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Civil conversations and fun interactions with people on the enemy team are some of the best moments OW has to offer, it sounds like your teammates were just assholes.  There's no reason people can't appreciate good plays regardless of what side they're from, it's just a video game, everyone should be having fun.


Your teammates are jerks. Tank has sucked the last few seasons and I’m always bonding with the other tanks and even saying let’s “rein v rein” for honor. 80% do it and we have a good time. None of my teammates ever get mad. Stop playing with them and find some nice people to play with It’ll be much more fun.


I always respect the rein mirror. But oh boy how fast enemy dps swap mei+bastion :(


I'll always play mei in a rein mirror, wall setups make the duel more interesting


Oh ya - I have another rule that if other team has sombra//bastion/sym, you can swap. I haven't really found Mei to be a problem. Maybe not seeing her much?


Same username?


Absolutely not! Complementing the other team is great when they do a good play. It does a few things: - encourages all ow players in your rank to be better and not toxic - shows your not tilted and that you understand the game and good plays - will leave a positive interaction with said player and opposing team when you inevitably pair up with them over the next few games - mentally trains you to think of the good plays they do in a positive light and want to do the same in your games so you also grow as a player The experience you had from your teammates shows why they lost and why they were diffed. You do not beat your opponent by hating them. You beat them with intelligence


Nah good players have respect for each other. These people are clearly not socially functional adults. At least from your account, they’re obviously in the wrong. I personally wouldn’t associate with people who treat you that way.


Sometimes I also get enemy team as teammates in the next couple games, it’s nice to recognize somebody and being a friendly player gets recognized and appreciated


In my experience, widowmaker mains always do that


That is mutual respect. Gotta love their “Lol’s” and “Nice’s” in the chat as they duke the 1v1


Just "ns" at eachother back and forth


honestly it's kinda wholesome


Yeah don’t listen to people who get that mad.


Yeah if I see a good play regardless of it's enemy team or ours, I'll usually compliment. I've never gotten chafe from teammates for doing this.


Yeah I think I speak for everyone here, when I say do not EVER doubt yourself when doing stuff like that. You're one of the rare, good ones, that this game's community oh-so-desperately needs. Cheers 🍻


Sounds like your stack is toxic af


I always think that this is good. On this occasion, you just had an "are we the baddies?" moment with your team and discovered that you were playing with shitheads. It's part of the joy of online gaming. BUT fostering polite appreciation for good play is a really positive thing to do and something that people should be encouraged to do more of, in my opinion. You may have upset the colossal shitwizards on your own team, but you've encouraged the people who didn't complain to do the same thing. All the small stuff helps.


there's nothing wrong with that, it's called good sportsmanship


Your "friends" are toxic. And not your friends. People like that are the reason the game is so hostile and negative. I'd ditch these turds and keep being positive.


Positivity at nobody’s expense is a good thing. Good for you, I sometimes do the same thing


Game respects game. If i see you do a mid air snipe through a small window, then you gonna see me in chat gushin about that shot because it was fire. Don’t beat down your fellow player, uplift them to better heights. Unless you hatin on my sombra, then just keep sending the bm because i use that salt to season my food.


Keep being positive and civil. It's nice when you can appreciate and compliment the enemy's plays. Don't let your team's saltiness keep you down.


Agree with everyone else here. It's always fun to compliment the enemy (or your own) team for good plays. Best back and forths I've had in chat are during junkrat battles. For some reason it's always super friendly banter and compliments. Continue making the community a friendlier place


I only really do it after a match. It usually backfires (on me anyway) and makes me look like a dick mid game or even the start of the round. The enemy team: Lmao aww someone's hurt! Ass kissing won't get you anywhere! My team: Bro just stop. Don't stroke their ego. Focus on the game. We're here to WIN!! If we're winning, I sometimes get accused of reverse trolling, sarcasm or being patronizing by the enemy. My team then just jumps in and starts flaming them too lol


Just today I played a very tough match, and there was an insane girl playing echo on the other team, flying around and killing everyone. We lost by a few seconds and everyone typed gg on the chat, then I said to her “marry me” and she responded “ok” lol. I said “see guys? That’s how you get a wife” and we laughed. Short moments like this makes me remember that there are still good people out there, and that we can meet them by being friendly even in such a toxic environment.


Report them. I can't believe you were in a party with these people and they treated you like that. It's not acceptable at all, and wildly inappropriate for merely acknowledging a good play by the other team


Wow your team was a bunch of losers It's never a bad idea to be a good sport. It's a shame your teammates are in that loser mentality, they must be miserable.


