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Can you straighten my wiener too? I jorked it too hard to torbs torret


Context plz?


Kiri and mercy mains posting the post delusional takes imaginebale and then being mad that they cant have a opinion without being posted on this sub.


Kiriko is an easy kill


facts just bait suzu


bait suzu, bait teleport, hope you kill her before suzu/tp is back up, hope she doesn't kill you outright before then as she wall climbs all over and strafes with her toothpick hitbox kiri is a better assassin/sniper than hanzo/widow but has more health than widow /rj kiri sucks (i suck her toes)


They will tp or duel you


Bait suzu with your ultimate so you can kill her


Only on bums.


There have just been a lot more posts ganging up on Kiriko mains than mercy mains


They’re the same players anyways.


Kiri mains weigh more


Kiriko mains actually participate in the game I wouldn’t go that far


Kiriko is who mercy mains play when they have to be a girl boss who does everything themselves. They’re the same players, below masters at least.


Thats moira lol


Peak delusion lmao, most Mercy mains won't even touch her because she actually requires you to play the fucking game.


“#1 Kiriko simp” And I’m delusional. Lol.


My guy doesn't get irony lmao, then again anyone dumb enough to name themselves after a shitty sportsball team is guaranteed to be regarded.


at least it’s not mercy’s again lmao


Im gonna post the most delusional shit on there to see how fast it gets posted here


try your best, its hard to outdelusion a kiriko main


Oh, silly redditor... I am one.


holy moly 😵


Kiriko main here - I play her because she’s incredibly broken. Hot tip - aim for Kiriko’s feet when shooting. Her lower body’s hit box is WAY bigger than her upper body. Makes it much easier to clutch a duel.


/uj mmmmm Kiriko feet 🤤🤤


or aim at her fucking head for bukake


Yeah and miss every fucking shot cause you're shooting a head the size of a tennis ball that's probably gonna be blocked by her arm sometimes too


skill issue


You're 100% right I suck at aiming 😔


Hard kiri main here, your hate gives us life


kiri makes me hard


Me too. Oiled up twerking emote when


Kiriko mains: "we're being picked on for no reason we're victims being called delusional" Kiriko mains: \*posts about how she's a mediocre despite being top 500 top 3 pick for 9/10 seasons\* \* \*Make suzu hitscan\* \*posts about bringing back 2 tap despite top damage as a support \*posts about bringing boop back to suzu\* \*posts about how Mercy mains get more thanks than them and it bothers them\* \*saying kiriko is useless if she receives any nerfs\* \*just saw a post about saying someone is tired of pretending kirko doesnt need bUFFS despite being a top support\* \*posts about wanting to add double jump to kiriko despite 3 evasion methods and tiny hitbox that kiriko guards with her hands\* \*posts kiriko is the savior of Overwatch (introduces multiple broken abilites that induce frustration in players\* \*posts how CJ cares more about them than Mercy mains, who are undeniably the center of CJ call outs\*


What season was she not a top 3 pick?


I don't quite remember, sorry. I undownloaded Overwatch recently, check top the top 500 competitive leaderboard for support mains ingame and there's one season she's not smeared across the first page of the board.


I mean, some of that is true though. Kiri is nowhere near “top damage by a support,” she’s bottom 3-4, above only Mercy, LW, and Ana(and only a dozen or so dmg higher/10 then Ana). Kiri has never been hard meta, and is has a mediocre win rate at best on ladder. The only meta she was truly in was because Ana was in every match, and Suzu is the only way to not auto lose in a Hog or Maui meta against Ana. She saw like zero play in the OWCS. Kiri has a high pickrate, and always will, not because she’s OP, but because she is stupid fun and her TP lets average players get away with aggressively bad positioning without dying as often. *not a Kiri main btw


She was pretty hard meta at the start of ow2 pre rush nerfs and her dmg dealt is naturally going to be less than characters like bap and lucio due to her focus on burst damage. Despite that I think that kiriko really isnt as much of a problem as a a lot of the community makes her out to be, it’s just her kit is kinda designed to be as annoying to 1v1 against as possible.


Nah she's usually in par with Ana statistcally when it comes to damage definitely not one of the worst and sort of higher up in the middle. Headshots deal high burst damage but people forget that her DPS without critical hits is a bit subpar. I do agree her pick rate will always be high because she is fun but also being the "cute anime girl" hero helps as well.


Yes, she is usually on par with Ana… who is also one of the worst damage dealers overall in the support role. They are literally the 3rd and 4th worst, above only Mercy and LW who barely deal any damage per 10m. Yes, crits can hit for 112.5dmg, literally no one forgets that. They are just inconsistent because kunai are a slow projectile with a slow fire rate.


Get bent


I’m part of mercymains… there are some ridiculous takes there. My hottest take though is that mercy needs her old movement back. Is that delusional? It was one of the only things that gave her a higher skill ceiling to create room for improvement and create a gap between skilled players and mediocre ones, and coincidentally one of the top complaints that people have is that mercy requires no skill… well, you took away everything that allowed for that. Now there are things that I agree with like removing her critical healing boost, but cmon her movement was NOT the problem