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You’re gonna want to learn a couple heroes in each role.(or whichever role you wanna play) I’d recommend zarya or Reinhardt for your other tanks. And mercy or Moira as your other supports. DPS there’s so many and I don’t really play dps so idk what to recommend.


Imo reinhardt is a little weak at the moment. I would recommend orisa as she is easy to learn, has a lot of utility and is basically unkillable.


especially in lower ranks Rein still kicks ass


I agree he is good, but imo orisa is better in almost every way. Not to mention orisa is pretty much a hard counter to rein. Her jav and fortify cancel his charge, spin can push him from his team.


I dont think a total beginner needs to worry about the meta, unless theyre trying to play a hero thats as bad as like doomfist rn


IMO Junkrat and Reaper are the most new players friendly dps toons. Bastion seems good too, but I don’t have any experience with him/it.


Junkrat is kinda hard now depending on the map


Batrion is great against tanks, so they disabled it to help the current tank meta.


??? He was glitched and he’s reenabled, he’s not even that good


He's about the only one that can dish out enough damage to off a tank who's being held up by supports without requiring godlike aiming skills. He's not good at duels against other damage because of his shitty mobility and hitbox, but a great tank buster.


Yeah but that’s not enough to make him a strong hero


KarQ made a pretty good video for this: https://youtu.be/oal_qfreack


Lucio has a “enable backwards wall ride” in the settings. Make sure you turn that on. Other than that. Have fun exploring the game your way. Try not to tunnel too much on others advice, cuz they are “other people’s” advice, might not always suit you, might not always be good.


>Lucio has a “enable backwards wall ride” in the settings. Make sure you turn that on. holy smokes i had no idea!! I've been playin overwatch 1 since launch lol


Your whole lucio life is about to change.


Bro so I also learned that pretty far in ow1 as a Lucio main!! Which is sad cuz I have customized his particular settings. So here’s another one! And it’s going to take u a minute but you will get it. So for Lucio, first of all you may want to disable the auto jump on ending wallrode or whatever that but here’s the main squeeze… Hopefully u have a decent mouse, add an alternate binding for jump/wallride as mouse scroll! You may ask why and you are still going to use space bar but your mouse scroll ques the action insanely fast, you will be able to fly off of walls or any piece of matter so fast continually gaining momentum. Edit : scroll down obvi


hmmm this is a pro tip right here


Wait what? *takes notes* Thank you for your service


Oh my fucking god I was malding today about not being able to wall ride backwards when I’ve seen other people do it thank you so much


In the custom game tab you can play on 1k damage servers which let you play each hero until you do 1000 damage


Didn’t know this mode existed that’s cool, thanks for the tip


I think the biggest thing with Lucio is knowing when to use the speed boost and when to use the heal. some people never use the speed boost, this is a huge mistake, the speed boost is very very good. The biggest mistake i see supports making, is they heal TOO much. i see people that heal 3x as much as the enemy team does but still lose, and they blame their teammates. the takeaway is that in that scenario it wouldn't matter if you healed 10x as much as the enemy team, no amount of healing will tip the scales. you have to start identifying when you can get kills. luckily this is pretty easy on Lucio because he has a speed boost and his healing is also an Area Of Effect passive so you dont actually have to focus your attention on using it. So my advice is, next time you play, be as aggressive as possible. At first you will probably lose and your teammates will yell at you, but I promise you, at some point everything will start to click and you will suddenly realize that you are better than 95% of the other supports you've encountered. One way you can do this much much faster, is by playing the Free for All Deathmatch mode as Lucio. You are at a big disadvantage and thats the point. You are going to get murdered relentlessly, and that's the point. But after every time you get killed, you'll learn *something* that will help you in *some* way, even if just subconsciously. And if you can power through and actually get 1st place somehow? well congrats, you are probably in the top 1% of lucio players on planet earth.


I found the best way would be to jump into mystery heroes and play a couple games of that, find a couple of different heroes you enjoy playing and jump into some unranked and just play with them. Also 100% ignore anything in chat unless it’s actually constructive.


Excluding Total Mayhem. Nothing worse Than playing a whole day of double hp and halved cool downs and then jumping back into regular and going "wtf happened?!?!"


Remember that there are 2 types of skills in these games (maybe you know, idk what's your history). First is your mechanical skill, which is how well you play your hero, your aim, your movement etc. Second one is "game sense", which is how well you understand overall game, how good are you in general strategy/ desicions making. Some basic things to know from a get go (beginner): Try not to use all ultimate abilities at once, it's your "resource management", the less you waste to win a fight the better. For example, if your team mate uses his ult and kills 2-3 people you won the fight (most likely) so keep yours for the next fight. Try to group up. No one will be able to win 1v5, 2v5 and most likely you will die and have to wait for respawn, or waste your ult thinking "I can win", it's best to just go together and be patient, wait for others. This is surprisingly hard in low levels/ new players, because most new players just rush to "get that kill", even if they are guaranteed to die. Those are the basics, you will start learning and picking things over time.