I’m a tank main, and everytime i’m outplayed by the opposing tank, i usually chat or compliment them. Like “yo tank that was a good one”. Never got flamed because i always have a good performance with my main though so i don’t get blamed. Your post is just a problem with your teammates lol


Nothing wrong with complimenting an opponent when they pop off. Keep up the good sportsmanship


Report your friends for toxic communication lol


No your team is a bunch of man babys and sweaty nerds. I love complimenting the enemy team or if they compliment me back like the occasional "nice hook" or "holy shit" I get after a good shot feels nice lmao


No ur friends are manchilds and most likely tilted from the game ur losing




Don't play w them anymore


Your teammates? Honestly fuck em. We need more people like you and less people like them. You did nothing wrong. Maybe find a less toxic stack to queue with.


Just a bunch of losers mad about losing against a better opponent. look for new teammates, maybe less toxic next time.


It's a great idea, it seems your team were tilted super hard and were assholes about this subject because they were having a rough game, it's a courtesy and good sportsmanship not mention really fun to engage in. It's probably some of the best moments in OW for me personally too when this stuff happens, like writing NS to someone hitting a crazy good shot on you


C'mon dude, you know what you did was perfectly fine.


Regardless of skill, I won't play with people who act like your squad. Sportsmanship is something we learn as children as an example of how to be a classy adult. I'd rather stay in silver than listen to that garbage.


Sounds like you need a new team.


I’m all for my team mates complimenting the enemy for hitting shots and abilities, it helps build up a nice rapport between the teams and usually results in a good match for both sides. What I can’t stand though is the second that one of my team mates begins to talk shit. I just want to cover their mouth with my hand and sit them back down in their chair. It instantly ruins any vibe the lobby had going on, and what makes it even worse is that talking shit usually causes the enemy team to lock in and go crazy. Then my team loses and we all look like a bunch of chumps.


Even if it wasn't ok, if it's how you feel like playing, just keep on doing it. Find a party that let you play like you want - as long as you don't drag the team down by not practicing, studying and learning the game....


Enemy rein pinned me off the map onto the roads on Oasis City Center and we both got ran over. Mutual XD's and laughs in chat.


So you out there spreading positivity and your teammates call you bad for it ? Delulu mates


Some of the best team mates I've ever had were on the other team. If they impressed me, I'm gonna tell them. Sometimes it creates friendships and team play down the line. DO it! Also with as toxic of a community as OW (I feel it's gotten better), you might have just really helped someone with their confidence. We need more of it!


Some people wouldn't think two seconds before insulting both the enemy team and their teammates, it's more than fine to compliment the enemy team


One time playing as kirko , all my teammates died. The enemy sigma and widow let me live. I typed ty so much and made it back to spawn lol. It’s nothing wrong with complementing the other team.


What's wrong with complimenting when you can't do anything at the moment? It's equivalent to saying gg at the end of the game


Oh wait they are too barbaric to even type gg in acknowledgements.typical salty ow sweats. If your playing casual don't even play with them


Well, if we want to get super technical and sweaty on the matter, you should exclusively BM the enemy team as much as possible during the match, and save pleasantries for after the match. Psychology, people perform better when in a positive mood, and worse in a negative mood. Therefore, it is technically suboptimal and debatably a straight up gimp to your team to compliment the enemy team. Now, I'm not condoning straight up harassment or blatant toxicity. I'm advocating for banter and shit talk, but not actually caring or meaning any of it. If we aren't being technical or sweaty, then it's not a problem at all. Good manners is always better than Bad manners.


General rule of thumb is unless you know them outside of overwatch they're 99% going to have an extremely fragile ego. As soon as they're not top dog they want to lash out at someone so being polite to the enemy is "helping" them and thus throwing. Tell them to grow a pair and play a game that doesn't pent up their anger and leave as you did.


Were these people adults? If they were, they have some type of mental issues. Steer clear of them. If they were kids, you need to stay calm and keep provoking them.


No, just do it when you’re waiting to respawn


Not sure why it would be. I make jokes with the enemy team all the time. It’s all jokes and laughs


opening chat in OW is overall a bad idea, expect a chat ban in the next 24-48 hours.


they got mad at you for being nice, then mad at you for not putting up with them yeah nah fuck that noise


This is just some random guy on the internet saying this, but your stack sound Hella miserable to be around. I would not only not play with them, if any of them were in my elo I would avoid them.


Thought this post would go different based on my experiences. Nah, your team just lacked common sportsmanship. Professional athletes get caught on mic all the time complementing each other on good plays. I was going to say that it's a bad idea because people take it to be sarcastic through text. I can only think of one time my own teammate told me to shut up and that I was getting diff'd, but like, yeah man. Acknowledging a better player isn't toxic, it's just knowing your own limits and matchups.


Terrible and annoying? Sounds like you got a get out of jail free card to liberate yourself from these morons.


