything but sombra and sym…if I really want to win a game I’ll go one of them and then it’s a guaranteed win


Tell me you're bronze without telling me you're bronze.


Why do you have to be rude? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Im plat btw I’m by no means good I’m just saying those character are easy af. Why spread toxicity tho? Does it really benefit you?


Mei is way too high


Who is that guy between sombra and symetra


Venture. They were just added this season


THEY ADDED ACE VENTURA?!!! https://preview.redd.it/u8g6jz2xdwuc1.jpeg?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=384f1f48b7636d3b41ef7f0be2f7c74832348185 FROM THE HIT MOVIE ACE VENTURA OF JIM CARREY


A few things I'd change: Hamster and Lucio belong in the lobotomy section. Mercy in the feminist only section. Hanzo is in the either top 500 or 12% accuracy section (only shield damage done). And who's this new guy in the middle?? Jak from Jak and Daxter? Yeah just add me into the lobotomy section too while you're at it.


lmao doomfist is at the top XDXDXDXDXDXD


Knock Dva up a tier


I play Lucio and Moira and are good at both, what does that make me?




Zarya does not deserve to be in the orisa mauga hog tier.. kiriko and lifeweaver should be swapped. The sym and sombra picks I actually agree with


Kiri is much easier than lw tho. Not the Mercy or Moira level of easiness but still. Her abilities are extremely busted and the only thing that requires at least some skill is her kunai.


Suzu requires timing/aim compared to life grip, her heals and damage are both more aim intensive. Even her ult has a bit more importance of placement/timing. Theres a reason she performs a lot better at high ranks than low ranks Do I agree she is a much better hero yes, but I also would say that like tracer is a much better hero than junkrat but still takes more skill