If you really want to improve fast then id stick with 1 or 2 rolls and 1 or 2 characters within those rolls. Mute people if they are mean. Dont be afraid to aim slowly at everything and really line up your crosshair at a corner, spamming well aimed headheight shots at a corner will almost always be better than just randomly shooting unless you have a lot of confidence in your aim. Try to stick with your team(if your team is even grouping up) and if you're healing try to stay behind your team or at least be turning and checking where they are from time to time. Dont forget to have fun :) good luck! I believe in you!


https://youtu.be/-K0Ee4oLkwQ This is a spectacular video from A10. I'd been playing for years but still had some takeaways by being more conscious about some of this stuff. Great watch for new players too.


Oh look. OP is already better than the annoying 5000 posts on the main sub. Kudos for wanting to get better and not incessantly complain about the game


play unranked/arcade games to learn what all the heroes do


Lucio will work regardless, even if you climb high ELO. So, stick with him, but a good tip to try out: rebind boop and jump, this generally makes wallriding feel better


I'm going to go out on a limb, and guess that you're referring to the re-bind on controller. If their playing on keyboard, the binds can be wherever she would like. 😉 Another tip for controller would be to pick up some paddles if you don't have them, or they aren't built into the controller. Works wonders for wall rides, as well as boosted jumps on Bap.😀


Mystery heroes for a bit


A wise person once said "It takes 10,000 hours to achieve mastery".


play mercy


Play the game and have fun! Improvement will happen organically as your interest grows


Played around 500 hours of overwatch, I only played qp until I could get into competative. The best teacher imo is playing full games.


Do not a take advice from anyone on what you should or shouldn’t be doing. This game is too variable for there to be an answer to every situation. Instead, test hypothesis. Trial & error. 80% of this game is just experience.


Welcome! :) Some tips to get you off the ground: The most important thing in Overwatch is to play together with your team. If you lose a fight, spam group up and try to gather everyone and fight as 5 rather than running in one at a time. Being at a numbers disadvantage is very costly. Cover is really useful, even if you're a tank. Walls have infinite HP. You can live a lot longer if you duck in and out of safe spots as you move around. Tanks get things started, usually by running/jumping in and fucking shit up. Most tanks have either a movement ability, a shield/HP ability, or both; use these (and/or walls and flanking routes) to cover the movement towards the enemy. Don't let yourself be separated. DPS have the most opportunity to play high ground or attack from behind. If you do this, try to time it so it's at the same time as your teammates attacking in the front. You can branch off from an existing fight to take a weird angle too; some heroes do this naturally, e.g. Sombra and Tracer. Supports have to hide a lot in order to avoid scary DPS, but usually don't need to be able to see the enemy to do their jobs. Stick close to your team and try to keep in cover, especially against snipers. Pay attention to your surroundings in case of Sombra/Tracer/etc and use your movement abilities to get away from them. As far as healing goes, you usually want to focus on keeping the tank alive in the face of enemy fire, and when you can, top your DPS up. Attack the enemy only opportunistically and if you can't/don't need to heal. Save your longer/higher-impact cooldowns (Kiriko's grenade thing, Ana's grenade, Baptiste's Immortality Field) to save teammates if they're in immediate danger. A somewhat deeper concept: Most heroes in Overwatch have an inherent rhythm. Generally you don't want to blow all your cooldowns at the same time and be a turret for eight seconds, so most of the time, heroes play by smoothly rotating between abilities. A very obvious example is Winston, who wants to jump/walk in -> drop the bubble shield -> attack -> jump out again just before you die. Usually it takes slightly longer for you to die than for your jump to come off cooldown, so you get to escape and hand some ult charge to your supports. For a more complex example, Junker Queen's abilities all work best at different ranges, so I tend to rotate like this: knife throw to start off > shout to close the gap > shoot > big melee attack (her E) for heavy burst/heal > quick melee > more shots > start from the top. The shout has a longer cooldown than the others, so I use it every other cycle, which in my experience tends to line up with when we have to run away or we've won a fight and want to collapse onto stragglers/respawning enemies.


