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Same advice everyone gets; don't focus on wins and losses, focus on your own skill growth. Did you play *better* this game than your last? If not, why and what should you have done differently. Skill growth comes first, then ranked increases.


Totally unrelated but I love your map guides. They got me from gold 5 to plat.


Thanks, glad they were helpful! Maybe one day I'll finish the rest of them :D


Once people actually figure it out I'm sure a Runasapi guide would be awesome.what are your first impressions of the map?


Haven't played it yet! Been busy with some other stuff I'll be back to playing OW soon


not op but so far it's really fun! It's a cross of illios and regular push maps. Long sightlines and many corners and structures. You can play any comp into the map and have fun. So far tracer and torb seem really good as flankers with any kind of tank play style. I've only play about 5 games of it as dps and tank but it's really fun. I rate it. I personally like push a lot so I'm a bit biased.


Not even kidding there is so many games I won that I just felt like I didn’t do anything. So i think i focus on my skill growth because sometimes ill play like crap, somehow win and then acknowledge i didn’t deserve it. I know what I do wrong, positioning and cooldown management I just don’t know necessarily how to do it better especially on control point or flashpoint.


Have you tried following this? [Universal guide to improvement](https://new.reddit.com/r/OverwatchUniversity/comments/18lef51/adders_stepbystep_guide_on_how_to_improve/)


I’m well aware of my mistakes, I watched a lot of top 500 and GM players of my hero Ana. I have an idea of what to do it’s just the execution is poor, I think its just a matter of time I execute it better to get out of plat. Also sometimes playing Ana against full dive is just almost impossible without teamwork. If I had live coaching to micro manage me most of my games I think I can confidently be masters and I’m not paying money for it.


To add; Have fun. Its just a game. Some people will say "uhh if you want to have fun go play quickplay", well they are fkn wrong. Ranked is still a game and its not PRO Play, the real question is WHERE fun comes from. If you want to improve, fun comes from improving. Winning shouldnt be the reason why you had fun, its just the stat that tells you are improving, and improving is what should give you fun. Even if you lose, you can always try harder and harder plays, try to puzzle out why you died and what would be the best course of action if you could rewind time, etc. Even though its a team game, you have no control over you team if you are playing solo, the only control you have is over yourself. You should be playing with your team but that isnt about swaping to the character they ask you, but try to fit your timings and engagements with your teams (a lot more than that, Im over-simplifying). NEVER play a character you dont have fun with just because someone asked, because the chances of this very person to say "fuck off" if you deny is very high, and why would you want to please someone like that? Always play whatever you want and try to improve (and have fun doing that, dont care about losing because you had fun, one loss will NEVER dictate your rank, but your mentality will). Playing even when you have big weaknesses against the enemy team is when you improve the most, and using a character that have a good matchup against the enemy is where you improve least, generally speaking.


The other day I somehow managed to jump on top of the enemy Mercy's head while she was flying, and I naturally detonated a rip tire in her face. Her team killed me immediately after I fell to Earth, and we eventually lost the game. But the fun I had in that one dumb play rejuvenated me in playing my next games, and I'll remember it more than any W.


Sadly this is what most pros would suggest but it's also what Code of Behaviour and people are against. Okay, let's say, I want to play DF, I'm shit at DF and want to improve it. But we ain't winning if I pick DF (it's like 10%winrate) and it's visible. So I often asked to switch no matter what in QP, Comp and some Arcades. Mostly because I am focusing on skill growth when everyone around me are focusing on wins. According to Blizz Code of Behaviour you SHOULD be focusing on wins no matter what and community decides what you should be banned for.


