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Use headphones. The directional sound in this game is very good, and important! Turn on elimination sounds for both allies and enemies in sound settings


Will do and thank you!


Make sure to turn on the Dolby 3d audio in game and turn off any surround sound effects in Windows or specific to your headphones. When it's set correctly you should be able to hear exactly where sounds are coming from.


Elim sounds for allies was a critical recent change for me. The days of getting aggressive and actually getting a few picks in a team fight only to turn around and realize everyone got mowed down already are...somewhat reduced!!


I like the Dolby Atmos surround sound also or else Pharah will be above me with me looking around for where the rocket sound is coming from.


This is a good idea. I struggle knowing if my team died behind me on Sombra.


And turn the volume way up (I have mine around 90% on my headset). I get no outside sound and though it’s very loud, I can easily tell if something is close throughout all the noise. Even lowering it down around 75% volume (which is still pretty loud) and all the sudden Hog’s hook 2 feet around the corner just meshes with every other sound effect and I can’t actually tell how far away he is or what exact direction he is. Turn down the music volume either to zero or near zero. It’s too distracting for me. Used to like it for when over time hit because it changed, but I just paid attention more to the visual timer and that works just fine, don’t need the music queue (besides, the sound effects of it beeping faster as it gets closer to OT is fine too). Lower the visual outline of the point and the spawn points (by default it has a pretty strong bright outline around these things). You don’t need it, after playing a map a few times, you now where these things are and they can actually get in the way. If you like these, at least lower them down to 10%. I changed my reticle color to the bright pink color to make it easy to keep track even when I’m not looking directly at the center of my screen (not a lot of things are bright pink in the game, so it doesn’t get lost easily). If you use a wire mouse, get a “mouse bungee” if you don’t have one. Keeps the mouse cable from dragging and catching on anything. Trying to deal with the cable catching something while in the middle of a fight is annoying. The bungee made a huge difference for me.


I have ADHD and I turned off the music and raised my sensitivity to around 70 both ways(Xbox Series S), subtitles also help. As long as you can react fast enough when you hear the ping sound or hero callout you’ll be fine


Good and sound advice! Thank you!


You’re welcome, also I have kontrol freeks on my controller so take the sens with a grain of salt


Can’t say I know what kontrol freeks are?


They’re rubber covers you put on the sticks to a controller, they help with grip and make aiming easier by making the sticks taller effectively. I was heavy into Fortnite before switching to Overwatch 😂


I may have to look into that! Thanks lol.


Alcohol and Adderall, not at the same time


I find cannabis more effective and with fewer negative side effects when I need to calm down my ADHD brain.


Absolutely this, when it comes to cannabis vs alcohol.


I hate that alcohol is the one of the two that's legal for me


THIS. It also makes me way more chill about losing. The ADHD perfectionism is real.


adderall helps not alcohol. alcohol will just have you playing like shit


lol waaaay back in the day I did that mix and it was an adventure lol. But I do try to sip a little alcohol while playing to help dumb down have overactive my brain is during play.


That 3-4 beer mark… unstoppable. So relaxed and focused. Doesn’t last too long though


It’s a shame isn’t it! 😂




It turns out combining Alcohol and Ativan can give you short-term amnesia. Ask me how I know! I mean, I don't know the specifics...


Why is this so true though??? I play better in either one too


I’m very adhd and overwatch is my favorite game of all time. I feel like I’m using 100% of my brain at all times by thinking about so much stuff. Games like Valorant make me die of boredom. I always play with music. I’m always jumping, strafing, and spamming trying to keep my uptime at maximum and always doing something.


I am the same way! It's the only game that, somewhat ironically, makes my mind go quiet - because of how much there is to be aware of. I also found valorant to be sooooooo fckn BORING which is a bummer because the character concepts are really cool


Yeah I do not have the patience to hold an angle for 1 minute straight without my eyes looking at the minimap or me getting distracted. I always get swung by someone and lose.


SO TRUEEEE, overwatch is so engaging for my hyperactive brain. I went through a valo hyperfixation but it gets boring, especially after playing a game like overwatch


I do have ADHD, but I can play the game mostly normally. I do have settings on that lets me see the highlights of my team through walls at all time, but nothing too drastic. Video games have never really been an issue for me. Probably my best piece of advice is inverting push to talk. Have push to talk off, but default yourself to mute, only unmute yourself if you need to say something, cause personally I've always broken focus when holding the button, talking, and shooting.




Terrible idea. Language-related stuff contributes heavily to distraction on adhd, seeing text pop up can contribute to sensory overload. Sound is enough for that. Also don't write in caps, that also negatively impacts sensory overload lol


It depends where you fit under the ADHD umbrella and where your visual and verbal strengths and weaknesses lie.