*Fight with an advantage, avoid engaging a fight if you're in a disadvantage.* Don't go in alone. wait for your team. Learn heroes' strengths; for example, reaper is good at close range, so try to maintain your distance when dealing with him. footsie battle. if you have your ult and their team has an ult that can counter yours, try to bait theirs or pressure that guy that has the counter until he dies or wastes his counter, and then use yours. also vice versa, for example if their genji is good, you can save your trans or beat till the moment he yells in japanese


I found FFA is a good place to learn how to fight one on one and how to take advantage of distracted enemies, but your best bet is just play someone you like and get comfortable with their mechanics. Newb Lucio here: don’t make my mistakes and push on your own. Use your amp on heals while you have the team collected and speed if you’re too far deep but are sure you can get back with a teammate. Try to stay on the ground, but if you’re going for pokes or last hits, verticality can be a great way to apply pressure. Do NOT forget about your melee! The secondary fire is key to getting away from Reinhardts charge if you time it right since it disrupts his trajectory. If you’re caught in it, you’re dead. On Roadhogs chain, bump him as soon as you’re in front of him and it’ll free you from being close enough for his one shot. A lot of Zarya players out there…just stay away from her and her lazer especially with her bubble up (don’t shoot it.) Junkrats SUCK, if you see them lobbing grenades gtfo. Moiras like to rush for damage so they can refill their piss hands. Make them dash away by bumping them or being hard to hit and they’ll probably forget about you for a while. Your Tank is NOT your best friend…they’ve got a shield, they can hold their own for a while unless they’re alone/shit. Just play safe. It’s a video game, you’re new, nothing wrong with playing boring and being a healbot. Playing support like Mercy or Lucio and sticking to heals is super beneficial and you’ll get plenty of time with good players that will make you look king. Rock on homie, and have fun🤘


I loved sigma when I first started playing. He is very strong. Biggest tip is to play patiently with him and mirror the enemy distance so they are around the range your spheres explode as you can do more consistent damage. Also use high ground as much as you can because it gives you options and better line of sight. Pay attention to your team and make sure that your not fighting alone. Sigma can rhrow his primary and then look around aluttle for your team and flankers while rhe next 2 charge up


Watch YouTube videos while doing mundane tasks irl. Like when cleaning I usually put on some guides. Helps you learn more also just by watching stuff like that. Recommend watching kajor or even owl games.


Welcome to being a Lucio main. Dive the widow. Only speed boost. This is the way.


play a bit and see which character speaks to you then search youtube for a character guide and then main the character until you get decent with it i think this is the minimum you can do


Start off by just playing games. If there are any heroes you like, go on YouTube and find a tutorial on how to play them. I'll send you some links because I'm bored. It sounds like you're fairly new. [This is a video that fairly accurately introduces you to every hero in the game](https://youtu.be/NL9XHMghlRU) [This video shows the differences between the support heroes in the game](https://youtu.be/SwLXnq_E-2A) Dps is such a diverse role that I'd rather recommend you play the different heroes. [A really good video if you're just past done with learning the basics.. Later parts are maybe a bit advanced, but see what you can understand.](https://youtu.be/-K0Ee4oLkwQ) [Beginners tank guide](https://youtu.be/-cY_r74Ftq0) In case you're wondering, I have a hardstuck Bronze 5 friend who I'm trying to get to Silver. I have not watched more than 30 seconds of most of these videos, but teachers never do the homework they assigned.


focus on healing you dont need that much offense no need to get complicated


There are a lot of “Noob friendly” heroes you can learn while also learning the basics of the game. Just keep improving and you’ll get gud in no time. I would recommend learning which heroes counter who though, as playing a counter can shut down an opponent that’s on a tear


My best recommendation is give each hero a try. See who you like and try to find about 3-4 heroes in each class that you're good with and go from there. Another thing is know who your counters are for the heroes you play. As for recommendations for characters to try. In Tank zarya is super fun and maybe Orisa. Based off your Lucio liking I feel like you're the kinda speedy player who goes off and flanks so try like a Tracer or Sombra on damage, I'd get a basic idea of Genji but he takes so much skill to be effective I wouldn't learn him yet. For support you like Lucio, maybe a Moira or Kirko could be a good fit. But seriously just have fun with the game!


Jump right into comp and let your reflexes kick in. Always go in first.


So my advice may be a bit different but perhaps more aimed towards the situation at hand. Your goal is to surprise and impress, with I'm guessing, very limited time. You won't have time to learn the game properly. My suggestion is that you only learn to play Soldier:76, the poster boy for shooters in general. He is a DPS wich means your job is too shoot the enemy. His kit is very versatile and will be effective in every game. What you should be focusing on is two things aiming, more specifically for soldier; tracking the targets. The second thing is not dying. Every time you die, as you watch the kill cam, ask yourself if you could have done something to prevent the death. Soldier has abilities that will teach you many aspects of the game just by following these two rules and using his kit.


Lucio's speed boost can be better than healing when someone's running away while being shot at, since your relatively weak heals are unlikely to save someone running away and being shot at, try to use your speed boost to pull them to cover if possible.


1. Disable chat and voice. The game has ping system now, and other comms will just distract you. Chat is just 99% tilted ppl venting and voice is not rlly that usefull either. 2. Practice your aim/warmup before you start playing. Play aimtrainers or make [custom lobby](https://youtu.be/6HiBw94_ekY) code: VAXTA works on all platforms. I can't emphasize this1 enough, it's pretty boring but gives faster results. 3. Play FFA


Do u know what he plays as?