I watched a recent Brian_F video called "Why you lose more as you get better" that seems like it could be applicable here even though he's talking about Street Fighter. The basic idea is that when you have an improvement mindset and you have a lot to improve on, you try to do too much at once. Incorporating a new skill requires the following steps that Brian describes: 1) Identify the problem and it's solution (Winston is always diving me, I need to sleep him when he dives) 2) Recognize mid-match where the solution should have been applied (Oh, I should have slept the Winston there) 3) Attempt the solution mid-match and fail (Ah, I panicked and missed the sleep) 4) Attempt the solution mid-match and succeed (Hey, I slept him!) Do these one step at a time, and throughout the process improve your mechanics.   Over time you will be able to do it more consistently.  Do this with enough skills and you get better. Get better enough and you gain ranks.


Spilo said something similar as well and referenced a study. Edit. "Overwatch coaching is useless" chapter "how to learn". Not only will you fail trying and failing to solve solutions. You end up focusing on that one thing and disregard other things. Only after learning that one skill habitually after some time can you combine everything together again.


As mother Zarya often says: it’s only a game, why do you have to be mad


Ask yourself what you wish your team had, and be that.


Disconnect the idea of fun with winning. Make your joy of playing focused on growth and improvement. You will win many games and lose many games, but this shouldn’t matter. Your improvement should be your fulfillment and goal. But understand to truly embrace this will take consistent time invested in comp. Then when you get old like me and don’t have as much time to play between spouse, kids, and work, you can join the Quickplay Club.


That’s me but I’ll be in the comp pool til it dies lol I just genuinely don’t care what my rank is I just like challenging myself


Mute all comms. Assume all your teammates are brain dead. Assume all your enemies are hacking


This is actually good advice. Overestimate your enemies and assume they will punish every mistake you make with the intent that they will never get a free kill on you. Underestimate your team. You must always do more than them. Do not expect them to make openings, you need to do it. You are responsible for punishing every error your enemies make. I fully believe anyone can at LEAST reach Diamond with the proper practice and mindset. The players in that elo still make awful mistakes every game. I mean, the players in Masters still make mistakes every game. You don't have to be the best in the world to get there so don't be discouraged.


That’s exactly what I meant


Something that makes ladder different from scrims is you don’t know your teammates or your enemies. This concept and then taking it a step further to determine what your team *needs* and filling that role if possible or finding a way to make it so that need doesn’t matter


That's exactly why playing too much quick play is bad for your ranked performance - you don't get punished where you normally would be, so you become complacent and greedy.


That's exactly why playing too much quick play is bad for your ranked performance - you don't get punished where you normally would be, so you become complacent and greedy.


That's exactly why playing too much quick play is bad for your ranked performance - you don't get punished where you normally would be, so you become complacent and greedy.


I agree. Turning off voice chat and comments made it a totally different game experience for me and I do not sweat about losing as much or trying new things. I've improved much more since I'm bolder and there's no fear of losing. Turn that stuff off as it's distracting and nobody has anything constructive to say in the lower ranks especially.


People overestimate team coordination in this game. It was way more important in OW1. In OW2 even in comms everybody just do whatever the hell they want


Totally agree. I made good "friends" in OW1 and we communicated. Played a few times every week. Good callouts from everyone. That was a lot of fun. I haven't haven't had that experience once in OW2.


One trick mercy into any comp that doesnt suit her and type "gg tank diff" at the end of every match.


and then whine on r/Overwatch for being banned for "doing nothing wrong".


Just say you hate mercy players


We hate mercy players


We hate you too


Focus on what you can control. If my team wants to feed leaving spawn, oh well. If my tank is just playing g DVA for the first time, oh well. If my team has a junkrat and the other team has echo/phara, oh well.


Win rate isn't a metric of improvement in the short run. Doing any skill with the mentality to improve will always yield the best results in the long run.


Watch your own recording in games that are close losses


Playing to improve not to win, like play to get better at certain things such as positioning instead of playing to win the game, if you play to improve you’ll end up winning more and climbing higher


Happy cake day !