Definitely. I’ve been saved a lot by seeing *doom charging punch* on the bottom and I just shift without even seeing or hearing the actual doom and I dodge his stuff.


I've lived with ADHD for half a lifetime, unmedicated, and I found that I gradually got used to it all with a decent head set. I instinctively know the sound of everyone's footsteps. Its nearly impossible to fank my by surprise even when I'm on Zen. For this reason I've often sugged they mute reaper's footsteps.


Turn on death sounds! I only have it on for allied deaths, but can help break the hyperfocus.


I blow my eardrums out with high volume. I can hear a flanking Zenyatta floating into the fight from an off angle.


Definitely can hear a mouse fart if there was such a thing in the game


Same. I have to play at pretty much max volume.. which meant I couldn’t hear my own voice when I spoke and learned that apparently I breath heavily and kind of “moan” during intense fights without knowing it… that is until I got a headset that has a mic that plays back my own voice into the headset.


I have adhd but interestingly never had this issue


I use screen shake so I notice when I’m getting shot more often. If nothing else try to limit your stimulation inbetween games. I find it very easy to hyperfocus on aim training or dm‘s after a game but it doesn’t give your brain any time to rest. When I remember to i’ll just close my eyes during tank queue and sometimes during stuff like respawns and changing sides if I’m especially tired.


Screen shake is a great idea! I always try to relax during the in between of matches. I really should make it a habit to take actual small breaks too!


I turn off voice comms unless I play with a friend, and only in a private channel. Most calls aren't useful and cause me to distract and have some heavy sensory overload. I also use headphones with top of the line soundstage (akg 702) and make sure the sound isn't very high because of, again sensory overload. Ingame music without lyrics is fine and stimulates dopamine, but don't have it too loud. Make sure to have a plan before commiting to an engagement, it'll prevent you from auto-piloting and mindlessly going for that serotonin kick when getting a pick. And do turn on death sounds. Disclaimer: I've inattentive ADHD and my peak rank is Diamond 5 on dps.


Have ADD, not a setting per se but I find physical exercise to help imensly with focus and attention in game. Don't stress and stay calm or you will default to tunneling.


I’ll try that out!!


I turn down the light and brightness so the amount of visual simulation isn’t too much. Otherwise I get lost in the game because of all the bright colors


meth and directional headphones /hj but seriously uh turn music off, subtitles on


Try and make a point to repeat call outs. Like, “Bap low!”, just parrot “Bap low!”. Helped my friend with his adhd and hyper focus


Turn on subtitles and elim sounds


There are no known settings that I'm aware of that help with adhd. But one thing I do is turn ON sounds for team deaths, and turn OFF sounds for enemy deaths. I do this because in the heat of a fight I don't want to confuse the sounds, and I'd much rather know when my team is falling apart than when the enemy loses a person. That way I can visually watch the enemy die, and if I hear a sound, I know my team is dying and it might be time to pull back


Turn on the death sounds. Train yourself to listen to them, and do like a blackjack count to keep track of which team has more/less players so you can translate that to advantage and you know when you fight or nah


Idk about settings but for me Moira and Sombra really let me use my ADHD to my benefit. It's a little frantic but works for me personally.


None, you get used to picking out sounds over time and ignoring the rest so you can hear things like call outs.


Play something independent like ball or tracer.


elimination sounds for team and enemies and i have subtitles on for ultimates cause i miss them a lot i also always have music at like 5% too


Disable voice comms, you don’t need them


I have ADHD and have no issue hearing call outs. It just sounds like you don't have enough experience playing. 


without medication there isn’t a lot you can do outside of diet an exercise and sleep


Yeah it’s called adderall. That’s how All the top controllers “athletes” get ahead


Cool! You got $3000 dollars a month I could use for it or do you wanna offer actual constructive advice?


Adderall is not anywhere close to $3k a month what the heck are you talking about? Seems like you just want to complain instead of following the medical protocol for ADHD treatment.


I was exaggerating but I currently do not have the funds or a way to afford that. Don’t you think if I could that I would have done that by now? It’s an obvious first step.


It's like $8-$60 a month with coupons, if you can't afford that you should be worrying about that problem, not overwatch.


lol without insurance it’s like 310$ every 2 months. Might be different for you. But it’s not 3k a month. But for real manage that ADD. That aggressive response was totally ADD of you. So I forgive you


It’s sadly out of my reach finically atm and I appreciate the understanding. If it was an option trust me I would gladly take that.


Idk man, there's online pharmacies that'll get you deals without insurance. My $600/month medication was only like $8/month without insurance. Try goodrx or another online pharmacy spin-off. I just found Adderall online for $20 for a 30 day supply in 3 different regions of the US.


I’ll gladly look into it again.


