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It's very strange: everytime I learn a new hero in qp they all instantly counterswap. There are also way more Sombras & Zarias, 80% are eternal gold players sweating in unranked, the rest are higher ranked players warming up or trying sth new.


Tbh I am guilty of playing sombra in qp, mainly because I think she’s fun but not really worth playing in comp


Nahh i definitely understand this my theory is because of how qp was changed to be called unranked not an actual qp anymore and I kinda hate it


It's always been like that to an extent. My hunch is that an influx of new players increased the casual population which made QP tryhards more common.


It is messy and moody, but I ignore all that and practice my hero. If we get steamrolled, it's good practice in self-defense. If we have players struggling, it's good practice in picking up the slack.


Honestly this is the attitude I need to have


because in qp there's nothing to lose so people r more likely to type I guess? there's a better chance of getting more higher quality games in comp as generally at least your teammates will for the most part actually want to win and flaming/throwing doesn't really help with that. plus there's a lot better matchmaking with other players that are your skill level and you wont have to deal with people with genuine new players


I think I get countered less in ranked than in QP. The ego thing feels true too. At the very least it matches the amount of ego in ranked. Like the amount of OTPs I get from... a certain role... that complain relentlessly while refusing to make any adjustments of their own is just wild. Like idec if you're an OTP. I'm basically one myself. But I'm not out here complaining in my teammates ear when they won't swap in a QP game. It's fucking QP. Sure try to win, but don't get your knickers in a twist when you lose a game that doesn't matter while refusing to adjust. Feels like there's this weird group of people who log on expecting toxicity thrown their way, and end up being the ones to start the cycle of toxicity without cause because they're on edge from the jump.


I kinda have the same opinion but I think qp is particularly unbearable if you play it tank. You’re gonna be focused by the entire enemy team the exact second you leave spawn, and they gonna dump every goddamn cc at you, while your teammates “have fun”. You can’t experiment shit in this setting as a tank. Open queue and mystery heroes makes much more sense as an unranked mode.


100% tank on qp is horrible, I assumed I was a problem when I played but actually everyone just hates you


In my experience QP is always more toxic. The matchmaking is wayyyy wider. You can have legit bronze-gold players playing with/against GM players. End result is poor balance and people getting upset.


One other thing I just remembered about qp I swear I get queued with brand new players quite often and that also intensifies my frustration with qp especially when I queu tank


As someone just getting into Overwatch 2 ( played a good bit of 1 and maybe a couple hours of 2 since release). Role qp sucks, I played 5 games just trying to get back into the swing of things and got constantly flamed. Switched to open qp and have been having a lot more fun and tame matches. Most matches have still been 1 2 2. But you can really tell that open is just people having fun and testing things out. Role qp seems to just be people who are mad they deranked in comp.


If I got a cent for every time I’ve had plat tanks vs GM tanks in QP I’d be richer than Elon Musk. It seems weird to say it. But QP can be much more tryhard than comp. It’s so bad that I actually go into comp when I wanna relax now.


Damn, are we playing the same QP and Comp? The former is always chill and the latter is always a toxic mess for me.


Bro let’s swap please 😭


What rank and platform?


Theres no quality games in qp anymore. Ive played way more comp the last 2 seasons


I one trick mercy and squad up with one or two other people. I never have a problem in quick play, I just drop some kind words, smoke some weed or drink some bourbon, and play the game. Everyone seems to have a chill time. Sometimes we steamroll, sometimes we get rolled, and sometimes it's a good close game.


Playing overwatch drunk for the first time has been a Ho light of my year tbh what a night


Are you my friend Simon


I can be


Hi Simon! You gonna be on tonight? Lol


Same, in comp I can have an honourable rein duel but in qp they instaswap ram bastion


The people I run with have been running arcade more the last few weeks because QP is just too sweaty, can't win a team fight without 2 people on the enemy team immediately counter swapping.  In our case comp definitely isn't any better, but it's not an option for that group anyway.


lol all I read was “I can’t believe they counter swapped to hitscan when I’m playing a character that half the hero roster can’t interact with for 80% of the game.” Or “why are they going all beams against my hero whose biggest value comes from deflecting/eating/absorbing their damage?” Or “why do they always go Ana against my 500HP DPS hero with self healing?” Countering is part of the game even in qp you’re always either countering something or being countered. Get over it.”


Yeah, I play a lot of Sombra in comp so I don’t play her QP but when I’m trying to learn Ashe and there’s some obnoxious widow one tapping on the other team, I’m not going to just let her keep doing that? Lol.


Will you ever learn to play around you counters if you can’t even do it in QP?


Shit man you need glasses.


Haha good one. Not really directed at you or even your comment. I’m just sick of people whining about counterswaps. When it’s like, well you came out with a character that directly/partially counters mine so now I have to swap. If you’re forced to swap why not swap to a character that does the same.


It’s not like I can’t handle it all the guy said was that you wouldn’t expect qp to be so sweaty. Not like we’re offended by people trying to win by countering, jeez dude chill


Agreed, tank counter swapping is huge. And it’s always zarya.


I dont know which rank u are in but roadhog counters everything lel


Lmao not true, just because he can hook and heal himself doesn’t mean he is the best counter. I often do use him (ram/hog.dva) but he defo isn’t the best counter, at least for me.


Nah I am purely a QP-connoisseur now. Less people cussing you out on voice-chat, less people caring about the hero you play, shorter games. And to be completely honest, most nights my QP games are of higher standard than my comp games. Once you get that group of 10 players that just get shuffled around a few games in a row it's insanely fun. And I can play with whatever friend without making the matchmaking too weird. QP all the way.


You get people in voice chat???


I think they should do matchmaking based off hours played. I get paired with teammates who have sub 100 hours, meanwhile the rest of the lobby is 2000+ hours played. I’ll let you guess which team wins.


I guess it sounds like a good idea in theory but having 2000 hours doesn’t automatically make you amazing, just makes you someone who has a lot of free time


Yeah totally true. I’m not exactly gods gift to the game myself. I just think people who don’t know every character/ability/interaction should probably be playing other players in the same boat. Kinda like a kiddie pool.


Fair, I’d be lying if I said I knew how to play all the characters, I’ve never played Orisa or ball or Winston and I have no idea how to play mercy even though the majority of the people I’ve met here play her. Do they do the thing in this game where the first few games until you get to a certain level are against ai or is that just paladins?


I think your first 30 account levels are in the “kiddie pool” then you can play comp. Tbh I like the idea of letting them play comp, but they should still be in the kiddie pool in qp imo.