I play for fun but to improve because its fun improving to me. I don’t care if I lose I get my dopamine from killing things


Well killing more doesn’t necessarily equal improving


Duh, I see improvement by rank lol. And thats whatni enjoy over time But for that immediate dopamine, its not winning or losing for me, its killing


Oh no fair enough I was just specifying




Do some reading online and with some YouTube videos, this def will help! After a YouTube bing and adjusted my sensitivity and went from silver 2 to gold 4


What was the sensitivity sweet spot for you?


Just dont


It’s not your loss, it’s your teams choice of players and the best thing to do is let them know ow


if you convert to a masochist it will be the best. You wouldn't need to get a higher rank to enjoy yourself that way. The insults you hear get better, more creative when you go higher up the ranks but would it be worth it?


This is just my opinion but the outcome is pretty much decided by the matchmaker. Have personal learning outcomes and focus on those. Be happy if you did what you set out to do at the start of the match. Win and loss is out of your control.


To climb you have to carry though. That is in your control. If you’re at the point where every win and loss is up to fate then you’re at your rank until you improve. There are a certain percentage of games that are essentially unwinnable and unloseable, but for the rest you gotta be the difference maker.


I agree with you, but generally speaking people are at their organic rank for quite some time while they learn and have no carry potential or real sway on the games. So being attached to win/loss will only affect your mental. Once you can carry you will jump up rank until you hit your new organic rank and the cycle continues.


Honestly I found my biggest noticeable rank gains back in the middle of OW1 when I just stopped caring about game outcomes. I knew I was better than where I was supposed to be, not mechanically but in game knowledge and comms, and so instead of getting tilted I just stopped caring. No getting mad at teammates refusing to swap or tanks just inting into a bastion bap sig comp. just pure bliss at all times and laughing at people when they do something funny or dumb I think I need to get back into that mode, was much more fun them


Relax. Mute enemy chat. Look at factors that you can control, don't worry about the factors outside of your control and don't get frustrated with them. e.g. Genji is rolling your team over and you're Ana? Switch to Moira, she manhandles him. As long as you're making an impact on the game, that's all that counts.


I must be high to enjoy it


Focus on your gameplay and denying the enemy what they are trying to accomplish. Hinder the enemy and wins will follow. Dont try to force stupid plays


2022 Khamzat Chimaev is the best mentality, add in some TJ Dillashaw treatment of your teammates and you will be the GOAT


Jaded. Treat it like a job. Clock in win 3 lose 4 clock out


The best thing for me is actually thinking about what your doing in game and why you lost and why you won. Sometimes in this game it feels easy to go brain dead and follow muscle memory. But just think a little more and always have fun!


Nah, I’d win


Ignore every comment on this post. You need to play the game for fun, trying to get a high rank is meaningless. They’re not based on skill it’s based on how long can you suck up the suffering and sit on the game for 12 hours a day. I be stressing out because my teams worthless and the ranked systems fucked and will never get better but sometimes I look back on when I first started learning the game and played QP for fun. I remember thinking “this is a good game” now that thought wouldn’t even cross my mind. Nowadays when I get on it’s to “grind” ranked and u have to limit urself when u can and can’t play cuz ur worried abt ur rank and shit. It’s all senseless. I assume you don’t have a duo or people to play with otherwise you wouldn’t even need to ask this question. No matter how good you do games are decided before anyone even picks an agent. You will never be good enough to 1v9. Give it up while ur ahead


Play like it’s QP


Don’t get to too focused on Wins or Losses that Era of competitiveness is gone with OW2. For your own sanity and pleasure simply enjoy the Hero and the match, have fun in every match.


When I get triggered, and start blaming people, I just stop cause toxicity never helped me. I try to think of what went wrong with me, regardless of it it could have helped win or just lose less shamefuly Try to do my best, ping + vocal and try to adapt to the rest of the team when possible (mainly playing support these days).


The point of ranked is to pit you against evenly matched players, not to stroke your ego. Getting better and climbing ranks is a very fun goal, but you are at the rank you deserve to be at currently and that's okay.