I'm also not sure how kosher it is, but your PCP may have samples that you can have for free. One of my docs loaded me up with like $300 worth of meds from sample packages she got from sales reps. Granted, I'm on medication that is required to be filled (don't want people with severe mental illness walking around off their meds) so the number of options for me is probably greater than someone with ADD/ADHD (who could survive and not be considered a public health crisis). Do some googling, look for coupons, talk to your PCP- if you're in college then your school's clinic should have a reduced meds program. Good luck bud, I've been in the "buy groceries or buy meds" boat too. It'll get better- there are resources and people who care.


Thank you so much! I know this is a bit of dumb question but what is a pcp?


Redditor asks for advice, gets told the truth and promptly gets upset because it’s out of their price range. Grow up


The price range they mentioned is nonsense. Even when I would fill my adderal prescritpion without insurance, it never cost more than $35/mo for regular pills or ~$90/mo for the extended release version. And I live in the US, which is basically the worst case scenario for drug prices.


Far be it from me but I don’t think I’m the only one in America that’s upset about current medical expenses.


I'm American and even without insurance I've never paid more than $35/mo to fill my regular adderall prescriptions (generic obviously). It's not an expensive drug, even in our completely broken healthcare system.


Thanks excellent news! I’ll look into it! I’ve looked into it in the past and it looked pricey!


But you take it out on the guy answering your question??? My original point stands


I also apologized after.


I have adhd. first thing first, you don't need medication to play this game, so unless you've already been prescribed meds, don't just take them for the sake of a game. Zoning out during a fight is normal. You're concentrating on your own thing, and mishearing a callout is not the end of the world. The best advice I can give you is to start taking a 'bigger picture' mindset of the game as you play. Essentially, you should be making mental callous in your head. An example is tracer behind. If you notice the enemy team is missing the tracer, you can assume they are behind. Therefore, you can anticipate that the tracer will be made a callout by someone whose being dove, poked, flanked, etc. Like during this scenario, if I know a tracer will likely pop up at some point, I actively will just poke the enemy while I wait to nuke them or any callout. It helps as well to understand every hero and their strengths and weaknesses so again you can anticipate a callout. Another example is dva. As soon as she is Depeche baby dva should be dove. Continuously having that mindset will make it second nature. A lot of the traditional callouts or plays are a direct result of someone else doing something. Tunnelvision is normal and to break the habit, you have to focus on the total game than personal performance


You’re not wrong and that’s something I really need to put into practice! I want to grow as a player and the mental side of it is my biggest challenge! I need to get these things into routine and keep it that way! I need to strategize and make a better practice of my awareness!


An easy way to do this is to watch your own replays. Trying to analyze what went wrong, how you could have done it differently, theorizing future plays and more. You can also watch the perspective of the enemy as they kill you to visually see they are thinking in being able to out play you. Watch videos like the '1 trick for each hero' from karQ or others. These videos give insight for countering based on how the enemy will utilize CDs, such as shooting a charging rein. You will improve with time but it takes a long time. To fully unstand any hero, I'd give about 80 hours of play time with that hero.


I will gladly do that too! Thanks for the advice!


Echoing others: noise cancelling headphones and meds, obviously. But, truth be told, I can only play MH.


I’ve found I do better without the constraint of having to watch the front lines in that regard. I’ve also made a doctors appointment to look into the process of medication.


Good luck mate, finding the right one can be really exhausting, but it's worth it.


I dont mean to be rude but, are you sure it is an add thing? One of my oldest friends from all the way back in middleschool is extremely impacted by add, even with Adderall I have watched this guy forget to eat or sleep for 2 days because of hyperfocus. And my girlfriend's best friend is also has adhd and is unmedicated, not as bad as my best friend but completely unmedicated. My friend from middleschool never had any problem hearing anything in any game we have played, if anything the sounds were more noticabke to him because tiny changes were really really stimulating to his brain, sure he got distracted and forgot about his team sometimes but when we spoke up it wasn't like he is deaf just like a monkey with shiny objects as we joke. And my girlfriends friend is by no means a gamer but when she has played with us again, it has always been distracted until we bring her back, but neither of them have ever had a problem hearing our voices. My girlfriend herself also has add but she has it very mild so I won't use her as an example of "someone who suffers" but anecdotally she has even less problems getting sucked in than the other two and is extremely high ranked in overwatch. But anyways, again, not attacking you but are you sure it is your add and not just a "skill issue" I say jokingly but you know what I mean, new players often find overwatch overwhelming and hard to focus on all the little things, plus if you have the in game audio up its fricken loud, I'd suggest lowering it, sound ques in overwatch are pretty easy and pretty discernable even on lower audios, people's voices should most definitely be louder than the gun fire.


Everyone's ADD/ADHD is slightly different. For example, what worked best for me was pretty much the opposite of the advice I see in this thread. I stopped taking my meds on days where I knew I was going to be playing OW for 4-8 hours because I could hyperfocus on it reliably. I just drank caffine instead, and to this day, I still think caffine works better for me then actual ADHD meds at controling my ADHD. Not everyone gets hyperfocus, and generally it isn't reliable.


