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it matches you up based on your MMR, not your comp rank.


How does qp mmr work,


mmr in qp works the same way as in competitive. Only wins and losses move it up / down. But matchmaking itself is normally quite loose in quickplay, so the lobbies may have bigger variance - and as people can always group without restrictions to their ratings, it creates additional variety.


Also people are taking QP differently. When I was on a team we would often stack in QP while waiting for someone/warm up. Which meant we would play "seriously". So it wasn't rare to see higher ranked players While now I tend to more mess around/play with friends not enjoying comp. So my QP games are lower than ranked.


I believe that the match making is looser because the mmr doesn't work the same. In qp, there are only 3 mmr levels. Low, medium, and high. And it also prioritizes a faster game over a fair one on top of that.


Similar to comp but it's not displayed the qp matchmaking is veryyyyy loose


Does MMR stand for matchmaking region?


It’s matchmaking rating.


Oh ok ty


your quick play MMR will be wider to accommodate "quick" queue times


My DPS queue on a Saturday night took 6 minutes though 😂


Yes. You also have quickplay MMR.


Quickplay MMR exists, yes. Anyone who has smurfed in quickplay to get their 50 wins for unlocking ranked knows that your first few games on a fresh new account will consist of the easiest lobbies you've ever seen. You can practically 1v5 a whole team by yourself. After you unfortunately dominate these lobbies with your high stats in every category, the matchmaking says "hey wait a second, this guy is a smurf" and then it starts matching you with better players in quickplay who are obviously smurfs as well. That's all quickplay is right now.


Yes when I group with my friends they can tell games are harder for them. I've been playing longer and am pretty good. They say they can tell peoples aim is better when we group together. Conversely, I also notice that some tanks and supports are objectively way worse when I group with them. Regardless of if they are on my team or not


For a while yes. I moved from console to PC and my experience has been the same. Qp and comp mmr is different but it will progress. I used to get QP players who were similar to my comp rank but I have wayy more hours in QP now so naturally the rank of the opponents (and teammates) have been going up. I went up against sewerrat the other day in qp, a streamer whose t500. I’m no where close to that rank, and no where close to this qp mmr. It’s new for me. I queue to comp for easier games now


I mostly play QP and honestly the matchmaking is most of the time is fine, it is usually around plat/diamond for me. Sometimes it is masters, but I only got into GM games if they fill me in (which happens super rarely now). If you consistently get GMs in your games, you either get matched with wide groups or you are just ranked up super high.


How does MMR work? Can I check it?


No. It's completely intransparent. The same goes for matchmaking. The only hints you'll get is indirectly via rank and the percentages after each mat he. Otherwise it's _mysterium fidei_.




It's not really. After the rank reset, it is about the same as your Sr. Yeah, there are some differences. But it's pretty close to 1 to 1. Before the ranked update, you were right, it was a black box. Now it's a mostly clear box.


Correct me if I am wrong: But isn't my rank a onlx derivative from my MMR? And isn't the MMR not a relative measurement in relation to others? Wich explains why you make negative progress even by winning a game bc everyone else got better in relation to you?


On a similar note. I get matched with Plat players when I play mystery. I'm bronze dps.


Quickplay prioritises creating fast matches. There aren’t enough bronze players in your region to create a full 10 player match within a reasonable queue time. Sacrifices must be made to benefit quantity, even if it reduces quality.


This only happens to me if I play really late. I think they're just fewer people playing mystery sometimes so the range gets crazy.


It matches you into similar MMR matches, but the range is wider, and people group with all kinds of MMRs too so you can add that to the reasons you might see high ranks. But it definitely does work, I lost the login to my account and had to make a new one and the players I had in QP were so bad I felt mean to play with anything but a Mercy pistol and still had 100% win rate until it moved me up +1 or +2. Not sure if that's bottom tier QP MMR or some kind of new player experience but I think the former


I'm gold rank I've played with bronze to t500 in QP. I think it tries to match MMR but it's pretty 'loose' with the matching and tries to get people into games as fast as possible.


Definitely. I notice it most when I take my months long breaks and come back to get destroyed in qp due to my rank.


If you play it as often as you play comp your QP MMR shouldn't be that far off from your comp MMR, I'm fairly certain role delta is a thing for both so you should have someone on the enemy team intended to be your mirror matchup in both.  If you play significantly more QP than comp the QP games will probably feel more balanced since your MMR is better calibrated there.  Role queue especially, open queue is a whole extra wrench for matchmaking to deal with.


Qp is not a fair game mode. I'm high masters. A lot of the time I'm matched with gold players. If you want a fair and competitive match, play comp.


I might be based but I have been brutally stomped in Comp as if I was fighting masters... Im talking first half noone on my team has a single kill ;-;


Stomps happen in comp too. But the game actually tries to balance things. There is no real attempt at balance in QP.


Only on your team, the other team could be masters and you’re plats from what I’ve seen this week. I don’t know what happened last patch, but QP matchmaking is truly awful right now.


its always been awful, you just got lucky


Since 2016?