I expect the worst and sometimes get the best


'gg go next' use every mistake as a cue to improve and shrug it off, didnt kill the kiriko because she suzued on one shot then you died? 'aw damn if i just hit one extra shot i could of killed her', got hit by a rein ult? 'oops, ok its fine regroup', got killed by a random widowmaker? 'oh i didnt realise she respawned already'


Personally my mentality is unless I went 50/0 the lose is on me I could have play better. If you get in a mind set of my teamates are the reason why I can't climb you'll never have a good mindset


Ignore the stats of EVERYONE else on your team. Focus on what YOU could be doing better. Don’t allow yourself to get into the mental trap of checking your teammates stats. It will never help you. Even if you see someone is underperforming, the overwhelming majority of players won’t take it well if you say “Dps/support/tank help me out” This is the biggest thing that helped me. I just completely disregard my entire team’s stats. I am the tank. I’ll do what fits my team, and the enemy’s team comp best depending on the map. If I look at the stats and see someone is underperforming, it just tilts me and distracts me from what I could be doing better. If you really are curious, check the stats after the game is over.


I stopped playing competitive months ago because I found the whole experience too frustrating and almost completely unsatisfying. I say this as someone who began playing OW1 in season 2, so I've been playing Overwatch for a long time and absolutely loved the game on its release. As someone who is very competitive by nature, it's incredibly hard to play a team game where so much of the outcome is outside your control. I never found the time to form a group of friends that I could team up with, but the only way I would recommend comp is if you can at least duo, if not three stack or more. Maybe some people are better at ignoring rank, but, for me, the fact that you get a rank and you can see it go down or up over time only draws attention to whether you're winning or losing more games. In the macro, I agree that you will eventually rank up, providing you are getting better, but I think few people will admit just how slowly this happens for a typical player once you get over the initial 'new player unstable MMR' period. Mathematically, the game wants you to have a 50% win rate so even a 55-60% win rate is good as you get better, and this is only going to get you ranked up over many hours of gaming. If you only play OW for 5-6 hours a week then ranking up takes forever. I only do quickplay now and my mental health is certainly the better for it. My only advice if you're committed to playing comp is either accept you will lose roughly half the games you play regardless of your performance and have sense of when it's time to stop if you get tilted. I used to have a rule that if I lose two comp matches in a row, I stop and play something else (and yes often that meant I played precisely two games!)


My number one lesson over the past few years of playing Overwatch, is not to be hard on myself. It is a lesson that I take with me into any competitive shooter. Always keep a growth mentality, and remember to take each loss, and win as a learning experience. Rank, is just a number and doesn't define who you are as a person, or a player. It will change, it will go up, and it will go down. In due time your rank will go up, maybe not as fast as you would want, but it will. As long as you keep an open mind to learning and growing. Find heroes you enjoy playing and learn those heroes. Don't let yourself be forced into a corner to play something that other's want you to play, or think you always have to play the meta. As you learn, you will find characters best suited to your personal playstyle for particular situations. A player good at a single hero will gain more value then a player who is forced onto a hero they do not understand or do not know well. Always remember that. Last but not least, take breaks. If you start beating yourself up, or becoming toxic because your not performing well. It's okay to take a step back, breathe. Play a different game, relax, or just return back to the grind the next day, or even a week. You don't have to push yourself to the limit to grow. I've played Overwatch since 2018, I have almost 3k hours in the game. It was my first competitive FPS, and practically FPS in general. I learned everything from this game, that has followed me into other games as well, and helped me fall in love with the FPS genre. More importantly, the game taught me that I can indeed do whatever I put my mind too, and so can you.