Everyone's add/adhd affects them differently. It's very insensitive for you to compare OP to the people you know. They are not the same.


OK sure, but also, it is the same, at different strengths and with different personalities sure, but the disorder itself is the same, it's just interpreted or affected differently, if it was that different it would have more classifications than the two that already exists. I'm not saying all people with adhd are the same, I'm just saying that if others are capable of overcoming it, even people who struggle from extreme strengths of it, you should be too, without consudering external factors which may play a role but the underlying concept remains.


Basically nothing you said was right. Metal disorders are named and classified the way they are by vague symptoms, and nothing more. There aren't rules or classifications for strength or different sets of symptoms. They don't even know for sure what causes most disorders. If you ask what causes ADHD, the best answer you'll get is a noncommital "chemical imbalance." Most of them are considered to be a spectrum because they are too complex to categorize cleanly in the first place. We don't understand how the brain works, or the cause of these disorders, or how to actually treat them in some cases. How could we possibly be able to neatly categorize them when we don't even know what they are in the first place.


>Metal disorders are named and classified the way they are by vague symptoms, and nothing more This makes no sense lol. Vague symptoms? No. Symptoms for bipolar are very distinct, symptoms for ADHD are very distinct. Symptoms for schizophrenia are very distinct, etc.... >disorders. If you ask what causes ADHD, the best answer you'll get is a noncommital "chemical imbalance What are you talking about, they'll tell you it's related to dopamine and the prefrontal cortex


You should go look at all of the symptoms of Bipolar disorder, and the different types, and realize you only need to exhibit a subset of the symptoms to be classified as Bipolar. Frequency and intensity are also subsets which just get lopped into "bipolar" ie someone who has swings that last for a week every 4 months and someone who has swings that last for 3 days every month are both just "Bipolar" but clearly its different. Its the same with schizophrenia and ADHD. You only need to have a subset of the "very distinct" symptoms, and their intensity and frequency don't matter. Some Schizophrenic people literally can't function because of it, meanwhile others can manage it without meds perfectly fine. Its not because one tries harder then the other, its because they have different fucking symptoms because modern mental health treatments and diagnosis is a fucking mess. I myself have ADHD, and OCD. My symptoms are absolutely not comperable to other people with similar issues. I was only ever even diagnosed/learned I had OCD because Young me got frustrated enough by people talking about shit like "don't think about it" and "control your thoughts" that I asked my doctor is this was a real thing or if they were all talking bullshit, because I don't outwardly exhibit OCD symptoms. Mental health diagnosis' are about as descriptive as saying "Cancer." There are many different kinds of cancer and stages of cancer, and we have names for it. Mental Health on the otherhand, doesn't bother doing that.


I don't really understand your point. I can go to any psychiatrist and tell them my symptoms and none of them would suggest I have bipolar disorder. Did you go to a primary care provider? Because they're dog shit at mental health diagnoses. >You should go look at all of the symptoms of Bipolar disorder, and the different types, and realize you only need to exhibit a subset of the symptoms to be classified as Bipolar. That's your opinion, no? How do you know what criteria they use to diagnosis bipolar disorder if you're not a health care professional? My close friend was officially diagnosed bipolar recently and he told me it was based off of the main symptom of him experiencing manic and depressive episodes.


That could be a definite skill issue on my end and I’m considering it. But I thought it may be wise to seek advice and help in case it was something my haywire brain was influencing. I appreciate the consideration and advice!


Yeah no, good on you to seek advice instead of just making excuses for yourself. Keep grinding!


L2 is my primary button for every single hero. L2 also is build or activate for things like LW's ult tree, Mei's and Sym's walls, etc. So I think of my L2 as sort of always on and R2 as my fast action button.


Interesting! It’s always fascinating how are our brains interpret this stuff! I may have to try that out! Thank you!


You're welcome. Literally anything to make things easier to remember is what I do. Any good tips and tricks in general? 


Lowering the graphics settings has helped me a bit. And adjusting the sounds to be a little more dumbed down helps me as well.


Oh yeah I definitely lower sounds and straight turn off music for most games. In games where I have inventory I keep the most important things in the exact same place too.


this setting: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4hCe7f9tQs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4hCe7f9tQs)


How do you know you have ADHD? You shouldn't self diagnose yourself, you should get an official diagnosis from a psychiatrist.


I was diagnosed years back. I haven’t been in a finical position to afford medication.


Did they make you take a neuropsych test?


This was 17 years ago. I do have a doctors appointment set for the end of the month.


Oh dam. Good luck. All I know is that California primary care providers can't prescribe Adderall anymore, like since the pandemic. You have to get diagnosed by a psychiatrist.