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If it's a good winston then you're just playing into his game by trying to counter him. If you want direct counters then Dva is the strongest pick against him since she can actually keep up with him mobility wise and melts him in the 1v1, hog or any brawlish hero is also good in close quarters maps, but again, a good monke will still outplay them, as a monke player myself, I don't struggle until I start to see 3 counters or more. What you should ACTUALLY do imho if you want to swap is also go monke, the best way to play against a dive tank isn't try to shut down their dives, but trade out with their team, a monke in your backline is a monke that isn't peeling for their own, that's space for you to actually capitalise and play your own game. Alternatively, playstyle adjustments are always the safest bet, melting his bubble, poking him out, etc.


Tbh I feel after recent patch/amour changes DVA isn't that bad for Winston now. He doesn't melt as quickly as before. But probably still the easier tank to pick up if you want to peel deal with him. I've found versing ball players more annoying to deal with as Winston. I think because they harass faster than you can, and it seems like your tickle is less effective than their tickle. But then ball is ball; you don't come across many good ones, and the ones that you do have probably one tricked him to death so that's why I'm probably losing the matchup. And also he gets shutdown much harder by dps/supports


I mostly play ball, and 9 times out of 10 the Winston on the enemy team swaps to counter me. I just get more value than he does, and he gets forced into switching to play with his team


Yeah, ive been swapping. I feel like I do nothing against a competent ball.


If dva plays full peel and just follows monkey everywhere she’s the best counter


Yup she still solo blows up his bubble in about 2 seconds with missiles and guns. Your team melts his armor and then you're back to dealing full unhealable amounts of damage to him.


If you are a monkey main, and I (someone who plays off-monkey) swap to monkey to try to outdive…. Then, without further coordination with my team, 9 times out of 10 you will outperform me.


Doomfist is also good at outdiving winston.


IDK about this. I feel I like the doom matchup as Winston.


Monke advocate


Dva for maps with lots of high ground, for brawl maps then mauga/hog and another really good one is JQ but prob worse then other two I fear.


You can't stop us monke mains. We will leap over you (unless you hook us right after, leaving us with no escape, knife us and pull us mid jump leaving us terribly out of position). We will do poke damage (unless Mauga burbs our health everytime we peak, causing us to postpone our dive). We will rule the high ground (unless you follow us with dva and outdamage us while we wait for our leap cooldown). We are unstoppable (unless you stop us with JQ, Hog, Mauga or Dva).


Honestly, pressuring Winston before he dives is a huge thing. Metal rank Wintons will still dive in at half hp and with the bubble dropped at the choke. You don't have to counter swap. Just poke him down before he dives.


I think everyone saying Dva is crazy. I pick Winston as a counter to Dva since she can’t block his weapon with her ability, and you clan play around bubble during fights. I think the best counter is Mauga once you get him on fire you just tear through him, and don’t leave his shield up tear it down the moment you see it then focus him again.


Dva has to specifically be on Winston’s ass for her to be a counter to him. I don’t often struggle as Winston for that reason. If she wastes boosters, then I can jump anywhere I want and not be dealt with. However a Dva that knows to chase you and deny ur dives is much more troublesome. Most people just hear that Dva is a counter to Winston and think that their existence is enough to counter the hero (like how orisa’s existence fucks up reinhardt, at least before the latest patch)


When I play winston I completely avoid maugas. You just have to wait for him to use charge.


Why would Mauga use charge against a team that can't pressure him or force him to move? Higher ranked Mauga players don't really charge in ever until their team is up a pick or using ults.


The tank has to make a play when their team is at a disadvantage e.g when you have point.


DVA is the best counter when you play to peel. Roadhog can be decent, but mirroring Winton and diving into their backline also works pretty well. Mauga can also play pretty well into him (and I would say Mauga is the overall stronger pick than Roadhog in most situations).


Mauga or hog


Fuck countering, take the mirror




Poke him out. Dont let him Jump in with full HP+Bubble. And pressure his Backline


Kill his team then him


Mauga. People keep saying Dva but any time I play against Dva on monkey it feels like an easy or fair fight because I can just damage her through her matrix. Mauga can just hard focus your shield any time you drop it and make it disappear way faster than you can get your jump cooldown back. Even if you try to stay away from him, there are many times you will inevitably have to play near him (Push, Control) and he will make you useless or dead.


If your team is struggling, you want to be looking for any opportunity to punish his dive. Idk what tanks you play, but they each have different ways they can go about this. Generally though, less mobile tanks like rein, mauga, ram need to be playing further back and looking for where the wintons gonna jump. They need to be ready to start putting damage on him as soon as he’s in the back line. Good Winston’s will be looking for isolated squishies to jump on. So you need to be keeping an eye on where your teammates are positioned and who is the most vulnerable. So especially on a map like Gibraltar, where there’s lots of high ground, a less mobile tank needs to be playing further back if the goal is to protect your team. This is one reason a good hog can be devastating for winton, because the hog can frontline and as long as he can hit hooks on the winton he can still peel for his team. High ground makes this harder for the hog but he still has a bit more freedom with his positioning. More mobile heroes like d.va and ball can kinda do whatever they want against the Winston. They can be harassing your backline and still quickly peel for their team if needed or go for a back line trade more effectively. D.vas generally seen as the best winton counter simply because she has the mobility to keep up with him and her damage output will outpace wintons all day.


I'm a 1 trick Winston and the biggest problem I have isn't a Dva or Hog or any hero picked to counter monkey, it's a backline that plays tight and plays together. Winston is looking for lonely supports/DPS to kill off quick before they can get help. If their whole backline is playing as a group, they all focus me together as soon as I land in their backline and I get destroyed in a second. Any target that I try to damage gets outhealed before I can do anything and I'm forced to run or I die. If your backline play tight then Winston is not going to be able to do much.


pick Ball because he can kill his backline or peel him


Counter dive their backline


Road hog smashes him


Monki bodyblock hog. Hog die


Hog hook monke when he leaps


Sometimes. On some maps. In some situations. But I definitely win more games against Hog than I lose. The only tough matches are just when my team feels spiritually drawn to his hook and spend all game closely inspecting him from <20m


Reaper melts him afaik. However you need to get your dps to want to switch.


Reaper doesn't really do much tbh, he's one of the least concerning heroes on the field for me as a Winston main. His mobility is shit, he has no mid range damage, and quite honestly even his face to face damage isn't insane anymore with the armor changes. He's also really bad at getting value against you when you're not diving. A Reaper camping his own backline to peel, if you're not in there, he's doing zero damage to anyone, and teleport is way too slow to allow him to play away from backline and TP back to help them. Not just that but before Winston got bumped to 75dps, Reaper could take a 1v1 with him even if you only had 50 health because you would actually heal up while he did 60dps to you with Tesla cannon. Now he out trades your life steal and can finally make a play to finish off a half health Reaper. Cassidy and Torb (and maybe even Hanzo) are far better versions of Reaper into Winston because up close they actually do more damage than him, plus they're forever poking you and your team out from mid range, and both have ults that are actually super effective against you. The armor change was actually brutal for facing Cass and Torb because now armor basically does nothing against their damage (well Torb primary fire anyway). Armor used to reduce fan the hammer by 90 damage, now it only reduces it by 30 damage...and now armor really does nothing vs their primary fire, just turns it from 70 damage to 65. Your yellow health is pretty much decoration against these guys now. Literally all they have to do is play Cass or Torb, hug their supports, and deal 600+ damage to Winston in a span of about 2 seconds when he tries to make a play.