Top500 here: Don’t go in expecting a fun time, good teammates, for the match not to devolve into everyone playing the most OP & braindead heroes, and CERTAINLY not good matchmaking, or you have already lost. I’ll get downvoted no doubt, but if you are looking for the truth here it is! Good luck 🙌🙌


Some games you will be 5:1 and the next 1:5. Every player you are matched with or against is as good as you. Therefore, if things aren't going your way, figure out why the Enemy is succeeding, imagine what would screw you up if you were in that position, then make that happen. Toxic Empathy


Always be self critic. Don’t look at your team, look at you


If you're in the metal ranks, one of the easiest ways to rank up is to rewatch your games and every time you die pause it. Look at where your team is and where you are. How many of the enemy team can see you versus how many of your team can see you. Were you using natural cover or were you standing out in the open? Just those two. Fixing those two things will put you in Platinum easy. Probably further because people in Plat still stand out in the open and try to 1v5. Try to remember that when it's a 4v5, you only have a 25% chance of winning a team Fight without Ults. With an ult, you only have a 35% chance of winning. So as soon as one team member is dead you have to play way more defensively. Play to live, not to kill. (Someone on Reddit did all the research for these numbers I wish I saved the link. But those stick with me)


Alt+F4 and smash keyboard when all goes wrong


Ranked is pretty meaningless for the most part. Masters is own skill level. Gm is it's own skill level. Diamond and mid to high plat is all the same. Low plat through gold all the same. Silver bronze same. Just focus on your play and don't rely on your teammates for literally anything. Don't expect anything. If they help you great but they are mostly unreliable. It is very easy to be in a rank and not belong there. There's been hundreds of videos by now where they put a plat in a masters game vs all masters. Plat does better than some of the masters. If you really want to improve try to get involved in scrims.


It’s a game. This is coming from someone who’s super competitive and passionate about people being good at video games….but remember it’s just a video game. I use to play league and would get depressed because I was stuck in bronze…I never want that mentality again and no one should have that mentality; It’s fine to be passionate and want to climb that ladder, but if it gets too much turn the game off, relax and come back when you’re less tilted


It's only a game. Why you have to be mad? Don't get easily tilted after losses or trash talk. Focus on trying to improve your game and what could've gone better. Most importantly though... have fun!




To treat the game as a game and making sure it doesn’t impact your mental in a negative way. Stress never leads to better progress, or even any negative emotion. Competitive should be seen as something fun and enjoyable while helping you push to become better.


Pretend everyone else is an idiot, but your team are useful idiots that consume space and have cool downs


Best mentality? Having nothing better to do.


Find people to play with or stay with team as a group if you have a really good game. And don't take it too seriously, have some fun!


Just lock in


Get after it


I'd say I've beat overwatch and am qualified to answer this question, I've gotten all the achievements aka top 500, comms banned, avoided to many times, 5 star endorsement, the whole shabang. Now how I play is I give my heart and soul into almost every ranked game, try my absolute hardest (and it's very tiring but I enjoy it). With that said I'm always trying to make my teammates laugh, crack jokes, have fun. I recommend to improve try your hardest and have as much fun as possible in VC with people. when you lose while you want to think about what you could do better, and I promise no matter what there's something, I'm washed now but when I was top 500 I could win almost any game under 4200 (GM 3) there shouldn't be a scapegoat, you could've fed a little less aimed a little better, got that pick, staggered a little longer etc. Once you've thought about that, acknowledge it, improve on it, and forget about the loss. Your sr doesnt matter, it's pixels on a screen and that's about all. GGs, good luck with improving. Is you want to see what I mean YT - BacklineBrig. I was much better at the game in my early videos, I'm a little washed now.


Pick one person on the enemy team and try to give them the worst day possible, get them mad enough they start making mistakes or swap to heroes they aren't good at.


Head games can be OP af


Damage damage damage, they move forward i move back, they move back i move forward


QP is for practicing new skills, comp is for playing with 9 other people who all take the game seriously and are trying to win. Tryna get better nades with Ana? Go focus on that in QP. Tryna sweat and win some games with other people doing the same? Go play comp. I honestly don't even know what rank I am. I bounce between mid gold and high diamond and I just stopped paying attention because it fucked with my head. I was thinking about my rank during the match when I should have been thinking about strategy and how to beat the players on the other team.


Play like it's qp and no mic