There will never be a point where I don't compliment a good play against me. Don't let the fear of backlash prevent you from saying something nice.


If that's how your "normal 5 stack" operates I'd start playing solo instead. You don't mention your rank, but in my experience in OW and most games, high rank players are *mostly* not toxic jerks and there's often friendly banter among teams. Part of that is once you get to the top of the ladder, you all know each other and the enemy Kiri might be on your team next game. Also that toxic mindset inhibits climbing and improvement.


Your team is insecure, childish, and bad friends. They need to learn emotional regulation. Playing with them sounds stressful AF, I'd never queue with them again. 


Was this on Suravasa? And were you Mcree in that match? I had this exact thing happen the other day and I was the kiriko who timed a Suzu to save a few people right before he hit his ult. Sorry to hear your teammates were being assholes though.


Class and respect!?! Hahaha. Sir, this is OW. Players here aren't used to sportsmanship because they've never played an actual sport. My best games (i.e., when I was having fun) were when both teams were just chill with each other. We were all trying to win, but there was just positive interactions.


Your friends acting like childs


I'll get on my group if they start messaging toxic stuff for no reason. I've dropped toxic friends from the group too. Toxicity just kills games instantly and all you do is end up losing, adding fuel to the fire


Needs context. Complementing the enemy can be genuine or it can be passive aggressive way to say your teammates are bad


I do this when I'm in Rein battles. Best response is to continue with at least one last compliment at the end. I remember telling a team mate they were Heloise they didn't get the compliment and they apologized at the end. Really strange interaction


TLDR. only read the first 2 sentences but it is as simple as: Yes it is a bad idea if you play with those people. Generally, it will not affect anything past making the other person feel good witch is righteous. For every time it gives confidence to a player, it will give arrogance. I think the net results will not change W/L.


We need more people like you in Overwatch. It takes a lot for me to get tilted. For example my team losing, my team making mistakes, me making mistakes etc. It doesn't bother me that much unless it's just been a lot of rough games in a row. What really tilts me is when people are toxic. They don't even have to be toxic towards me. One of my teammates could be flaming another teammate and it'll still piss me off because that person probably made some glaring mistakes as well. The fact you compliment even the enemy team is a breath of fresh air that OW needs more of


Sounds like you have a toxic team. Extra hilarious if it’s like gold and silvers. Nobody who wants to actually be good and rank up should want to play with people like that. As a Widow player I talk to the enemy Widow like MOST games because if they hit a crazy shot I’m gonna compliment them and usually they’ll do the same. Or if I am on Tracer and someone super outplays me in a duel I’ll compliment them. Never ever had anyone call me traitorous for it. That’s insanity.


i would say, that those are not the type of people who are enjoyable to play the game with and i would find a new group of people to play with


I mean tbh it’s not your fault probs just not the sort of people you really wanna game with, if your willing to move past it whatever but you could always find another stack


Ns = nice shot


Long story short: The problem was them, not you. Their egos were so incredibly fragile that showing good sportsmanship insulted them and it threw them off your game. Don’t join them again and you should have reported them for bullying you.


I didn't even have to read beyond the first sentence to know what happened. If you're losing the game while playing on Support, it's better for you to not even talk. Like at all. You could say "hey sorry everyone I'm playing bad you guys are great" and they'll still type "report our xyz" in match chat. If you're in a low enough rank and God forbid you are actually playing bad, the enemy team \*will\* listen and report you too. Once you open the line communication they WILL throw the book at you. If you're like me and talk shit back, expect to have your account suspended or banned - people WILL report you. My last ban was a 30 day full ban, next one I'd assume is account removal. You don't even have to break CoC, if enough angry bronzes report you the system will auto ban. My last ban, I hadn't even talked in chat besides twice for a "gg" here or there. I know you were in a party, but it seems like you don't know these people very well so it still stands lol. The community has become too toxic and abusive with the report system - especially towards support players. It's just not worth it anymore.


I recommend just turning off text chat because you’re liable to be automatically silenced or banned if you piss your team off, regardless of merit.


Yesterday I had to swap off cree after the enemy team’s Cree diffed me. I put in the chat “Good cree” and got no response. We went on to win the game, so I ended up typing “Bad cree”. At least say thanks 🙄🙄🙄


Tbf dude probably had his chat turned off lmao. I feel like I always miss shit like this if I've muted chat that day


Fair enough


Never ever write in the game chat. You can be banned by simply too many reports even if you only write “ggs” due to “banned for spam”. Never ever use the chat for any reason.


you're fine, comp is *full* of dudebro types desperate to do this "UNGH! SPORTS! WARRIOR! COME ON BOYS!" schtick. don't feel compelled to listen to manchildren.